def parse(self, filename, library_filename=None):
        """ Parse a kicad file into a design """

        design = Design()
        segments = set() # each wire segment
        junctions = set() # wire junction point (connects all wires under it)

        self.instance_names = []

        self.library = KiCADLibrary()

        if library_filename is None:
            directory, _ = split(filename)
            for dir_file in listdir(directory):
                if dir_file.endswith('.lib'):
                    self.library.parse(directory + '/' + dir_file)

        for cpt in self.library.components:
            design.add_component(, cpt)

        with open(filename) as f:
            libs = []
            line = f.readline().strip()

            # parse the library references
            while line and line != "$EndDescr":
                if line.startswith('LIBS:'):
                    libs.extend(line.split(':', 1)[1].split(','))
                line = f.readline().strip()

            # Now parse wires and components, ignore connections, we get
            # connectivity from wire segments

            line = f.readline()

            while line:
                prefix = line.split()[0]

                if line.startswith('Wire Wire Line'):
                    self.parse_wire(f, segments)
                elif prefix == "Connection": # Store these to apply later
                    self.parse_connection(line, junctions)
                elif prefix == "Text":
                        self.parse_text(f, line))
                elif prefix == "$Comp": # Component Instance
                    inst, comp = self.parse_component_instance(f)
                    if comp is not None:
                        design.add_component(, comp)
                    self.ensure_component(design, inst.library_id, libs)

                line = f.readline()

        segments = self.divide(segments, junctions)
        design.nets = self.calc_nets(design, segments)


        return design
    def parse(self, filename, library_filename=None):
        """ Parse a kicad file into a design """

        design = Design()
        segments = set()  # each wire segment
        junctions = set()  # wire junction point (connects all wires under it)

        self.instance_names = []

        self.library = KiCADLibrary()

        if library_filename is None:
            directory, _ = split(filename)
            for dir_file in listdir(directory):
                if dir_file.endswith('.lib'):
                    self.library.parse(directory + '/' + dir_file)

        for cpt in self.library.components:
            design.add_component(, cpt)

        with open(filename) as f:
            libs = []
            line = f.readline().strip()

            # parse the library references
            while line and line != "$EndDescr":
                if line.startswith('LIBS:'):
                    libs.extend(line.split(':', 1)[1].split(','))
                line = f.readline().strip()

            # Now parse wires and components, ignore connections, we get
            # connectivity from wire segments

            line = f.readline()

            while line:
                prefix = line.split()[0]

                if line.startswith('Wire Wire Line'):
                    self.parse_wire(f, segments)
                elif prefix == "Connection":  # Store these to apply later
                    self.parse_connection(line, junctions)
                elif prefix == "Text":
                        self.parse_text(f, line))
                elif prefix == "$Comp":  # Component Instance
                    inst, comp = self.parse_component_instance(f)
                    if comp is not None:
                        design.add_component(, comp)
                    self.ensure_component(design, inst.library_id, libs)

                line = f.readline()

        segments = self.divide(segments, junctions)
        design.nets = self.calc_nets(design, segments)


        return design
    def parse(self, filename, library_filename=None):
        """ Parse a kicad file into a design """

        design = Design()
        segments = set()  # each wire segment
        junctions = set()  # wire junction point (connects all wires under it)

        if library_filename is None:
            library_filename = splitext(filename)[0] + '-cache.lib'
            if exists(library_filename):
                for cpt in parse_library(library_filename):
                    design.add_component(, cpt)

        with open(filename) as f:
            libs = []
            line = f.readline().strip()

            # parse the library references
            while line and line != "$EndDescr":
                if line.startswith('LIBS:'):
                    libs.extend(line.split(':', 1)[1].split(','))
                line = f.readline().strip()

            # Now parse wires and components, ignore connections, we get
            # connectivity from wire segments

            line = f.readline()

            while line:
                prefix = line.split()[0]

                if line.startswith('Wire Wire Line'):
                    self.parse_wire(f, segments)
                elif prefix == "Connection":  # Store these to apply later
                    self.parse_connection(line, junctions)
                elif prefix == "Text":
                        self.parse_text(f, line))
                elif prefix == "$Comp":  # Component Instance
                    inst = self.parse_component_instance(f)
                    if inst.library_id not in design.components.components:
                        cpt = lookup_part(inst.library_id, libs)
                        if cpt is not None:
                            design.components.add_component(, cpt)

                line = f.readline()

        segments = self.divide(segments, junctions)
        design.nets = self.calc_nets(segments)

        return design
    def parse(self, filename, library_filename=None):
        """ Parse a kicad file into a design """

        design = Design()
        segments = set() # each wire segment
        junctions = set() # wire junction point (connects all wires under it)

        if library_filename is None:
            library_filename = splitext(filename)[0] + '-cache.lib'
            if exists(library_filename):
                for cpt in parse_library(library_filename):
                    design.add_component(, cpt)

        with open(filename) as f:
            libs = []
            line = f.readline().strip()

            # parse the library references
            while line and line != "$EndDescr":
                if line.startswith('LIBS:'):
                    libs.extend(line.split(':', 1)[1].split(','))
                line = f.readline().strip()

            # Now parse wires and components, ignore connections, we get
            # connectivity from wire segments

            line = f.readline()

            while line:
                prefix = line.split()[0]

                if line.startswith('Wire Wire Line'):
                    self.parse_wire(f, segments)
                elif prefix == "Connection": # Store these to apply later
                    self.parse_connection(line, junctions)
                elif prefix == "Text":
                        self.parse_text(f, line))
                elif prefix == "$Comp": # Component Instance
                    inst = self.parse_component_instance(f)
                    if inst.library_id not in design.components.components:
                        cpt = lookup_part(inst.library_id, libs)
                        if cpt is not None:
                            design.components.add_component(, cpt)

                line = f.readline()

        segments = self.divide(segments, junctions)
        design.nets = self.calc_nets(segments)

        return design