def details(request,recipe_id): user = getUser(request) if user: up = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user) """Get users current city""" store = up.default_store c = city = c.lower().replace(' ','') else: city = None r = Recipe.objects.get(id=recipe_id) ingrlist = r.ingrfull.split('\n') dirlist = r.dirfull.split('\n') image_key = str(r.image.file.blobstore_info.key()) url = images.get_serving_url(image_key) template = "meals/detail.html" data = {'recipe':r, 'directions':dirlist, 'ingredients':ingrlist, 'image':url, 'user':user, 'city':city} return render_to_response(template, data,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def ajax_vote_filter(request): user = getUser(request) prev_votes = '' if user: up = user.get_profile() prev_votes = VoteHistory.objects.filter(userprofile=up) contrib_votes = Vote.objects.filter(contributor=up) logged_in = False if user: logged_in = True filter_type = request.POST.get('filtertype') if filter_type == 'recent': vote = Vote.objects.filter(featured=False).order_by('-created_on') if filter_type == 'topvoted': vote = Vote.objects.filter(featured=False).order_by('-count') if filter_type == 'pastfeatured': vote = Vote.objects.filter(featured=True).order_by('-count') if filter_type == 'yourpicks': """TEMP - contributor > userprofile""" vote = contrib_votes pv_array = [] for pv in prev_votes: pv_array.append( template = 'home/ajax/vote_list_snippet.html' data = {'logged_in':logged_in, 'user':user, 'vote':vote, 'prev_votes':pv_array} rendered = render_to_string(template,data) return HttpResponse(rendered, status=200)
def buybutton(request): user = getUser(request) template = 'home/buybutton.html' all_sites = OrderEligibleSite.objects.all() js_source = media_url('bookmark.js') #domain = '' domain = '' data = {'user':user, 'all_sites':all_sites, 'js_source':js_source, 'domain':domain} return render_to_response(template, data,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def vote(request): user = getUser(request) prev_votes = '' if user: up = user.get_profile() prev_votes = VoteHistory.objects.filter(userprofile=up) logged_in = False if user: logged_in = True if request.POST: form = VoteForm(request.POST) if request.user.is_authenticated(): if form.is_valid(): """Does URL exist?""" c_url = form.cleaned_data['url'] v = Vote.objects.filter(url=c_url) if v: vote = v[0] """check for multiple submissions of the same url""" vh = VoteHistory.objects.filter(vote=vote, userprofile=up) if len(vh) == 0: vote.count += 1 else: vote = vote.count=1 vote.featured=False vote.contributor = up sendVoteAdminEmail(vote, up) vh = VoteHistory(vote=vote,userprofile=up) else: form = VoteForm() pv_array = [] for pv in prev_votes: pv_array.append( vote = Vote.objects.filter(featured=False).order_by('-count') data = {'form':form, 'logged_in':logged_in, 'user':user, 'vote':vote, 'prev_votes':pv_array} template = "home/vote.html" return render_to_response(template, data,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def ajax_vote(request): user = getUser(request) up = user.get_profile() vv = request.POST.get('vote_val') varray = vv.split('-') vote_id = varray[1] vote = Vote.objects.get(id=vote_id) vh = VoteHistory.objects.filter(vote=vote, userprofile=up) if len(vh) == 0: vote.count += 1 vh = VoteHistory(vote=vote,userprofile=up) return HttpResponse('', status=200)
def main(request): user = getUser(request) meal_on = True if isWeekend(): meal_on = False """Get expiration""" pacific = timezone('US/Pacific') pa_time = pa = pa_time.strftime('%d,%m,%Y,%B,%A') date_array = pa.split(',') day_as_num = int(date_array[0]) month_as_num = int(date_array[1]) - 1 year = date_array[2] """Get meal""" id=None store=None selected_recipes, item_dict, total = getMeal('sanfrancisco', store, id) url = None r_name = None r_attr = None if selected_recipes: r = selected_recipes[0] r_name = r_attr = r.attribution image_key = str(r.image.file.blobstore_info.key()) url = images.get_serving_url(image_key) else: meal_on = False if request.method == 'POST': prospect = ProspectForm(request.POST) # A form bound to the POST data if prospect.is_valid(): new_p = """Save location""" try: new_p.full_address = request.session['location'] except KeyError: pass #logging.debug('New address: %s' % new_p.full_address) """Save referrer""" new_p.referrer = request.session['whereFrom'] if 'referral' in request.GET: new_p.invite = request.GET.get('referral') return