class IfsttarRoutingDock(QDockWidget): # # Set widgets' states from a hash # def loadState(self, state): self.ui.wpsUrlText.setText(state['wps_url_text']) self.ui.pluginCombo.setCurrentIndex(state['plugin_selected']) self.set_steps(state['nsteps']) self.set_selected_criteria(state['criteria']) self.set_coordinates(state['coordinates']) self.set_constraints(state['constraints']) self.set_parking(state['parking']) self.set_pvads(state['pvads']) self.set_selected_transports(state['transports']) def loadFromXML(self, xml): pson = to_pson(xml) criteria = [] steps = [] networks = [] modes = [] parking = None origin = None dep = None for child in pson[1:]: if child[0] == 'origin': origin = child elif child[0] == 'parking_location': parking = child elif child[0] == 'optimizing_criterion': criteria.append(int(child[1])) elif child[0] == 'allowed_network': networks.append(int(child[1])) elif child[0] == 'allowed_mode': modes.append(int(child[1])) elif child[0] == 'step': steps.append(child) def readCoords(n): if n[1].has_key('vertex'): # if the point is given by ID return None return [float(n[1]['x']), float(n[1]['y'])] if parking: parking = readCoords(parking) self.set_parking(parking) self.set_steps(len(steps)) coords = [readCoords(origin)] constraints = [] pvads = [] for step in steps: for p in step[2:]: if p[0] == 'destination': coords.append(readCoords(p)) elif p[0] == 'constraint': c = p[1] constraints.append([int(c['type']), c['date_time']]) pvads.append(step[1]['private_vehicule_at_destination'] == 'true') self.set_selected_criteria(criteria) self.set_coordinates(coords) self.set_pvads(pvads) self.set_constraints(constraints) self.set_selected_transports_from_id(modes) # # Save widgets' states # def saveState(self): state = { 'wps_url_text': self.ui.wpsUrlText.text(), 'plugin_selected': self.ui.pluginCombo.currentIndex(), 'nsteps': self.nsteps(), 'criteria': self.get_selected_criteria(), 'coordinates': self.get_coordinates(), 'constraints': self.get_constraints(), 'parking': self.get_parking(), 'pvads': self.get_pvads(), 'transports': self.selected_transports() } return state def __init__(self, canvas): QDockWidget.__init__(self) self.canvas = canvas self.in_query = False # Set up the user interface from Designer. self.ui = Ui_IfsttarRoutingDock() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.criterionBox.addWidget( CriterionChooser(self.ui.criterionBox, True)) # set roadmap's header self.ui.roadmapTable.setHorizontalHeader(QHeaderView(Qt.Horizontal)) self.ui.roadmapTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["", "Direction", "Costs"]) # add the origin chooser self.ui.origin = StepSelector(self.ui.verticalLayout, "Origin", dock=self) self.ui.verticalLayout.insertWidget(0, self.ui.origin) self.ui.origin.set_canvas(self.canvas) # add the Destination chooser dest = StepSelector(self.ui.stepBox, "Destination", coordinates_only=False, dock=self) dest.coordinates_changed.connect(self.update_pinpoints) dest.set_canvas(self.canvas) self.ui.stepBox.addWidget(dest) # set the minimum height of the scroll area to "one stepselector" self.ui.scrollArea.setMinimumHeight(dest.sizeHint().height()) # set pin points updater self.ui.origin.coordinates_changed.connect(self.update_pinpoints) self.ui.origin.dock = self # add the private parking chooser self.parkingChooser = StepSelector(self.ui.queryPage, "Private parking location", coordinates_only=True, dock=self) self.parkingChooser.set_canvas(self.canvas) self.parkingEnabledBox = QCheckBox(self.ui.queryPage) self.parkingEnabledBox.stateChanged.connect(self.on_toggle_parking) self.parkingEnabledBox.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) self.ui.parkingLayout.addWidget(self.parkingEnabledBox) self.ui.parkingLayout.addWidget(self.parkingChooser) # set parking location updater self.parkingChooser.coordinates_changed.connect(self.update_parking) self.parkingChooser.dock = self def on_toggle_parking(self, state): self.parkingChooser.setEnabled(state == Qt.Checked) self.update_parking() def updateLayers(self): "Update pinpoints and parking layers" self.update_pinpoints() self.update_parking() def get_selected_criteria(self): s = [] for c in range(0, self.ui.criterionBox.count()): s.append(self.ui.criterionBox.itemAt(c).widget().selected()) return s def set_selected_criteria(self, sel): c = self.ui.criterionBox.count() for i in range(0, c - 1): self.ui.criterionBox.itemAt(1).widget().onRemove() for i in range(0, len(sel) - 1): self.ui.criterionBox.itemAt(0).widget().onAdd() i = 0 for selected in sel: self.ui.criterionBox.itemAt(i).widget().set_selection(selected) i += 1 def set_supported_criteria(self, criteria): c = self.ui.criterionBox.count() for i in range(c): self.ui.criterionBox.itemAt(i).widget().set_supported_criteria( criteria) def