def __main__(): global debug, user, password, base_url try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:u:p:v", ['help','server=', 'user='******'password='******'-v': debug = True elif o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ( '-s', '--server'): base_url = a elif o in ( '-u', '--user'): user = a elif o in ( '-p', '--password'): password = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" usage() sys.exit() if not base_url or not password: print('Missing required arguments') usage() sys.exit() # Peel and specfic arguments off the end for this call arg1, arg2 = sys.argv[-2:] ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient( base_url, user, password , debug ) # Find your snapshot snapshot_id = "b4ad4aab-a05f-486f-8ba1-924a1b30b3a9" # Get a snapshot version snapshot = ucr.get_json( '/versions/%s' % ( snapshot_id) ) pprint( snapshot ) # Get the statuses you can apply statuses = ucr.get_json( '/status/editableByUser' ) pprint( statuses ) # Pick your status status_id = "87bfccb1-40d5-4b2c-bbd9-05fb02ac3638" # Build status update status_to_add = {"appVersion": snapshot_id, "status": status_id ,"canEdit":True } # Add Status to version r = uri='/versionStatus/', data=json.dumps( status_to_add ) ) ucr.debug_response( r )
def __main__(): global debug, user, password, base_url try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:u:p:v", ['help','server=', 'user='******'password='******'-v': debug = True elif o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ( '-s', '--server'): base_url = a elif o in ( '-u', '--user'): user = a elif o in ( '-p', '--password'): password = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" usage() sys.exit() if not base_url or not password: print('Missing required arguments') usage() sys.exit() # Peel and specfic arguments off the end for this call arg1, arg2 = sys.argv[-2:] ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient( base_url, user, password , debug ) start_time_ms = 1438401600000 end_time_ms = 1441080000000 c_start = time.gmtime( start_time_ms / 1000 ) c_end = time.gmtime( end_time_ms / 1000 ) # print "Times: " # print ts_tostr( c_start ) # print ts_tostr( c_end ) #r = ucr.get( get_specific_deployment ) #pprint( r.json() ) releases = ucr.get_releases() for release in releases: cur_release = ucr.get_release( id=release['id'], format='pipeline' ) target_date = utils.javats_tostr( cur_release['targetDate'] ) if 'targetDate' in cur_release else '[No Target Date Set]' print( '%s - %s ' % ( cur_release['name'], target_date ) )
def __main__(): global debug, user, password, base_url try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:u:p:v", ['help', 'server=', 'user='******'password='******'-v': debug = True elif o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ('-s', '--server'): base_url = a elif o in ('-u', '--user'): user = a elif o in ('-p', '--password'): password = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" usage() sys.exit() if not base_url or not password: print('Missing required arguments') usage() sys.exit() # Login and pull the license url ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient(base_url, user, password, debug) licenses = ucr.get_json('/license') # pprint( licenses ) print('Licenses: ') for license in licenses: if license['available'] == -99: print(' %s ( No licenses of this type )' % (license['feature'])) else: print(' %s ( %s / %s )' % (license['feature'], license['used'], license['available']))
def __main__(): global debug, user, password, base_url try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:u:p:v", ['help', 'server=', 'user='******'password='******'-v': debug = True elif o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ('-s', '--server'): base_url = a elif o in ('-u', '--user'): user = a elif o in ('-p', '--password'): password = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" usage() sys.exit() if not base_url or not password: print('Missing required arguments') usage() sys.exit() # Peel and specfic arguments off the end for this call arg1, arg2 = sys.argv[-2:] ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient(base_url, user, password, debug)