thanks_page(request, new_p) else: prospect = ProspectForm() CITY_LIST = ['San Francisco', 'Other'] request.session['whereFrom'] = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '') template = 'home/home_current.html' data = {'user':user, 'form':prospect, 'year':year, 'date_today':pa_time, 'rname':r_name, 'rattr':r_attr, 'image':url, 'dn':day_as_num, 'mn':month_as_num, 'city_list':CITY_LIST, 'meal_on':meal_on} return render_to_response(template, data,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def aboutus(request): user = getUser(request) template = 'home/navigation/aboutus.html' data = {'user':user } return render_to_response(template, data,context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def api_order(request, city): #Check cache from google.appengine.api import memcache pacific = timezone('US/Pacific') now = tomorrow = datetime(now.year, now.month,, 23, 59, 59, tzinfo=pacific) td = tomorrow-now expire = td.seconds order = memcache.get("latest_order-1") #if current_order(order): if False: return HttpResponse(order,content_type = 'application/javascript; charset=utf8') else: user = getUser(request) id = None """Get Meal""" selected_recipes, item_dict, total = getMeal(city, id) if selected_recipes: r = selected_recipes[0] else: #get earliest from previous day selected_recipes, item_dict, total = getLatestMeal(city,id) r = selected_recipes[0] servings = r.serv cooktime = r.cooktime name = """Get Directions """ #Check for direction sections - looks for <u> tag directions = r.dirfull dirfull_dict = format_directions(directions) """Get Service fee """ service_fee = '3.99' if user: subscribed = isSubscriber(user) if subscribed: service_fee = '0.00' """Get Ingredients """ #Check for direction sections - looks for <u> tag ingredients = r.ingrfull ingrfull_dict = format_ingredients(ingredients) """Get all stores""" from django.core import serializers data = serializers.serialize("json", Store.objects.filter(city='San Francisco', active=True),fields=('store_name','street1','city','state','postal_code','lat','lng')) sdata = simplejson.loads(data) stores = [] for s in sdata: f = s['fields'] store_dict = {} store_dict['storeid'] = s['pk'] store_dict['name'] = f['store_name'] store_dict['street'] = f['street1'] store_dict['city'] = f['city'] store_dict['state'] = f['state'] store_dict['state'] = f['state'] store_dict['country'] = 'United States' store_dict['zip'] = f['postal_code'] store_dict['lat'] = f['lat'] store_dict['lng'] = f['lng'] stores.append(store_dict) """Get image""" image_key = str(r.image.file.blobstore_info.key()) url_x = images.get_serving_url(image_key) url = '%s=s320'% url_x s1 = Store.objects.all()[2] pickuptime = getTime(s1) code = 200 ps_all = get_currentday_promo('sanfrancisco') if ps_all: ps = ps_all[0] else: ps_all = get_latest_promo('sanfrancisco') ps = ps_all[0] #Sample format "2011-11-15T09:58:52-0800" promo_date_x = pacific = timezone('US/Pacific') promo_date = promo_date_x.replace(tzinfo=pacific) #Need to update dt = datetime(year=promo_date.year, month=promo_date.month,, hour=16, minute=30, tzinfo=pacific) endtime = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') #Used for testing #now = #dt = datetime(year=now.year, month=now.month,, hour=16, minute=30, tzinfo=pacific) #endtime = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') """Get items for meal""" item_array = [] itemfull_dict = {} for k,v in item_dict.items(): items = {} items['name'] = k items['price'] = "%.2f" % v items['selected'] = inExclude(k) item_array.append(items) new_dict = nonexcluded_item_dict(item_dict) item_dict, total = get_items_latest_price(new_dict, ps) price = total/r.serv price_per = ("%.2f" % price) total_x = ("%.2f" % total) pe = PromoEmail.objects.get(promoschedule=ps) summary = pe.meal_summary id = str( meal_dict = {'image': url, 'cooktime': cooktime,'dirfull':dirfull_dict, 'endtime': endtime, 'ingrfull':ingrfull_dict, 'item_selections': item_array, 'name':name, 'promoid', 'pickuptime':pickuptime, 'price_per':price_per, 'servings':servings, 'stores':stores, 'summary':summary, 'total':total_x, 'id':id, 'service_fee':service_fee} data = {'code':code, 'meal':meal_dict} order = simplejson.dumps(data, cls=MyJSONEncoder) memcache.delete("latest_order-1") if not memcache.add("latest_order-1", order): logging.error("Memcache set failed.") return HttpResponse( order, content_type = 'application/javascript; charset=utf8' )