def run_tests(self): # Add test modules sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(basedir, 'tests')) import unittest2 as unittest import _common from s3ql.common import (setup_excepthook, add_stdout_logging, LoggerFilter) # Initialize logging if not yet initialized root_logger = logging.getLogger() if not root_logger.handlers: add_stdout_logging(quiet=True) handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler("setup.log", maxBytes=10*1024**2, backupCount=0) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d [%(process)s] %(threadName)s: ' '[%(name)s] %(message)s', datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") handler.setFormatter(formatter) root_logger.addHandler(handler) setup_excepthook() if self.debug: root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if 'all' not in self.debug: root_logger.addFilter(LoggerFilter(self.debug, logging.INFO)) else: root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: root_logger.debug("Logging already initialized.") # Define our own test loader to order modules alphabetically from pkg_resources import resource_listdir, resource_exists class ScanningLoader(unittest.TestLoader): # Yes, this is a nasty hack # pylint: disable=W0232,W0221,W0622 def loadTestsFromModule(self, module): """Return a suite of all tests cases contained in the given module""" tests = [] if module.__name__!='setuptools.tests.doctest': # ugh tests.append(unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(self,module)) if hasattr(module, "additional_tests"): tests.append(module.additional_tests()) if hasattr(module, '__path__'): for file in sorted(resource_listdir(module.__name__, '')): if file.endswith('.py') and file!='': submodule = module.__name__+'.'+file[:-3] else: if resource_exists( module.__name__, file+'/' ): submodule = module.__name__+'.'+file else: continue tests.append(self.loadTestsFromName(submodule)) if len(tests)!=1: return self.suiteClass(tests) else: return tests[0] # don't create a nested suite for only one return unittest.main( None, None, [unittest.__file__]+self.test_args, testLoader = ScanningLoader())
def run_suite(remove=None, folder=None, suite=None): """Runs a particular test suite or simply unittest.main. Takes care that all temporary data in `folder` is removed if `remove=True`. """ if remove is not None: testParams['remove'] = remove testParams['user_tempdir'] = folder prepare_log_config() # Just signal if make_temp_dir works make_temp_dir('tmp.txt', signal=True) success = False try: if suite is None: unittest.main(verbosity=2) else: runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) result = success = result.wasSuccessful() finally: remove_data() if not success: # Exit with 1 if tests were not successful sys.exit(1)
def main(filepath, profile=False, lineProfile=False, numProcs=1): """Run tests defined in the given Python file. :param profile: whether to enable profiling of the test execution using cProfile. :param lineProfile: whether to enable profiling of the test execution using line_profiler. :param numProcs: maximum number of processes to use, if a test supports running in parallel. """ if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise ValueError(filepath + ' is not a file') base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath)) if ext != '.py': raise ValueError(filepath + ' is not a Python source file') # Load Python file dirpath = os.path.dirname(filepath) (file, pathname, desc) = imp.find_module(base, [dirpath]) try: module = imp.load_module(base, file, pathname, desc) except ImportError: print "Python module search path:", sys.path, os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH') raise finally: file.close() # Extract and run its tests SetTestOutput(module) module.CHASTE_NUM_PROCS = numProcs runner = ChasteTestRunner(profile=profile, lineProfile=lineProfile) if hasattr(module, 'MakeTestSuite') and callable(module.MakeTestSuite): suite = module.MakeTestSuite() result = sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful()) else: unittest.main(module=module, argv=[sys.argv[0]], testRunner=runner, testLoader=ChasteTestLoader())
def run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--print-log', action='store_true', help='Print the log.') parser.add_argument('--port-base', help='The port number to start looking ' 'for open ports. The default is %i.' % narwhal.port_base, default=narwhal.port_base, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() if args.print_log: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:' '%(funcName)s:' '%(filename)s(%(lineno)d):' '%(threadName)s(%(thread)d):%(message)s')) narwhal.port_base = args.port_base test_runner = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output='test-reports') try: setUpModule() unittest.main(argv=[''], testRunner=test_runner) finally: tearDownModule()
def run(): global port_base parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--print-log", help="Print the log to STDERR.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "--port-base", help="The port number to start looking " "for open ports. The default is %i." % port_base, default=port_base, type=int, ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.print_log: logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format=( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:" "%(funcName)s:" "%(filename)s(%(lineno)d):" "%(threadName)s(%(thread)d):%(message)s" ), ) port_base = args.port_base test_runner = _xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output="test-reports") unittest.main(argv=[""], testRunner=test_runner)