def __main__(): global debug, user, password, base_url try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:u:p:v", ['help', 'server=', 'user='******'password='******'-v': debug = True elif o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ('-s', '--server'): base_url = a elif o in ('-u', '--user'): user = a elif o in ('-p', '--password'): password = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" usage() sys.exit() if not base_url or not password: print('Missing required arguments') usage() sys.exit() # Peel and specfic arguments off the end for this call arg1, arg2 = sys.argv[-2:] ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient(base_url, user, password, debug) # Find your snapshot snapshot_id = "b4ad4aab-a05f-486f-8ba1-924a1b30b3a9" # Get a snapshot version snapshot = ucr.get_json('/versions/%s' % (snapshot_id)) pprint(snapshot) # Get the statuses you can apply statuses = ucr.get_json('/status/editableByUser') pprint(statuses) # Pick your status status_id = "87bfccb1-40d5-4b2c-bbd9-05fb02ac3638" # Build status update status_to_add = { "appVersion": snapshot_id, "status": status_id, "canEdit": True } # Add Status to version r ='/versionStatus/', data=json.dumps(status_to_add)) ucr.debug_response(r)
def __main__(): global debug, user, password, base_url, release_name release_id = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:u:p:r:v", ['help','server=', 'user='******'password='******'release=']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: # print help information and exit: print(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" usage() sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o == '-v': debug = True elif o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ( '-s', '--server'): base_url = a elif o in ( '-u', '--user'): user = a elif o in ( '-p', '--password'): password = a elif o in ( '-r', '--release'): release_name = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" usage() sys.exit() if not base_url or not password or not release_name: print('Missing required arguments') usage() sys.exit() ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient( base_url, user, password , debug ) # Given a specific release by name, first translate that to the id # list of available releases releases = ucr.get_json( '/releases/?format=name&name=*' ) for release in releases: if release_name == release['name']: release_id = release['id'] break if not release_id: print( ' Available releases: [%s]' % ( ', '.join([ release['name'] for release in releases ]) ) ) raise Exception( 'Release %s not found' % ( release_name ) ) ## First get the 4 queries the web client uses to build the pipeline view # 1. Get specific Release #/releases/90e0edce-092d-48bc-8313-5ca81083e7e7?format=pipeline release_pipeline = ucr.get_json( '/releases/%s?format=pipeline' % ( release_id ) ) pdb.set_trace() # 2. Get deployments for this Release # /pipelineView/90e0edce-092d-48bc-8313-5ca81083e7e7/releaseDeployments pipeline_release_deployments = ucr.get_json( '/pipelineView/%s/releaseDeployments' % ( release_id ) ) # 3. Get Applications for rhis Releas # /pipelineView/90e0edce-092d-48bc-8313-5ca81083e7e7/allApplicationVersions pipeline_all_application_versions = ucr.get_json( '/pipelineView/%s/allApplicationVersions' % ( release_id ) ) # 4. Get Latest Application Versions for this Release # http://ucr02/pipelineView/<release_id>/latestApplicationVersions pipeline_latest_application_versions = ucr.get_json( '/pipelineView/%s/latestApplicationVersions' % ( release_id ) ) # Write out the starter json as refernce to the weeds we are hacking through utils.write_pretty_json( 'release_pipeline.json', release_pipeline ) utils.write_pretty_json( 'pipeline_release_deployments.json', pipeline_release_deployments ) utils.write_pretty_json( 'pipeline_all_application_versions.json', pipeline_all_application_versions ) utils.write_pretty_json( 'pipeline_latest_application_versions.json', pipeline_latest_application_versions ) ## Start disecting this information into a more useful format # Get participating applications # key by app id for later and store latest version information here! applications = {} for app in pipeline_latest_application_versions: if 'children' not in app: pass children = [] for child in app['children']: children.append( { 'id' : child['application']['id'], 'name': child['application']['name'], 'latestVersion': { 