def onQuizGen(self): if not utils.ensureClassExists(): utils.errorBox("Please create at least one class first.", "No Classes") return False qw = ui.quizgen.QuizWindow(self, self.config, self.databaseConfig) qw.exec_()
def onManual(self): manualLoc = "docs/manual.html" if os.path.isfile(manualLoc): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QtCore.QUrl(manualLoc)) else: utils.errorBox("Could not locate the manual! Please report this " \ "error to the developer.", "File not found")
def onBackupDB(self): copyto = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(caption="Save Backup As", filter="Quiz Databases (*.db);;All files (*)") copyto = unicode(copyto) if not copyto: # canceled return copyto = utils.forceExtension(copyto, 'db') if copyto is None: # see docstring of forceExtension return db.database.inter.close() # make sure everything's been saved try: shutil.copyfile(self.dbpath, copyto) except shutil.Error: utils.errorBox("You cannot back up a file to itself! " \ "(But nice try...)", "Backup failed") except IOError: utils.errorBox("Backup failed. Please be sure that the " \ "destination is writeable and not full and " \ "that you have permission to access it.", "Backup failed") else: utils.informationBox("Backup successful.", "Success") finally: self._connectDb(self.dbpath) # reconnect
def onImportResults(self): fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption="Import Results", filter="HTML files (*.html)") if not fname: return with open(fname) as f: html = responses = db.results.parseHtmlString(html) for resp in responses: try: db.results.writeResults(resp, self._currentClass(), self._currentZid()) except db.results.WrongQuizError as e: utils.errorBox(unicode(e)) return False except db.results.MissingStudentError as e: db.results.delResults(self._currentZid()) extra = " The student ID numbers in the students dialog for"\ " this class must match the ID numbers in"\ " TurningPoint so that CQM can match responses with"\ " students. No results have been imported; please"\ " check and correct the list, then try importing again." utils.errorBox(unicode(e) + extra) return False obj = self.tableModel.getObj(self.form.tableView.currentIndex()) obj.rewriteResultsFlag(1) # results imported, not yet sent self.checkButtonEnablement() return True
def onGenerate(self): sq = self.quiz sq.setNewQuestions(self.form.newSpin.value()) sq.setRevQuestions(self.form.revSpin.value()) if not self.quiz.isSetUp(): utils.errorBox("Quiz settings have not been made yet!") return prevText = self.quiz.generate() if not (sq.useNewNum or sq.useRevNum): topText = "This quiz is blank. Please add some questions and try again." else: topText = "This quiz contains %i new question%s and %i review%s.\n" topText += "New questions are from %s %s." sns, n = sq.getSetNames() topText = topText % (sq.useNewNum, 's' if sq.useNewNum != 1 else '', sq.useRevNum, 's' if sq.useRevNum != 1 else '', 'the following sets:' if n != 1 else 'the set', sns) prevText = '\n\n'.join([topText, prevText]) d = PreviewDialog(self, self.config, self.dbConfig) d.setText(prevText) d.exec_() #### maybe make this a return val later? not sure if self.previewResult: QDialog.accept(self)
def onValueRejected(self, errorMsg): utils.errorBox(errorMsg, "Invalid entry")