    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.dict_grid = DictGrid(shape)

        # Undo and redo management
        self.unredo = UnRedo()
        self.dict_grid.cell_attributes.unredo = self.unredo

        # Safe mode
        self.safe_mode = False
文件: model.py 项目: 01-/pyspread
    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.dict_grid = DictGrid(shape)

        # Undo and redo management
        self.unredo = UnRedo()
        self.dict_grid.cell_attributes.unredo = self.unredo

        # Safe mode
        self.safe_mode = False
文件: model.py 项目: 01-/pyspread
class DataArray(object):
    """DataArray provides enhanced grid read/write access.

    Enhancements comprise:
     * Slicing
     * Multi-dimensional operations such as insertion and deletion along 1 axis
     * Undo/redo operations

    This class represents layer 2 of the model.

    shape: n-tuple of integer
    \tShape of the grid


    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.dict_grid = DictGrid(shape)

        # Undo and redo management
        self.unredo = UnRedo()
        self.dict_grid.cell_attributes.unredo = self.unredo

        # Safe mode
        self.safe_mode = False

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not hasattr(other, "dict_grid") or \
           not hasattr(other, "cell_attributes"):
            return NotImplemented

        return self.dict_grid == other.dict_grid and \
            self.cell_attributes == other.cell_attributes

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    # Data is the central content interface for loading / saving data.
    # It shall be used for loading and saving from and to pys and other files.
    # It shall be used for loading and saving macros.
    # It is not used for importinf and exporting data because these operations
    # are partial to the grid.

    def _get_data(self):
        """Returns dict of data content.


        shape: 3-tuple of Integer
        \tGrid shape
        grid: Dict of 3-tuples to strings
        \tCell content
        attributes: List of 3-tuples
        \tCell attributes
        row_heights: Dict of 2-tuples to float
        \t(row, tab): row_height
        col_widths: Dict of 2-tuples to float
        \t(col, tab): col_width
        macros: String
        \tMacros from macro list


        data = {}

        data["shape"] = self.shape
        data["grid"] = {}.update(self.dict_grid)
        data["attributes"] = [ca for ca in self.cell_attributes]
        data["row_heights"] = self.row_heights
        data["col_widths"] = self.col_widths
        data["macros"] = self.macros

        return data

    def _set_data(self, **kwargs):
        """Sets data from given parameters

        Old values are deleted.
        If a paremeter is not given, nothing is changed.


        shape: 3-tuple of Integer
        \tGrid shape
        grid: Dict of 3-tuples to strings
        \tCell content
        attributes: List of 3-tuples
        \tCell attributes
        row_heights: Dict of 2-tuples to float
        \t(row, tab): row_height
        col_widths: Dict of 2-tuples to float
        \t(col, tab): col_width
        macros: String
        \tMacros from macro list


        if "shape" in kwargs:
            self.shape = kwargs["shape"]

        if "grid" in kwargs:

        if "attributes" in kwargs:
            self.attributes[:] = kwargs["attributes"]

        if "row_heights" in kwargs:
            self.row_heights = kwargs["row_heights"]

        if "col_widths" in kwargs:
            self.col_widths = kwargs["col_widths"]

        if "macros" in kwargs:
            self.macros = kwargs["macros"]

    data = property(_get_data, _set_data)

    def get_row_height(self, row, tab):
        """Returns row height"""

            return self.row_heights[(row, tab)]

        except KeyError:
            return config["default_row_height"]

    def get_col_width(self, col, tab):
        """Returns column width"""

            return self.col_widths[(col, tab)]

        except KeyError:
            return config["default_col_width"]

    # Row and column attributes mask
    # Keys have the format (row, table)

    def _get_row_heights(self):
        """Returns row_heights dict"""

        return self.dict_grid.row_heights

    def _set_row_heights(self, row_heights):
        """Sets  macros string"""

        self.dict_grid.row_heights = row_heights

    row_heights = property(_get_row_heights, _set_row_heights)

    def _get_col_widths(self):
        """Returns col_widths dict"""

        return self.dict_grid.col_widths

    def _set_col_widths(self, col_widths):
        """Sets  macros string"""

        self.dict_grid.col_widths = col_widths

    col_widths = property(_get_col_widths, _set_col_widths)

    # Cell attributes mask
    def _get_cell_attributes(self):
        """Returns cell_attributes list"""

        return self.dict_grid.cell_attributes

    def _set_cell_attributes(self, value):
        """Setter for cell_atributes"""

        # Empty cell_attributes first
        self.cell_attributes[:] = []

    cell_attributes = attributes = \
        property(_get_cell_attributes, _set_cell_attributes)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Returns iterator over self.dict_grid"""

        return iter(self.dict_grid)

    def _get_macros(self):
        """Returns macros string"""

        return self.dict_grid.macros

    def _set_macros(self, macros):
        """Sets  macros string"""

        self.dict_grid.macros = macros

    macros = property(_get_macros, _set_macros)

    def keys(self):
        """Returns keys in self.dict_grid"""

        return self.dict_grid.keys()

    def pop(self, key, mark_unredo=True):
        """Pops dict_grid with undo and redo support

        key: 3-tuple of Integer
        \tCell key that shall be popped
        mark_unredo: Boolean, defaults to True
        \tIf True then an unredo marker is set after the operation


        result = self.dict_grid.pop(key)

        # UnRedo support

        if mark_unredo:

        undo_operation = (self.__setitem__, [key, result, mark_unredo])
        redo_operation = (self.pop, [key, mark_unredo])

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

        if mark_unredo:

        # End UnRedo support

        return result

    # Shape mask

    def _get_shape(self):
        """Returns dict_grid shape"""

        return self.dict_grid.shape

    def _set_shape(self, shape, mark_unredo=True):
        """Deletes all cells beyond new shape and sets dict_grid shape

        shape: 3-tuple of Integer
        \tTarget shape for grid
        mark_unredo: Boolean, defaults to True
        \tIf True then an unredo marker is set after the operation


