    def __call__(self, tree):
        numStrings = len(tree)
        length = tree.length
        goingUp = [True] * numStrings
        hue = [ii / self.length for ii in range(self.length)]
        colors = [HSV(hh, 1.0, 1.0).toRgb() for hh in hue]
        red = np.array([cc.red for cc in colors])
        green = np.array([cc.green for cc in colors])
        blue = np.array([cc.blue for cc in colors])

        stringEnd = length - self.length
        location = [
            int((0.5 * np.cos(ii / numStrings * np.pi) + 0.5) * stringEnd)
            for ii in range(numStrings)

        while True:
            for ii, string in enumerate(tree):
                loc = location[ii]
                string[loc:loc + self.length] = (red, green, blue)
                if goingUp[ii] and loc == stringEnd:
                    goingUp[ii] = False
                elif not goingUp[ii] and loc == 0:
                    goingUp[ii] = True
                if goingUp[ii]:
                    location[ii] += 1
                    location[ii] -= 1
def main():
    max_all = 10

    while True:
        mic.record(samples_bit, len(samples_bit))
        samples = ulab.array(samples_bit[3:])
        spectrogram1 = ulab.fft.spectrum(samples)
        # spectrum() is always nonnegative, but add a tiny value
        # to change any zeros to nonzero numbers
        spectrogram1 = ulab.vector.log(spectrogram1 + 1e-7)
        spectrogram1 = spectrogram1[1:(fft_size // 2) - 1]
        min_curr = ulab.numerical.min(spectrogram1)[0]
        max_curr = ulab.numerical.max(spectrogram1)[0]

        if max_curr > max_all:
            max_all = max_curr
            max_curr = max_curr - 1

        print(min_curr, max_all)
        min_curr = max(min_curr, 3)
        # Plot FFT
        data = (spectrogram1 - min_curr) * (51. / (max_all - min_curr))
        # This clamps any negative numbers to zero
        data = data * ulab.array((data > 0))
def rveci_from_ecef(r_ecef, v_ecef, era):
    """Get rv in eci from ecef and earth rotation angle.

        r_ecef: position in ecef (km)
        v_ecef: velocity in ecef wrt ecef (km/s)
        era: earth rotation angle (radians)

        r_eci: position in eci (km)
        v_eci: velocity in eci wrt eci (km/s)

    sin_theta = math.sin(era)
    cos_theta = math.cos(era)

    r_eci = np.array([
        cos_theta * r_ecef[0] - sin_theta * r_ecef[1],
        sin_theta * r_ecef[0] + cos_theta * r_ecef[1], r_ecef[2]

    omega_earth = 7.292115146706979e-5
    v_eci = np.array([
        cos_theta * v_ecef[0] - sin_theta * v_ecef[1] - omega_earth * r_eci[1],
        sin_theta * v_ecef[0] + cos_theta * v_ecef[1] + omega_earth * r_eci[0],

    return r_eci, v_eci
def rgb2hsv(red, green, blue):
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV#From_RGB
    # red, green, blue in 0..1hue, sat and value all 0..1
    # Returns hue, sat and value in 0..1
        length = len(red)
    except Exception:
        length = 1
    # Having to create and insert is due to an unfortunate limitation in ulab
    rgb = np.zeros((3, length), dtype=np.float)
        rgb[0] = red
        rgb[1] = green
        rgb[2] = blue
    except Exception:
        rgb[0] = red.flatten()
        rgb[1] = green.flatten()
        rgb[2] = blue.flatten()
    # These indexing games are because we can't index with integer arrays in ulab
    index = np.arange(length, dtype=np.uint16)
    index2d = np.zeros((length, 3), dtype=np.uint16)
    index2d[:, 0] = 0
    index2d[:, 1] = 1
    index2d[:, 2] = 2
    brightest = np.numerical.argmax(rgb, axis=0)
    isBrightest = index2d == brightest

