def parse_2(cur, ticker_id, exch_id, data):

        soup = bs(data, 'html.parser')
        tags = soup.find_all('span')
        sector = tags[2].text.strip()
        industry = tags[4].text.strip()
        ctype = tags[6].text.strip()
        fyend = tags[10].text.strip()
        style = tags[12].text.strip()
    except Exception as e:
        #print('\n# ERROR API 2:', e, end=' ')
        #print('at {}:{}\n'.format(exch_id, ticker_id))
        return 0

    # Insert sector into Sectors
    sector_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'Sectors', 'Sector', sector)

    # Insert industry into Industries
    sql = up.sql_insert('Industries', '(industry, sector_id)',
                        (industry, sector_id))
    up.execute_db(cur, sql)
    sql = up.sql_record_id('Industries', '(industry)', industry)
    industry_id = up.execute_db(cur, sql).fetchone()[0]

    # Insert companytype into CompanyTypes
    ctype_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'CompanyTypes', 'companytype',

    # Insert fyend into FYEnds
    fyend_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'TimeRefs', 'dates', fyend)

    # Insert style into StockStyles
    style_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'StockStyles', 'style', style)

    # Update Tickers table with parsed data
    sql = update_record(
        'Master', {
            'industry_id': industry_id,
            'companytype_id': ctype_id,
            'fyend_id': fyend_id,
            'style_id': style_id
        }, {
            'ticker_id': ticker_id,
            'exchange_id': exch_id
    up.execute_db(cur, sql)

    return 200
def parse_8(cur, api, ticker_id, exch_id, data):

        js = json.loads(data)
        html = js['result']
        soup = bs(html, 'html.parser')
        tags = soup.find_all('div')
    except Exception as e:
        #print('\n# ERROR API {}:'.format(api), e, end=' ')
        #print('at {}:{}\n'.format(exch_id, ticker_id))
        return 0

    info = {}
    #info0 = {}
    type = 'MSreport'

    if api in [10, 11]:
        type += '_is'
    elif api in [12, 13]:
        type += '_cf'
    elif api in [14, 15]:
        type += '_bs'
    if api in [10, 12, 14]:
        type += '_yr'
    elif api in [11, 13, 15]:
        type += '_qt'
    #fname = 'test/{}.json'.format(type)
    '''with open(fname) as file:
        info0 = json.load(file)'''

    # Parse data into info dictionary
    for tag in tags:
        attrs = tag.attrs
        if 'id' in attrs:
            tag_id = tag['id']
            value = tag.text

            # Parse Yrly or Qtrly values
            if tag_id[:2] == 'Y_':
                parent = tag.parent['id']
                key = '{}_{}'.format(parent, tag_id)

                if 'rawvalue' in attrs:
                    if tag['rawvalue'] in ['—', 'nbsp']:
                    info[key] = float(re.sub(',', '', tag['rawvalue']))
                    #info0[key] = 'REAL,'
                    if 'title' in attrs:
                        value = tag['title']
                    value_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(
                        cur, 'TimeRefs', 'dates', value)
                    info[key] = value_id
                    #info0[key] = 'INTEGER,'

            # Parse labels
            elif tag_id[:3] == 'lab' and 'padding' not in tag_id:
                value_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'RowHeaders',
                                                    'header', value)
                info[tag_id] = value_id
                #info0[tag_id] = 'INTEGER,'

    # Check if parsing was successful
    if info == {} and info0 == {}:
        return 0

    # Insert data into tables
    info['ticker_id'] = ticker_id
    info['exchange_id'] = exch_id
    sql = up.sql_insert(type, tuple(info.keys()), tuple(info.values()))
    del info['ticker_id']
    del info['exchange_id']
    dict2 = {'ticker_id': ticker_id, 'exchange_id': exch_id}
    sql = update_record(type, info, dict2)
    '''with open(fname, 'w') as file:
        file.write(json.dumps(info0, indent=2))'''

    return 200
def parse_6(cur, ticker_id, exch_id, data):

        html = json.loads(data)['componentData']
        soup = bs(html, 'html.parser')
        trs = soup.find_all('tr')
    except Exception as e:
        #print('\n# ERROR API 6:', e, end=' ')
        #print('at {}:{}\n'.format(exch_id, ticker_id))
        return 0