        # Delete each cell that is beyond new borders

        old_shape = self.shape

        if any(new_axis < old_axis
               for new_axis, old_axis in zip(shape, old_shape)):
            for key in self.dict_grid.keys():
                if any(key_ele >= new_axis
                       for key_ele, new_axis in zip(key, shape)):

        # Set dict_grid shape attribute

        self.dict_grid.shape = shape

        # UnRedo support

        undo_operation = (self._set_shape, [old_shape, mark_unredo])
        redo_operation = (self._set_shape, [shape, mark_unredo])

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

        if mark_unredo:

        # End UnRedo support

    shape = property(_get_shape, _set_shape)

    def get_last_filled_cell(self, table=None):
        """Returns key for the bottommost rightmost cell with content

        table: Integer, defaults to None
        \tLimit search to this table


        maxrow = 0
        maxcol = 0

        for row, col, tab in self.dict_grid:
            if table is None or tab == table:
                maxrow = max(row, maxrow)
                maxcol = max(col, maxcol)

        return maxrow, maxcol, table

    # Pickle support

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Returns dict_grid for pickling

        Note that all persistent data is contained in the DictGrid class


        return {"dict_grid": self.dict_grid}

    # Slice support

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Adds slicing access to cell code retrieval

        The cells are returned as a generator of generators, of ... of unicode.

        key: n-tuple of integer or slice
        \tKeys of the cell code that is returned

        Classical Excel type addressing (A$1, ...) may be added here


        for key_ele in key:
            if is_slice_like(key_ele):
                # We have something slice-like here

                return self.cell_array_generator(key)

            elif is_string_like(key_ele):
                # We have something string-like here
                msg = "Cell string based access not implemented"
                raise NotImplementedError(msg)

        # key_ele should be a single cell

        return self.dict_grid[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value, mark_unredo=True):
        """Accepts index and slice keys

        key: 3-tuple of Integer or Slice object
        \tCell key(s) that shall be set
        value: Object (should be Unicode or similar)
        \tCode for cell(s) to be set
        mark_unredo: Boolean, defaults to True
        \tIf True then an unredo marker is set after the operation


        single_keys_per_dim = []

        for axis, key_ele in enumerate(key):
            if is_slice_like(key_ele):
                # We have something slice-like here

                length = key[axis]
                slice_range = xrange(*key_ele.indices(length))

            elif is_string_like(key_ele):
                # We have something string-like here

                raise NotImplementedError

                # key_ele is a single cell

                single_keys_per_dim.append((key_ele, ))

        single_keys = product(*single_keys_per_dim)

        unredo_mark = False

        for single_key in single_keys:
            if value:
                # UnRedo support

                old_value = self(key)

                    old_value = unicode(old_value, encoding="utf-8")
                except TypeError:

                # We seem to have double calls on __setitem__
                # This hack catches them

                if old_value != value:

                    unredo_mark = True

                    undo_operation = (self.__setitem__,
                                      [key, old_value, mark_unredo])
                    redo_operation = (self.__setitem__,
                                      [key, value, mark_unredo])

                    self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

                    # End UnRedo support

                # Never change merged cells
                merging_cell = \
                if merging_cell is None or merging_cell == single_key:
                    self.dict_grid[single_key] = value
                # Value is empty --> delete cell

                except (KeyError, TypeError):

        if mark_unredo and unredo_mark:

    def cell_array_generator(self, key):
        """Generator traversing cells specified in key

        key: Iterable of Integer or slice
        \tThe key specifies the cell keys of the generator


        for i, key_ele in enumerate(key):

            # Get first element of key that is a slice
            if type(key_ele) is SliceType:
                slc_keys = xrange(*key_ele.indices(self.dict_grid.shape[i]))
                key_list = list(key)

                key_list[i] = None

                has_subslice = any(type(ele) is SliceType for ele in key_list)

                for slc_key in slc_keys:
                    key_list[i] = slc_key

                    if has_subslice:
                        # If there is a slice left yield generator
                        yield self.cell_array_generator(key_list)

                        # No slices? Yield value
                        yield self[tuple(key_list)]


    def _shift_rowcol(self, insertion_point, no_to_insert, mark_unredo):
        """Shifts row and column sizes when a table is inserted or deleted"""

        if mark_unredo:

        # Shift row heights

        new_row_heights = {}
        del_row_heights = []

        for row, tab in self.row_heights:
            if tab > insertion_point:
                new_row_heights[(row, tab + no_to_insert)] = \
                    self.row_heights[(row, tab)]
                del_row_heights.append((row, tab))

        for row, tab in new_row_heights:
            self.set_row_height(row, tab, new_row_heights[(row, tab)],

        for row, tab in del_row_heights:
            if (row, tab) not in new_row_heights:
                self.set_row_height(row, tab, None, mark_unredo=False)

