def is_good_extension(ext):
    """Boolean, true if uploading with this file extension could succeed.

    That is, after mapping the extension to a content-type, we will want
    extensions/'s _add_internal to find it in CONTENT_TYPES.
    if ext.startswith('.'):  # e.g. might be ''
        ext = ext[1:]
    # get_content_type() punts on '.JPG' &c., letting mimetypes.guess_type() deal with it.
    ext = ext.lower()
    ct = get_content_type('foo.' + ext)
    if ct == 'application/octet-stream':
        return False  # This binary type is absolutely unacceptable to _add_internal.
    return get_extension_for_type(ct) == ext and ext in CONTENT_TYPES.values()
def _add_internal (ostream, percent_done_fn, repo, response, params, content, wait):

    # this can be called in several different ways.
    # In general, you post a multipart/form-data body which
    # contains a "contenttype" for the document, and either a "URL"
    # for the content, or a "content" parameter containing the
    # the actual content.  If both "URL" and "content" are present,
    # the URL is added as the "original-url" value for the metadata,
    # and if the content is HTML, it's used as the "original.html"
    # and the URL is used to pull ancillary content referenced in it.

    content_type = params.get("contenttype")
    url = params.get("URL")
    noredir = params.get("no-redirect")
    noredir = noredir and (noredir.lower() == "true")
    uploadloc = url
    docname = params.get("documentname")
    tempf = None
    suppress_duplicates = params.get("suppress-duplicates")
    suppress_duplicates = suppress_duplicates and (suppress_duplicates.lower() == "true")
    bury = params.get("bury")
    bury = bury and (bury.lower() == "true")
    verbosity = int(params.get("verbosity") or "0")
    if content:
        if wait and ostream:
            _rewrite_job_output(ostream, '{ state: 0, msg: "Caching page..."}')
        extension = CONTENT_TYPES.get(content_type)
        if not extension:
            if wait:
                msg = "Don't know what to do with contenttype \"%s\"" % content_type
                if ostream:
                    _rewrite_job_output(ostream, '{state: 1, msg: "' + urllib.quote(msg) + '"}')
                    response.error(HTTPCodes.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, msg)
        # special case HTML/XHTML
        if content and (content_type.lower() in ("text/html", "application/xhtml+xml")):
            tempf = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            uploadloc = os.path.join(tempf, "original.html")
            # make sure that the folder for other parts exists, even if empty
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(tempf, "original_files"))
            # remove our bookmarklet, if present
            content = _BOOKMARKLET_PATTERN.sub('', content)
            content = _ADD_FORM_PATTERN.sub('', content)
            c = _OurCacher(url, filename=uploadloc, bits=content, content_type=content_type)
            # make sure that the folder for other parts exists, even if empty
            other_parts = os.path.join(tempf, "original_files")
            if not os.path.exists(other_parts):
        # special case 3x5 cards
        elif (docname and (content_type.lower() == "text/plain") and os.path.splitext(docname)[1] == ".3x5"):
            fd, tempf = tempfile.mkstemp(".3x5")
            fp = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
            uploadloc = tempf
            fd, tempf = tempfile.mkstemp("." + extension)
            fp = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
            uploadloc = tempf
        if suppress_duplicates:
            hash = calculate_originals_fingerprint(tempf)
            results = repo.do_query("sha-hash:"+hash)
            if results:
                # it's a duplicate
                doc = results[0][1]
                if os.path.isdir(tempf):
                elif os.path.exists(tempf):
                if ostream:
                    _rewrite_job_output(ostream, '{ state: 2, doc_id: "' + + '"}')
                elif noredir:
                    response.reply(, "text/plain")
                    response.redirect("/action/basic/dv_show?doc_id=%s" %
            # get a cookie for authentication
            cookie = repo.new_cookie(url or content[:min(100, len(content))])
            cookie_str = '%s=%s; path=/; Secure' % (, cookie.value())
            os.environ["UPLIB_COOKIE"] = cookie_str
            doctitle = params.get("md-title")
            docauthors = params.get("md-authors")
            docdate = params.get("md-date")
            doccats = params.get("md-categories")
            metadata = params.get("metadata")
            if metadata:
                mdtmpfile = tempfile.mktemp()
                open(mdtmpfile, "w").write(metadata)
                # check to see if we're replacing an existing document
                md2 = read_metadata(StringIO.StringIO(metadata))
                existing_doc_id = md2.get("replacement-contents-for")
                if existing_doc_id and not repo.valid_doc_id(existing_doc_id):
