def update_plugin_settings(plugin_id, settings, library_id=None):
    Updates the settings for the requested plugin_id

    :param plugin_id:
    :param settings:
    :param library_id:
    # Fetch plugin info (and settings if any)
    plugin_data = prepare_plugin_info_and_settings(plugin_id,

    # If no plugin data was found for the posted plugin table ID, then return a failure response
    if not plugin_data:
        return False

    # Loop over all plugin settings in order to find matches in the posted params
    settings_to_save = {}
    for s in settings:
        key = s.get('key')
        key_id = s.get('key_id')
        input_type = s.get('input_type')
        # Check if setting is in params
        value = s.get('value')
        # Check if value should be boolean
        if input_type == 'checkbox':
            if isinstance(value, str):
                value = True if value.lower() == 'true' else False
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                value = True if value > 0 else False
        # Add that to our dictionary of settings to save
        settings_to_save[key] = value

    # If we found settings that need to be saved, save them...
    if settings_to_save:
        plugin_executor = PluginExecutor()
        saved_all_settings = plugin_executor.save_plugin_settings(
        # If the save function was successful
        if saved_all_settings:
            # Update settings in plugin data that will be returned
            return True

    return False
    def update_plugin_settings(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return_data = {"success": False}

        # Fetch ID of plugin to get Info for
        plugin_id = self.get_argument('plugin_id')

        # Fetch plugin info (and settings if any)
        plugin_data = self.__get_plugin_info_and_settings(plugin_id)

        # If no plugin data was found for the posted plugin table ID, then return a failure response
        if not plugin_data:
            return return_data

        # Create a dictionary of all posted arguments
        post_params = {}
        for k, v in self.request.arguments.items():
            post_params[k] = v[0].decode("utf-8")

        # Loop over all plugin settings in order to find matches in the posted params
        settings_to_save = {}
        for setting in plugin_data.get('settings'):
            key = setting.get('key')
            key_id = setting.get('key_id')
            input_type = setting.get('input_type')
            # Check if setting is in params
            if key_id in post_params:
                post_value = post_params.get(key_id, '')
                # Check if value should be boolean
                if input_type == 'checkbox':
                    post_value = True if post_value.lower(
                    ) == 'true' else False
                # Add that to our dictionary of settings to save
                settings_to_save[key] = post_value

        # If we found settings in the post params that need to be saved, save them...
        result = False
        if settings_to_save:
            plugin_executor = PluginExecutor()
            saved_all_settings = plugin_executor.save_plugin_settings(
                plugin_data.get('plugin_id'), settings_to_save)
            # If the save function was successful
            if saved_all_settings:
                # Update settings in plugin data that will be returned
                plugin_data['settings'] = settings_to_save
                result = True

        self.write(json.dumps({"success": result, "plugin_info": plugin_data}))
def save_library_config(library_id, library_config=None, plugin_config=None):
    Save a complete library configuration

    :param library_id:
    :param library_config:
    :param plugin_config:
    # Parse library config
    if plugin_config is None:
        plugin_config = {}
    if library_config is None:
        library_config = {}

    # Check if this save requires a new library entry
    if int(library_id) > 0:
        # Fetch existing library by ID
        new_library = False
        library = Library(library_id)
        # Create a new library with required data
        new_library = True
        library = Library.create({
            'name': library_config.get('name'),
            'path': library_config.get('path'),
        library_id = library.get_id()

    # Update library config (if the data was given)
    if library_config:
        library.set_name(library_config.get('name', library.get_name()))
        library.set_path(library_config.get('path', library.get_path()))
        library.set_locked(library_config.get('locked', library.get_locked()))
            library_config.get('enable_scanner', library.get_enable_scanner()))
            library_config.get('enable_inotify', library.get_enable_inotify()))
            library_config.get('priority_score', library.get_priority_score()))
        library.set_tags(library_config.get('tags', library.get_tags()))

    # Update enabled plugins (if the data was given)
    enabled_plugins = plugin_config.get('enabled_plugins')
    if enabled_plugins is not None:
        # Ensure plugins are installed (install them if they are not)
        repo_refreshed = False
        for ep in enabled_plugins:
            if not plugins.check_if_plugin_is_installed(ep.get('plugin_id')):
                # Trigger plugin repo refresh if this is the first install
                if not repo_refreshed:
                    repo_refreshed = True
                # Install the plugin
                if not plugins.install_plugin_by_id(ep.get('plugin_id')):
                    if new_library:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Failed to install plugin by plugin ID '{}'".format(
        # Enable the plugins against this library
        # Import settings
        plugin_executor = PluginExecutor()
        for ep in enabled_plugins:
            if ep.get('has_config'):
                                                     ep.get('settings', {}),

    # Update plugin flow (if the data was given)
    plugin_flow = plugin_config.get('plugin_flow')
    if plugin_flow is not None:
        for plugin_type in plugins.get_plugin_types_with_flows():
            flow = []
            for plugin_id in plugin_flow.get(plugin_type, []):
                flow.append({'plugin_id': plugin_id})
                plugin_type, library_id, flow)

    # Save config
    return library.save()