set_intermediate_steps_support(self, enabled): n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): w = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget() w.plusBtn.setEnabled(enabled) def set_depart_after_support(self, enabled): self.ui.origin.set_depart_after_support(enabled) n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): w = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget() w.set_depart_after_support(enabled) def set_arrive_before_support(self, enabled): self.ui.origin.set_arrive_before_support(enabled) n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): w = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget() w.set_arrive_before_support(enabled) # get coordinates of all steps def get_coordinates(self): coords = [self.ui.origin.get_coordinates()] n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): w = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget() coord = w.get_coordinates() coords.append(coord) return coords def nsteps(self): return self.ui.stepBox.count() def set_coordinates(self, coords): self.ui.origin.set_coordinates(coords[0]) n = 0 for coord in coords[1:]: if self.ui.stepBox.count() > n: self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(n).widget().set_coordinates(coord) n += 1 def get_constraints(self): c = [] n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): t = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget().get_constraint_type() cs = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget().get_constraint() c.append([t, cs]) return c def set_constraints(self, constraints): i = 0 for constraint in constraints[1:]: self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget().set_constraint_type( constraint[0]) self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget().set_constraint(constraint[1]) i += 1 def get_pvads(self): pvads = [] n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): pvads.append(self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget().get_pvad()) return pvads def set_pvads(self, pvads): i = 0 for pvad in pvads: self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget().set_pvad(pvad) i += 1 def selected_networks(self): s = [] model = self.ui.networkList.model() n = model.rowCount() for i in range(0, n): v =, 0), Qt.CheckStateRole) if v == Qt.Checked: s.append(i) return s def selected_transports(self): s = [] model = self.ui.transportList.model() if model is None: return s n = model.rowCount() for i in range(0, n): v =, 0), Qt.CheckStateRole) if v == Qt.Checked: s.append(i) return s def set_selected_networks(self, sel): model = self.ui.networkList.model() n = model.rowCount() for i in range(0, n): if i in sel: q = Qt.Checked else: q = Qt.Unchecked model.setData(model.index(i, 0), q, Qt.CheckStateRole) def set_selected_transports(self, sel): model = self.ui.transportList.model() if model is None: return n = model.rowCount() for i in range(0, n): if i in sel: q = Qt.Checked else: q = Qt.Unchecked model.setData(model.index(i, 0), q, Qt.CheckStateRole) def set_selected_transports_from_id(self, sel): model = self.ui.transportList.model() n = model.rowCount() for i in range(0, n): id =, 0), Qt.UserRole) if id in sel: q = Qt.Checked else: q = Qt.Unchecked model.setData(model.index(i, 0), q, Qt.CheckStateRole) def get_parking(self): if self.parkingEnabledBox.checkState() == Qt.Checked: [x, y] = self.parkingChooser.get_coordinates() if x < 0.001: return [] return [x, y] return [] def set_parking(self, xy): self.parkingEnabledBox.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked if xy == [] else Qt.Checked) if xy != []: self.parkingChooser.set_coordinates(xy) def set_steps(self, nsteps): # first remove all intermediary steps c = self.ui.stepBox.count() # remove from idx 1 to N-1 (skip destination) for i in range(1, c): self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(0).widget().onRemove() for i in range(0, nsteps - 1): self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(0).widget().onAdd() def reset(self): self.newQuery = True def inQuery(self): self.in_query = True self.updateLayers() def resetCoordinates(self): "called by StepSelector on coordinate modification" # always delete the roadmap l = 'Tempus_Roadmap_' maps = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers() for k, v in maps.items(): if[0:len(l)] == l: QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().removeMapLayers([]) break def update_pinpoints(self): if self.in_query: display_pinpoints(self.get_coordinates(), 'A', 'style_pinpoints.qml', 'Tempus_pin_points', self.canvas) def update_parking(self): c = self.get_parking() if c == []: p = None else: p = [c] display_pinpoints(p, 'P', 'style_parking.qml', 'Tempus_private_parking', self.canvas)
