def get_line_fluxes(z0=1.0, mag=21): """ Get emission line fluxes for a given continuum magnitude. """ print z0 xflux, yline = np.loadtxt(unicorn.GRISM_HOME + '/templates/dobos11/SF0_0.emline.txt', unpack=True) xflux *= (1 + z0) #### Add continuum, here with level 0.1*max(line) ycont = yline.max() * 0.1 yflux = ycont + yline #### Normalize to F140W passband x_filt, y_filt = np.loadtxt(os.getenv('iref') + '/F140W.dat', unpack=True) y_filt_int = utils_c.interp_c(xflux, x_filt, y_filt) filt_norm = np.trapz(y_filt_int * yflux, xflux) / np.trapz( y_filt_int, xflux) yflux /= filt_norm yline /= filt_norm ycont /= filt_norm fnu = 10**(-0.4 * (mag + 48.6)) flam = fnu * 3.e18 / (6564. * (1 + z0))**2 / 1.e-17 ha = np.abs(xflux - 6564 * (1 + z0)) < 100 ha_flux = np.trapz(yline[ha], xflux[ha]) s2 = np.abs(xflux - 6731 * (1 + z0)) < 100 s2_flux = np.trapz(yline[s2], xflux[s2]) return ha_flux * flam, s2_flux * flam
def get_line_fluxes(z0=1.0, mag=21): """ Get emission line fluxes for a given continuum magnitude. """ print z0 xflux, yline = np.loadtxt(unicorn.GRISM_HOME+'/templates/dobos11/SF0_0.emline.txt', unpack=True) xflux *= (1+z0) #### Add continuum, here with level 0.1*max(line) ycont = yline.max()*0.1 yflux = ycont+yline #### Normalize to F140W passband x_filt, y_filt = np.loadtxt(os.getenv('iref')+'/F140W.dat', unpack=True) y_filt_int = utils_c.interp_c(xflux, x_filt, y_filt) filt_norm = np.trapz(y_filt_int*yflux, xflux) / np.trapz(y_filt_int, xflux) yflux /= filt_norm yline /= filt_norm ycont /= filt_norm fnu = 10**(-0.4*(mag+48.6)) flam = fnu*3.e18/(6564.*(1+z0))**2/1.e-17 ha = np.abs(xflux-6564*(1+z0)) < 100 ha_flux = np.trapz(yline[ha], xflux[ha]) s2 = np.abs(xflux-6731*(1+z0)) < 100 s2_flux = np.trapz(yline[s2], xflux[s2]) return ha_flux*flam, s2_flux*flam # #### Trying to figure out units # plt.plot(['WAVE'].data,['SENS'].data) # plt.plot(unicorn.reduce.sens_files['A'].field('WAVELENGTH'), unicorn.reduce.sens_files['A'].field('SENSITIVITY')*1.e-17*np.median(np.diff(['WAVE'].data))/2**2) # # # test, FLT errors # flt ='ibhm47gwq_flt.fits') # err_flt = np.random.normal(size=flt[1].data.shape)*flt[2].data # mask_flt = (flt[1].data < 0.1) & (err_flt != 0) # threedhst.utils.biweight(flt[1].data[mask_flt].flatten()) # threedhst.utils.biweight(err_flt[mask_flt].flatten())
def simspec(root='COSMOS-19'): """ Root is the base image where the noise and direct images come from. """ #### Simple model of a gaussian Ha emission line xflux = np.arange(1.e4, 1.8e4) dv = 100 # km/s z0 = 1.0 l0 = 6564.61 * (1 + z0) dlam = dv / 3.e5 * l0 yline = 1. / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * dlam**2) * np.exp( -(xflux - l0)**2 / 2 / dlam**2) ### Use template emission lines rather than a single gaussian xflux, yline = np.loadtxt(unicorn.GRISM_HOME + '/templates/dobos11/SF0_0.emline.txt', unpack=True) xflux *= (1 + z0) #### Add continuum, here with level 0.1*max(line) ycont = yline.max() * 0.1 yflux = ycont + yline #### Normalize to F140W passband x_filt, y_filt = np.loadtxt(os.getenv('iref') + '/F140W.dat', unpack=True) y_filt_int = utils_c.interp_c(xflux, x_filt, y_filt) filt_norm = np.trapz(y_filt_int * yflux, xflux) / np.trapz( y_filt_int, xflux) yflux /= filt_norm yline /= filt_norm ycont /= filt_norm ids = [290] model = unicorn.reduce.GrismModel(root) ids =[ < 24] #ids = [245] #### Generate model where every spectrum is the line template but the mag/shape