def iter_notice_files(): """Yields (library_name, notice_file_name) tuples.""" root = os.path.join(project_dir, "Assets/ThirdParty") if not os.path.exists(root): raise BuildFailed("Cannot generate NOTICE: missing %s" % root) for r, _, fs in os.walk(root): for f in fs: if f.lower() in ( "notice", "notice.txt", "notice.tiltbrush", "", ): yield (os.path.basename(r), os.path.join(r, f)) root = os.path.join(project_dir, "Assets/ThirdParty/NuGet/Packages") if not os.path.exists(root): raise BuildFailed("Cannot generate NOTICE: missing %s" % root) for r, _, fs in os.walk(root): for f in fs: if f.lower() in ("notice", "", "notice.txt"): m = re.match(r"\D+", os.path.basename(r)) if m: name =".") if name[-2:] == ".v" or name[-2:] == ".V": name = name[:-2] yield (name, os.path.join(r, f))
def get_unity_exe(version, lenient=True): """Returns a Unity executable of the same major version. version - a (major, minor, point) tuple. Strings. lenient - if True, allow the micro version to be higher. """ exes = sorted(iter_editors_and_versions(), reverse=True) if len(exes) == 0: raise BuildFailed("Cannot find any Unity versions (want %s)" % (version,)) for (found_exe, found_version) in exes: if found_version == version: return found_exe if lenient: # Compatible is defined as same major and minor version compatible = [(exe, ver) for (exe, ver) in exes if ver[0:2] == version[0:2]] if len(compatible) > 0: def int_version(version): (major, minor, micro) = version return (int(major), int(minor), int(micro)) def by_int_version(xxx_todo_changeme): (exe, ver) = xxx_todo_changeme return (int_version(ver), exe) found_exe, found_version = max(compatible, key=by_int_version) if int_version(found_version) >= int_version(version): return found_exe raise BuildFailed("Cannot find desired Unity version (want %s)" % (version,))
def analyze_unity_failure(exitcode, log): """Raise BuildFailed with as much information about the failure as possible.""" # Build exceptions look like this: # BuildFailedException: <<Build sanity checks failed: # This is a dummy error>> # at BuildTiltBrush.DoBuild (BuildOptions options, BuildTarget target, System.String location, SdkMode vrSdk, Boolean isExperimental, System.String stamp) [0x0026a] in C:\src\tb\Assets\Editor\BuildTiltBrush.cs:430 # at BuildTiltBrush.CommandLine () [0x001de] in C:\src\tb\Assets\Editor\BuildTiltBrush.cs:259 build_failed_pat = re.compile( r"""BuildFailedException:\ <<(?P<description>.*?)>> (?P<traceback> (\n\ \ at\ [^\n]+)* )""", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE, ) m = if m is not None: raise BuildFailed( "C# raised BuildFailedException\n%s\n| ---\n%s" % ( indent("| ","traceback").strip()), indent("| ","description").strip()), ) ) internal_error_pat = re.compile( r"^executeMethod method (?P<methodname>.*) threw exception\.", re.MULTILINE ) m = if m is not None: exception_pat = re.compile( r"^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+(Exception|Error):", re.MULTILINE ) start = search_backwards(log, m.start(0), m.start(0) - 1024, exception_pat) end = m.end(0) suspicious_portion = log[start:end] raise BuildFailed( """Build script '%s' had an internal error. Suspect log portion: %s""" % ("methodname"), indent("| ", suspicious_portion)) ) # Check for BuildTiltBrush.Die() btb_die_pat = re.compile( r"_btb_ Abort <<(?P<description>.*?)>>", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) m = if m is not None: raise BuildFailed("C# called Die %s '%s'" % (exitcode,"description"))) if exitcode is None: raise BuildFailed("Unity build seems to have been terminated prematurely") raise BuildFailed( """Unity build failed with exit code %s but no errors seen This probably means the project is already open in Unity""" % exitcode )
def sanity_check_build(build_dir): # We've had issues with Unity dying(?) or exiting(?) before emitting an exe exes = [] for pat in ("*.app", "*.exe", "*.apk"): exes.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(build_dir, pat))) if len(exes) == 0: raise BuildFailed("Cannot find any executables in %s" % build_dir)
def check_compile_output(log): """Raises BuildFailed if compile errors are found. Spews to stderr if compile warnings are found.""" dcts = list(iter_compiler_output(log)) compiler_output = "\n".join( stuff.strip() for dct in dcts for stuff in [dct["stderr"], dct["stdout"]] ) if any(dct["compilationhadfailure"] for dct in dcts): # Mono puts it in stderr; Roslyn puts it in stdout. # But! Unity 2018 also gives us a good build report, so we might be able to # get the compiler failures from the build report instead of this ugly parsing # through Unity's log file. raise BuildFailed("Compile\n%s" % indent("| ", compiler_output)) if compiler_output != "": print("Compile warnings:\n%s" % indent("| ", compiler_output), file=sys.stderr)