def agentMain(cls, level=logging.DEBUG): hdlr = logging.StreamHandler() hdlr.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', '%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) root = logging.getLogger() root.handlers = [] root.addHandler(hdlr) root.setLevel(level) unittest2.main(verbosity=2)
def main(): """Runs the testsuite as command line application.""" try: unittest.main(testLoader=BetterLoader(), defaultTest='suite') except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1)
def test_main(): verbosity = os.getenv('SILENT') and 1 or 2 try: unittest.main(verbosity=verbosity) finally: cleanup() # force interpreter exit in case the FTP server thread is hanging os._exit(0)
def test_given(tests): module = sys.modules[__name__] if tests == None: defaultTest = None else: loader = TestLoader() defaultTest = TestSuite() tests = loader.loadTestsFromNames(tests, module) defaultTest.addTests(tests) main(defaultTest=defaultTest)
def run_tests(self): try: import unittest2 as unittest except ImportError: import unittest unittest.main( None, None, [unittest.__file__]+self.test_args, testLoader=unittest.loader.defaultTestLoader, buffer = True )
def run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--print-log', help="Print the log to STDERR.", action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if args.print_log: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:' '%(funcName)s:' '%(filename)s(%(lineno)d):' '%(threadName)s(%(thread)d):%(message)s')) unittest.main(argv=[''])
def make_run(remove=None, folder=None): if remove is None: remove = REMOVE global user_tempdir user_tempdir=folder global actual_tempdir try: unittest.main() finally: if remove: shutil.rmtree(actual_tempdir,True)
def run(self): """ Invokes all tests this runner knows about or the default unittest main to discover other tests if this runner is empty. """ count = self._suite.countTestCases() runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=self._verbosity) if 0 == count: unittest.main(testRunner=runner) else: print print "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
def test_main(): """ Counts errors and successes from tests. """ try: test = unittest.main(verbosity=2, exit=False) except: test = unittest.main() # Retrieve errors #test_passed = test.result.wasSuccessful() #test_total = test.result.testsRun test_errors = len(test.result.errors) test_failures = len(test.result.failures) # Return code for exiting program with it test_result = True if test_errors + test_failures == 0 else False return test_result
def run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--print-log', action='store_true', help='Print the log.') args = parser.parse_args() if args.print_log: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:' '%(funcName)s:' '%(filename)s(%(lineno)d):' '%(threadName)s(%(thread)d):%(message)s')) test_runner = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output='test-reports') unittest.main(argv=[''], testRunner=test_runner, verbosity=2)
def test_NonExit(self): program = unittest2.main( exit=False, argv=["foobar"], testRunner=unittest2.TextTestRunner( stream=StringIO()), testLoader=self.FooBarLoader()) self.assertTrue(hasattr(program, 'result'))
def run(): global deproxy_port global stop_port global repose_port parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--repose-port', help='The port Repose will listen on ' 'for requests. The default is %i.' % repose_port, default=repose_port, type=int) parser.add_argument('--stop-port', help='The port Repose will listen on ' 'for the stop command. The default is %i.' % stop_port, default=stop_port, type=int) parser.add_argument('--deproxy-port', help='The port Deproxy will listen ' 'on for requests forwarded from Repose. The default ' 'is %i.' % deproxy_port, default=deproxy_port, type=int) parser.add_argument('--print-log', action='store_true', help='Print the log.') args = parser.parse_args() if args.print_log: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:' '%(funcName)s:' '%(filename)s(%(lineno)d):' '%(threadName)s(%(thread)d):%(message)s')) deproxy_port = args.deproxy_port repose_port = args.repose_port stop_port = args.stop_port test_runner = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output='test-reports') try: setUpModule() unittest.main(argv=[''], testRunner=test_runner) finally: tearDownModule()
def run(): global port_base parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--print-log', help="Print the log to STDERR.", action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--port-base', help='The port number to start looking ' 'for open ports. The default is %i.' % port_base, default=port_base, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() if args.print_log: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:' '%(funcName)s:' '%(filename)s(%(lineno)d):' '%(threadName)s(%(thread)d):%(message)s')) port_base = args.port_base test_runner = _xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output='test-reports') unittest.main(argv=[''], testRunner=test_runner)