    # Parse table
    info = {}
    #info0 = {}

    #with open('test/MSfinancials.json') as file:
    #    info0 = json.load(file)

    for tr in trs:
        tags = tr.find_all(['th', 'td'])

        for ct, tag in enumerate(tags):

            # Parse column and row headers
            if 'id' in tag.attrs:
                if ct != 0:
                    text_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'TimeRefs',
                                                       'dates', tag.text)
                    text = re.findall('\>(.+?)\<', str(tag))[0]
                    text = re.sub('\%|\*', '', text).strip()
                    text = re.sub('\s', '_', text)
                    text_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'RowHeaders',
                                                       'header', text)
                key = re.sub('-', '_', tag['id'])
                info[key] = int(text_id)
                #info0[tag['id']] = 'INTEGER,'

            # Parse values
            if 'headers' in tag.attrs:
                headers = tag['headers']
                text = '_'.join([headers[1], headers[0]])
                text = re.sub('[-,]', '_', text)
                    info[text] = float(tag.text)
                #info0[text] = 'REAL,'

    if info == {}:
        return 0

    # Insert data into tables
    table = 'MSfinancials'
    info['ticker_id'] = ticker_id  #'INTEGER,'
    info['exchange_id'] = exch_id  #'INTEGER,'
    sql = up.sql_insert(table, tuple(info.keys()), tuple(info.values()))
    del info['ticker_id']
    del info['exchange_id']
    dict2 = {'ticker_id': ticker_id, 'exchange_id': exch_id}
    sql = update_record(table, info, dict2)
    '''for k, v in info.items():
        print(k, v)'''
    '''with open('test/MSfinancials.json', 'w') as file:
        file.write(json.dumps(info0, indent=2))'''
    '''with open('test/api12.html', 'w') as file:

    return 200
def parse_5(cur, ticker_id, exch_id, data):

        html = json.loads(data)['componentData']
        soup = bs(html, 'html.parser')
    except Exception as e:
        #print('\n# ERROR API 5:', e, end=' ')
        #print('at {}:{}\n'.format(exch_id, ticker_id))
        return 0

    # Parse data batabase tables (5 tables)
    tabs = soup.find_all('div')
    tables = {}

    for tab in tabs:
        if 'id' in tab.attrs:
            info = {}
            #info0 = {}
            table = re.sub('tab-', 'MSratio_', tab['id'])
            '''# Parse data into info dictionary
            with open('test/{}.json'.format(table)) as file:
                info0 = json.load(file)'''

            trs = tab.find_all('tr')
            for tr in trs:
                tags = tr.find_all(['th', 'td'])
                for ct, tag in enumerate(tags):

                    # Parse column and row headers
                    if 'id' in tag.attrs:
                        if ct == 0:
                            text_id = text_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(
                                cur, 'RowHeaders', 'header', tag.text)
                            text_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(
                                cur, 'TimeRefs', 'dates', tag.text)
                        key = re.sub('-', '_', tag['id'])
                        info[key] = int(text_id)
                        #info0[tag['id']] = 'INTEGER,'

                    # Parse values
                    if 'headers' in tag.attrs:
                        col = tag['headers']
                        col = '{}_{}'.format(col[2], col[0])
                        col = re.sub('-', '_', col)
                            info[col] = float(tag.text)
                        #info0[col] = 'REAL,'

            if info != {}:
                # Insert data into tables
                info['ticker_id'] = ticker_id  #'INTEGER,'
                info['exchange_id'] = exch_id  #'INTEGER,'
                tables[table] = info
                sql = up.sql_insert(table, tuple(info.keys()),
                del info['ticker_id']
                del info['exchange_id']
                dict2 = {'ticker_id': ticker_id, 'exchange_id': exch_id}
                sql = update_record(table, info, dict2)
            '''with open('test/{}.json'.format(table), 'w') as file:
                file.write(json.dumps(info0, indent=2))'''