        # Shift column widths

        new_col_widths = {}
        del_col_widths = []

        for col, tab in self.col_widths:
            if tab > insertion_point:
                new_col_widths[(col, tab + no_to_insert)] = \
                    self.col_widths[(col, tab)]
                del_col_widths.append((col, tab))

        for col, tab in new_col_widths:
            self.set_col_width(col, tab, new_col_widths[(col, tab)],

        for col, tab in del_col_widths:
            if (col, tab) not in new_col_widths:
                self.set_col_width(col, tab, None, mark_unredo=False)

        if mark_unredo:

    def _adjust_rowcol(self, insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis, tab=None,
        """Adjusts row and column sizes on insertion/deletion"""

        if axis == 2:
            self._shift_rowcol(insertion_point, no_to_insert, mark_unredo)

        assert axis in (0, 1)

        if mark_unredo:

        cell_sizes = self.col_widths if axis else self.row_heights
        set_cell_size = self.set_col_width if axis else self.set_row_height

        new_sizes = {}
        del_sizes = []

        for pos, table in cell_sizes:
            if pos > insertion_point and (tab is None or tab == table):
                if 0 <= pos + no_to_insert < self.shape[axis]:
                    new_sizes[(pos + no_to_insert, table)] = \
                        cell_sizes[(pos, table)]
                del_sizes.append((pos, table))

        for pos, table in new_sizes:
            set_cell_size(pos, table, new_sizes[(pos, table)],

        for pos, table in del_sizes:
            if (pos, table) not in new_sizes:
                set_cell_size(pos, table, None, mark_unredo=False)

        if mark_unredo:

    def _adjust_merge_area(self, attrs, insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis):
        """Returns an updated merge area

        attrs: Dict
        \tCell attribute dictionary that shall be adjusted
        insertion_point: Integer
        \tPont on axis, before which insertion takes place
        no_to_insert: Integer >= 0
        \tNumber of rows/cols/tabs that shall be inserted
        axis: Integer in range(2)
        \tSpecifies number of dimension, i.e. 0 == row, 1 == col


        assert axis in range(2)

        if "merge_area" not in attrs or attrs["merge_area"] is None:

        top, left, bottom, right = attrs["merge_area"]
        selection = Selection([(top, left)], [(bottom, right)], [], [], [])
        selection.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis)
        __top, __left = selection.block_tl[0]
        __bottom, __right = selection.block_br[0]

        # Adjust merge area if it is beyond the grid shape
        rows, cols, tabs = self.shape

        if __top < 0 or __bottom >= rows or __left < 0 or __right >= cols:
            attrs["merge_area"] = None
            attrs["merge_area"] = __top, __left, __bottom, __right

    def _adjust_cell_attributes(self, insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis,
                                tab=None, cell_attrs=None, mark_unredo=True):
        """Adjusts cell attributes on insertion/deletion

        insertion_point: Integer
        \tPont on axis, before which insertion takes place
        no_to_insert: Integer >= 0
        \tNumber of rows/cols/tabs that shall be inserted
        axis: Integer in range(3)
        \tSpecifies number of dimension, i.e. 0 == row, 1 == col, ...
        tab: Integer, defaults to None
        \tIf given then insertion is limited to this tab for axis < 2
        cell_attrs: List, defaults to []
        \tIf not empty then the given cell attributes replace the existing ones
        mark_unredo: Boolean, defaults to True
        \tIf True then an unredo marker is set after the operation


        def replace_cell_attributes_table(index, new_table):
            ca = list(self.cell_attributes.get_item(index))
            ca[1] = new_table
            self.cell_attributes.set_item(index, tuple(ca))

        if axis not in range(3):
            raise ValueError("Axis must be in [0, 1, 2]")

        assert tab is None or tab >= 0

        if cell_attrs is None:
            cell_attrs = []

        # Store existing cell attributes for creating undo operation
        old_cell_attrs = self.cell_attributes[:]

        if cell_attrs:
            self.cell_attributes[:] = cell_attrs

        elif axis < 2:
            # Adjust selections on given table

            for selection, table, attrs in self.cell_attributes:
                if tab is None or tab == table:
                    selection.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis)
                    # Update merge area if present
                    self._adjust_merge_area(attrs, insertion_point,
                                            no_to_insert, axis)

        elif axis == 2:
            # Adjust tabs

            pop_indices = []

            for i, cell_attribute in enumerate(self.cell_attributes):
                selection, table, value = cell_attribute

                if no_to_insert < 0 and insertion_point <= table:
                    if insertion_point > table + no_to_insert:
                        # Delete later
                        replace_cell_attributes_table(i, table + no_to_insert)

                elif insertion_point < table:
                    # Insert
                    replace_cell_attributes_table(i, table + no_to_insert)

            for i in pop_indices[::-1]:


        undo_operation = (self._adjust_cell_attributes,
                          [insertion_point, -no_to_insert, axis, tab,
                           old_cell_attrs, mark_unredo])
        redo_operation = (self._adjust_cell_attributes,
                          [insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis, tab,
                           cell_attrs, mark_unredo])

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

        if mark_unredo:

    def insert(self, insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis, tab=None):
        """Inserts no_to_insert rows/cols/tabs/... before insertion_point


        insertion_point: Integer
        \tPont on axis, before which insertion takes place
        no_to_insert: Integer >= 0
        \tNumber of rows/cols/tabs that shall be inserted
        axis: Integer
        \tSpecifies number of dimension, i.e. 0 == row, 1 == col, ...
        tab: Integer, defaults to None
        \tIf given then insertion is limited to this tab for axis < 2



        if not 0 <= axis <= len(self.shape):
            raise ValueError("Axis not in grid dimensions")

        if insertion_point > self.shape[axis] or \
           insertion_point < -self.shape[axis]:
            raise IndexError("Insertion point not in grid")

        new_keys = {}
        del_keys = []

        for key in self.dict_grid.keys():
            if key[axis] > insertion_point and (tab is None or tab == key[2]):
                new_key = list(key)
                new_key[axis] += no_to_insert
                if 0 <= new_key[axis] < self.shape[axis]:
                    new_keys[tuple(new_key)] = self(key)

        # Now re-insert moved keys

        for key in del_keys:
            if key not in new_keys and self(key) is not None:
                self.pop(key, mark_unredo=False)

        self._adjust_rowcol(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis, tab=tab,
        self._adjust_cell_attributes(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis,
                                     tab, mark_unredo=False)

        for key in new_keys:
            self.__setitem__(key, new_keys[key], mark_unredo=False)


    def delete(self, deletion_point, no_to_delete, axis, tab=None):
        """Deletes no_to_delete rows/cols/... starting with deletion_point