def _main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='conveyor-test') parser.add_argument( '--logging', default=None, metavar='FILE') parser.add_argument( '--xml', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) testrunner = None if None is not args.logging: logging.config.fileConfig(args.logging) if args.xml: import xmlrunner testrunner = xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output=str('obj/')) if 0 != len(args.args) and '--' == args.args[0]: args.args = args.args[1:] sys.argv[1:] = args.args code = unittest.main(module=None, testRunner=testrunner) return code
Tests for the get_path_prefix helper. Note: we only are testing that the path is correctly returned and that if we are not in a bundle (standalone=False) then the paths are different. dirspec calculates the correct path using different methods and dlls (in case of Windows) so we don't implement tests to check if the paths are the correct ones. """ def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_standalone_path(self): expected_path = os.path.join('expected', 'path', 'config') fake_cwd = os.path.join('expected', 'path') with mock.patch('os.getcwd', lambda: fake_cwd): path = get_path_prefix(standalone=True) self.assertEquals(path, expected_path) def test_path_prefix(self): standalone_path = get_path_prefix(standalone=True) path = get_path_prefix(standalone=False) self.assertNotEquals(path, standalone_path) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(verbosity=2)
with Namespace(): patched_methods = self._get_current_methods() unpatched_methods = self._get_current_methods() for original_method, patched_method, unpatched_method in \ zip(original_methods, patched_methods, unpatched_methods): self.assertEqual(original_method, unpatched_method) self.assertNotEqual(original_method, patched_method) def test_advanced_search_gets_patched(self): original_nodes = self._get_current_search_nodes() with Namespace(): patched_nodes = self._get_current_search_nodes() unpatched_nodes = self._get_current_search_nodes() # NamespaceError is raised on __getattribute__ for patched nodes. for orig_node, unpatched_node in zip(original_nodes, unpatched_nodes): self.assertIs(orig_node, unpatched_node) self.assertIsNone(getattr(orig_node, 'foo', None)) # should not raise NamespaceError for node in patched_nodes: with self.assertRaises(NamespaceError): if __name__ == '__main__': main()
def main(): unittest2.main(defaultTest='suite')
or not fnmatch(fpath + '/', exclude)): pending.append((mdlnm + '.' + fnm, loader, True)) elif any(fnm.endswith(ext) for ext in ['.py', '.pyc']) \ and fnmatch(fpath, pattern) \ and fnm != ''\ and (exclude is None or not fnmatch(fpath, exclude)): submdlnm = mdlnm + '.' + fnm.rsplit('.', 1)[0] pending.append((submdlnm, loader, False)) return self.suiteClass(tests) def _get_module_from_name(self, name): __import__(name) return sys.modules[name] def _configure_logger(log): # See logging.basicConfig handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter(logging.BASIC_FORMAT, None) handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(handler) def test_suite(): return TestLoader().discover_package('tests', pattern='*.py', exclude='*/functional/*') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
def main(): unittest.main(verbosity=2)
def test_main(): verbosity = os.getenv('SILENT') and 1 or 2 try: unittest.main(verbosity=verbosity) finally: cleanup()
# what to expect if just the highest histogram bucket is used def test_e2_get_pctiles_highest_pct(self): fio_v3_bucket_count = 29 * 64 with open(self.fn, 'w') as f: # make a empty fio v3 histogram buckets = [ 0 for j in range(0, fio_v3_bucket_count) ] # add one I/O request to last bucket buckets[-1] = 1 f.write('9000, 1, 4096, %s\n' % ', '.join([str(b) for b in buckets])) (raw_histo_log, max_timestamp_ms) = parse_hist_file(self.fn, fio_v3_bucket_count) self.A(max_timestamp_ms == 9000) aligned_log = align_histo_log(raw_histo_log, 5, fio_v3_bucket_count, max_timestamp_ms) (time_ms, histo) = aligned_log[1] time_intervals = time_ranges(29, 64) expected_pctiles = { 100.0:(64*(1<<28))/1000.0 } pct = get_pctiles( histo, [ 100.0 ], time_intervals ) self.A(pct == expected_pctiles) # we are using this module as a standalone program if __name__ == '__main__': if os.getenv('UNITTEST'): if unittest2_imported: sys.exit(unittest2.main()) else: raise Exception('you must install unittest2 module to run unit test') else: compute_percentiles_from_logs()
def main(**kwargs): """A simple test runner. This test runner is essentially equivalent to `unittest.main` from the standard library, but adds support for tornado-style option parsing and log formatting. The easiest way to run a test is via the command line:: python -m tornado.testing tornado.test.stack_context_test See the standard library unittest module for ways in which tests can be specified. Projects with many tests may wish to define a test script like tornado/test/ This script should define a method all() which returns a test suite and then call tornado.testing.main(). Note that even when a test script is used, the all() test suite may be overridden by naming a single test on the command line:: # Runs all tests python -m tornado.test.runtests # Runs one test python -m tornado.test.runtests tornado.test.stack_context_test Additional keyword arguments passed through to ``unittest.main()``. For example, use ``tornado.testing.main(verbosity=2)`` to show many test details as they are run. See for full argument list. """ from tornado.options import define, options, parse_command_line define('exception_on_interrupt', type=bool, default=True, help=("If