def activateHardwareInfo(username, password, hardwareInfo, orgId=None): """Tries to activate an entitlement linked to the hardware info that we read from the bios. Returns an ActivationResult. Can raise: Invalid number. Hardware info is not entitling. Communication errors, etc """ ## import pprint ## pprint.pprint(hardwareInfo) other = {} if orgId: other = {'org_id': orgId} server = rhnserver.RhnServer() result = server.registration.activate_hardware_info(username, password, hardwareInfo, other) statusCode = result['status_code'] regNum = result['registration_number'] log.log_debug('Server returned status code %s' % statusCode) if statusCode == 0: return ActivationResult(ActivationResult.ACTIVATED_NOW, regNum) elif statusCode == 1: return ActivationResult(ActivationResult.ALREADY_USED, regNum) else: message = "The server returned unknown status code %s while activating" \ " the hardware info." % statusCode raise up2dateErrors.CommunicationError(message)
def getSolutions(self, unknowns, progressCallback=None, msgCallback=None): s = rpcServer.getServer(refreshCallback=self.refreshCallback) try: tmpRetList = rpcServer.doCall(s.up2date.solveDependencies, up2dateAuth.getSystemId(), unknowns) except rpclib.Fault, f: if f.faultCode == -26: #raise RpmError(f.faultString + _(", depended on by %s") % unknowns) raise up2dateErrors.RpmError(f.faultString) else: raise up2dateErrors.CommunicationError(f.faultString)
def __exception_from_fault(self, fault): if fault.faultCode == -3: # This username is already taken, or the password is incorrect. exception = up2dateErrors.AuthenticationOrAccountCreationError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -2: # Invalid username and password combination. exception = up2dateErrors.AuthenticationOrAccountCreationError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -110: # Account is disabled exception = up2dateErrors.AuthenticationOrAccountCreationError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -1: exception = up2dateErrors.UnknownMethodException(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -13: # Username is too short. exception = up2dateErrors.LoginMinLengthError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -14: # too short password exception = up2dateErrors.PasswordMinLengthError( fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -15: # bad chars in username exception = up2dateErrors.ValidationError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -16: # Invalid product registration code. # TODO Should this really be a validation error? exception = up2dateErrors.ValidationError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -19: # invalid exception = up2dateErrors.NoBaseChannelError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -31: # No entitlement exception = up2dateErrors.InsuffMgmntEntsError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -36: # says this means "Invalid action." # TODO find out which is right exception = up2dateErrors.PasswordError(fault.faultString) elif abs(fault.faultCode) == 49: exception = up2dateErrors.AbuseError(fault.faultString) elif abs(fault.faultCode) == 60: exception = up2dateErrors.AuthenticationTicketError(fault.faultString) elif abs(fault.faultCode) == 74: exception = up2dateErrors.RegistrationDeniedError() elif abs(fault.faultCode) == 105: exception = up2dateErrors.RhnUuidUniquenessError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == 99: exception = up2dateErrors.DelayError(fault.faultString) elif abs(fault.faultCode) == 91: exception = up2dateErrors.InsuffMgmntEntsError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -106: # Invalid username. exception = up2dateErrors.ValidationError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -600: # Invalid username. exception = up2dateErrors.InvalidRegistrationNumberError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -601: # No entitlements associated with given hardware info exception = up2dateErrors.NotEntitlingError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -602: # No entitlements associated with reg num exception = up2dateErrors.NotEntitlingError(fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -2001 or fault.faultCode == -700: exception = up2dateErrors.AuthenticationOrAccountCreationError( fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -701: exception = up2dateErrors.PasswordMaxLengthError( fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -61: exception = up2dateErrors.ActivationKeyUsageLimitError( fault.faultString) elif fault.faultCode == -5: exception = up2dateErrors.UnableToCreateUser( fault.faultString) else: exception = up2dateErrors.CommunicationError(fault.faultString) return exception
def doCall(method, *args, **kwargs): log = up2dateLog.initLog() log.log_debug("rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC %s" % method.__dict__['_Method__name']) cfg = config.initUp2dateConfig() ret = None attempt_count = 1 try: attempts = int(cfg["networkRetries"]) except ValueError: attempts = 1 if attempts <= 0: attempts = 1 while 1: failure = 0 ret = None try: ret = method(*args, **kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise_with_tb( up2dateErrors.CommunicationError( _("Connection aborted by the user"))) # if we get a socket error, keep tryingx2 except (socket.error, SSL.socket_error): log.log_me("A socket error occurred: %s, attempt #%s" % (sys.exc_info()[1], attempt_count)) if attempt_count >= attempts: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if len(e.args) > 1: raise_with_tb(up2dateErrors.CommunicationError(e.args[1])) else: raise_with_tb(up2dateErrors.CommunicationError(e.args[0])) else: failure = 1 except httplib.IncompleteRead: print("httplib.IncompleteRead") raise_with_tb( up2dateErrors.CommunicationError("httplib.IncompleteRead")) except urllib2.HTTPError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] msg = "\nAn HTTP error occurred:\n" msg = msg + "URL: %s\n" % e.filename msg = msg + "Status Code: %s\n" % e.code msg = msg + "Error Message: %s\n" % e.msg log.log_me(msg) raise_with_tb(up2dateErrors.CommunicationError(msg)) except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] log.log_me("A protocol error occurred: %s , attempt #%s," % (e.errmsg, attempt_count)) if e.errcode == 404: log.log_me("Could not find URL, %s" % (e.url)) log.log_me("Check server name and/or URL, then retry\n") (errCode, errMsg) = rpclib.reportError(e.headers) reset = 0 if abs(errCode) == 34: log.log_me("Auth token timeout occurred\n errmsg: %s" % errMsg) # this calls login, which in tern calls doCall (ie, # this function) but login should never get a 34, so # should be safe from recursion from up2date_client import up2dateAuth up2dateAuth.updateLoginInfo() # the servers are being throttle to pay users only, catch the # exceptions and display a nice error message if abs(errCode) == 51: log.log_me(_("Server has refused connection due to high load")) raise_with_tb(up2dateErrors.CommunicationError(e.errmsg)) # if we get a 404 from our server, thats pretty # fatal... no point in retrying over and over. Note that # errCode == 17 is specific to our servers, if the # serverURL is just pointing somewhere random they will # get a 0 for errcode and will raise a CommunicationError if abs(errCode) == 17: #in this case, the args are the package string, so lets try to # build a useful error message if type(args[0]) == type([]): pkg = args[0] else: pkg = args[1] if type(pkg) == type([]): pkgName = "%s-%s-%s.%s" % (pkg[0], pkg[1], pkg[2], pkg[4]) else: pkgName = pkg msg = "File Not Found: %s\n%s" % (pkgName, errMsg) log.log_me(msg) raise_with_tb(up2dateErrors.FileNotFoundError(msg)) if not reset: if attempt_count >= attempts: raise_with_tb(up2dateErrors.CommunicationError(e.errmsg)) else: failure = 1 except xmlrpclib.ResponseError: raise_with_tb( up2dateErrors.CommunicationError( "Broken response from the server.")) if ret != None: break else: failure = 1 if failure: # rest for five seconds before trying again time.sleep(5) attempt_count = attempt_count + 1 if attempt_count > attempts: raise up2dateErrors.CommunicationError( "The data returned from the server was incomplete") return ret