of the galaxies #### is as observed for i, id in enumerate(ids): print unicorn.noNewLine + '%d (%d/%d)' % (id, i + 1, len(ids)) model.compute_object_model(id, lam_spec=xflux, flux_spec=yflux) model.model += model.object #### Get error array from the error extension err = np.random.normal(size=model.model.shape) * model.gris[2].data mask = (err != 0) & (model.segm[0].data == 0) #### Compare background flux distributions #plt.hist(model.gris[1].data[mask].flatten(), range=(-0.1,0.1), bins=100, alpha=0.5) #plt.hist(err[mask].flatten(), range=(-0.1,0.1), bins=100, alpha=0.5) #### Store the new model in the grism image data extension so that we can fit it with the #### various tools (z, line strength, etc) #old = model.gris[1].data*1. model.gris[1].data = model.model * (err != 0) + err model.get_corrected_wcs(verbose=True) model.init_object_spectra() model.model *= 0 ##### Try extracting a spectrum and fitting it #id=685 #id=343 #id=ids[0] for id in ids: obj = '%s_%05d' % (root, id) print '%s.linefit.png' % (obj) if os.path.exists('%s.linefit.png' % (obj)): print 'skip' continue flam = np.sum(model.flux[model.segm[0].data == id]) fnu = np.sum(model.flux_fnu * (model.segm[0].data == id)) ### *Input* line flux, should be able to get this directly from the input spectrum and the ### observed magnitude, but check units. #plt.plot(xflux, yflux/filt_norm*flam*1.e-17) ha = np.abs(xflux - 6564 * (1 + z0)) < 100 ha_flux = np.trapz(yline[ha] * flam * 1.e-17, xflux[ha]) ha_eqw = np.trapz(yline[ha] / ycont, xflux[ha]) s2 = np.abs(xflux - 6731 * (1 + z0)) < 100 s2_flux = np.trapz(yline[s2] * flam * 1.e-17, xflux[s2]) s2_eqw = np.trapz(yline[s2] / ycont, xflux[s2]) model.twod_spectrum(id, refine=True, verbose=True) if not model.twod_status: continue model.show_2d(savePNG=True) spec = unicorn.reduce.Interlace1D(root + '_%05d.1D.fits' % (id), PNG=True) #### Redshift fit, set template to flat and the redshift prior to a broad gaussian centered #### on the input value, z0 zgrid = np.arange(0, 4, 0.005) pz = np.exp(-(zgrid - z0)**2 / 2 / 0.5**2) lnprob = np.log(pz) gris = unicorn.interlace_fit.GrismSpectrumFit(root=obj, lowz_thresh=0.01, FIGURE_FORMAT='png') if not gris.status: continue gris.zout.z_spec = gris.zout.z_spec * 0. + z0 gris.zout.l99 = gris.zout.l99 * 0. + z0 - 0.1 gris.zout.u99 = gris.zout.l99 + 0.2 gris.z_peak = 1 gris.best_fit = gris.best_fit * 0 + 1 gris.phot_zgrid = zgrid gris.phot_lnprob = lnprob try: gris.fit_in_steps(dzfirst=0.005, dzsecond=0.0005, zrfirst=(z0 - 0.2, z0 + 0.2)) except: continue if not gris.status: continue #### Emission line fit try: gris.fit_free_emlines(ztry=gris.z_max_spec, verbose=True, NTHREADS=1, NWALKERS=50, NSTEP=100, FIT_REDSHIFT=False, FIT_WIDTH=False, line_width0=100) except: continue status = os.system('cat %s.linefit.dat' % (obj)) print '\n -- input --\nSII %6.2f %6.2f' % (s2_flux / 1.e-17, s2_eqw) print ' Ha %6.2f %6.2f' % (ha_flux / 1.e-17, ha_eqw)