true (default), ctrl-c raises a KeyboardInterrupt " "exception. This prints a stack trace but cannot interrupt " "certain operations. If false, the process is more reliably " "killed, but does not print a stack trace.")) # support the same options as unittest's command-line interface define('verbose', type=bool) define('quiet', type=bool) define('failfast', type=bool) define('catch', type=bool) define('buffer', type=bool) argv = [sys.argv[0]] + parse_command_line(sys.argv) if not options.exception_on_interrupt: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if options.verbose is not None: kwargs['verbosity'] = 2 if options.quiet is not None: kwargs['verbosity'] = 0 if options.failfast is not None: kwargs['failfast'] = True if options.catch is not None: kwargs['catchbreak'] = True if options.buffer is not None: kwargs['buffer'] = True if __name__ == '__main__' and len(argv) == 1: print >> sys.stderr, "No tests specified" sys.exit(1) try: # In order to be able to run tests by their fully-qualified name # on the command line without importing all tests here, # module must be set to None. Python 3.2's unittest.main ignores # defaultTest if no module is given (it tries to do its own # test discovery, which is incompatible with auto2to3), so don't # set module if we're not asking for a specific test. if len(argv) > 1: unittest.main(module=None, argv=argv, **kwargs) else: unittest.main(defaultTest="all", argv=argv, **kwargs) except SystemExit, e: if e.code == 0:'PASS') else: gen_log.error('FAIL') raise
nsarr3.SetPreferSyntheticValue(True) self.assertTrue( nsarr0.GetSummary() == 'Int64(2)', 'nsarr[0] summary wrong') self.assertTrue( nsarr1.GetSummary() == 'Int64(3)', 'nsarr[1] summary wrong') self.assertTrue( nsarr3.GetSummary() == 'Int64(5)', 'nsarr[3] summary wrong') self.expect( 'frame variable -d run nsarr[4] --ptr-depth=1', substrs=[ '"One"', '"Two"', '"Three"']) self.expect( 'frame variable -d run nsarr[5] --ptr-depth=1', substrs=[ 'Int64(1)', 'Int64(2)', 'Int64(3)']) if __name__ == '__main__': import atexit lldb.SBDebugger.Initialize() atexit.register(lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate) unittest2.main()
try: import unittest2 as unittest except ImportError: import unittest class Test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_imagenet(self): import vision_data d = vision_data.ImageNet() #d.download2() d.object_rec_parse() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
config[0][1]['matchMethod'] = meth router = self._create_router('A', config) # create clients for message transfer conn = BlockingConnection(router.addresses[0]) sender = conn.create_sender(address="AddressF", options=AtMostOnce()) nhop1 = conn.create_receiver(address="nextHop1", credit=100) nhop2 = conn.create_receiver(address="nextHop2", credit=100) nhop3 = conn.create_receiver(address="nextHop3", credit=100) # send message with subject "nope" # should arrive at nextHop2 & 3 only sender.send(Message(subject='nope', body='A')) self.assertEqual('A', nhop2.receive(timeout=TIMEOUT).body) self.assertEqual('A', nhop3.receive(timeout=TIMEOUT).body) # send message with subject "pattern" # forwarded to all bindings: sender.send(Message(subject='pattern', body='B')) self.assertEqual('B', nhop1.receive(timeout=TIMEOUT).body) self.assertEqual('B', nhop2.receive(timeout=TIMEOUT).body) self.assertEqual('B', nhop3.receive(timeout=TIMEOUT).body) conn.close() router.teardown() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(main_module())
module_path = os.path.dirname(file_path) self.manager.add_path(os.path.join(module_path, 'plugins')) def test_not_empty(self): self.assertGreater(self.manager.root.childCount(), 0, 'Plugin manager with default path is empty') def test_directories_loaded(self): num_dirs = 0 for n in self.manager.root.children: if isinstance(n, PluginManager.DirNode): num_dirs += 1 self.assertGreater(num_dirs, 0, 'No plugin directories loaded') def test_plugins_loaded(self): def find_plugins(dir_node): plugins = 0 for n in dir_node.children: if isinstance(n, PluginManager.DirNode): plugins += find_plugins(n) else: plugins += 1 return plugins self.assertGreater(find_plugins(self.manager.root), 0, 'No plugins loaded') if __name__ == '__main__': ut.main()
class TestSimpleLayerStandardModel(unittest.TestCase): """ TODO: Also test uneditable and unsaveable flag masks as well. """ def setUp(self): self.stage = Usd.Stage.Open(stageFilePath) assert(self.stage) self.model = layerModel.LayerStandardModel(self.stage) def test_fileFormatFlagMask(self): layerStack = self.stage.GetLayerStack(includeSessionLayers=True) self.assertEqual(self.model.rowCount(), len(layerStack)) self.model.SetFileFormatFlagMask(Sdf.FileFormat.FindById('usdc'), ~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) for i, layer in enumerate(layerStack): flags = self.model.flags(self.model.createIndex(i, 0)) if layer.GetFileFormat() == Sdf.FileFormat.FindById('usdc'): assert(flags & ~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) else: assert(flags & QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=2)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys from unittest2 import main if __name__ == '__main__': current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) tests_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, 'tests') sys.path += [current_dir, tests_dir] os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'project.settings' main(argv=[sys.argv[0]] + ['discover', '-s', tests_dir, '-t', current_dir] + \ sys.argv[1:])
