def process_json(self): """ Processing input JSON file :return: """ if self.json_type == JSONTypes.SOLVE.value: self._run_all_tasks() if self.app_session.results_path is not None: # try to create directory dir_path = os.path.abspath(self.app_session.results_path) terminal.show_info_message( f"Trying to save key results to: {dir_path}") try: os.makedirs(dir_path) except FileExistsError: terminal.show_warning_message("Folder already exists") # collect values terminal.show_info_message("Collecting results...") data = self._collect_values() # save data terminal.show_info_message("Saving results...") file = os.path.join(dir_path, "Results.json") JSONDataManager.dump_data(data, file) elif self.json_type == JSONTypes.UPDATE_TARGETS.value: self._change_targets() else: terminal.show_warning_message( f"Cannot process JSON with behaviour: {self.json_type}")
def handle_response_to_upload_submodel_request(self): """ Handles response to upload submodel request :return: dict with keys `to_insert` and `to_delete`, or None, of some error occurred """ response_json = self.__response.json() if response_json and isinstance(response_json, dict): result = {"to_insert": [], "to_delete": []} status = response_json.get("status") # if status is `success` get ids of uploaded submodels from set if status == "success": submodels = response_json.get("set") if submodels and isinstance(submodels, list): if len(submodels) > 0: if isinstance(submodels[0], dict): submodel_id = submodels[0].get("id") result["to_insert"].append(submodel_id) return result # if status is `warning` get ids of original submodels from duplicates # assuming that we uploading a single file every time if status == "warning": duplicates = response_json.get("duplicates") if duplicates and isinstance(duplicates, list): terminal.show_warning_message( "There are duplicate submodels on server!") if len(duplicates) > 0: if isinstance(duplicates[0], dict): created_object = duplicates[0].get("createdObject") if created_object and isinstance( created_object, dict): created_object_id = created_object.get("id") result["to_delete"].append(created_object_id) duplicate_objects = duplicates[0].get( "duplicateObjects") if duplicate_objects and isinstance( duplicate_objects, list): if len(duplicate_objects) > 0: original_object = duplicate_objects[0] if isinstance(original_object, dict): original_object_id = original_object.get( "id") result["to_insert"].append( original_object_id) return result terminal.show_error_message( "There were some errors during uploading new submodel!") return None
def handle_response_to_loadcase_simulations_request(self): response_json = self.__response.json() if response_json and isinstance(response_json, dict): list_of_simulations = [] content = response_json.get("content") if content: for item in content: if item and isinstance(item, dict): simulation_id = item.get("id") if simulation_id: list_of_simulations.append(simulation_id) return list_of_simulations terminal.show_warning_message("No simulations read from loadcase!") return [] terminal.show_error_message( "There were some errors during reading loadcase simulations!") return None
def handle_response_to_simulation_tasks_request(self): """ Handles response to simulation tasks request :return: list containing IDs of simulation tasks, or None, if some error occurred """ response_json = self.__response.json() if response_json and isinstance(response_json, dict): list_of_tasks = [] content = response_json.get("content") if content: for item in content: if item and isinstance(item, dict): task_id = item.get("id") if task_id: list_of_tasks.append(task_id) return list_of_tasks terminal.show_warning_message("No tasks read from simulation!") return [] terminal.show_error_message( "There were some errors during reading simulation tasks!") return None
def handle_response_to_simulation_submodels_request(self): """ Handles response to simulation submodels request :return: list containing IDs of simulation submodels, or None, if some error occurred """ response_json = self.__response.json() list_of_submodels = [] if response_json and isinstance(response_json, list): for item in response_json: if item and isinstance(item, dict): item_id = item.get("id") if item_id: list_of_submodels.append(item_id) return list_of_submodels # for the case of empty response response_status = self.__response.status_code if response_status == 200: terminal.show_warning_message("Simulation has no submodels!") return list_of_submodels terminal.show_error_message( "There were some errors during reading simulation submodels!") return None