                    raise ValueError("Invalid doc ID %s specified for replacement" % existing_doc_id)
                mdtmpfile = None
                existing_doc_id = None
            # now form the command
            scheme = ((repo.get_param("use-http", "false").lower() == "true") or _use_http) and "http" or "https"
            cmd = '%s --verbosity=%s --repository=%s:// ' % (_uplib_add_document, verbosity, scheme, repo.port())
            if doctitle:
                cmd += ' --title=%s' % pipes.quote(doctitle)
            if docauthors:
                cmd += ' --authors=%s' % pipes.quote(docauthors)
            if docdate:
                cmd += ' --date="%s"' % docdate
            if doccats:
                cmd += ' --categories=%s' % pipes.quote(doccats)
            if mdtmpfile:
                cmd += ' --metadata="%s"' % mdtmpfile
            cmd += ' "%s"' % uploadloc
            if ostream:
                _rewrite_job_output(ostream, '{state: 0, msg: "' + urllib.quote(cmd) + '"}')
            # and invoke the command
            status, output, tsignal = subproc(cmd)
            note(4, "cmd is %s, status is %s, output is %s", repr(cmd), status, repr(output.strip()))
            if mdtmpfile:
            if status == 0:
                # success; output should be doc-id
                doc_id = existing_doc_id or output.strip().split()[-1]
                note(4, "output is '%s'; doc_id for new doc is %s", output.strip(), doc_id)
                if wait and ostream:
                    _rewrite_job_output(ostream, '{ state: 1, doc_id: "' + doc_id + '", msg: "' + urllib.quote(output) + '"}')
                # wait for it to come on-line
                if percent_done_fn:
                    percent_done_fn(40)         # estimate 40% of work done on client side
                while not repo.valid_doc_id(doc_id):
                    if ostream:
                        pending = repo.list_pending(full=True)
                        s = _first(pending, lambda x: x['id'] == doc_id)
                        if not s:
                        dstatus = s['status']
                        if dstatus == 'error':
                            msg = 'server-side error incorporating document'
                            _rewrite_job_output(ostream, '{ state: 3, doc_id: "' + doc_id
                                                + '", msg: "' + urllib.quote(s['error']) + '"}')
                        if dstatus == 'unpacking':
                            msg = 'starting ripper process...'
                        elif dstatus == 'ripping':
                            msg = "ripping with ripper '" + s['ripper'] + "'..."
                        elif dstatus == 'moving':
                            msg = 'adding to registered document set...'
                        _rewrite_job_output(ostream, '{ state: 1, doc_id: "' + doc_id
                                            + '", msg: "' + urllib.quote(msg) + '"}')
                if percent_done_fn:
                    percent_done_fn(100)        # finished
                if repo.valid_doc_id(doc_id):
                    if bury:
                        # wait up to 100 seconds for it to show up in history list
                        # after that, wait another second, then bury it
                        counter = 100
                        while counter > 0:
                            h = [ for x in repo.history()]
                            if doc_id in h:
                            counter -= 1
                        repo.touch_doc(doc_id, bury=True, notify=False)
                        note(3, "buried %s", doc_id)
                    if wait:
                        if ostream:
                            _rewrite_job_output(ostream, '{ state: 2, doc_id: "' + doc_id + '"}')
                        elif noredir:
                            response.reply(doc_id, "text/plain")
                            response.redirect("/action/basic/dv_show?doc_id=%s" % doc_id)
                note("cmd <<%s>> failed with status %s:\n%s", cmd, status, output)
                if wait:
                    if ostream:
                        _rewrite_job_output(ostream, '{ state: 3, msg: "' + urllib.quote('Error processing the document:\n' + output) + '"}')
                        response.error(HTTPCodes.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "<pre>" + htmlescape(output) + "</pre>")
            e = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
            if wait:
                note(3, "Exception processing uplib-add-document request:\n%s", htmlescape(e))
                if ostream:
                    _rewrite_job_output(ostream, '{state: 3, msg: "' + urllib.quote("Exception processing uplib-add-document request:\n" + e) + '"}')
                                   "Exception processing uplib-add-document request:\n<pre>" +
                                   htmlescape(e) + "\n</pre>")
                note("Exception processing uplib-add-document request:\n%s", e)
        if tempf and os.path.isfile(tempf):
        elif tempf and os.path.isdir(tempf):