        Axis specifies number of dimension, i.e. 0 == row, 1 == col, 2 == tab



        if not 0 <= axis < len(self.shape):
            raise ValueError("Axis not in grid dimensions")

        if no_to_delete < 0:
            raise ValueError("Cannot delete negative number of rows/cols/...")

        elif no_to_delete >= self.shape[axis]:
            raise ValueError("Last row/column/table must not be deleted")

        if deletion_point > self.shape[axis] or \
           deletion_point <= -self.shape[axis]:
            raise IndexError("Deletion point not in grid")

        new_keys = {}
        del_keys = []

        # Note that the loop goes over a list that copies all dict keys
        for key in self.dict_grid.keys():
            if tab is None or tab == key[2]:
                if deletion_point <= key[axis] < deletion_point + no_to_delete:

                elif key[axis] >= deletion_point + no_to_delete:
                    new_key = list(key)
                    new_key[axis] -= no_to_delete

                    new_keys[tuple(new_key)] = self(key)

        # Now re-insert moved keys

        for key in new_keys:
            self.__setitem__(key, new_keys[key], mark_unredo=False)

        for key in del_keys:
            if key not in new_keys and self(key) is not None:
                self.pop(key, mark_unredo=False)

        self._adjust_rowcol(deletion_point, -no_to_delete, axis, tab=tab,
        self._adjust_cell_attributes(deletion_point, -no_to_delete, axis,
                                     tab, mark_unredo=False)


    def set_row_height(self, row, tab, height, mark_unredo=True):
        """Sets row height"""

        if mark_unredo:

            old_height = self.row_heights.pop((row, tab))

        except KeyError:
            old_height = None

        if height is not None:
            self.row_heights[(row, tab)] = float(height)

        # Make undoable

        undo_operation = (self.set_row_height,
                          [row, tab, old_height, mark_unredo])
        redo_operation = (self.set_row_height, [row, tab, height, mark_unredo])

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

        if mark_unredo:

    def set_col_width(self, col, tab, width, mark_unredo=True):
        """Sets column width"""

        if mark_unredo:

            old_width = self.col_widths.pop((col, tab))

        except KeyError:
            old_width = None

        if width is not None:
            self.col_widths[(col, tab)] = float(width)

        # Make undoable

        undo_operation = (self.set_col_width,
                          [col, tab, old_width, mark_unredo])
        redo_operation = (self.set_col_width, [col, tab, width, mark_unredo])

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

        if mark_unredo:

    # Element access via call

    __call__ = __getitem__
文件: model.py 项目: aunix/pyspread
class DataArray(object):
    """DataArray provides enhanced grid read/write access.
    Enhancements comprise:
     * Slicing
     * Multi-dimensional operations such as insertion and deletion along 1 axis
     * Undo/redo operations
    This class represents layer 2 of the model.
    shape: n-tuple of integer
    \tShape of the grid
    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.dict_grid = DictGrid(shape)
        # Undo and redo management
        self.unredo = UnRedo()
        self.dict_grid.cell_attributes.unredo = self.unredo
        # Safe mode
        self.safe_mode = False
    # Row and column attributes mask
    # Keys have the format (row, table)
    def row_heights(self):
        return self.dict_grid.row_heights 
    def col_widths(self):
        return self.dict_grid.col_widths  
    # Cell attributes mask
    def cell_attributes(self):
        return self.dict_grid.cell_attributes
    def __iter__(self):
        """returns iterator over self.dict_grid"""
        return iter(self.dict_grid)
    def _get_macros(self):
        return self.dict_grid.macros

    def _set_macros(self, macros):
        self.dict_grid.macros = macros
    macros = property(_get_macros, _set_macros)

    def keys(self):
        """Returns keys in self.dict_grid"""
        return self.dict_grid.keys()
    def pop(self, key):
        """Pops dict_grid with undo and redo support"""
        # UnRedo support
            undo_operation = (self.__setitem__, [key, self.dict_grid[key]])
            redo_operation = (self.pop, [key])

            self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)
        except KeyError:
            # If key not present then unredo is not necessary
        # End UnRedo support
        return self.dict_grid.pop(key)
    # Shape mask
    def _get_shape(self):
        """Returns dict_grid shape"""
        return self.dict_grid.shape
    def _set_shape(self, shape):
        """Deletes all cells beyond new shape and sets dict_grid shape"""
        # Delete each cell that is beyond new borders
        old_shape = self.shape
        if any(new_axis < old_axis 
               for new_axis, old_axis in zip(shape, old_shape)):
            for key in self.dict_grid.keys():
                if any(key_ele >= new_axis 
                       for key_ele, new_axis in zip(key, shape)):
        # Set dict_grid shape attribute
        self.dict_grid.shape = shape
        # UnRedo support
        undo_operation = (setattr, [self.dict_grid, "shape", old_shape])
        redo_operation = (setattr, [self.dict_grid, "shape", shape])

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)
        # End UnRedo support

    shape = property(_get_shape, _set_shape)