def download_files(self, *files): """ Download chosen files to local directory :param files: files to be downloaded :return: return list of successfully downloaded files """ list_of_downloaded_files = [] simulation_files = self.get_files() list_of_simulation_file_ids = [ item.get("id") for item in simulation_files ] list_of_simulation_file_names = [ item.get("name") for item in simulation_files ] for file in files: # check if fileName is in simulation files if file in list_of_simulation_file_names: file_id = list_of_simulation_file_ids[ list_of_simulation_file_names.index(file)] response = self._sender.send_download_file_request( self.identifier, file_id) Timeout.hold_your_horses() self._handler.set_response(response) file_content = self._handler.handle_response_to_download_file_request( ) if file_content and isinstance(file_content, bytes): with open(self._app_session.cfg.local_storage + "\\" + file, mode="wb") as f: f.write(file_content) list_of_downloaded_files.append(file) else: terminal.show_warning_message( "Selected file \"{}\" not in simulation files".format( file)) return list_of_downloaded_files
def handle_response_to_loadcase_targets_request(self): """ Handles response to loadcase targets request :return: list of dictionaries with keys: - `id` - `name` - `value` - `condition` - `dimension` containing information of loadcase targets, or None, if some error occurred """ response_json = self.__response.json() if response_json and isinstance(response_json, dict): targets_data = [] content = response_json.get("content") if content: for item in content: if item and isinstance(item, dict): target_id = item.get("id") target_name = item.get("name") target_value = item.get("value") target_condition = item.get("conditionId") target_dimension = item.get("dimension") if target_id: targets_data.append({ "id": target_id, "name": target_name, "value": target_value, "condition": target_condition, "dimension": target_dimension }) return targets_data terminal.show_warning_message("No targets read from loadcase!") return [] terminal.show_error_message( "There were some errors during reading loadcase targets!") return None
def status_based_behaviour(vertex): """ Define main loop behaviour while walking through vertex basing on vertex status :param vertex: vertex in workflow graph :return terminate_loop: magic integer value: -1: error occurred and main loop shall be stopped 0: current simulation is not done yet, continue 1: current simulation is done """ assert isinstance(vertex, Vertex) terminal.show_info_message("Processing vertex with ID: {}", vertex.identifier) # if status is "New", # - clone base simulation # - upload submodels # - run cloned (current vertex) simulation # - update vertex status from simulation task status if vertex.status == "New": terminal.show_info_message("Vertex status: {}", vertex.status) terminal.show_info_message("Vertex base simulation ID: {}", vertex.base_simulation.identifier) base_simulation = vertex.base_simulation terminal.show_info_message( "Trying to clone base simulation...") current_simulation = base_simulation.clone() terminal.show_info_message( "Modify current simulation description...") current_simulation.set_description(vertex.description) terminal.show_info_message( "Update vertex current simulation...") vertex.current_simulation = current_simulation if current_simulation: # if cloned successfully, upload submodels terminal.show_info_message( "Cloned simulation ID: {}", vertex.current_simulation.identifier) terminal.show_info_message( "Uploading submodels for current simulation...") stype = vertex.stype uploaded_submodels = stype.upload_submodel( *vertex.submodels) # uploaded_submodels_ids = [submodel.identifier for submodel in uploaded_submodels] terminal.show_info_message( "Erasing current (cloned) simulation submodels...") status = current_simulation.erase_submodels() if status: terminal.show_info_message("Done") else: terminal.show_error_message("Failed") _ = current_simulation.add_submodels(*uploaded_submodels) terminal.show_info_message( "{} submodels added for current simulations", len(uploaded_submodels)) # start with default parameters terminal.show_info_message( "Trying to run current simulation...") # obtain default parameters to run tasks from base simulation current_task = bsi=base_simulation.identifier) vertex.current_task = current_task if current_task: # if task created successfully, get status terminal.show_info_message( f"Created task ID: {vertex.current_task.identifier}" ) vertex.status = current_task.get_status() return 0 terminal.show_error_message("Task has not been created.") return -1 terminal.show_error_message("Simulation has not been cloned.") return -1 # if status is "Finished", # - download vertex results # - save status; when all vertices will have the same status, loop can be stopped elif vertex.status == "Finished": terminal.show_info_message("Vertex status: {}", vertex.status) if len(vertex.results) == 0: terminal.show_info_message( "No results selected for download") else: terminal.show_info_message("Downloading results...") current_simulation = vertex.current_simulation lst = current_simulation.download_files(*vertex.results) terminal.show_info_message( "Successfully downloaded {} files", len(lst)) return 1 # if status is "Failed", # - terminate main loop elif vertex.status in ["Failed", "failed", "Error", "error"]: terminal.show_warning_message("Vertex status: {}", vertex.status) return -1 # if status is unknown, # - update vertex status from simulation task status else: terminal.show_info_message("Updating vertex status...") current_task = vertex.current_task if current_task: current_status = current_task.get_status() vertex.status = current_status task_end_waiting, task_end_solving = current_task.get_time_estimation( ) terminal.show_info_message( "Current task estimated end waiting time: {}", task_end_waiting) terminal.show_info_message( "Current task estimated end solving time: {}", task_end_solving) terminal.show_info_message("Vertex status: {}", vertex.status) return 0