witness.assert_called_once_with() def test_cache_invalidation(self): """ Test that time makes the cache invalidation expire. """ witness = mock.Mock() cache_with_alzheimer = _memoized cache_with_alzheimer.CACHE_INVALIDATION_DELTA = 1 @cache_with_alzheimer def callmebaby(*args): return witness(*args) for i in range(10): callmebaby() witness.assert_called_once_with() sleep(2) callmebaby("onemoretime") expected = [,"onemoretime")] self.assertEqual( witness.call_args_list, expected) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
'goodv2': httplib.OK, 'goodv3': httplib.CREATED, 'bad': httplib.UNAUTHORIZED } json = kwargs.get('json') res = Response() try: # v2 res.status_code = return_codes[json['auth']['passwordCredentials']['username']] except KeyError: # v3 res.status_code = return_codes[json['auth']['identity']['password']['user']['name']] return res @mock.patch('', side_effect=_mock_keystone) def test_authenticate(self, mock_post): backendv2 = KeystoneAuthenticationBackend(keystone_url="", keystone_version=2) backendv3 = KeystoneAuthenticationBackend(keystone_url="", keystone_version=3) # good users self.assertTrue(backendv2.authenticate('goodv2', 'password')) self.assertTrue(backendv3.authenticate('goodv3', 'password')) # bad ones self.assertFalse(backendv2.authenticate('bad', 'password')) self.assertFalse(backendv3.authenticate('bad', 'password')) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(unittest2.main())
self.pg2.add_stream(p6 * NUM_PKTS) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rxd = self.pg0.get_capture(NUM_PKTS) for rx in rxd: self.assertEqual(rx[Ether].dst, self.pg0.remote_mac) self.assertEqual(rx[Ether].src, self.pg0.local_mac) self.assertEqual(p6[IPv6].dst, rx[IPv6].dst) self.assertEqual(p6[IPv6].hlim, rx[IPv6].hlim) rxd = self.pg1.get_capture(NUM_PKTS) for rx in rxd: self.assertEqual(rx[Ether].dst, self.pg1.remote_mac) self.assertEqual(rx[Ether].src, self.pg1.local_mac) self.assertEqual(p6[IPv6].dst, rx[IPv6].dst) self.assertEqual(p6[IPv6].hlim, rx[IPv6].hlim) stats = self.statistics.get_counter("/net/punt") self.assertEqual(stats[0][r4]['packets'], 3 * NUM_PKTS) self.assertEqual(stats[0][r6]['packets'], 3 * NUM_PKTS)"show vlib graph punt-dispatch"))"show punt client"))"show punt reason"))"show punt stats"))"show punt db")) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(testRunner=VppTestRunner)
def testBackAttributes(self): self.assertEqual(Back.BLACK, '\033[40m') self.assertEqual(Back.RED, '\033[41m') self.assertEqual(Back.GREEN, '\033[42m') self.assertEqual(Back.YELLOW, '\033[43m') self.assertEqual(Back.BLUE, '\033[44m') self.assertEqual(Back.MAGENTA, '\033[45m') self.assertEqual(Back.CYAN, '\033[46m') self.assertEqual(Back.WHITE, '\033[47m') self.assertEqual(Back.RESET, '\033[49m') # Check the light, extended versions. self.assertEqual(Back.LIGHTBLACK_EX, '\033[100m') self.assertEqual(Back.LIGHTRED_EX, '\033[101m') self.assertEqual(Back.LIGHTGREEN_EX, '\033[102m') self.assertEqual(Back.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, '\033[103m') self.assertEqual(Back.LIGHTBLUE_EX, '\033[104m') self.assertEqual(Back.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX, '\033[105m') self.assertEqual(Back.LIGHTCYAN_EX, '\033[106m') self.assertEqual(Back.LIGHTWHITE_EX, '\033[107m') def testStyleAttributes(self): self.assertEqual(Style.DIM, '\033[2m') self.assertEqual(Style.NORMAL, '\033[22m') self.assertEqual(Style.BRIGHT, '\033[1m') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
print(filtered) # print(res2) # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() # print(_tree_as_string(res)) # def test_mock_overwrite(self): # prefix = None # if prefix is None: # prefix = Path('/tmp/spiper.symbolic/root') # prefix.dirname().rmtree_p() # _d = spiper.rcParams.copy() # spiper.rcParams['dir_layout'] = 'clean' # tarball_main( mock_run , prefix) # tarball_main( mock_run , prefix) # (prefix.dirname()/'root.tarball_dangerous_cache.tar_gz').touch() # self.assertRaises(spiper._types.OverwriteError, tarball_main, mock_run, prefix) # spiper.rcParams.update(_d) # print if __name__ == '__main__': print('[testing]%s'%__file__) # with SharedObject.DIR: if '--pdb' in sys.argv: del sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--pdb')] unittest2.main(testRunner=debugTestRunner()) else: unittest2.main(testRunner=None)
self.assertTrue(IBehavior1.implementedBy(Behavior1)) self.assertTrue(IBehavior2Base.implementedBy(Behavior2Base)) self.assertTrue(IBehavior2Base.implementedBy(Behavior2)) self.assertTrue(IBehavior2.implementedBy(Behavior2)) class IPlumbingClass(Interface): pass @implementer(IPlumbingClass) @plumbing(Behavior1, Behavior2) class PlumbingClass(Base): pass self.assertTrue(IPlumbingClass.implementedBy(PlumbingClass)) self.assertTrue(IBase.implementedBy(PlumbingClass)) self.assertTrue(IBehavior1.implementedBy(PlumbingClass)) self.assertTrue(IBehavior2.implementedBy(PlumbingClass)) self.assertTrue(IBehavior2Base.implementedBy(PlumbingClass)) plb = PlumbingClass() self.assertTrue(IPlumbingClass.providedBy(plb)) self.assertTrue(IBase.providedBy(plb)) self.assertTrue(IBehavior1.providedBy(plb)) self.assertTrue(IBehavior2.providedBy(plb)) self.assertTrue(IBehavior2Base.providedBy(plb)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # pragma: no cover