    # Pickle support
    def __getstate__(self):
        """Returns dict_grid for pickling
        Note that all persistent data is contained in the DictGrid class
        return {"dict_grid": self.dict_grid}
    # Slice support
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Adds slicing access to cell code retrieval
        The cells are returned as a generator of generators, of ... of unicode.
        key: n-tuple of integer or slice
        \tKeys of the cell code that is returned
        Classical Excel type addressing (A$1, ...) may be added here
        for key_ele in key:
            if is_slice_like(key_ele):
                # We have something slice-like here 
                return self.cell_array_generator(key)
            elif is_string_like(key_ele):
                # We have something string-like here 
                raise NotImplementedError, \
                      "Cell string based access not implemented"
        # key_ele should be a single cell
        return self.dict_grid[key]
    def __str__(self):
        return self.dict_grid.__str__()
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Accepts index and slice keys"""
        single_keys_per_dim = []
        for axis, key_ele in enumerate(key):
            if is_slice_like(key_ele):
                # We have something slice-like here 
                                                       length = key[axis]))
            elif is_string_like(key_ele):
                # We have something string-like here 
                raise NotImplementedError
                # key_ele is a single cell
                single_keys_per_dim.append((key_ele, ))
        single_keys = product(*single_keys_per_dim)
        unredo_mark = False
        for single_key in single_keys:
            if value:
                # UnRedo support
                old_value = self(key)
                # We seem to have double calls on __setitem__
                # This hack catches them
                if old_value != value:
                    unredo_mark = True
                    undo_operation = (self.__setitem__, [key, old_value])
                    redo_operation = (self.__setitem__, [key, value])
                    self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)
                    # End UnRedo support
                self.dict_grid[single_key] = value
                # Value is empty --> delete cell
                except (KeyError, TypeError):
        if unredo_mark:
    def cell_array_generator(self, key):
        """Generator traversing cells specified in key
        key: Iterable of Integer or slice
        \tThe key specifies the cell keys of the generator
        for i, key_ele in enumerate(key):
            # Get first element of key that is a slice
            if type(key_ele) is SliceType:
                slc_keys = slice_range(key_ele, self.dict_grid.shape[i])
                key_list = list(key)
                key_list[i] = None
                has_subslice = any(type(ele) is SliceType for ele in key_list)
                for slc_key in slc_keys:
                    key_list[i] = slc_key
                    if has_subslice:
                        # If there is a slice left yield generator
                        yield self.cell_array_generator(key_list)
                        # No slices? Yield value
                        yield self[tuple(key_list)]
    def _adjust_shape(self, amount, axis):
        """Changes shape along axis by amount"""

        new_shape = list(self.shape)
        new_shape[axis] += amount
        self.shape = tuple(new_shape)
    def _set_cell_attributes(self, value):
        """Setter for cell_atributes"""
        while len(self.cell_attributes):
    def _adjust_cell_attributes(self, insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis):
        """Adjusts cell attributes on insertion/deletion"""
        assert axis in [0, 1, 2]
        # Save cell_attributes for undo
        old_cell_attributes = copy(self.cell_attributes)
        if axis < 2:
            # Adjust selections
            for selection, _, _ in self.cell_attributes:
                selection.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis)
            # Adjust row heights and col widths
            cell_sizes = self.col_widths if axis else self.row_heights
            new_sizes = {}
            for pos, tab in cell_sizes:
                if pos > insertion_point:
                    new_sizes[(pos+no_to_insert, tab)] = cell_sizes[(pos, tab)]
                    cell_sizes[(pos, tab)] = None
                    new_sizes[(pos, tab)] = cell_sizes[(pos, tab)]
        elif axis == 2:
            # Adjust tabs
            new_tabs = []
            for _, old_tab, _ in self.cell_attributes:
                new_tabs.append(old_tab + no_to_insert \
                                if old_tab > insertion_point else old_tab)
            for i, new_tab in new_tabs:
                self.cell_attributes[i][1] = new_tab
            raise ValueError, "axis must be in [0, 1, 2]"
        # Make undoable
        undo_operation = (self._adjust_cell_attributes, 
                          [insertion_point, -no_to_insert, axis])
        redo_operation = (self._adjust_cell_attributes, 
                          [insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis]) 
        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)
    def insert(self, insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis):
        """Inserts no_to_insert rows/cols/tabs/... before insertion_point
        insertion_point: Integer
        \tPont on axis, before which insertion takes place
        no_to_insert: Integer >= 0
        \tNumber of rows/cols/tabs that shall be inserted
        axis: Integer
        \tSpecifies number of dimension, i.e. 0 == row, 1 == col, ...
        if not 0 <= axis <= len(self.shape):
            raise ValueError, "Axis not in grid dimensions"
        if insertion_point > self.shape[axis] or \
           insertion_point <= -self.shape[axis]:
            raise IndexError, "Insertion point not in grid"
        new_keys = {}
        for key in copy(self.dict_grid):
            if key[axis] >= insertion_point:
                new_key = list(key)
                new_key[axis] += no_to_insert
                new_keys[tuple(new_key)] = self.pop(key)
        self._adjust_shape(no_to_insert, axis)
        for key in new_keys:
            self[key] = new_keys[key]
        self._adjust_cell_attributes(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis)

    def delete(self, deletion_point, no_to_delete, axis):
        """Deletes no_to_delete rows/cols/tabs/... starting with deletion_point
        Axis specifies number of dimension, i.e. 0 == row, 1 == col, ...
        if no_to_delete < 0:
            raise ValueError, "Cannot delete negative number of rows/cols/..."
        if not 0 <= axis <= len(self.shape):
            raise ValueError, "Axis not in grid dimensions"
        if deletion_point > self.shape[axis] or \
           deletion_point <= -self.shape[axis]:
            raise IndexError, "Deletion point not in grid"
        for key in copy(self.dict_grid):
            if deletion_point <= key[axis] < deletion_point + no_to_delete:
                self[key] = self.pop(key)
            elif key[axis] >= deletion_point + no_to_delete:
                new_key = list(key)
                new_key[axis] -= no_to_delete
                self[tuple(new_key)] = self.pop(key)
        self._adjust_cell_attributes(deletion_point, -no_to_delete, axis)
        self._adjust_shape(-no_to_delete, axis)

    def set_row_height(self, row, tab, height):
        """Sets row height"""
            old_height = self.row_heights[(row, tab)]
        except KeyError:
            old_height = None
        if height is None:
            self.row_heights.pop((row, tab))
            self.row_heights[(row, tab)] = height
        # Make undoable
        undo_operation = (self.set_row_height, [row, tab, old_height])
        redo_operation = (self.set_row_height, [row, tab, height]) 
        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

    def set_col_width(self, col, tab, width):
        """Sets column width"""
            old_width = self.col_widths[(col, tab)]
        except KeyError:
            old_width = None
        if width is None:
            self.col_widths.pop((col, tab))
            self.col_widths[(col, tab)] = width
        # Make undoable
        undo_operation = (self.set_col_width, [col, tab, old_width])
        redo_operation = (self.set_col_width, [col, tab, width]) 
        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)
    # Element access via call
    __call__ = __getitem__
class DataArray(object):
    """DataArray provides enhanced grid read/write access.

