def test_DownloadLocationJob_remove_link_ignores_errors_from_removing_empty_parent_directories( mocker): exists_mock = mocker.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True) unlink_mock = mocker.patch('os.unlink') removedirs_mock = mocker.patch('os.removedirs', side_effect=OSError('nope')) dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) mocker.patch.object( dlj, '_links_created', { 'path/to/a': 'path/to/a1', 'path/to/b': 'path/to/b1', 'path/to/c': 'path/to/c1', }) dlj._remove_link('path/to/c') assert exists_mock.call_args_list == [call('path/to/c')] assert unlink_mock.call_args_list == [call('path/to/c')] assert removedirs_mock.call_args_list == [call('path/to')] assert dlj.output == () assert dlj.errors == () assert dlj.raised is None assert dlj._links_created == { 'path/to/a': 'path/to/a1', 'path/to/b': 'path/to/b1', }
def test_DownloadLocationJob_get_target_location(file_candidates, exp_target_location, mocker, tmp_path): dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) mocker.patch.object(type(dlj), 'cache_directory', PropertyMock(return_value=tmp_path)) mocker.patch.object(dlj, '_create_hardlink') for file, candidates in tuple(file_candidates.items()): for i, candidate in enumerate(candidates): candidates[i]['filepath'] = tmp_path / candidate['filepath'] candidates[i]['location'] = tmp_path / candidate['location'] candidate['filepath'].parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if 'corrupt' in candidate['filepath'].name: candidate['filepath'].write_text('corrupt') else: candidate['filepath'].write_text('good') mocker.patch.object(dlj, '_get_file_candidates', return_value=file_candidates) def verify_file_mock(file): filepath = os.path.join(dlj._check_location, file) with open(filepath, 'r') as f: return == 'good' mocker.patch.object(dlj, '_verify_file', side_effect=verify_file_mock) assert dlj._get_target_location() == tmp_path / exp_target_location
def test_DownloadLocationJob_remove_link_that_cannot_be_removed(mocker): exists_mock = mocker.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True) unlink_mock = mocker.patch('os.unlink', side_effect=OSError('nope')) removedirs_mock = mocker.patch('os.removedirs') dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) mocker.patch.object( dlj, '_links_created', { 'path/to/a': 'path/to/a1', 'path/to/b': 'path/to/b1', 'path/to/c': 'path/to/c1', }) dlj._remove_link('path/to/b') assert exists_mock.call_args_list == [call('path/to/b')] assert unlink_mock.call_args_list == [call('path/to/b')] assert removedirs_mock.call_args_list == [] assert dlj.output == () assert dlj.errors == () assert type(dlj.raised) is OSError assert str(dlj.raised) == 'nope' assert dlj._links_created == { 'path/to/a': 'path/to/a1', 'path/to/b': 'path/to/b1', 'path/to/c': 'path/to/c1', }
def test_DownloadLocationJob_execute(locations, default, torf_error, target_location, exp_get_target_location_calls, exp_errors, exp_output, mocker, tmp_path): dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob( torrent='mock.torrent', locations=locations, default=default, ) mocker.patch.object(dlj, '_get_target_location', return_value=target_location) if torf_error: mocker.patch('', side_effect=torf_error) else: mocker.patch('', return_value='mock torrent object') dlj.execute() assert dlj._get_target_location.call_args_list == exp_get_target_location_calls if locations and not torf_error: assert dlj._torrent == 'mock torrent object' else: assert dlj._torrent is None assert [type(e) for e in dlj.errors] == [type(exp_e) for exp_e in exp_errors] assert [str(e) for e in dlj.errors] == [str(exp_e) for exp_e in exp_errors] assert dlj.output == exp_output assert dlj.raised is None assert dlj.is_finished
def test_DownloadLocationJob_check_location(mocker): dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) mocker.patch.object(type(dlj), 'cache_directory', PropertyMock(return_value='mock/cache/directory')) mocker.patch.object(type(dlj), 'name', PropertyMock(return_value='mock_name')) assert dlj._check_location == 'mock/cache/directory/mock_name'