    value = rgb[isBrightest]
    cc = value - np.min(rgb, axis=0)
    hueSelect = np.array([0, 2, 4])
    # Some unnecessary calculations, but still faster than a python loop
    hueCalc = np.array([green - blue, blue - red, red - green])
    hue = (hueSelect[index == brightest] + hueCalc[isBrightest] / cc) / 6
    sat = np.where(value == 0, 0.0, cc / value)
    return hue, sat, value
def tdoa_multilateration_from_multiple_segments_gauss_newton(
        anchor_locations: list,
        range_diffs: list,
        init_soln: list,
        max_iters: int = 10,
        eta: float = 1E-3,
        abs_tol: float = 1E-6):
    # Gauss-Newton Iterations
    soln = np.array(init_soln)
    # Main iterations
    for j in range(max_iters):
        # ==== Calculate the LHS and RHS of Normal Equation: J'*J*d = -J'*res,
        # where J is Jacobian, d is descent direction, res is residual ====== #
        jTj = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float)
        jTres = np.zeros((2, 1), dtype=np.float)
        for locations, diffs in zip(anchor_locations, range_diffs):
            if use_ulab:
                m = locations.shape()[0]
                m = locations.shape[0]
            denom_1 = np.linalg.norm(soln - locations[0])
            for i in range(1, m):
                denom_2 = np.linalg.norm(soln - locations[i])
                res = (diffs[i - 1] - (denom_1 - denom_2))
                del_res = np.array([[((soln[0] - locations[i][0]) / denom_2 -
                                      (soln[0] - locations[0][0]) / denom_1)],
                                    [((soln[1] - locations[i][1]) / denom_2 -
                                      (soln[1] - locations[0][1]) / denom_1)]])
                if use_ulab:
                    jTj = jTj + np.linalg.dot(del_res, del_res.transpose())
                    jTj = jTj + np.dot(del_res, del_res.transpose())

                jTres = jTres + (del_res * res)
            # ===================== calculation ENDs here  ======================================================= #
        # Take next Step:
        # Modification according to Levenberg-Marquardt suggestion
        jTj = jTj + np.diag(np.diag(jTj) * eta)
        eta = eta / 2.0

        # Invert 2x2 matrix
        denom = jTj[0][0] * jTj[1][1] - jTj[1][0] * jTj[0][1]
        numer = np.array([[jTj[1][1], -jTj[0][1]], [-jTj[1][0], jTj[0][0]]])
        if denom >= 1E-9:
            inv_jTj = numer / denom
            if use_ulab:
                temp = np.linalg.dot(inv_jTj, jTres)
                temp = np.dot(inv_jTj, jTres)

            del_soln = np.array([temp[0][0], temp[1][0], 0.0])
            soln = soln - del_soln
            if np.linalg.norm(del_soln) <= abs_tol:
            print("Can't invert the matrix!")

    return soln
def dynamics_xdot(t, x, m):

    # spacecraft properties
    J = np.array([[1.959e-4, 2016.333e-9, 269.176e-9],
                  [2016.333e-9, 1.999e-4, 2318.659e-9],
                  [269.176e-9, 2318.659e-9, 1.064e-4]])

    invJ = 1e3 * np.array(
        [[5.105190043647774, -0.051357738055630, -0.011796180015288],
         [-0.051357738055630, 5.004282688631113, -0.108922940075563],
         [-0.011796180015288, -0.108922940075563, 9.400899721840833]])

    max_moments = np.array([8.8e-3, 1.373e-2, 8.2e-3])

    # magnetic field in ECI
    T = 50 * 60
    B_eci = 3e-5 * np.array([
        math.sin(2 * math.pi * t / T + math.pi / 2),
        math.sin(2 * math.pi * t / T - math.pi / 3),
        math.sin(2 * math.pi * t / T + 3 * math.pi / 2)

    # unpack state
    p = x[0:3]
    w = x[3:6]

    # MRP
    p1 = p[0]
    p2 = p[1]
    p3 = p[2]

    # angular velocity
    wx = w[0]
    wy = w[1]
    wz = w[2]

    # magnetic field in the body frame
    B_body = mul2(dcm_from_p(p).transpose(), B_eci.transpose())

    # mrp kinematics
    pdot = pdot_from_w(p, w)

    # scale the magnetic moment with the tanh
    actual_m = max_moments * np.vector.tanh(m)

    # resulting torque on the spacecraft
    actual_tau = mul2(hat(actual_m), B_body)

    # euler dynamics
    wdot = mul2(invJ, actual_tau - mul2(hat(w), mul2(J, w.transpose())))

    # final state derivative
    xdot = np.array([
        pdot[0][0], pdot[1][0], pdot[2][0], wdot[0][0], wdot[1][0], wdot[2][0]