    Enhancements comprise:
     * Slicing
     * Multi-dimensional operations such as insertion and deletion along 1 axis
     * Undo/redo operations

    This class represents layer 2 of the model.

    shape: n-tuple of integer
    \tShape of the grid

    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.dict_grid = DictGrid(shape)

        # Undo and redo management
        self.unredo = UnRedo()
        self.dict_grid.cell_attributes.unredo = self.unredo

        # Safe mode
        self.safe_mode = False

    # Data is the central content interface for loading / saving data.
    # It shall be used for loading and saving from and to pys and other files.
    # It shall be used for loading and saving macros.
    # It is not used for importinf and exporting data because these operations
    # are partial to the grid.

    def _get_data(self):
        """Returns dict of data content.


        shape: 3-tuple of Integer
        \tGrid shape
        grid: Dict of 3-tuples to strings
        \tCell content
        attributes: List of 3-tuples
        \tCell attributes
        row_heights: Dict of 2-tuples to float
        \t(row, tab): row_height
        col_widths: Dict of 2-tuples to float
        \t(col, tab): col_width
        macros: String
        \tMacros from macro list


        data = {}

        data["shape"] = self.shape
        data["grid"] = {}.update(self.dict_grid)
        data["attributes"] = [ca for ca in self.cell_attributes]
        data["row_heights"] = self.row_heights
        data["col_widths"] = self.col_widths
        data["macros"] = self.macros

        return data

    def _set_data(self, **kwargs):
        """Sets data from given parameters

        Old values are deleted.
        If a paremeter is not given, nothing is changed.


        shape: 3-tuple of Integer
        \tGrid shape
        grid: Dict of 3-tuples to strings
        \tCell content
        attributes: List of 3-tuples
        \tCell attributes
        row_heights: Dict of 2-tuples to float
        \t(row, tab): row_height
        col_widths: Dict of 2-tuples to float
        \t(col, tab): col_width
        macros: String
        \tMacros from macro list


        if "shape" in kwargs:
            self.shape = kwargs["shape"]

        if "grid" in kwargs:

        if "attributes" in kwargs:
            self.attributes[:] = kwargs["attributes"]

        if "row_heights" in kwargs:
            self.row_heights = kwargs["row_heights"]

        if "col_widths" in kwargs:
            self.col_widths = kwargs["col_widths"]

        if "macros" in kwargs:
            self.macros = kwargs["macros"]

    data = property(_get_data, _set_data)

    # Row and column attributes mask
    # Keys have the format (row, table)

    def _get_row_heights(self):
        """Returns row_heights dict"""

        return self.dict_grid.row_heights

    def _set_row_heights(self, row_heights):
        """Sets  macros string"""

        self.dict_grid.row_heights = row_heights

    row_heights = property(_get_row_heights, _set_row_heights)

    def _get_col_widths(self):
        """Returns col_widths dict"""

        return self.dict_grid.col_widths

    def _set_col_widths(self, col_widths):
        """Sets  macros string"""

        self.dict_grid.col_widths = col_widths

    col_widths = property(_get_col_widths, _set_col_widths)

    # Cell attributes mask
    def _get_cell_attributes(self):
        """Returns cell_attributes list"""

        return self.dict_grid.cell_attributes

    def _set_cell_attributes(self, value):
        """Setter for cell_atributes"""

        # Empty cell_attributes first
        self.cell_attributes[:] = []

    cell_attributes = attributes = \
        property(_get_cell_attributes, _set_cell_attributes)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Returns iterator over self.dict_grid"""

        return iter(self.dict_grid)

    def _get_macros(self):
        """Returns macros string"""

        return self.dict_grid.macros

    def _set_macros(self, macros):
        """Sets  macros string"""

        self.dict_grid.macros = macros

    macros = property(_get_macros, _set_macros)

    def keys(self):
        """Returns keys in self.dict_grid"""

        return self.dict_grid.keys()

    def pop(self, key, mark_unredo=True):
        """Pops dict_grid with undo and redo support

        key: 3-tuple of Integer
        \tCell key that shall be popped
        mark_unredo: Boolean, defaults to True
        \tIf True then an unredo marker is set after the operation


        result = self.dict_grid.pop(key)

        # UnRedo support

        if mark_unredo:

        undo_operation = (self.__setitem__, [key, result, mark_unredo])
        redo_operation = (self.pop, [key, mark_unredo])

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

        if mark_unredo:

        # End UnRedo support

        return result

    # Shape mask

    def _get_shape(self):
        """Returns dict_grid shape"""

        return self.dict_grid.shape

    def _set_shape(self, shape, mark_unredo=True):
        """Deletes all cells beyond new shape and sets dict_grid shape

        shape: 3-tuple of Integer
        \tTarget shape for grid
        mark_unredo: Boolean, defaults to True
        \tIf True then an unredo marker is set after the operation


        # Delete each cell that is beyond new borders

        old_shape = self.shape

        if any(new_axis < old_axis
               for new_axis, old_axis in zip(shape, old_shape)):
            for key in self.dict_grid.keys():
                if any(key_ele >= new_axis
                       for key_ele, new_axis in zip(key, shape)):