def test_DownloadLocationJob_create_symlink(mocker): dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) mocker.patch.object(dlj, '_create_link', Mock(return_value='foo')) assert dlj._create_symlink('path/to/source', 'path/to/target') == 'foo' import os assert dlj._create_link.call_args_list == [ call(os.symlink, 'path/to/source', 'path/to/target') ]
def test_DownloadLocationJob_create_link_that_already_exists(mocker): exists_mock = mocker.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True) makedirs_mock = mocker.patch('os.makedirs') create_link_function = Mock(__qualname__='mylink') dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) dlj._create_link(create_link_function, 'path/to/source', 'path/to/target') assert exists_mock.call_args_list == [call('path/to/target')] assert makedirs_mock.call_args_list == [] assert create_link_function.call_args_list == [] assert dlj.output == () assert dlj.errors == () assert dlj.raised is None assert dlj._links_created == {}
def test_DownloadLocationJob_create_link_fails_to_create_parent_directories( mocker): exists_mock = mocker.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=False) makedirs_mock = mocker.patch('os.makedirs', side_effect=OSError('nope')) create_link_function = Mock(__qualname__='mylink') dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) dlj._create_link(create_link_function, 'path/to/source', 'path/to/target') assert exists_mock.call_args_list == [call('path/to/target')] assert makedirs_mock.call_args_list == [call('path/to', exist_ok=True)] assert create_link_function.call_args_list == [] assert dlj.output == () assert dlj.errors == ('Failed to create directory: path/to: nope', ) assert dlj.raised is None assert dlj._links_created == {}
def test_DownloadLocationJob_each_file(tmp_path): files = ( tmp_path / '1', tmp_path / 'a' / '2', tmp_path / 'a' / '3', tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '4', tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '5', tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '6', tmp_path / 'c' / '7', tmp_path / 'c' / '8', ) for f in files: f.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) f.write_bytes(b'mock data') dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) assert sorted(dlj._each_file(tmp_path / 'a')) == [ (str(tmp_path / 'a' / '2'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / '3'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '4'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '5'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '6'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), ] assert sorted(dlj._each_file(tmp_path / 'a', tmp_path / 'c' / '8')) == [ (str(tmp_path / 'a' / '2'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / '3'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '4'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '5'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '6'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'c' / '8'), str(tmp_path / 'c' / '8')), ] assert sorted(dlj._each_file(tmp_path / 'a', tmp_path / 'c')) == [ (str(tmp_path / 'a' / '2'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / '3'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '4'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '5'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '6'), str(tmp_path / 'a')), (str(tmp_path / 'c' / '7'), str(tmp_path / 'c')), (str(tmp_path / 'c' / '8'), str(tmp_path / 'c')), ] assert sorted(dlj._each_file(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b', tmp_path / 'c')) == [ (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '4'), str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '5'), str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b')), (str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / '6'), str(tmp_path / 'a' / 'b')), (str(tmp_path / 'c' / '7'), str(tmp_path / 'c')), (str(tmp_path / 'c' / '8'), str(tmp_path / 'c')), ]