    return xdot
def rotate_z(theta, xyz, deg=False):
    if deg:
        theta = deg2rad(theta)

    mat = u.array([[m.cos(theta), m.sin(theta), 0],
                   [-m.sin(theta), m.cos(theta), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
    xyz = u.array(xyz)
    xyz = xyz.reshape((3, 1))
    return u.linalg.dot(mat, xyz)
def match(tester,dataset):
    codex = np.array(dataset)
    t = np.array(tester)
    for i in range(codex.shape()[0]):
        codex[i,:] = codex[i,:] - t
    data = np.sum(codex * codex, axis=1)
    data = np.sqrt(data)
    if codex.shape()[0] == 1:
        return data,1
    ind = np.argmin(data)
    return data[ind][0],ind + 1
def dynamics_jacobians(t, x, u):
    Nx = 2

    m = 1.0
    b = 0.1
    lc = 0.5
    I = 0.25
    g = 9.81

    A = np.array([[0, 1], [-m * g * lc * math.cos(x[0]) / I, -b / I]])
    B = np.array([[0], [1 / I]])

    return A, B
def solve(min, max):

    # Uses linear algebra to find the soloution of 2 linear equations

    a = ulab.array([[min, 1], [max,
                               1]])  # Stores the equation side of the matrix

    b = ulab.array([[0], [32726]])  # Stores the resultant side of the matrix

    x = ulab.linalg.dot(
        b)  # Uses the formula inv(A) dot (B) = Soloution matrix

    return [x[0][0], x[1][0]]  # Returns soloution matrix
def inference(feature_list, task, img):
    x = -1
    name = ""
    dist = 0
    for x in [0, 80, 160]:
        for y in [0, 60, 120]:
            print(x, y)
            #img2 = img.copy((x,y,160,120))
            img2 = img.copy((0, 0, 320, 240))
            fmap = kpu.forward(task, img2)
            #p = np.array(fmap[:])
            # get nearest target
            name,dist,v = get_nearest(feature_list, p)
            print("name:" + name + " dist:" + str(dist) + " v:" + str(v) + " mem:" + str(gc.mem_free()))
            if dist < 200:
        if dist < 200:
    #img2 = img.copy((x,y,160,120))
    fmap = kpu.forward(task, img)
    p = np.array(fmap[:])
    # get nearest target
    name, dist, v = get_nearest(feature_list, p)
    print("name:" + name + " dist:" + str(dist) + " v:" + str(v) + " mem:" +

    return name, dist, x
def dynamics(x,Earth):

    # generate the position and velocity
    pos = x[0:3]
    vel = x[3:6]

    # first we find the acceleration from two body
    #pos_norm = np.vector.sqrt(np.numerical.sum(pos ** 2))
    pos_norm = norm(pos)
    accel_twobody = -Earth.mu * \
    (pos_norm ** -3) * pos

    # now we find the J2 acceleration

    accel_J2 = np.zeros(3)
    accel_J2[0] = -3/2 * Earth.J2 * Earth.mu * Earth.R ** 2\
    * pos_norm ** -5 \
    * pos[0] * (1 - 5 * pos[2] ** 2 / pos_norm ** 2)
    accel_J2[1] = -3/2 * Earth.J2 * Earth.mu * Earth.R ** 2\
    * pos_norm ** -5 \
    * pos[1] * (1 - 5 * pos[2] ** 2 / pos_norm ** 2)
    accel_J2[2] = -3/2 * Earth.J2 * Earth.mu * Earth.R ** 2\
    * pos_norm ** -5 \
    * pos[2] * (3 - 5 * pos[2] ** 2 / pos_norm ** 2)

    # add together accelerations
    # accel = accel_twobody + accel_J2
    accel = accel_twobody + accel_J2

    return np.array([vel[0],vel[1],vel[2],accel[0],accel[1],accel[2]])
def verifyargmax(n):
    for p in permutations(n):
        m1 = np.argmax(p)
        m2 = np.argmax(np.array(p))
        if m1 != m2 or p[m1] != max(p):
            return 0
    return p[m1]
def Rz(theta):
    # utility function to get the z rotation matrix
    # uses radians

    return np.array([[math.cos(theta),math.sin(theta),0],\
                    [0,               0,              1]])
def ECEF2ANG(r_ecef, station):
    # takes in the ecef position and the lat long alt of station
    # station is [lat,long]

    earth = Earth()