    # Check if parsing was successful
    if tables == {}:
        return 0
    '''with open('test/api11.html', 'w') as file:
    '''for k0, v0 in tables.items():
        for k1, v1 in v0.items():
            print(k1, '\t', v1)'''

    return 200
def parse_4(cur, ticker_id, exch_id, data):

    info = {}

    def clean_val(h, v):
        if v != '—':
            info[h] = v

        soup = bs(data, 'html.parser')
        table = gethtmltable(soup)
        script = soup.find('script').text
    except Exception as e:
        #print('\n# ERROR API 4:', e, end=' ')
        #print('at {}:{}\n'.format(exch_id, ticker_id))
        return 0

    script = re.sub('[ \n\t]|\\n|\\t', '', script)
    script = re.findall('\[\[.+?\]\]', script)[0]
    columns = json.loads(script)

    # Parse Yr Columns
    for year, column in enumerate(columns):
        if column[0] % 2 == 0:
            yr = column[1]
            yr_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'TimeRefs', 'dates', yr)
            header = 'Y{}'.format(int((year - 1) / 2))
            info[header] = yr_id

    # Parse 'Price/Earnings'
    for yr, val in enumerate(table[1][1:]):
        header = 'PE_Y{}'.format(yr)
        clean_val(header, val)

    # Parse 'Price/Book'
    for yr, val in enumerate(table[4][1:]):
        header = 'PB_Y{}'.format(yr)
        clean_val(header, val)

    # Parse 'Price/Sales'
    for yr, val in enumerate(table[7][1:]):
        header = 'PS_Y{}'.format(yr)
        clean_val(header, val)

    # Parse 'Price/Cash Flow'
    for yr, val in enumerate(table[10][1:]):
        header = 'PC_Y{}'.format(yr)
        clean_val(header, val)

    # Check if parsing was successful
    if info == {}:
        return 0

    # Insert data into MSvaluation table
    info['ticker_id'] = ticker_id
    info['exchange_id'] = exch_id
    sql = up.sql_insert('MSvaluation', tuple(info.keys()),
    del info['ticker_id']
    del info['exchange_id']
    dict2 = {'ticker_id': ticker_id, 'exchange_id': exch_id}
    sql = update_record('MSvaluation', info, dict2)

    # Check if parsing was successful
    if info == {}:
        return 0

    return 200
def parse_3(cur, ticker_id, exch_id, data):

        soup = bs(data, 'html.parser')
        tags = soup.find_all('span') + soup.find_all('div')
    except Exception as e:
        #print('\n# ERROR API 3:', e, end=' ')
        #print('at {}:{}\n'.format(exch_id, ticker_id))
        return 0

    # Parse data into info dictionary
    info = {}

    for count, tag in enumerate(tags):

        attrs = tag.attrs
        text = re.sub('[\n\t]', '', tag.text.strip())
        text = re.sub('\s\s*', ' ', text)

        if text == '—' or text == '— mil' or text == '— bil':

