def scrape(): clean() # Gets the main page of all classes url = "{}".format( TERM) html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() soup = BeautifulSoup(html) # Iterates through all courses rows = soup.find_all('tr')[1:] for row in rows: try: fields = row.find_all('td') if (fields[10].get_text().strip() == "Cancelled"): continue courseNumber = fields[1].a['href'][28:34] section = fields[4].get_text().strip() enroll = int(fields[8].get_text().strip()) closed = fields[10].get_text().strip( ) == "Closed" # or Closed Closed? entry, created = Entry.objects.get_or_create( courseNumber=courseNumber, section=section) if created or enroll != entry.totalEnroll or closed != entry.totalClosed: entry.totalEnroll = enroll entry.totalClosed = closed course, created = Course.objects.get_or_create( number=courseNumber) course.code = ' / '.join([ code.strip().replace(" ", " ") for code in fields[1].text.split('\n \n') ]) course.title = fields[2].text.strip() updateCourse(course) except Exception: pass list = CoursesList.objects.all()[0] list.cache()
import sys,os sys.path.insert(0,os.path.abspath("/srv/tigerapps")) import settings from import setup_environ setup_environ(settings) from pounce.models import Course, Class, Subscription, Entry, CoursesList import pounce.log as log from update import updateCourse, clean log.log('Running') clean() for course in Course.objects.all(): updateCourse(course) list = CoursesList.objects.all()[0] list.cache()
import sys, os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("/srv/tigerapps")) import settings from import setup_environ setup_environ(settings) from pounce.models import Course, Class, Subscription, Entry, CoursesList import pounce.log as log from update import updateCourse, clean log.log('Running') clean() for course in Course.objects.all(): try: updateCourse(course) except Exception: print "Error updating course %s" % course.title list = CoursesList.objects.all()[0] list.cache()