        # Set dict_grid shape attribute

        self.dict_grid.shape = shape

        # UnRedo support

        undo_operation = (self._set_shape, [old_shape, mark_unredo])
        redo_operation = (self._set_shape, [shape, mark_unredo])

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

        if mark_unredo:

        # End UnRedo support

    shape = property(_get_shape, _set_shape)

    def get_last_filled_cell(self, table=None):
        """Returns key for the bottommost rightmost cell with content

        table: Integer, defaults to None
        \tLimit search to this table


        maxrow = 0
        maxcol = 0

        for row, col, tab in self.dict_grid:
            if table is None or tab == table:
                maxrow = max(row, maxrow)
                maxcol = max(col, maxcol)

        return maxrow, maxcol, table

    # Pickle support

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Returns dict_grid for pickling

        Note that all persistent data is contained in the DictGrid class


        return {"dict_grid": self.dict_grid}

    # Slice support

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Adds slicing access to cell code retrieval

        The cells are returned as a generator of generators, of ... of unicode.

        key: n-tuple of integer or slice
        \tKeys of the cell code that is returned

        Classical Excel type addressing (A$1, ...) may be added here


        for key_ele in key:
            if is_slice_like(key_ele):
                # We have something slice-like here

                return self.cell_array_generator(key)

            elif is_string_like(key_ele):
                # We have something string-like here
                msg = "Cell string based access not implemented"
                raise NotImplementedError(msg)

        # key_ele should be a single cell

        return self.dict_grid[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value, mark_unredo=True):
        """Accepts index and slice keys

        key: 3-tuple of Integer or Slice object
        \tCell key(s) that shall be set
        value: Object (should be Unicode or similar)
        \tCode for cell(s) to be set
        mark_unredo: Boolean, defaults to True
        \tIf True then an unredo marker is set after the operation


        single_keys_per_dim = []

        for axis, key_ele in enumerate(key):
            if is_slice_like(key_ele):
                # We have something slice-like here

                length = key[axis]
                slice_range = xrange(*key_ele.indices(length))

            elif is_string_like(key_ele):
                # We have something string-like here

                raise NotImplementedError

                # key_ele is a single cell

                single_keys_per_dim.append((key_ele, ))

        single_keys = product(*single_keys_per_dim)

        unredo_mark = False

        for single_key in single_keys:
            if value:
                # UnRedo support

                old_value = self(key)

                    old_value = unicode(old_value, encoding="utf-8")
                except TypeError:

                # We seem to have double calls on __setitem__
                # This hack catches them

                if old_value != value:

                    unredo_mark = True

                    undo_operation = (self.__setitem__,
                                      [key, old_value, mark_unredo])
                    redo_operation = (self.__setitem__,
                                      [key, value, mark_unredo])

                    self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

                    # End UnRedo support

                self.dict_grid[single_key] = value
                # Value is empty --> delete cell

                except (KeyError, TypeError):

        if mark_unredo and unredo_mark:

    def cell_array_generator(self, key):
        """Generator traversing cells specified in key

        key: Iterable of Integer or slice
        \tThe key specifies the cell keys of the generator


        for i, key_ele in enumerate(key):

            # Get first element of key that is a slice
            if type(key_ele) is SliceType:
                slc_keys = xrange(*key_ele.indices(self.dict_grid.shape[i]))
                key_list = list(key)

                key_list[i] = None

                has_subslice = any(type(ele) is SliceType for ele in key_list)

                for slc_key in slc_keys:
                    key_list[i] = slc_key

                    if has_subslice:
                        # If there is a slice left yield generator
                        yield self.cell_array_generator(key_list)

                        # No slices? Yield value
                        yield self[tuple(key_list)]


    def _shift_rowcol(self, insertion_point, no_to_insert, mark_unredo):
        """Shifts row and column sizes when a table is inserted or deleted"""

        if mark_unredo:

        # Shift row heights

        new_row_heights = {}
        del_row_heights = []

        for row, tab in self.row_heights:
            if tab > insertion_point:
                new_row_heights[(row, tab + no_to_insert)] = \
                    self.row_heights[(row, tab)]
                del_row_heights.append((row, tab))

        for row, tab in new_row_heights:
                                new_row_heights[(row, tab)],

        for row, tab in del_row_heights:
            if (row, tab) not in new_row_heights:
                self.set_row_height(row, tab, None, mark_unredo=False)

        # Shift column widths

        new_col_widths = {}
        del_col_widths = []

        for col, tab in self.col_widths:
            if tab > insertion_point:
                new_col_widths[(col, tab + no_to_insert)] = \
                    self.col_widths[(col, tab)]
                del_col_widths.append((col, tab))

        for col, tab in new_col_widths:
                               new_col_widths[(col, tab)],

        for col, tab in del_col_widths:
            if (col, tab) not in new_col_widths:
                self.set_col_width(col, tab, None, mark_unredo=False)

        if mark_unredo:

    def _adjust_rowcol(self,
        """Adjusts row and column sizes on insertion/deletion"""

        if axis == 2:
            self._shift_rowcol(insertion_point, no_to_insert, mark_unredo)

        assert axis in (0, 1)

        if mark_unredo:

        cell_sizes = self.col_widths if axis else self.row_heights
        set_cell_size = self.set_col_width if axis else self.set_row_height

        new_sizes = {}
        del_sizes = []

        for pos, table in cell_sizes:
            if pos > insertion_point and (tab is None or tab == table):
                if 0 <= pos + no_to_insert < self.shape[axis]:
                    new_sizes[(pos + no_to_insert, table)] = \
                        cell_sizes[(pos, table)]
                del_sizes.append((pos, table))