class IfsttarRoutingDialog(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) # Set up the user interface from Designer. self.ui = Ui_IfsttarRoutingDock() self.ui.setupUi(self)
class IfsttarRoutingDock(QDockWidget): # # Set widgets' states from a hash # def loadState( self, state ): self.ui.wpsUrlText.setText( state['wps_url_text'] ) self.ui.pluginCombo.setCurrentIndex( state['plugin_selected'] ) self.set_steps( state['nsteps'] ) self.set_selected_criteria( state['criteria'] ) self.set_coordinates( state['coordinates'] ) self.set_constraints( state['constraints'] ) self.set_parking( state['parking'] ) self.set_pvads( state['pvads'] ) self.set_selected_transports( state['transports'] ) def loadFromXML( self, xml ): pson = to_pson(xml) criteria = [] steps = [] networks = [] modes = [] parking = None origin = None dep = None for child in pson[1:]: if child[0] == 'origin': origin = child elif child[0] == 'parking_location': parking = child elif child[0] == 'optimizing_criterion': criteria.append(int(child[1])) elif child[0] == 'allowed_network': networks.append(int(child[1])) elif child[0] == 'allowed_mode': modes.append(int(child[1])) elif child[0] == 'step': steps.append(child) def readCoords( n ): if n[1].has_key('vertex'): # if the point is given by ID return None return [ float(n[1]['x']), float(n[1]['y']) ] if parking: parking = readCoords(parking) self.set_parking( parking ) self.set_steps( len(steps) ) coords = [ readCoords(origin) ] constraints = [] pvads = [] for step in steps: for p in step[2:]: if p[0] == 'destination': coords.append( readCoords(p) ) elif p[0] == 'constraint': c = p[1] constraints.append( [int(c['type']), c['date_time'] ] ) pvads.append( step[1]['private_vehicule_at_destination'] == 'true' ) self.set_selected_criteria( criteria ) self.set_coordinates( coords ) self.set_pvads( pvads ) self.set_constraints( constraints ) self.set_selected_transports_from_id( modes ) # # Save widgets' states # def saveState( self ): state = { 'wps_url_text': self.ui.wpsUrlText.text(), 'plugin_selected': self.ui.pluginCombo.currentIndex(), 'nsteps': self.nsteps(), 'criteria' : self.get_selected_criteria(), 'coordinates': self.get_coordinates(), 'constraints': self.get_constraints(), 'parking' : self.get_parking(), 'pvads': self.get_pvads(), 'transports': self.selected_transports() } return state def __init__(self, canvas): QDockWidget.__init__(self) self.canvas = canvas self.in_query = False # Set up the user interface from Designer. self.ui = Ui_IfsttarRoutingDock() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.criterionBox.addWidget( CriterionChooser( self.ui.criterionBox, True ) ) # set roadmap's header self.ui.roadmapTable.setHorizontalHeader(QHeaderView(Qt.Horizontal)) self.ui.roadmapTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( ["", "Direction", "Costs"] ) # add the origin chooser self.ui.origin = StepSelector( self.ui.verticalLayout, "Origin", dock = self ) self.ui.verticalLayout.insertWidget( 0, self.ui.origin ) self.ui.origin.set_canvas( self.canvas ) # add the Destination chooser dest = StepSelector( self.ui.stepBox, "Destination", coordinates_only = False, dock = self ) dest.coordinates_changed.connect( self.update_pinpoints ) dest.set_canvas( self.canvas ) self.ui.stepBox.addWidget( dest ) # set the minimum height of the scroll area to "one stepselector" self.ui.scrollArea.setMinimumHeight( dest.sizeHint().height() ) # set pin points updater self.ui.origin.coordinates_changed.connect( self.update_pinpoints ) self.ui.origin.dock = self # add the private parking chooser self.parkingChooser = StepSelector( self.ui.queryPage, "Private parking location", coordinates_only = True, dock = self ) self.parkingChooser.set_canvas( self.canvas ) self.parkingEnabledBox = QCheckBox( self.ui.queryPage ) self.parkingEnabledBox.stateChanged.connect( self.on_toggle_parking ) self.parkingEnabledBox.setCheckState( Qt.Unchecked ) self.ui.parkingLayout.addWidget( self.parkingEnabledBox ) self.ui.parkingLayout.addWidget( self.parkingChooser ) # set parking location updater self.parkingChooser.coordinates_changed.connect( self.update_parking ) self.parkingChooser.dock = self def on_toggle_parking( self, state ): self.parkingChooser.setEnabled( state == Qt.Checked ) self.update_parking() def updateLayers( self ): "Update pinpoints and parking layers" self.update_pinpoints() self.update_parking() def get_selected_criteria( self ): s = [] for c in range( 0, self.ui.criterionBox.count() ): s.append( self.ui.criterionBox.itemAt( c ).widget().selected() ) return s def set_selected_criteria( self, sel ): c = self.ui.criterionBox.count() for i in range(0, c-1): self.ui.criterionBox.itemAt(1).widget().onRemove() for i in range(0, len(sel)-1 ): self.ui.criterionBox.itemAt(0).widget().onAdd() i = 0 for selected in sel: self.ui.criterionBox.itemAt(i).widget().set_selection( selected ) i += 1 def