'id': child['id'], 'name': child['name'] }, }) applications[ app['application']['id'] ] = { 'id': app['application']['id'], 'name': app['application']['name'], 'latestVersion': { 'id': app['id'], 'name': app['name'] }, 'children': children } #pprint( applications ) # Get phaseModel name & environments in a useful format my_phases = [] for phase in release_pipeline['phases']: # First build up the basic current phase information cur_phase = { 'environments': {}, 'gates': [ gate['status']['name'] for gate in phase['phaseModel']['gates'] ], 'id': phase['id'], 'name': phase['phaseModel']['name'], } for env in phase['environments']: cur_phase['environments'][ env['id'] ] = { 'applicationTargets': {}, 'id' : env['id'], 'name': env['name'], 'deployed': [], 'deployments': {} } # Build a view of what is already deployed for app_id, app in pipeline_all_application_versions.items(): if env['id'] in app.keys(): cur_phase['environments'][ env['id'] ]['deployed'].append( { 'id': app_id, 'versionId': app[ env['id'] ]['id'], 'version': app[ env['id'] ]['name'] } ) # Bring in the deployments if they exist if env['id'] in pipeline_release_deployments: # Bring in current deployments for either last or next # last - provides currently deployed # next - provides scheduled to be deployed for key, deploy in pipeline_release_deployments[ env['id'] ].items() : # Pull the useful fields from this object cur_phase['environments'][ env['id'] ]['deployments'][ key ] = { 'id' : deploy['id'], 'status' : deploy['deploymentExecution']['status'], 'execution_id' : deploy['deploymentExecution']['id'], 'dateCreated' : deploy['dateCreated'], 'scheduledDate': deploy['scheduledDate'], # Build a simple list of application/versions & component/versions # Need to handle Snapshots, Applications, and Component levels 'versions': [ process_version(version) for version in deploy['versions'] ] } # Store the application environments, is this useful... for app_env in env['applicationTargets']: cur_phase['environments'][ env['id'] ]['applicationTargets'][ app_env['id'] ] = { 'id' : app_env['id'], 'name': app_env['name'] } # Store in my custom phases array my_phases.append( cur_phase ) ## At this point all the data I think we need is in release_pipeline and my_phases utils.write_pretty_json( 'my_phases.json', my_phases ) # pprint( my_phases ) ## Example output of the results that can be formatted or used as a base to tweaking ## what information you want to report on. ## This is already getting too complex to be useful, time to switch to a template... print( 'Release: %s \n %s\n %s' % ( release_pipeline['name'], utils.javats_tostr( release_pipeline['targetDate'] ), release_pipeline['description'] ) ) print( ' Applications: %s ' % (','.join( applications )) ) print( 'Phases:' ) for phase in my_phases: print( ' %s(%s) Requires[%s]' % ( phase['name'], phase['id'], ','.join( phase['gates'] ) ) ) for env_id, env in phase['environments'].items(): print( '%sEnvironments:' % ('\t' * 1) ) print( '%s %s (%s):' % ('\t' * 1, env['name'], env['id']) ) # Made up of the following application environments print( '%sApplication Targets:' % ('\t' * 2) ) for target in env['applicationTargets'].values(): print( '%s %s (%s)' % ( '\t' * 3, target['name'], target['id'] ) ) print( '%sDeployed: ' % ('\t' * 2) ) for app in env['deployed']: print( '%s %s - %s' % ( '\t' * 3, applications[ app['id'] ]['name'], app['version'] ) ) # show next and last deployments print( '%sDeployments: ' % ('\t' * 2) ) for key, deployment in env['deployments'].items(): print( '%s%s: %s - %s' % ( '\t' * 3, key, utils.javats_tostr( deployment['scheduledDate'] ), deployment['status'] ) ) print( '%sVersions Deployed: ' % ( '\t' * 4 ) ) for version in deployment['versions']: print( '%s %s: %s v%s [%s]' % ( '\t' * 5, version['type'], version['name'], version['version'], ','.join( version['statuses']) ) ) if version['type'] == 'SUITE': for app in version['applications']: comps = [ '%s: %s v%s [%s]' % ( comp['type'], comp['name'], comp['version'], ','.join(comp['statuses']) ) for comp in app['components'] ] print( '%s %s: %s v%s [%s]' % ( '\t' * 6, app['type'], app['name'], app['version'], ','.join(app['statuses']) ) ) for comp in comps: print( '%s %s' % ('\t' * 7, comp) ) else: comps = [ '%s: %s v%s [%s]' % ( comp['type'], comp['name'], comp['version'], ','.join(comp['statuses']) ) for comp in version['components'] ] for comp in comps: print( '%s %s' % ('\t' * 6,comp) )