def test_DownloadLocationJob_remove_link_that_was_not_created(mocker): exists_mock = mocker.patch('os.path.exists') unlink_mock = mocker.patch('os.unlink') removedirs_mock = mocker.patch('os.removedirs') dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) mocker.patch.object(dlj, '_links_created', {'path/to/target': 'path/to/source'}) dlj._remove_link('path/to/different/target') assert exists_mock.call_args_list == [] assert unlink_mock.call_args_list == [] assert removedirs_mock.call_args_list == [] assert dlj.output == () assert dlj.errors == () assert dlj.raised is None assert dlj._links_created == {'path/to/target': 'path/to/source'}
def test_DownloadLocationJob_is_size_match(mocker): file_size_mock = mocker.patch('upsies.utils.fs.file_size', return_value=456) dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) files = (Mock(size=123), Mock(size=456), Mock(size=789)) assert dlj._is_size_match(files[0], 'path/to/foo') is False assert file_size_mock.call_args_list == [call('path/to/foo')] assert dlj._is_size_match(files[1], 'path/to/bar') is True assert file_size_mock.call_args_list == [ call('path/to/foo'), call('path/to/bar') ] assert dlj._is_size_match(files[2], 'path/to/baz') is False assert file_size_mock.call_args_list == [ call('path/to/foo'), call('path/to/bar'), call('path/to/baz') ]
def test_DownloadLocationJob_verify_file(piece_indexes, verify_piece_return_values, exp_verify_piece_calls, exp_return_value, mocker, tmp_path): dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) mocker.patch.object(dlj, '_torrent') TorrentFileStream_mock = mocker.patch( 'upsies.utils.torrent.TorrentFileStream') tfs_mock = TorrentFileStream_mock.return_value.__enter__.return_value tfs_mock.get_absolute_piece_indexes.return_value = piece_indexes tfs_mock.verify_piece.side_effect = verify_piece_return_values assert dlj._verify_file('mock/file/path') is exp_return_value assert TorrentFileStream_mock.call_args_list == [ call(dlj._torrent, dlj._check_location) ] assert tfs_mock.get_absolute_piece_indexes.call_args_list == [ call('mock/file/path', (1, -2)) ] assert tfs_mock.verify_piece.call_args_list == exp_verify_piece_calls
def test_DownloadLocationJob_remove_link_that_does_not_exist(mocker): exists_mock = mocker.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=False) unlink_mock = mocker.patch('os.unlink') removedirs_mock = mocker.patch('os.removedirs') dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) mocker.patch.object( dlj, '_links_created', { 'path/to/a': 'path/to/a1', 'path/to/b': 'path/to/b1', 'path/to/c': 'path/to/c1', }) dlj._remove_link('path/to/b') assert exists_mock.call_args_list == [call('path/to/b')] assert unlink_mock.call_args_list == [] assert removedirs_mock.call_args_list == [] assert dlj.output == () assert dlj.errors == () assert dlj.raised is None assert dlj._links_created == { 'path/to/a': 'path/to/a1', 'path/to/b': 'path/to/b1', 'path/to/c': 'path/to/c1', }
def test_DownloadLocationJob_get_file_candidates(mocker, tmp_path): files = ( tmp_path / '.1', tmp_path / '.2', tmp_path / '.3', tmp_path / 'a' / 'a1', tmp_path / 'a' / 'a2', tmp_path / 'a' / 'a3', tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / 'ab1', tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / 'ab2', tmp_path / 'a' / 'b' / 'ab3', tmp_path / 'c' / 'c1', tmp_path / 'c' / 'c2', tmp_path / 'c' / 'c3', ) for f in files: f.