        if attrs.get('vkey') == 'Currency':
            val = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'Currencies', 'code', text)
            info['currency_id'] = val
        elif attrs.get('vkey') == 'OpenPrice':
            info['openprice'] = re.sub(',', '', text)
        elif attrs.get('vkey') == 'LastPrice':
            info['lastprice'] = re.sub(',', '', text)
        elif attrs.get('vkey') == 'DayRange':
            info['day_hi'] = re.sub(',', '', text.split('-')[0])
            info['day_lo'] = re.sub(',', '', text.split('-')[1])
        elif attrs.get('vkey') == '_52Week':
            info['_52wk_hi'] = re.sub(',', '', text.split('-')[0])
            info['_52wk_lo'] = re.sub(',', '', text.split('-')[1])
        elif attrs.get('vkey') == 'ProjectedYield':
            info['yield'] = re.sub('[%,]', '', text)
        elif attrs.get('vkey') == 'Volume':
            if ',' in text:
                text = float(re.sub(',', '', text))
            elif ' ' in text:
                s = text.find(' ')
                unit = 1
                if text[s + 1:] == 'mil':
                    unit = 10E6
                elif text[s + 1:] == 'bil':
                    unit = 10E9
                elif text[s + 1:] == 'tri':
                    unit = 10E12
                info['aprvol'] = float(text[:s]) * unit
        elif attrs.get('vkey') == 'AverageVolume':
            if ',' in text:
                text = float(re.sub(',', '', text))
            elif ' ' in text:
                s = text.find(' ')
                unit = 1
                if text[s + 1:] == 'mil':
                    unit = 10E6
                elif text[s + 1:] == 'bil':
                    unit = 10E9
                elif text[s + 1:] == 'tri':
                    unit = 10E12
                info['avevol'] = float(text[:s]) * unit
        elif attrs.get('gkey') == 'Forward':
            fpe = text
        elif attrs.get('vkey') == 'PE':
            info['fpe'] = re.sub(',', '', text)
        elif attrs.get('vkey') == 'PB':
            info['pb'] = re.sub(',', '', text)
        elif attrs.get('vkey') == 'PS':
            info['ps'] = re.sub(',', '', text)
        elif attrs.get('vkey') == 'PC':
            info['pc'] = re.sub(',', '', text)

    # Check if parsing was successful
    if info == {}:
        return 0

    if 'fpe' in locals() and fpe != 'Forward' and 'fpe' in info:
        del info['fpe']

    # Insert data into MSheader table
    info['ticker_id'] = ticker_id
    info['exchange_id'] = exch_id
    sql = up.sql_insert('MSheader', tuple(info.keys()), tuple(info.values()))
    del info['ticker_id']
    del info['exchange_id']
    dict2 = {'ticker_id': ticker_id, 'exchange_id': exch_id}
    sql = update_record('MSheader', info, dict2)
    '''with open('test/api3.html', 'w') as file:

    return 200
def parse_1(cur, ticker_id, exch_id, data):

    results = []
        js = json.loads(data)
        if js['m'][0]['n'] != 0:
            results = js['m'][0]['r']
    except Exception as e:
        #print('\n# ERROR API 1:', e, end=' ')
        #print('at {}:{}\n'.format(exch_id, ticker_id))
        return 0

    if results == []:
        return 0

    for result in results:
        # Read data from current result
        exch = result['OS01X']
        symbol = result['OS001']
        exch_sym = result['LS01Z']
        country = result['XI018']
        type = result['OS010']
        comp = result['OS01W']
        curr = result['OS05M']

        if exch_sym == '' or symbol == '':

        # Fetch id's for data from db and update tables
        # Tickers
        ticker_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'Tickers', 'ticker', symbol)
        # Currencies
        curr_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'Currencies', 'code', curr)
        # Companies
        comp_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'Companies', 'company', comp)
        # Types
        type_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'Types', 'type_code', type)
        # Countries
        country_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'Countries', 'a3_un',
        # Updated date
        update = date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        date_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'TimeRefs', 'dates', update)
        # Exchanges
        exch_id = up.sql_insert_one_get_id(cur, 'Exchanges', 'exchange_sym',
        dict1 = {
            'exchange': exch,
            'exchange_sym': exch_sym,
            'country_id': country_id
        sql = update_record('Exchanges', dict1, {'id': exch_id})
        up.execute_db(cur, sql)

        # Master Table
        columns = '(ticker_id, exchange_id)'
        sql = up.sql_insert('Master', columns, (ticker_id, exch_id))
        up.execute_db(cur, sql)
        dict1 = {
            'company_id': comp_id,
            'type_id': type_id,
            'update_date_id': date_id
        dict2 = {'ticker_id': ticker_id, 'exchange_id': exch_id}
        sql = update_record('Master', dict1, dict2)
        up.execute_db(cur, sql)

    return 200