set_supported_criteria( self, criteria ): c = self.ui.criterionBox.count() for i in range(c): self.ui.criterionBox.itemAt(i).widget().set_supported_criteria( criteria ) def set_intermediate_steps_support( self, enabled ): n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): w = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget() w.plusBtn.setEnabled( enabled ) def set_depart_after_support( self, enabled ): self.ui.origin.set_depart_after_support(enabled) n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): w = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget() w.set_depart_after_support(enabled) def set_arrive_before_support( self, enabled ): self.ui.origin.set_arrive_before_support(enabled) n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): w = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget() w.set_arrive_before_support(enabled) # get coordinates of all steps def get_coordinates( self ): coords = [ self.ui.origin.get_coordinates() ] n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): w = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(i).widget() coord = w.get_coordinates() coords.append( coord ) return coords def nsteps( self ): return self.ui.stepBox.count() def set_coordinates( self, coords ): self.ui.origin.set_coordinates( coords[0] ) n = 0 for coord in coords[1:]: if self.ui.stepBox.count() > n: self.ui.stepBox.itemAt( n ).widget().set_coordinates( coord ) n += 1 def get_constraints( self ): c = [] n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): t = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt( i ).widget().get_constraint_type() cs = self.ui.stepBox.itemAt( i ).widget().get_constraint() c.append( [ t, cs ] ) return c def set_constraints( self, constraints ): i = 0 for constraint in constraints[1:]: self.ui.stepBox.itemAt( i ).widget().set_constraint_type( constraint[0] ) self.ui.stepBox.itemAt( i ).widget().set_constraint( constraint[1] ) i += 1 def get_pvads( self ): pvads = [] n = self.nsteps() for i in range(0, n): pvads.append( self.ui.stepBox.itemAt( i ).widget().get_pvad() ) return pvads def set_pvads( self, pvads ): i = 0 for pvad in pvads: self.ui.stepBox.itemAt( i ).widget().set_pvad( pvad ) i += 1 def selected_networks( self ): s = [] model = self.ui.networkList.model() n = model.rowCount() for i in range(0, n): v = model.index(i,0), Qt.CheckStateRole ) if v == Qt.Checked: s.append( i ) return s def selected_transports( self ): s = [] model = self.ui.transportList.model() if model is None: return s n = model.rowCount() for i in range(0, n): v = model.index(i,0), Qt.CheckStateRole ) if v == Qt.Checked: s.append( i ) return s def set_selected_networks( self, sel ): model = self.ui.networkList.model() n = model.rowCount() for i in range(0, n): if i in sel: q = Qt.Checked else: q = Qt.Unchecked model.setData( model.index(i,0), q, Qt.CheckStateRole ) def set_selected_transports( self, sel ): model = self.ui.transportList.model() if model is None: return n = model.rowCount() for i in range(0, n): if i in sel: q = Qt.Checked else: q = Qt.Unchecked model.setData( model.index(i,0), q, Qt.CheckStateRole ) def set_selected_transports_from_id( self, sel ): model = self.ui.transportList.model() n = model.rowCount() for i in range(0, n): id = model.index(i,0), Qt.UserRole ) if id in sel: q = Qt.Checked else: q = Qt.Unchecked model.setData( model.index(i,0), q, Qt.CheckStateRole ) def get_parking( self ): if self.parkingEnabledBox.checkState() == Qt.Checked: [x,y] = self.parkingChooser.get_coordinates() if x < 0.001: return [] return [x,y] return [] def set_parking( self, xy ): self.parkingEnabledBox.setCheckState( Qt.Unchecked if xy == [] else Qt.Checked ) if xy != []: self.parkingChooser.set_coordinates( xy ) def set_steps( self, nsteps ): # first remove all intermediary steps c = self.ui.stepBox.count() # remove from idx 1 to N-1 (skip destination) for i in range(1, c): self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(0).widget().onRemove() for i in range(0, nsteps-1): self.ui.stepBox.itemAt(0).widget().onAdd() def reset( self ): self.newQuery = True def inQuery( self ): self.in_query = True self.updateLayers() def resetCoordinates( self ): "called by StepSelector on coordinate modification" # always delete the roadmap l = 'Tempus_Roadmap_' maps = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers() for k,v in maps.items(): if[0:len(l)] == l: QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().removeMapLayers( [] ) break def update_pinpoints( self ): if self.in_query: display_pinpoints( self.get_coordinates(), 'A', 'style_pinpoints.qml', 'Tempus_pin_points', self.canvas ) def update_parking( self ): c = self.get_parking() if c == []: p = None else: p = [c] display_pinpoints( p, 'P', 'style_parking.qml', 'Tempus_private_parking', self.canvas )