    # constants
    deg2rad = math.pi / 180

    # get station ECEF
    N = earth.R / math.sqrt(1 - earth.e**2 * math.sin(station[0] * deg2rad)**2)
    r_station = np.array(\
     [N * np.vector.cos(station[0]*deg2rad) * np.vector.cos(station[1]*deg2rad),\
     N * np.vector.cos(station[0]*deg2rad) * np.vector.sin(station[1]*deg2rad),\
     N*(1-earth.e ** 2) * np.vector.sin(station[0]*deg2rad)])

    diff = r_ecef - r_station.transpose()

    diff_normalized = diff / (np.vector.sqrt(diff[0]**2 + diff[1]**2 +
    r_station_normalized = r_station / (
        np.vector.sqrt(r_station[0]**2 + r_station[1]**2 + r_station[2]**2))
    ang_dot = (diff_normalized[0] * r_station_normalized[0] + \
     diff_normalized[1] * r_station_normalized[1] + \
     diff_normalized[2] * r_station_normalized[2])
    ang_from_vert = math.acos(ang_dot[0])

    return ang_from_vert
    def render(self):
            reverse = True

            sensor = self.amg8833.pixels  # Get sensor_data data

            # This clever bit of code, taken from https://thispointer.com/python-reverse-a-list-sub-list-or-list-of-list-in-place-or-copy/
            # reverses the lists-of-lists along both "axis" if you want to think of it like that
            # Useful if your render is "upside down and back-to-front"!
            if reverse:
                sensor = [elem[::-1] for elem in sensor][::-1]

            self.sensor_data = ulab.array(sensor)  # Copy to narray

            for row in range(0, 8):
                for col in range(0, 8):
                    self.sensor_data[col, row] = min(max(self.sensor_data[col, row], 0), 80)

            # Normalize temperature to index values and interpolate
            self.sensor_data = (self.sensor_data - self.MIN_RANGE_C) / (self.MAX_RANGE_C - self.MIN_RANGE_C)
            self.grid_data[::2, ::2] = self.sensor_data  # Copy sensor data to the grid array

            self.ulab_bilinear_interpolation()  # Interpolate to produce 15x15 result

            # Display image or histogram

        except Exception as err:
            print("Error in render()")

            while True:
def spatial_filter(img, kernel, dxy=None):
    """ Convolves `img` with `kernel` assuming a stride of 1. If `img` is linear,
     `dxy` needs to hold the dimensions of the image.
    # Make sure that the image is 2D
    _img = np.array(img)
    if dxy is None:
        dx, dy = _img.shape()
        isInt = type(img[0:0])
        isFlat = False
        dx, dy = dxy
        if dx * dy != _img.size():
            raise TypeError("Dimensions do not match number of `img` elements")
        isInt = type(img[0])
        isFlat = True
    img2d = _img.reshape((dx, dy))

    # Check if kernel is a square matrix with an odd number of elements per row
    # and column
    krn = np.array(kernel)
    dk, dk2 = krn.shape()
    if dk != dk2 or dk % 2 == 0 or dk <= 1:
        raise TypeError(
            "`kernel` is not a square 2D matrix or does not have an "
            "odd number of row / column elements")

    # Make a padded copy of the image; pad with mean of image to reduce edge
    # effects
    padd = dk // 2
    img2dp = np.ones((dx + padd * 2, dy + padd * 2)) * numerical.mean(img2d)
    img2dp[padd:dx + padd, padd:dy + padd] = img2d
    imgRes = np.zeros(img2dp.shape())

    # Convolve padded image with kernel
    for x in range(0, dx):
        for y in range(0, dy):
            imgRes[x + padd, y + padd] = numerical.sum(
                img2dp[x:x + dk, y:y + dk] * krn[:, :])