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) filesize = int([-1]) f.write_bytes(b'x' * filesize) dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob( torrent='mock.torrent', locations=( tmp_path / 'a', tmp_path / 'c', ), ) mocker.patch.object( dlj, '_torrent', Mock(files=( # Same path MockFile('a/a1', size=1), # Same path, different file name MockFile('a/b/ab.2', size=2), # Different path, different file name MockFile('c/d/c3', size=3), # No matches MockFile('foo/bar0', size=0), MockFile('foo/baz4', size=4), ))) exp_file_candidates = { str('a/a1'): [ { 'location': str(tmp_path / 'a'), 'filepath': str(tmp_path / 'a/a1'), 'filepath_rel': 'a1', 'similarity': 0.6666666666666666 }, ], str('a/b/ab.2'): [ { 'location': str(tmp_path / 'a'), 'filepath': str(tmp_path / 'a/b/ab2'), 'filepath_rel': 'b/ab2', 'similarity': 0.7692307692307693 }, ], str('c/d/c3'): [ { 'location': str(tmp_path / 'c'), 'filepath': str(tmp_path / 'c/c3'), 'filepath_rel': 'c3', 'similarity': 0.5 }, ], } file_candidates = dlj._get_file_candidates() # for file, cands in file_candidates.items(): # print(file) # for c in cands: # print(' ', c) # print('--------------') # for file, cands in exp_file_candidates.items(): # print(file) # for c in cands: # print(' ', c) assert file_candidates == exp_file_candidates
def test_DownloadLocationJob_each_set_of_linked_candidates(mocker, tmp_path): dlj = download_location.DownloadLocationJob(torrent='mock.torrent', locations=('a', 'b', 'c')) mocker.patch.object(dlj, '_create_symlink') mocker.patch.object(dlj, '_remove_link') location = tmp_path / 'links' file_candidates = { 'a': [{ 'filepath': 'a1' }], 'b': [{ 'filepath': 'b1' }, { 'filepath': 'b2' }], 'c': [{ 'filepath': 'c1' }, { 'filepath': 'c2' }, { 'filepath': 'c3' }], } exp = [ ( { 'a': { 'filepath': 'a1' }, 'b': { 'filepath': 'b1' }, 'c': { 'filepath': 'c1' } }, [ call(os.path.abspath('a1'), os.path.join(location, 'a')), call(os.path.abspath('b1'), os.path.join(location, 'b')), call(os.path.abspath('c1'), os.path.join(location, 'c')), ], [], ), ( { 'a': { 'filepath': 'a1' }, 'b': { 'filepath': 'b1' }, 'c': { 'filepath': 'c2' } }, [ call(os.path.abspath('a1'), os.path.join(location, 'a')), call(os.path.abspath('b1'), os.path.join(location, 'b')), call(os.path.abspath('c2'), os.path.join(location, 'c')), ], [ call(os.path.join(location, 'a')), call(os.path.join(location, 'b')), call(os.path.join(location, 'c')) ], ), ( { 'a': { 'filepath': 'a1' }, 'b': { 'filepath': 'b1' }, 'c': { 'filepath': 'c3' } }, [ call(os.path.abspath('a1'), os.path.join(location, 'a')), call(os.path.abspath('b1'), os.path.join(location, 'b')), call(os.path.abspath('c3'), os.path.join(location, 'c')), ], [ call(os.path.join(location, 'a')), call(os.path.join(location, 'b')), call(os.path.join(location, 'c')) ], ), ( { 'a': { 'filepath': 'a1' }, 'b': { 'filepath': 'b2' }, 'c': { 'filepath': 'c1' } }, [ call(os.path.abspath('a1'), os.path.join(location, 'a')), call(os.path.abspath('b2'), os.path.join(location, 'b')), call(os.path.abspath('c1'), os.path.join(location, 'c')), ], [ call(os.path.join(location, 'a')), call(os.path.join(location, 'b')), call(os.path.join(location, 'c')) ], ), ( { 'a': { 'filepath': 'a1' }, 'b': { 'filepath': 'b2' }, 'c': { 'filepath': 'c2' } }, [ call(os.path.abspath('a1'), os.path.join(location, 'a')), call(os.path.abspath('b2'), os.path.join(location, 'b')), call(os.path.abspath('c2'), os.path.join(location, 'c')), ], [ call(os.path.join(location, 'a')), call(os.path.join(location, 'b')), call(os.path.join(location, 'c')) ], ), ( { 'a': { 'filepath': 'a1' }, 'b': { 'filepath': 'b2' }, 'c': { 'filepath': 'c3' } }, [ call(os.path.abspath('a1'), os.path.join(location, 'a')), call(os.path.abspath('b2'), os.path.join(location, 'b')), call(os.path.abspath('c3'), os.path.join(location, 'c')), ], [ call(os.path.join(location, 'a')), call(os.path.join(location, 'b')), call(os.path.join(location, 'c')) ], ), ] for paths in dlj._each_set_of_linked_candidates(location, file_candidates): paths, create_symlink_calls, remove_link_calls = exp.pop(0) assert paths == paths assert dlj._create_symlink.call_args_list == create_symlink_calls assert dlj._remove_link.call_args_list == remove_link_calls dlj._create_symlink.reset_mock() dlj._remove_link.reset_mock()