def test_getOldCondorQ(self): min_age = 100 condor_ids = \ glideinFrontendLib.getOldCondorQ(self.condorq_dict, min_age)['sched1'].fetchStored().keys() self.assertEqual(condor_ids, [(12345, 0)]) def test_countCondorQ(self): count = glideinFrontendLib.countCondorQ(self.condorq_dict) self.assertEqual(count, self.total_jobs) def test_getCondorQUsers(self): users = glideinFrontendLib.getCondorQUsers(self.condorq_dict) self.assertItemsEqual(users, ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']) @mock.patch('glideinwms.lib.condorMonitor.LocalScheddCache.iGetEnv') @mock.patch('glideinwms.lib.condorExe.exe_cmd') def test_getCondorQ(self, m_exe_cmd, m_iGetEnv): f = open('cq.fixture') m_exe_cmd.return_value = f.readlines() cq = glideinFrontendLib.getCondorQ(['sched1']) condor_ids = cq['sched1'].fetchStored().keys() self.assertItemsEqual(condor_ids, [(12345, x) for x in xrange(0, self.total_jobs)]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(testRunner=xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner( output='unittests-reports'))
"anomalyVector": "Vector", "anomalyLabel": "Label", "setByUser": False } state.__setstate__(record) self.assertEqual(state.ROWID, record['ROWID']) self.assertEqual(state.anomalyScore, record['anomalyScore']) self.assertEqual(state.anomalyVector, record['anomalyVector']) self.assertEqual(state.anomalyLabel, record['anomalyLabel']) self.assertEqual(state.setByUser, record['setByUser']) def mockRemoveIds(self, ids): self.helper.clamodel._getAnomalyClassifier().getSelf( )._knn._numPatterns -= len(ids) for idx in ids: if idx in self.helper.clamodel._getAnomalyClassifier().getSelf( ).getParameter('categoryRecencyList'): self.helper.clamodel._getAnomalyClassifier().getSelf( ).getParameter('categoryRecencyList').remove(idx) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = TestOptionParser() options, args = parser.parse_args() # Form the command line for the unit test framework args = [sys.argv[0]] + args unittest.main(argv=args)
def test_SL2WithFixedResources(self): """Test segment learning with fixed resources""" if not g_options.long: print "Test %s only enabled with the --long option" % \ (self._testMethodName) return self._testSL2(fixedResources=True, checkSynapseConsistency=g_options.long) if __name__ == "__main__": # Process command line arguments parser = testcasebase.TestOptionParser() # Make the default value of the random seed 35 parser.remove_option('--seed') parser.add_option('--seed', default=35, type='int', help='Seed to use for random number generators ' '[default: %default].') g_options, _ = parser.parse_args() # Run the tests unittest.main(verbosity=g_options.verbosity)
def run_tests(): main()
help='Specify XML output file (default is test_mod_onearth_results.xml' ) parser.add_option( '-s', '--start_server', action='store_true', dest='start_server', help='Load test configuration into Apache and quit (for debugging)') parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='Output verbose debugging messages') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # --start_server option runs the test Apache setup, then quits. if options.start_server: TestModOEMS.setUpClass() sys.exit( 'Apache has been loaded with the test configuration. No tests run.' ) DEBUG = options.debug # Have to delete the arguments as they confuse unittest del sys.argv[1:] with open(options.outfile, 'wb') as f: print '\nStoring test results in "{0}"'.format(options.outfile) unittest.main(testRunner=xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output=f))
self.assertResourceExists (file_2_urn) self.assertResourceExists (ie_2_urn) def test_02_removable_device_data (self): """ Tracker does periodic cleanups of data on removable volumes that haven't been seen since 'removable-days-threshold', and will also remove all data from removable volumes if 'index-removable-devices' is disabled. FIXME: not yet possible to test this - we need some way of mounting a fake removable volume: """ #dconf = DConfClient () #dconf.write (cfg.DCONF_MINER_SCHEMA, 'index-removable-devices', 'true') #self.mount_test_removable_volume () #self.add_test_resource ("urn:test:1", test_volume_urn) #self.add_test_resource ("urn:test:2", None) # Trigger removal of all resources from removable devices #dconf.write (cfg.DCONF_MINER_SCHEMA, 'index-removable-devices', 'false') # Check that only the data on the removable volume was deleted #self.await_updates (2) if __name__ == "__main__": ut.main()
loaded_model_tf.getOrDefault(param)) self.assertEqual(model_pca.uid, loaded_model_pca.uid) self.assertEqual(model_pca.pc, loaded_model_pca.pc) self.assertEqual(model_pca.explainedVariance, loaded_model_pca.explainedVariance) finally: try: rmtree(temp_path) except OSError: pass class HasThrowableProperty(Params): def __init__(self): super(HasThrowableProperty, self).__init__() self.p = Param(self, "none", "empty param") @property def test_property(self): raise RuntimeError("Test property to raise error when invoked") if __name__ == "__main__": from import * if xmlrunner: unittest.main(testRunner=xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner( output='target/test-reports')) else: unittest.main()