def __main__(): global debug, user, password, base_url try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:u:p:v", ['help', 'server=', 'user='******'password='******'-v': debug = True elif o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ('-s', '--server'): base_url = a elif o in ('-u', '--user'): user = a elif o in ('-p', '--password'): password = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" usage() sys.exit() if not base_url or not password: print('Missing required arguments') usage() sys.exit() # Peel and specfic arguments off the end for this call arg1, arg2 = sys.argv[-2:] max_initiatives = 100 max_changes_per_initiatve = 50 ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient(base_url, user, password, debug) change_types = ucr.get_change_types() #print "Change Types: " #pprint( change_types ) change_statuses = ucr.get_change_statuses() #print "Change statuses: " #pprint( change_statuses ) applications = ucr.get_applications() #print "Applications(%d): " % ( len(applications) ) #pprint( applications ) releases = ucr.get_releases_editable() #print "Releases editable(%d)):" % ( len(releases) ) #pprint( releases ) initiatives = ucr.get_initiatives() #print "Initiatives: " #pprint( initiatives ) changes = ucr.get_changes() #print "Changes(%d): " % ( len(changes) ) #pprint( changes ) ''' Cleanup all the existing Changed and Initiatives ''' print "Deleting all the existing Changes (%d)" % (len(changes)) for change in changes: #pprint( change ) ucr.delete_change(change['id']) print '.', print "Deleting all the existing Initiatives (%s)" % (len(initiatives)) for initiative in initiatives: #pprint( initiative ) ucr.delete_initiative(initiative['id']) print '.', # Get a dictionary of words, Unix specific example word_file = "/usr/share/dict/words" WORDS = open(word_file).read().splitlines() for i in range(max_initiatives): initiative = ucr.create_initative(name='project%3d - %s' % (i, random.choice(WORDS))) num_changes = random.randint(0, max_changes_per_initiatve) # Pick a release to file them against releaseId = releases[random.randint(0, len(releases) - 1)]['id'] release = ucr.get_release(releaseId) apps = [app['id'] for app in release['applications']] print "Creating %d changes for this initiative %s against release %s" % ( num_changes, initiative['name'], release['name']) for j in range(num_changes): # generate some of this data name = "Test Change %s" % (random.choice(WORDS)) description = "Description" severity = "S1" applicationId = apps[random.randint(0, len(apps) - 1)] initiativeId = initiative['id'] releaseId = release['id'] status = random.choice(change_statuses.keys()) change_type = change_types[random.randint(0, len(change_types) - 1)] # This is not required, but I think should be the behavior typeId = change_type['id'] change = ucr.create_change(typeId=typeId, name=name, status=status, severity=severity, releaseId=releaseId, applicationId=applicationId, initiativeId=initiativeId, description=description, change_type=change_type)
elif( cur_version['type'] == 'COMPONENT' ): # Should be base of recursion pass else: raise Exception('Processing versions failed on an unknown type %s' % (version_type) ) return cur_version ''' Setup Application and routes ''' app = Flask(__name__) cache = SimpleCache() cache_timeout = 5 * 60 ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient( base_url, user, password , debug ) ''' Add some variables that can be used in templates ''' @app.context_processor def inject_config(): return dict(user=user, base_url=base_url, cache_timeout=cache_timeout) @app.template_filter('timestamptostr') def tstostr_filter(s): # Need to return '' value when this is undefined as the util function is not tolerant of empty values return utils.javats_tostr( s ) if s else '' @app.route("/") def index():