def upload_submodel(self, *files, **params): """ :param files: paths to files to be uploaded into current s|type :param params: response parameters; `stype` - ID of s|type for uploading submodels; optional; default is current s|type `add_to_clipboard` - optional boolean parameter; default is False :return: list of uploaded submodels """ # FIXME wtf??? create instance of SubmodelType inside its method if "stype" in params.keys(): stype = SubmodelType(self._app_session, params.get("stype")) else: # stype = SubmodelType(self._app_session, self._app_session.cfg.server_storage) stype = self if "add_to_clipboard" in params.keys(): add_to_clipboard = "on" if bool( params.get("add_to_clipboard")) else "off" else: add_to_clipboard = "off" submodels = [] for file in files: response = self._sender.send_upload_submodel_request( file, stype.tree_id, add_to_clipboard) Timeout.hold_your_horses() self._handler.set_response(response) result = self._handler.handle_response_to_upload_submodel_request() if result is not None: submodel_ids_to_delete = result["to_delete"] submodel_ids_for_simulation = result["to_insert"] if len(submodel_ids_to_delete) == 0: terminal.show_info_message( "Uploaded submodel id to use in simulation: {}", submodel_ids_for_simulation[0]) submodels.append( Submodel(self._app_session, submodel_ids_for_simulation[0])) else: terminal.show_warning_message( "Uploaded submodel duplicates already existing submodel" ) terminal.show_warning_message( "Created submodel with id {} will be deleted", submodel_ids_to_delete[0]) response = self._sender.send_delete_submodel_from_server_request( submodel_ids_to_delete[0]) Timeout.hold_your_horses() self._handler.set_response(response) _ = self._handler.handle_response_to_delete_submodel_from_server_request( ) terminal.show_warning_message("Duplicate was deleted") terminal.show_info_message( "Already existing submodel id to use in simulation: {}", submodel_ids_for_simulation[0]) submodels.append( Submodel(self._app_session, submodel_ids_for_simulation[0])) return submodels
def add_target(self, name, value, condition, dimension, tolerance=None, description=None): """ Adds new target to loadcase. If target with same name already exists, deletes old target and adds new. :param name: target name :param value: target value :param condition: target condition: 1 - >, 2 - <, 3 - +/- :param dimension: target dimension :param tolerance: tolerance for condition :param description: description for target :return: target object """ if condition == 1: condition_name = ">" elif condition == 2: condition_name = "<" elif condition == 3: condition_name = "+/-" else: terminal.show_error_message( "Unsupported condition for new target: {}".format(condition)) return None if condition != 3: tolerance = None if tolerance is None: has_tolerance = False else: has_tolerance = True payload = { "conditionId": condition, "conditionName": condition_name, "description": description, "dimension": dimension, "hasTolerance": has_tolerance, "hierarchy": { "id": self.identifier, "objectType": { "displayName": "Loadcase", "iconSkin": "icon-loadcase", "isLeaf": False, "name": "loadcase", "subType": None, "tooltip": "Loadcase" }, "parent": None }, "name": name, "objectType": { "displayName": "Target value", "name": "targetValue", "subType": None, "tooltip": "Target value" }, "tolerance": tolerance, "value": value } response = self._sender.send_add_loadcase_target_request( self.identifier, payload) Timeout.hold_your_horses() # if no target with that name exists, create new # else, need to find ID of target by name # delete it # and create new if response.status_code == 400: terminal.show_warning_message(response.json().get("message")) existing_targets = self.get_targets() for t in existing_targets: if == name: tid = self.delete_target(t) if tid is not None: terminal.show_info_message( "Old target successfully removed") else: terminal.show_error_message( "Failed removing old target") return None break response = self._sender.send_add_loadcase_target_request( self.identifier, payload) if response.status_code != 200: terminal.show_error_message("Failed adding new target") terminal.show_error_message(f"Response: {response.status_code}") return None terminal.show_info_message("Adding new target...") self._handler.set_response(response) target_data = self._handler.handle_response_to_add_loadcase_target_request( ) if target_data: return Target(target_data) return None