def main( args=None, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-branches,too-many-locals unitybuild.utils.msys_control_c_workaround() if sys.platform == "cygwin": raise UserError("Running under cygwin python is not supported.") args = parse_args(args) if args.push: num = len(args.platforms) * len(args.vrsdks) * len(args.configs) if num != 1: raise UserError("Must specify exactly one build to push") vcs = vcs_create() project_dir = find_project_dir() print("Project dir:", os.path.normpath(project_dir)) if args.jenkins: # Jenkins does not allow building outside of the source tree. build_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(project_dir, "Builds")) else: # Local build setup. build_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(project_dir, "..", "Builds")) # TODO(pld): maybe faster to call CommandLine() multiple times in the same # Unity rather than to start up Unity multiple times. OTOH it requires faith # in Unity's stability. try: tmp_dir = None try: revision = vcs.get_build_stamp(project_dir) except LookupError as e: print("WARN: no build stamp (%s). Continue?" % (e,)) if not input("(y/n) > ").strip().lower().startswith("y"): raise UserError("Aborting: no stamp") from e revision = "nostamp" create_notice_file(project_dir) for (platform, vrsdk, config) in iter_builds(args): stamp = revision + ("-exp" if args.experimental else "") print( "Building %s %s %s exp:%d signed:%d il2cpp:%d" % ( platform, vrsdk, config, args.experimental, args.for_distribution, args.il2cpp, ) ) sdk = vrsdk if sdk == "Oculus" and platform == "Android": sdk = "OculusMobile" dirname = "%s_%s_%s%s%s%s%s_FromCli" % ( sdk, "Release", EXE_BASE_NAME, "_Experimental" if args.experimental else "", "_Il2cpp" if args.il2cpp else "", "", # GuiAutoProfile "_signed" if args.for_distribution and platform != "Windows" else "", ) tmp_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, "tmp_" + dirname) output_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, dirname) if args.for_distribution and platform == "Android" and sys.stdin.isatty(): try: maybe_prompt_and_set_version_code(project_dir) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except print("Error prompting for version code: %s" % e) tmp_dir = build( stamp, tmp_dir, project_dir, EXE_BASE_NAME, experimental=args.experimental, platform=platform, il2cpp=args.il2cpp, vrsdk=vrsdk, config=config, for_distribution=args.for_distribution, is_jenkins=args.jenkins, ) output_dir = finalize_build(tmp_dir, output_dir) sanity_check_build(output_dir) if args.for_distribution and platform == "Android": set_android_version_code(project_dir, "increment") if args.for_distribution and vrsdk == "Oculus": # .pdb files violate VRC.PC.Security.3 and ovr-platform-utils rejects the submission to_remove = [] for (r, _, fs) in os.walk(output_dir): for f in fs: if f.endswith(".pdb"): to_remove.append(os.path.join(r, f)) if to_remove: print( "Removing from submission:\n%s" % ("\n".join(os.path.relpath(f, output_dir) for f in to_remove)) ) list(map(os.unlink, to_remove)) if platform == "iOS": # TODO: for iOS, invoke xcode to create ipa. E.g.: # $ cd tmp_dir/TiltBrush # $ xcodebuild -scheme Unity-iPhone archive -archivePath ARCHIVE_DIR # $ xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath ARCHIVE_DIR -exportPath IPA print( "iOS build must be completed from Xcode (%s)" % ( os.path.join( output_dir, EXE_BASE_NAME, "Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj" ) ) ) continue if args.push: with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "build_stamp.txt")) as inf: embedded_stamp = description = "%s %s | %s@%s" % ( config, embedded_stamp, getpass.getuser(), platform_node(), ) if args.branch is not None: description += " to %s" % args.branch if vrsdk == "SteamVR": if platform not in ("Windows",): raise BuildFailed( "Unsupported platform for push to Steam: %s" % platform ) unitybuild.push.push_open_brush_to_steam( output_dir, description, args.user or "tiltbrush_build", args.branch, ) elif vrsdk == "Oculus": if platform not in ("Windows", "Android"): raise BuildFailed( "Unsupported platform for push to Oculus: %s" % platform ) release_channel = args.branch if release_channel is None: release_channel = "ALPHA" print( ( "No release channel specified for Oculus: using %s" % release_channel ) ) unitybuild.push.push_open_brush_to_oculus( output_dir, release_channel, description ) except BadVersionCode as e: if isinstance(e, BadVersionCode): set_android_version_code(project_dir, e.desired_version_code) print( ( "\n\nVersion code has been auto-updated to %s.\nPlease retry your build." % e.desired_version_code ) ) if tmp_dir: print("\nSee %s" % os.path.join(tmp_dir, "build_log.txt")) sys.exit(1) except Error as e: print("\n%s: %s" % ("ERROR", e)) if tmp_dir: print("\nSee %s" % os.path.join(tmp_dir, "build_log.txt")) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Aborted.") sys.exit(2)