    # Remove padding, flatten and restore value type if needed
    _img = imgRes[padd:dx + padd, padd:dy + padd]
    if isFlat:
        _img = _img.flatten()
    if isInt:
        _img = list(np.array(_img, dtype=np.int16))
    return _img
def find_blobs(img, dxy, nsd=1.0):
    """ Detect continues area(s) ("blobs") with pixels above a certain
      threshold in an image. `img` contains the flattened image (1D),
      `dxy` image width and height, and `nsd` a factor to calculate the blob
      threshold from image mean and s.d. (thres = avg +sd *nsd).
    img_array = np.array(img)
    return user.blobs(img_array, dxy, nsd)
 def volt_to_pH(self, volt):
     if set(('pH7', )) == set(self.user_samples):
         pH_value = self.slope * (volt - self.volt_pH7) + 7.0
         pH_array, volt_array = self.calibration_data
         fit = ulab.poly.polyfit(volt_array, pH_array, 1)
         pH_value = ulab.poly.polyval(fit, ulab.array([volt]))[0]
     return pH_value
 def pH_to_volt(self, pH):
     if set(('pH7', )) == set(self.user_samples):
         volt_value = (1.0 / self.slope) * (pH - 7.0) + self.volt_pH7
         pH_array, volt_array = self.calibration_data
         fit = ulab.poly.polyfit(pH_array, volt_array, 1)
         volt_value = ulab.poly.polyval(fit, ulab.array([pH]))[0]
     return volt_value
def get_feature(task):
    img = sensor.snapshot()
    img.draw_rectangle(1, 46, 222, 132, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=3)
    feature = kpu.forward(task, img)
    return np.array(feature[:])
def predict(new_data):
    Predict label for a single new data instance.

    score = ulab.array([(ulab.linalg.dot(new_data, w) + b)
                        for w, b in zip(weights, bias)])
    return labels[ulab.numerical.argmin(score)]
def dynamics(t, x, u):
    Nx = 2

    m = 1.0
    b = 0.1
    lc = 0.5
    I = 0.25
    g = 9.81

    xdot = np.zeros(Nx)
    xdot[0] = x[1]
    xdot[1] = (u - m * g * lc * math.sin(x[0]) - b * x[1]) / I

    A = np.array([[0, 1], [-m * g * lc * math.cos(x[0]) / I, -b / I]])
    B = np.array([[0], [1 / I]])
    # dxdot = np.hstack((A, B))

    return xdot, A, B
def get_feature(task, img):
    print("--- 1")
    print("--- 4")
    feature = kpu.forward(task,img)
    print("--- 5")
    print("--- 6")
    ar = np.array(feature[:])
    print("--- 7")
    return ar
 def DH(self, d, theta, alpha, r):
     DH = u.array([[
         m.cos(theta), -m.sin(theta) * m.cos(alpha),
         m.sin(theta) * m.sin(alpha), r * m.cos(theta)
                       m.cos(theta) * m.cos(alpha),
                       -m.cos(theta) * m.sin(alpha), r * m.sin(theta)
                   ], [0, m.sin(alpha), m.cos(alpha), d], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
     return DH
def perform_robust_multilateration(loc_range_diff_info, depth):
    num_segment = len(loc_range_diff_info)
    estimated_locations = []
    # estimate location from each segment
    for i in range(num_segment):
        loc_range_diff = loc_range_diff_info[i]
        num_anchors = len(loc_range_diff)
        # create numpy array to hold anchor locations and range-differences
        locations = np.zeros((num_anchors, 3), dtype=np.float)
        range_diffs = np.zeros(num_anchors - 1, dtype=np.float)

        # extract locations and range-differences from list and store them into respective numpy array
        zone = None
        zone_letter = None
        for j in range(num_anchors):
            if j == 0:
                zone, zone_letter = loc_range_diff[j][0][0], loc_range_diff[j][
                locations[j] = np.array(loc_range_diff[j][1])
                locations[j] = np.array(loc_range_diff[j][0:3])
                range_diffs[j - 1] = loc_range_diff[j][3]

        # Call Gauss Newton Method for location estimation
        initial_soln = np.mean(locations, axis=0)
        # replace 3 coordinate with sensor depth
        initial_soln[2] = depth
        estimated_location = tdoa_multilateration_from_single_segement_gauss_newton(
            locations, range_diffs, initial_soln)
        # estimated_location = TDOALocalization.perform_tdoa_multilateration_closed_form(locations, range_diffs, depth)
        if use_ulab:
            bflag_estimated = estimated_location.size() > 0
            bflag_estimated = estimated_location.size > 0
        # Convert to Lat/Lon
        if bflag_estimated > 0:
            lat, lon = to_latlon(estimated_location[0], estimated_location[1],
                                 zone, zone_letter)
            estimated_locations.append([lat, lon, estimated_location[2]])

    return estimated_locations
def propagatorinfo_from_gps(GNSS_week, TOW, r_ecef, v_ecef):
    """Get propagator starting info from GPS data.