def __main__(): global debug, user, password, base_url try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:u:p:v", ['help','server=', 'user='******'password='******'-v': debug = True elif o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ( '-s', '--server'): base_url = a elif o in ( '-u', '--user'): user = a elif o in ( '-p', '--password'): password = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" usage() sys.exit() if not base_url or not password: print('Missing required arguments') usage() sys.exit() # Peel and specfic arguments off the end for this call arg1, arg2 = sys.argv[-2:] max_initiatives = 100 max_changes_per_initiatve = 50 ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient( base_url, user, password , debug ) change_types = ucr.get_change_types() #print "Change Types: " #pprint( change_types ) change_statuses = ucr.get_change_statuses() #print "Change statuses: " #pprint( change_statuses ) applications = ucr.get_applications() #print "Applications(%d): " % ( len(applications) ) #pprint( applications ) releases = ucr.get_releases_editable() #print "Releases editable(%d)):" % ( len(releases) ) #pprint( releases ) initiatives = ucr.get_initiatives() #print "Initiatives: " #pprint( initiatives ) changes = ucr.get_changes() #print "Changes(%d): " % ( len(changes) ) #pprint( changes ) ''' Cleanup all the existing Changed and Initiatives ''' print "Deleting all the existing Changes (%d)" % ( len(changes) ) for change in changes: #pprint( change ) ucr.delete_change( change['id'] ) print '.', print "Deleting all the existing Initiatives (%s)" % ( len( initiatives ) ) for initiative in initiatives: #pprint( initiative ) ucr.delete_initiative( initiative['id'] ) print '.', # Get a dictionary of words, Unix specific example word_file = "/usr/share/dict/words" WORDS = open(word_file).read().splitlines() for i in range( max_initiatives ): initiative = ucr.create_initative( name='project%3d - %s' % (i, random.choice(WORDS) ) ) num_changes = random.randint( 0, max_changes_per_initiatve ) # Pick a release to file them against releaseId = releases[ random.randint(0, len(releases) - 1) ]['id'] release = ucr.get_release( releaseId ) apps = [ app['id'] for app in release['applications'] ] print "Creating %d changes for this initiative %s against release %s" % ( num_changes, initiative['name'], release['name'] ) for j in range( num_changes ): # generate some of this data name = "Test Change %s" % ( random.choice(WORDS) ) description = "Description" severity = "S1" applicationId = apps[ random.randint( 0, len(apps) - 1 ) ] initiativeId = initiative['id'] releaseId = release['id'] status = random.choice( change_statuses.keys() ) change_type = change_types[ random.randint( 0, len(change_types) - 1 ) ] # This is not required, but I think should be the behavior typeId = change_type['id'] change = ucr.create_change( typeId=typeId, name=name, status=status, severity=severity, releaseId=releaseId, applicationId=applicationId, initiativeId=initiativeId, description=description, change_type=change_type)
def __main__(): global debug, user, password, base_url try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:u:p:v", ["help", "server=", "user="******"password="******"option -a not recognized" usage() sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o == "-v": debug = True elif o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ("-s", "--server"): base_url = a elif o in ("-u", "--user"): user = a elif o in ("-p", "--password"): password = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" usage() sys.exit() if not base_url or not password: print ("Missing required arguments") usage() sys.exit() # Peel and specfic arguments off the end for this call arg1, arg2 = sys.argv[-2:] ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient(base_url, user, password, debug) # GET http://base_url/releases/ # ?filterFields=dateCreated # &filterType_dateCreated=gt # &filterClass_dateCreated=Long # &filterValue_dateCreated=1421171883574 # &orderField=dateCreated # &sortType=asc event_name = "201605" event_query = "/events?filterFields=name&filterType_name=eq&filterClass_name=String&filterValue_name=%s" % ( event_name ) events = ucr.get_json(event_query) # pprint( events ) if len(events) > 1: print ("Returned more than one event, not sure what to do with this") pprint(events) sys.exit(1) relatedDeployment = ucr.get_json("/relatedDeployments/%s?format=details" % (events[0]["relatedDeployment"]["id"])) # pprint( relatedDeployment ) scheduledDeployments = [current["id"] for current in relatedDeployment["scheduledDeployments"]] pprint(scheduledDeployments) for sd_id in scheduledDeployments: scheduledDeployment = ucr.get_json("/scheduledDeployment/%s" % (sd_id)) pprint(scheduledDeployment, depth=1) de = scheduledDeployment["deploymentExecution"] print ("#" * 120) # {u'approval': {...