        for pos, table in new_sizes:
                          new_sizes[(pos, table)],

        for pos, table in del_sizes:
            if (pos, table) not in new_sizes:
                set_cell_size(pos, table, None, mark_unredo=False)

        if mark_unredo:

    def _adjust_cell_attributes(self,
        """Adjusts cell attributes on insertion/deletion"""

        if mark_unredo:

        old_cell_attrs = self.cell_attributes[:]

        if axis < 2:
            # Adjust selections

            if cell_attrs is None:
                cell_attrs = []

                for key in self.cell_attributes:
                    selection, table, value = key
                    if tab is None or tab == table:
                        new_sel = copy(selection)
                        new_val = copy(value)
                        new_sel.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis)
                        # Update merge area if present
                        if "merge_area" in value:
                            top, left, bottom, right = value["merge_area"]
                            ma_sel = Selection([(top, left)],
                                               [(bottom, right)], [], [], [])
                            ma_sel.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis)
                            __top, __left = ma_sel.block_tl[0]
                            __bottom, __right = ma_sel.block_br[0]

                            new_val["merge_area"] = \
                                __top, __left, __bottom, __right

                        cell_attrs.append((new_sel, table, new_val))

            self.cell_attributes[:] = cell_attrs


        elif axis == 2:
            # Adjust tabs
            new_tabs = []
            for selection, old_tab, value in self.cell_attributes:
                if old_tab > insertion_point and \
                   (tab is None or tab == old_tab):
                    new_tabs.append((selection, old_tab + no_to_insert, value))

            for i, sel_tab_val in enumerate(new_tabs):
                if sel_tab_val is not None:
                    self.dict_grid.cell_attributes.set_item(i, sel_tab_val)


            raise ValueError("Axis must be in [0, 1, 2]")

        undo_operation = (self._adjust_cell_attributes, [
            insertion_point, -no_to_insert, axis, tab, old_cell_attrs,
        redo_operation = (self._adjust_cell_attributes, [
            insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis, tab, cell_attrs, mark_unredo

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

        if mark_unredo:

    def insert(self, insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis, tab=None):
        """Inserts no_to_insert rows/cols/tabs/... before insertion_point


        insertion_point: Integer
        \tPont on axis, before which insertion takes place
        no_to_insert: Integer >= 0
        \tNumber of rows/cols/tabs that shall be inserted
        axis: Integer
        \tSpecifies number of dimension, i.e. 0 == row, 1 == col, ...
        tab: Integer, defaults to None
        \tIf given then insertion is limited to this tab for axis < 2



        if not 0 <= axis <= len(self.shape):
            raise ValueError("Axis not in grid dimensions")

        if insertion_point > self.shape[axis] or \
           insertion_point < -self.shape[axis]:
            raise IndexError("Insertion point not in grid")

        new_keys = {}
        del_keys = []

        for key in self.dict_grid.keys():
            if key[axis] > insertion_point and (tab is None or tab == key[2]):
                new_key = list(key)
                new_key[axis] += no_to_insert
                if 0 <= new_key[axis] < self.shape[axis]:
                    new_keys[tuple(new_key)] = self(key)

        # Now re-insert moved keys

        for key in new_keys:
            self.__setitem__(key, new_keys[key], mark_unredo=False)

        for key in del_keys:
            if key not in new_keys and self(key) is not None:
                self.pop(key, mark_unredo=False)



    def delete(self, deletion_point, no_to_delete, axis, tab=None):
        """Deletes no_to_delete rows/cols/... starting with deletion_point

        Axis specifies number of dimension, i.e. 0 == row, 1 == col, ...



        if not 0 <= axis < len(self.shape):
            raise ValueError("Axis not in grid dimensions")

        if no_to_delete < 0:
            raise ValueError("Cannot delete negative number of rows/cols/...")

        elif no_to_delete >= self.shape[axis]:
            raise ValueError("Last row/column/table must not be deleted")

        if deletion_point > self.shape[axis] or \
           deletion_point <= -self.shape[axis]:
            raise IndexError("Deletion point not in grid")

        new_keys = {}
        del_keys = []

        # Note that the loop goes over a list that copies all dict keys
        for key in self.dict_grid.keys():
            if tab is None or tab == key[2]:
                if deletion_point <= key[axis] < deletion_point + no_to_delete:

                elif key[axis] >= deletion_point + no_to_delete:
                    new_key = list(key)
                    new_key[axis] -= no_to_delete

                    new_keys[tuple(new_key)] = self(key)

        # Now re-insert moved keys

        for key in new_keys:
            self.__setitem__(key, new_keys[key], mark_unredo=False)

        for key in del_keys:
            if key not in new_keys and self(key) is not None:
                self.pop(key, mark_unredo=False)

        if axis in (0, 1):


    def set_row_height(self, row, tab, height, mark_unredo=True):
        """Sets row height"""

        if mark_unredo:

            old_height = self.row_heights.pop((row, tab))

        except KeyError:
            old_height = None

        if height is not None:
            self.row_heights[(row, tab)] = float(height)

        # Make undoable

        undo_operation = (self.set_row_height,
                          [row, tab, old_height, mark_unredo])
        redo_operation = (self.set_row_height, [row, tab, height, mark_unredo])

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

        if mark_unredo:

    def set_col_width(self, col, tab, width, mark_unredo=True):
        """Sets column width"""

        if mark_unredo:

            old_width = self.col_widths.pop((col, tab))

        except KeyError:
            old_width = None

        if width is not None:
            self.col_widths[(col, tab)] = float(width)

        # Make undoable

        undo_operation = (self.set_col_width,
                          [col, tab, old_width, mark_unredo])
        redo_operation = (self.set_col_width, [col, tab, width, mark_unredo])

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

        if mark_unredo:

    # Element access via call

    __call__ = __getitem__