} state.__setstate__(record) self.assertEqual(state.ROWID, record['ROWID']) self.assertEqual(state.anomalyScore, record['anomalyScore']) self.assertEqual(state.anomalyVector, record['anomalyVector']) self.assertEqual(state.anomalyLabel, record['anomalyLabel']) self.assertEqual(state.setByUser, record['setByUser']) def mockRemoveIds(self, ids): self.helper.clamodel._getAnomalyClassifier().getSelf()._knn._numPatterns -= len(ids) for idx in ids: if idx in self.helper.clamodel._getAnomalyClassifier().getSelf().getParameter('categoryRecencyList'): self.helper.clamodel._getAnomalyClassifier().getSelf().getParameter('categoryRecencyList').remove(idx) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = TestOptionParser() options, args = parser.parse_args() # Form the command line for the unit test framework args = [sys.argv[0]] + args unittest.main(argv=args)
) def test_04_bootstrap(self): """ Ensures we can bootstrap into the uploaded configuration and that no bundles are downloaded from the app store. """ # Change the Toolkit sandbox so we don't reuse the previous cache. os.environ["SHOTGUN_HOME"] = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "new_shotgun_home") self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.environ["SHOTGUN_HOME"])) # Bootstrap into the tk-shell engine. manager = sgtk.bootstrap.ToolkitManager(self.user) manager.pipeline_configuration = self.pc["id"] engine = manager.bootstrap_engine("tk-shell", self.project) engine.destroy_engine() # Make sure we only have a sg descriptor cache. self.assertEqual( sorted( os.listdir( os.path.join(os.environ["SHOTGUN_HOME"], "bundle_cache"))), ["sg", "tmp"], ) if __name__ == "__main__": ret_val = unittest2.main(failfast=True, verbosity=2)
lr = LogisticRegression(maxIter=5, regParam=0.01, weightCol="weight", fitIntercept=False) model = self.assertTrue(model.hasSummary) s = model.summary # test that api is callable and returns expected types self.assertTrue(isinstance(s.predictions, DataFrame)) self.assertEqual(s.probabilityCol, "probability") self.assertEqual(s.labelCol, "label") self.assertEqual(s.featuresCol, "features") objHist = s.objectiveHistory self.assertTrue(isinstance(objHist, list) and isinstance(objHist[0], float)) self.assertGreater(s.totalIterations, 0) self.assertTrue(isinstance(s.roc, DataFrame)) self.assertAlmostEqual(s.areaUnderROC, 1.0, 2) self.assertTrue(isinstance(, DataFrame)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(s.fMeasureByThreshold, DataFrame)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(s.precisionByThreshold, DataFrame)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(s.recallByThreshold, DataFrame)) # test evaluation (with training dataset) produces a summary with same values # one check is enough to verify a summary is returned, Scala version runs full test sameSummary = model.evaluate(df) self.assertAlmostEqual(sameSummary.areaUnderROC, s.areaUnderROC) if __name__ == "__main__": from import * if xmlrunner: unittest.main(testRunner=xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output='target/test-reports')) else: unittest.main()
time.sleep(5) self.assertNotIn("404", driver.page_source, linkfailmsg) self.assertGreater( len(driver.page_source), 0, "\n\n Test : webpage content load failed") driver.save_screenshot(pngname) driver.back() time.sleep(5) if index == 0: driver.forward() self.assertNotIn("404", driver.page_source, "\n\n Test: home page navigation failed") self.assertGreater(len(driver.page_source), 0) self.assertIn("PHP", driver.title, "\n\nhome page navigation failed") navmenu = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//nav[@class='menu']") navlinks = navmenu.find_elements_by_tag_name("a") totalinks = len(navlinks) def tearDown(self): self.driver.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": with open("seleniumresults.xml", "wb") as output: unittest2.main(testRunner=xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output=output), failfast=False, buffer=False, catchbreak=False)
new_template = NestedNamespace('joe') self.assertTrue(new_template.__class__ in [t.__class__ for t in stack], "%s" % stack) errmsg = "%s does not appear to be a subclass of %s" for c in [t.__class__ for t in stack]: self.assertTrue(isinstance(new_template, c), errmsg % (new_template, c)) def test_should_print_subcommands(self): """ Subcommands should be printed after the template runs """ b_template = BasicNamespace('tom') n_template = NestedNamespace('bob') # pretend the nested_namespace template provides localcommands (it # doesn't have to actually provide them, just claim that it does) n_template.use_local_commands = True self.assertFalse(b_template.should_print_subcommands(self.command)) self.assertTrue(n_template.should_print_subcommands(self.command)) def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite([ unittest.makeSuite(test_base_template), ]) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
from teamcity.unittestpy import TeamcityTestRunner if sys.version_info < (2, 7): from unittest2 import SkipTest, main, TestCase else: from unittest import SkipTest, main, TestCase class TestSimple(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): raise SkipTest("Skip whole Case") def test_true(self): self.assertTrue(True) def test_false(self): self.assertTrue(False, msg="Is not True") def test_skip(self): raise SkipTest("Skip this test") class TestSubSimple(TestSimple): def test_subclass(self): self.assertTrue(True) main(testRunner=TeamcityTestRunner)