        GNSS_week: Weeks since january 6th 1980
        TOW: Seconds into current week
        r_ecef: ecef position (.01 meters)
        v_cef: ecef velocity wrt ecef (0.01 m/s)

        era: Earth rotation angle (radians)
        r_eci: position in eci (km)
        v_eci: velocity in eci wrt eci (km/s)

        Inputs are raw GPS data, no pre-scaling needed.

    # get MJD from gps time info
    MJD_int, MJD_float = mjd_from_gps(GNSS_week, TOW)

    # compute earth rotation angle from the MJD
    era = earth_rotation_angle_gps(MJD_int, MJD_float)

    # scale position and velocity
    r_ecef = np.array([r_ecef[0], r_ecef[1], r_ecef[2]]) / 100000
    v_ecef = np.array([v_ecef[0], v_ecef[1], v_ecef[2]]) / 100000

    # convert to inertial position and velocity
    r_eci, v_eci = rveci_from_ecef(r_ecef, v_ecef, era)

    # debugging printouts
    print('MJD int', MJD_int)
    print('MJD float', MJD_float)
    print('Earth Rotation Angle', era)
    print('r_ecef', r_ecef)
    print('v_ecef', v_ecef)
    print('r_eci', r_eci)
    print('v_eci', v_eci)

    return era, r_eci, v_eci
def main():
    while True:
        _ = mic.record(samples_bit, len(samples_bit))
        if startup_samples > 0:
            samples = ulab.array(memoryview(samples_bit)[startup_samples:])
            samples = ulab.array(samples_bit)

        peak_meter.value = edubit.read_sound_sensor()

        # spectrum() is always nonnegative, but add a tiny value
        # to change any zeros to nonzero numbers (for log())
        full_spectrogram_log = ulab.vector.log(
            ulab.extras.spectrogram(samples) + 1e-7)
        # Lose the dc component and second half which is mirror image
        spectrogram_log = full_spectrogram_log[1:(fft_size // 2)]

        ### Ignore everything below min_val by setting to zero
        spectrogram_log_floored = spectrogram_log - min_val
        spectrogram_log_floored = (spectrogram_log_floored *
                                   ulab.array(spectrogram_log_floored > 0))

        ### These might be ~63Hz buckets
        bass = spectrogram_log_floored[0:3]
        mid = spectrogram_log_floored[3:12]
        treble_l = spectrogram_log_floored[12:64]
        treble_h = spectrogram_log_floored[64:]

        edubit.set_led(Edubit.GREEN, loudness(bass) > loud_threshold)
        edubit.set_led(Edubit.YELLOW, loudness(mid) > loud_threshold)
            max(loudness(treble_l), loudness(treble_h)) > loud_threshold)

        # Plot FFT
        data = spectrogram_log_floored * ((PALETTE_LEN - 1) / max_val)

        peak_meter.value = edubit.read_sound_sensor()
    def calc(self, theta):
        d = u.array([0, 0, 0, 0])

        r = [self.r_off, self.L[0], self.L[1], self.L[2]]
        theta = [self.theta_off, theta[0], theta[1], theta[2]]
        pos = [self.DH(d[0], theta[0], self.alpha[0], r[0])]

        for i in range(1, 4):
                             self.DH(d[i], theta[i], self.alpha[i], r[i])))

        return pos
def dynamics(x,Earth):
    """FODE + J2 dynamics function

        x: [rx,ry,rz,vx,vy,vz] in km, km/s
        earth: Earth class

        xdot: [vx, vy, vz, ax, ay, az]

    # precompute a few terms to reduce number of operations
    r = norm(x[0:3])
    Re_r_sqr = 1.5*Earth.J2*(Earth.R/r)**2
    five_z_sqr = 5*x[2]**2/(r**2)

    # two body and J2 acceleration together
    accel = (-Earth.mu/(r**3))*np.array([x[0]*(1 - Re_r_sqr*(five_z_sqr - 1)),
                                         x[1]*(1 - Re_r_sqr*(five_z_sqr - 1)),
                                         x[2]*(1 - Re_r_sqr*(five_z_sqr - 3))])

    return np.array([x[3],x[4],x[5],accel[0],accel[1],accel[2]])