def simspec(root='COSMOS-19'): """ Root is the base image where the noise and direct images come from. """ #### Simple model of a gaussian Ha emission line xflux = np.arange(1.e4,1.8e4) dv = 100 # km/s z0 = 1.0 l0 = 6564.61*(1+z0) dlam = dv/3.e5*l0 yline = 1./np.sqrt(2*np.pi*dlam**2)*np.exp(-(xflux-l0)**2/2/dlam**2) ### Use template emission lines rather than a single gaussian xflux, yline = np.loadtxt(unicorn.GRISM_HOME+'/templates/dobos11/SF0_0.emline.txt', unpack=True) xflux *= (1+z0) #### Add continuum, here with level 0.1*max(line) ycont = yline.max()*0.1 yflux = ycont+yline #### Normalize to F140W passband x_filt, y_filt = np.loadtxt(os.getenv('iref')+'/F140W.dat', unpack=True) y_filt_int = utils_c.interp_c(xflux, x_filt, y_filt) filt_norm = np.trapz(y_filt_int*yflux, xflux) / np.trapz(y_filt_int, xflux) yflux /= filt_norm yline /= filt_norm ycont /= filt_norm ids = [290] model = unicorn.reduce.GrismModel(root) ids =[ < 24] #ids = [245] #### Generate model where every spectrum is the line template but the mag/shape of the galaxies #### is as observed for i,id in enumerate(ids): print unicorn.noNewLine+'%d (%d/%d)' %(id, i+1, len(ids)) model.compute_object_model(id, lam_spec=xflux, flux_spec=yflux) model.model += model.object #### Get error array from the error extension err = np.random.normal(size=model.model.shape)*model.gris[2].data mask = (err != 0) & (model.segm[0].data == 0) #### Compare background flux distributions #plt.hist(model.gris[1].data[mask].flatten(), range=(-0.1,0.1), bins=100, alpha=0.5) #plt.hist(err[mask].flatten(), range=(-0.1,0.1), bins=100, alpha=0.5) #### Store the new model in the grism image data extension so that we can fit it with the #### various tools (z, line strength, etc) #old = model.gris[1].data*1. model.gris[1].data = model.model*(err != 0) + err model.get_corrected_wcs(verbose=True) model.init_object_spectra() model.model*=0 ##### Try extracting a spectrum and fitting it #id=685 #id=343 #id=ids[0] for id in ids: obj='%s_%05d' %(root, id) print '%s.linefit.png' %(obj) if os.path.exists('%s.linefit.png' %(obj)): print 'skip' continue flam = np.sum(model.flux[model.segm[0].data == id]) fnu = np.sum(model.flux_fnu*(model.segm[0].data == id)) ### *Input* line flux, should be able to get this directly from the input spectrum and the ### observed magnitude, but check units. #plt.plot(xflux, yflux/filt_norm*flam*1.e-17) ha = np.abs(xflux-6564*(1+z0)) < 100 ha_flux = np.trapz(yline[ha]*flam*1.e-17, xflux[ha]) ha_eqw = np.trapz(yline[ha]/ycont, xflux[ha]) s2 = np.abs(xflux-6731*(1+z0)) < 100 s2_flux = np.trapz(yline[s2]*flam*1.e-17, xflux[s2]) s2_eqw = np.trapz(yline[s2]/ycont, xflux[s2]) model.twod_spectrum(id, refine=True, verbose=True) if not model.twod_status: continue model.show_2d(savePNG=True) spec = unicorn.reduce.Interlace1D(root+'_%05d.1D.fits' %(id), PNG=True) #### Redshift fit, set template to flat and the redshift prior to a broad gaussian centered #### on the input value, z0 zgrid = np.arange(0,4,0.005) pz = np.exp(-(zgrid-z0)**2/2/0.5**2) lnprob = np.log(pz) gris = unicorn.interlace_fit.GrismSpectrumFit(root=obj, lowz_thresh=0.01, FIGURE_FORMAT='png') if not gris.status: continue gris.zout.z_spec = gris.zout.z_spec*0.+z0 gris.zout.l99 = gris.zout.l99*0.+z0-0.1 gris.zout.u99 = gris.zout.l99+0.2 gris.z_peak = 1 gris.best_fit = gris.best_fit*0+1 gris.phot_zgrid = zgrid gris.phot_lnprob = lnprob try: gris.fit_in_steps(dzfirst=0.005, dzsecond=0.0005, zrfirst=(z0-0.2,z0+0.2)) except: continue if not gris.status: continue #### Emission line fit try: gris.fit_free_emlines(ztry=gris.z_max_spec, verbose=True, NTHREADS=1, NWALKERS=50, NSTEP=100, FIT_REDSHIFT=False, FIT_WIDTH=False, line_width0=100) except: continue status = os.system('cat %s.linefit.dat' %(obj)) print '\n -- input --\nSII %6.2f %6.2f' %(s2_flux/1.e-17, s2_eqw) print ' Ha %6.2f %6.2f' %(ha_flux/1.e-17, ha_eqw)