def main(**kwargs): """A simple test runner. This test runner is essentially equivalent to `unittest.main` from the standard library, but adds support for tornado-style option parsing and log formatting. The easiest way to run a test is via the command line:: python -m tornado.testing tornado.test.stack_context_test See the standard library unittest module for ways in which tests can be specified. Projects with many tests may wish to define a test script like ``tornado/test/``. This script should define a method ``all()`` which returns a test suite and then call `tornado.testing.main()`. Note that even when a test script is used, the ``all()`` test suite may be overridden by naming a single test on the command line:: # Runs all tests python -m tornado.test.runtests # Runs one test python -m tornado.test.runtests tornado.test.stack_context_test Additional keyword arguments passed through to ``unittest.main()``. For example, use ``tornado.testing.main(verbosity=2)`` to show many test details as they are run. See for full argument list. """ from tornado.options import define, options, parse_command_line define('exception_on_interrupt', type=bool, default=True, help=("If true (default), ctrl-c raises a KeyboardInterrupt " "exception. This prints a stack trace but cannot interrupt " "certain operations. If false, the process is more reliably " "killed, but does not print a stack trace.")) # support the same options as unittest's command-line interface define('verbose', type=bool) define('quiet', type=bool) define('failfast', type=bool) define('catch', type=bool) define('buffer', type=bool) argv = [sys.argv[0]] + parse_command_line(sys.argv) if not options.exception_on_interrupt: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if options.verbose is not None: kwargs['verbosity'] = 2 if options.quiet is not None: kwargs['verbosity'] = 0 if options.failfast is not None: kwargs['failfast'] = True if options.catch is not None: kwargs['catchbreak'] = True if options.buffer is not None: kwargs['buffer'] = True if __name__ == '__main__' and len(argv) == 1: print("No tests specified", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) try: # In order to be able to run tests by their fully-qualified name # on the command line without importing all tests here, # module must be set to None. Python 3.2's unittest.main ignores # defaultTest if no module is given (it tries to do its own # test discovery, which is incompatible with auto2to3), so don't # set module if we're not asking for a specific test. if len(argv) > 1: unittest.main(module=None, argv=argv, **kwargs) else: unittest.main(defaultTest="all", argv=argv, **kwargs) except SystemExit as e: if e.code == 0:'PASS') else: gen_log.error('FAIL') raise
self.assertEqual( "[SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(1), ExactPosition(4)), type='Site')]", repr(rc.features)) rc2 = s.reverse_complement( features=[SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(1, 4), type="Site")]) self.assertEqual( "[SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(1), ExactPosition(4)), type='Site')]", repr(rc2.features)) self.assertEqual({'organism': 'bombyx'}, rc.annotations) self.assertEqual({'organism': 'bombyx'}, s.reverse_complement(annotations={ 'organism': 'bombyx' }).annotations) self.assertEqual({'test': 'dcba'}, rc.letter_annotations) self.assertEqual({'test': 'abcd'}, s.reverse_complement(letter_annotations={ 'test': 'abcd' }).letter_annotations) def test_reverse_complement_mutable_seq(self): s = SeqRecord(MutableSeq("ACTG")) self.assertEqual("CAGT", str(s.reverse_complement().seq)) if __name__ == "__main__": runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) unittest.main(testRunner=runner)
def test_disassemble_raw_data(self): """Test disassembling raw bytes with the API.""" self.disassemble_raw_data() def disassemble_raw_data(self): """Test disassembling raw bytes with the API.""" # Create a target from the debugger. target = self.dbg.CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple ("", "x86_64") self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET) raw_bytes = bytearray([0x48, 0x89, 0xe5]) insts = target.GetInstructions(lldb.SBAddress(), raw_bytes) inst = insts.GetInstructionAtIndex(0) if self.TraceOn(): print print "Raw bytes: ", [hex(x) for x in raw_bytes] print "Disassembled%s" % str(inst) self.assertTrue (inst.GetMnemonic(target) == "movq") self.assertTrue (inst.GetOperands(target) == '%' + "rsp, " + '%' + "rbp") if __name__ == '__main__': import atexit lldb.SBDebugger.Initialize() atexit.register(lambda: lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate()) unittest2.main()
tmpDir2 = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, tmpDir2) with open(os.path.join(tmpDir2, 'nupic-site.xml'), 'w') as outp: with open(resource_filename(__name__, 'conf/testFile3.xml')) as inp: outp.write( env['NTA_CONF_PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([tmpDir, tmpDir2]) # Test the resulting configuration self.assertEqual(configuration.Configuration.get(''), 'TestHost') self.assertEqual(configuration.Configuration.get('database.password'), 'pass') self.assertEqual( configuration.Configuration.get('database.emptypassword'), '') self.assertEqual(configuration.Configuration.get('database.missingfield'), None) self.assertEqual(configuration.Configuration.get('database.user'), 'root') # Change a property configuration.Configuration.set('', 'matrix') self.assertEqual(configuration.Configuration.get(''), 'matrix') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(argv=[sys.argv[0], "--verbose"] + sys.argv[1:])