    def load(self, filename):
        self.nodes = []

        file = open(filename, 'r')

        if file:
            track = gpx.Trackpoints()  # create new Trackpoints object
            track.import_locations(file)  # load a gpx file into it
            for point in track[
                    0]:  #iterate over the points, track[0] is list of all points in file
                lat = point.latitude
                lon = point.longitude
                self.nodes.append([lat, lon])
            self.numNodes = len(self.nodes)
            self.set("centreOnce", True)
            self.pos = int(self.get("replayStart", 0) * self.numNodes)

        #this seems to work only with GPX 1.0
        #      regexp = re.compile("<trkpt lat=['\"](.*?)['\"] lon=['\"](.*?)['\"]")
        #      for text in file:
        #        matches = regexp.match(text)
        #        if(matches):
        #          lat = float(matches.group(1))
        #          lon = float(matches.group(2))
        #          self.nodes.append([lat,lon])
        #      file.close()
        #      self.numNodes = len(self.nodes)
        #      self.set("centreOnce", True)
        #      self.pos = int(self.get("replayStart",0) * self.numNodes)

            print("No file")
    def load(self, filename):
        """load a GPX file to datastructure"""
        file = open(filename, 'r')

        if file:
            track = gpx.Trackpoints()  # create new Trackpoints object
            track.import_locations(file)  # load a gpx file into it
            self.tracks[filename] = track
            print("No file")
    def load_tracklog(self, path, notify=True):
        """Load a GPX file to datastructure."""
        # is the cache loaded
        if self.cache == {}:
            # load the cache

        # just to be sure, refresh the tracklog list if needed
        if self._tracklog_list == []:

        start = clock()
        self.filename = path

        file = None

            file = open(path, 'rt')
        except Exception:
            self.log.exception("loading tracklog failed: %s", path)

        if notify:
            self.sendMessage('notification:loading %s#1' % path)

        if file:  # TODO: add handling of other than GPX files
            # import the GPX module only when really needed
            from upoints import gpx

            track = gpx.Trackpoints()  # create new Trackpoints object
            # lets assume we have only GPX 1.1 files TODO: 1.1 and 1.0
                track.import_locations(file, "1.1")  # load a gpx file into it
            except Exception:
                self.log.exception("loading tracklog failed")
                if notify:
                    self.sendMessage('notification:loading tracklog failed#2')

            type = "GPX"  # TODO: more formats support

            track = GPXTracklog(track, path, type, self.cache, self.save)
            self.tracklogs[path] = track
            self.log.info("Loading tracklog \n%s\ntook %1.2f ms", path,
                          (1000 * (clock() - start)))
            if notify:
                self.sendMessage('notification:loaded in %1.2f ms' %
                                 (1000 * (clock() - start)))
            return track
            self.log.info("No tracklog file")
    def store_route(self, route, name="", cat='misc'):
        """store a route, found by Google Directions to a GPX file,
           then load this file to tracklogs list,
           return resulting path
           or None when storing fails"""
        # import the GPX module only when really needed
        from upoints import gpx

        newTracklog = gpx.Trackpoints()
        trackpoints = map(lambda x: gpx.Trackpoint(x[0], x[1]), route)

        timeString = strftime("%Y%m%d#%H-%M-%S", gmtime())
        # gdr = Google Directions Result, TODO: alternate prefixes when we have more routing providers

        name = name.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        filename = "gdr_%s%s.gpx" % (name, timeString)
        # TODO: store to more formats ?
        return self.store_tracklog(newTracklog, filename, cat, "GPX")
    def saveToGPX(self, path, turns=False):
        """Save way to GPX file
        points are saved as trackpoints,
        message points as routepoints with turn description in the <desc> field
        try: # first check if we cant open the file for writing
            f = open(path, "wb")
            # Handle trackpoints
            trackpoints = gpx.Trackpoints()
            # check for stored timestamps
            if self._points and len(self._points[0]) >= 4: # LLET
                    [gpx.Trackpoint(x[0], x[1], None, None, x[2], x[3]) for x in self._points]

            else: # LLE
                    [gpx.Trackpoint(x[0], x[1], None, None, x[2], None) for x in self._points]

            # Handle message points

            # TODO: find how to make a GPX trac with segments of different types
            # is it as easy just dumping the segment lists to Trackpoints ?

            # message is stored in <desc>
            messagePoints = self.message_points
            index = 1
            mpCount = len(messagePoints)
            if turns: # message points contain Turn-By-Turn directions
                routepoints = gpx.Routepoints()
                for mp in messagePoints:
                    name = ""
                    if turns:
                        name = "Turn %d/%d" % (index, mpCount)
                    lat, lon, elev, message = mp.get_llmi()
                    routepoints.append(gpx.Routepoint(lat, lon, name, message, elev, None))
                    index += 1
                log.info('%d points, %d routepoints saved to %s in GPX format',
                         path, len(trackpoints), len(routepoints))
                waypoints = []
                for mp in messagePoints:
                    name = ""
                    if turns:
                        name = "Turn %d/%d" % (index, mpCount)
                    lat, lon, elev, message = mp.get_llmi()
                    waypoints.append(gpx.Routepoint(lat, lon, name, message, elev, None))
                    index += 1
                log.info('%d points, %d waypoints saved to %s in GPX format',
                         len(trackpoints[0]), len(waypoints), path)

            # write the GPX tree to file
            # TODO: waypoints & routepoints support
            xmlTree = trackpoints.export_gpx_file()
            # close the file
            return True
        except Exception:
            log.exception('saving to GPX format failed')
            return False
    def startLogging(self, name="", logType='gpx'):
        """Start a new log file

        :param str logType: tracklog output type
        :param str name: tracklog name
        :returns: tracklog filename or None
        :rtype: str or None
        if self.loggingEnabled:
            self.log.error("track logging already in progress")
            return None
        self.log.info("initializing the tracklog file")
        # zero the appropriate variables, etc.
        self.loggingEnabled = True
        self.loggingStartTimestamp = int(time.time())
        self.maxSpeed = 0
        self.avg1 = 0
        self.avg2 = 0
        self.avgSpeed = 0
        self.currentTempLog = []
        self.distance = 0
        logFolder = self.getLogFolderPath()

        name = self.generateLogName(name)

        self.logName = name

        filename = None

        if logType == 'gpx':
            # importing the GPX module can be time consuming so import it
            # when it is really needed
            self.log.info("GPX selected as format for the final output")

            from upoints import gpx

            self.currentLogGPX = gpx.Trackpoints()
            # set tracklog metadata
            self.currentLogGPX.name = name
            self.currentLogGPX.time = time.gmtime()

            #      self.currentLogGPX.author = "modRana - a flexible GPS navigation system"
            #      self.currentLogGPX.link = "http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/trac/gps_navigace"

            filename = "%s.gpx" % name
            self.logFilename = filename
            self.logPath = os.path.join(logFolder, filename)

            # initialize temporary CSV log files
            path1 = os.path.join(logFolder, "%s.temporary_csv_1" % name)
            path2 = os.path.join(logFolder, "%s.temporary_csv_2" % name)

            log1 = way.AppendOnlyWay()
            self.log1 = log1

            log2 = way.AppendOnlyWay()
            self.log2 = log2

            # start update and save timers
            self.log.error("unknown track log format: %s" % logType)

        self.lastUpdateTimestamp = time.time()
        self.lastCoords = self.get('pos', None)
        self.log.info("tracklog file initialized")

        return filename