def build( stamp, output_dir, project_dir, exe_base_name, # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-branches,too-many-locals,too-many-arguments experimental, platform, il2cpp, vrsdk, config, for_distribution, is_jenkins, ): """Create a build of Tilt Brush. Pass: stamp - string describing the version+build; will be embedded into the build somehow. output_dir - desired output directory name project_dir - directory name project_name - name of the executable to create (sans extension) experimental - boolean platform - one of (Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, iOS) il2cpp - boolean vrsdk - Config.SdkMode; valid values are (Oculus, SteamVR, Monoscopic) config - one of (Debug, Release) for_distribution - boolean. Enables android signing, version code bump, removal of pdb files. is_jenkins - boolean; used to customize stdout logging Returns: the actual output directory used """ def get_exe_name(platform, exe_base_name): # This is a manually maintained duplicate of App.cs if "Windows" in platform: return "%s.exe" % exe_base_name if "OSX" in platform: return "" % exe_base_name if "Linux" in platform: return "%s" % exe_base_name if "Android" in platform: return "com.%s.%s.apk" % (VENDOR_NAME, exe_base_name) if "iOS" in platform: return "%s" % exe_base_name raise InternalError("Don't know executable name for %s" % platform) try: unitybuild.utils.destroy(output_dir) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except print("WARN: could not use %s: %s" % (output_dir, e)) output_dir = make_unused_directory_name(output_dir) print("WARN: using %s intead" % output_dir) unitybuild.utils.destroy(output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir) logfile = os.path.join(output_dir, "build_log.txt") exe_name = os.path.join(output_dir, get_exe_name(platform, exe_base_name)) cmd_env = os.environ.copy() cmdline = [ get_unity_exe(get_project_unity_version(project_dir), lenient=is_jenkins), "-logFile", logfile, "-batchmode", # '-nographics', Might be needed on OSX if running w/o window server? "-projectPath", project_dir, "-executeMethod", "BuildTiltBrush.CommandLine", "-btb-target", PLATFORM_TO_UNITYTARGET[platform], "-btb-out", exe_name, "-btb-display", vrsdk, ] if experimental: cmdline.append("-btb-experimental") if il2cpp: cmdline.append("-btb-il2cpp") # list of tuples: # - the name of the credential in the environment (for Jenkins) # - the name of the credential in the keystore (for interactive use) required_credentials = [] if for_distribution and platform == "Android": if vrsdk != "Oculus": raise BuildFailed("Signing is currently only implemented for Oculus Quest") keystore = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(project_dir, "Support/Keystores/TiltBrush.keystore") ) keystore = keystore.replace("/", "\\") if not os.path.exists(keystore): raise BuildFailed("To sign you need %s.\n" % keystore) cmdline.extend( [ "-btb-keystore-name", keystore, "-btb-keyalias-name", "oculusquest", ] ) required_credentials.extend( [ ("BTB_KEYSTORE_PASS", "Tilt Brush keystore password"), ("BTB_KEYALIAS_PASS", "Tilt Brush Oculus Quest signing key password"), ] ) cmdline.extend(["-btb-stamp", stamp]) if config == "Debug": cmdline.extend( [ "-btb-bopt", "Development", "-btb-bopt", "AllowDebugging", ] ) cmdline.append("-quit") full_version = "%s-%s" % (get_end_user_version(project_dir), stamp) # Populate environment with secrets just before calling subprocess for (env_var, credential_name) in required_credentials: if env_var not in cmd_env: if is_jenkins: # TODO(pld): Look into Jenkins plugins to get at these credentials raise BuildFailed( 'Credential "%s" is missing from Jenkins build environment' % env_var ) cmd_env[env_var] = ( get_credential(credential_name).get_secret().encode("ascii") ) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=cmd_env) del cmd_env with unitybuild.utils.ensure_terminate(proc): with LogTailer(logfile, disabled=is_jenkins): with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "build_stamp.txt"), "w") as outf: outf.write(full_version) # Use wait() instead of communicate() because Windows can't # interrupt the thread joins that communicate() uses. proc.wait() with open(logfile) as inf: log ="\r", "") check_compile_output(log) if proc.returncode != 0: analyze_unity_failure(proc.returncode, log) # sanity-checking since we've been seeing bad Oculus builds if platform == "Windows": required_files = [] for f in required_files: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_dir, f)): raise BuildFailed( """Build is missing the file '%s' This is a known Unity bug and the only thing to do is try the build over and over again until it works""" % f ) return output_dir