}, # u'autoManualTaskNotification': False, # u'autoPickVersions': False, # u'autoStart': False, # u'dateCreated': 1462906112415, # u'deploymentExecution': {...}, # u'derivedName': u'Sample Release:DEV-1 at May 10, 2016 at 7:48:00 PM GMT', # u'environment': {...}, # u'executingUser': u'admin', # u'gateStatus': u'PASSED', # u'id': u'3354ab35-a97f-4ef0-ae13-d4dde07066fe', # u'phase': {...}, # u'phases': [...], # u'regexPattern': False, # u'release': {...}, # u'scheduledDate': 1462909680000, # u'shortName': u'May 10, 2016 at 7:48:00 PM GMT', # u'status': u'COMPLETE', # u'statusState': u'GREEN', # u'transientProgress': 100, # u'version': 4, # u'versions': [...]} print (scheduledDeployment["id"]) print (scheduledDeployment["derivedName"]) print (scheduledDeployment["shortName"]) print ("Deployment Execution: ") # u'deploymentExecution': {u'dateCreated': 1462906112421, # u'endTimeActual': 1462906215330, # u'endTimeEstimated': 1462906215287, # u'endTimePlanned': 1462910880000, # u'ghostedDate': 0, # u'hasEdit': True, # u'id': u'c04930da-f0b5-4047-bb81-22fe53d92c02', # u'locked': False, # u'name': u'Default Plan', # u'notifications': [], # u'segments': [...], # u'startTimeActual': 1462906165941, # u'status': u'COMPLETE', # u'stopSync': False, # u'suggestedTasks': [], # u'syncSegments': True, # u'version': 2}, print ("\t" + de["id"]) print ("\t" + de["name"]) print ("\t" + de["status"]) print ("\tSegments:") for segment in de["segments"]: # {u'autostart': False, # u'dateCreated': 1462914544830, # u'durationPlanned': 0, # u'endTimeActual': 0, # u'enforceSequential': False, # u'executionPattern': u'SEQUENTIAL', # u'id': u'a9745833-4d32-4be0-90a1-00f2af9210ef', # u'lastRefresh': 1462914544830, # u'name': u'Pre-Deployment Tasks', # u'opened': False, # u'orderedTaskIds': u'', # u'prerequisiteOverride': False, # u'prerequisites': [], # u'relativePosition': 0, # u'startTimePlanned': 1462918380000, # u'status': u'EMPTY', # u'syncProperties': True, # u'syncTasks': True, # u'tasks': [], # u'userCanExecute': True, # u'version': 0}, print ("\t\t" + segment["name"]) print ("#" * 120)
def __main__(): global debug, user, password, base_url try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hs:u:p:v", ['help', 'server=', 'user='******'password='******'-v': debug = True elif o in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ('-s', '--server'): base_url = a elif o in ('-u', '--user'): user = a elif o in ('-p', '--password'): password = a else: assert False, "unhandled option" usage() sys.exit() if not base_url or not password: print('Missing required arguments') usage() sys.exit() # Peel and specfic arguments off the end for this call arg1, arg2 = sys.argv[-2:] ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient(base_url, user, password, debug) start_time_ms = 1438401600000 end_time_ms = 1441080000000 c_start = time.gmtime(start_time_ms / 1000) c_end = time.gmtime(end_time_ms / 1000) # print "Times: " # print ts_tostr( c_start ) # print ts_tostr( c_end ) #r = ucr.get( get_specific_deployment ) #pprint( r.json() ) releases = ucr.get_releases() for release in releases: cur_release = ucr.get_release(id=release['id'], format='pipeline') target_date = utils.javats_tostr( cur_release['targetDate'] ) if 'targetDate' in cur_release else '[No Target Date Set]' print('%s - %s ' % (cur_release['name'], target_date))
# Should be base of recursion pass else: raise Exception('Processing versions failed on an unknown type %s' % (version_type)) return cur_version ''' Setup Application and routes ''' app = Flask(__name__) cache = SimpleCache() cache_timeout = 5 * 60 ucr = ucrclient.ucrclient(base_url, user, password, debug) ''' Add some variables that can be used in templates ''' @app.context_processor def inject_config(): return dict(user=user, base_url=base_url, cache_timeout=cache_timeout) @app.template_filter('timestamptostr') def tstostr_filter(s): # Need to return '' value when this is undefined as the util function is not tolerant of empty values return utils.javats_tostr(s) if s else ''