def households_transition(households, annual_household_control_totals, year):
    ct = annual_household_control_totals.to_frame()
    tran = transition.TabularTotalsTransition(ct, 'total_number_of_households')
    model = transition.TransitionModel(tran)
    hh = households.to_frame(households.local_columns + ['activity_id'])
    new, added_hh_idx, empty_dict = \
        model.transition(hh, year,)
    new.loc[added_hh_idx, "building_id"] = -1
    orca.add_table("households", new)
def full_transition(agents,
    Run a transition model based on control totals specified in the usual
    UrbanSim way

    agents : DataFrameWrapper
        Table to be transitioned
    agent_controls : DataFrameWrapper
        Table of control totals
    year : int
        The year, which will index into the controls
    settings : dict
        Contains the configuration for the transition model - is specified
        down to the yaml level with a "total_column" which specifies the
        control total and an "add_columns" param which specified which
        columns to add when calling to_frame (should be a list of the columns
        needed to do the transition
    location_fname : str
        The field name in the resulting dataframe to set to -1 (to unplace
        new agents)
    linked_tables : dict of tuple, optional
        Dictionary of table_name: (table, 'column name') pairs. The column name
        should match the index of `agents`. Indexes in `agents` that
        are copied or removed will also be copied and removed in
        linked tables.

    ct = agent_controls.to_frame()
    hh = agents.to_frame(agents.local_columns +
                         settings.get('add_columns', []))
    print "Total agents before transition: {}".format(len(hh))
    linked_tables = linked_tables or {}
    for table_name, (table, col) in linked_tables.iteritems():
        print "Total %s before transition: %s" % (table_name, len(table))
    tran = transition.TabularTotalsTransition(ct, settings['total_column'])
    model = transition.TransitionModel(tran)
    new, added_hh_idx, new_linked = model.transition(
        hh, year, linked_tables=linked_tables)
    new.loc[added_hh_idx, location_fname] = -1
    print "Total agents after transition: {}".format(len(new))
    orca.add_table(agents.name, new)
    for table_name, table in new_linked.iteritems():
        print "Total %s after transition: %s" % (table_name, len(table))
        orca.add_table(table_name, table)
def full_transition(agents, agent_controls, year, settings, location_fname):
    Run a transition model based on control totals specified in the usual
    UrbanSim way

    agents : DataFrameWrapper
        Table to be transitioned
    agent_controls : DataFrameWrapper
        Table of control totals
    year : int
        The year, which will index into the controls
    settings : dict
        Contains the configuration for the transition model - is specified
        down to the yaml level with a "total_column" which specifies the
        control total and an "add_columns" param which specified which
        columns to add when calling to_frame (should be a list of the columns
        needed to do the transition
    location_fname : str
        The field name in the resulting dataframe to set to -1 (to unplace
        new agents)

    ct = agent_controls.to_frame()
    hh = agents.to_frame(agents.local_columns + settings['add_columns'])
    print "Total agents before transition: {}".format(len(hh))
    tran = transition.TabularTotalsTransition(ct, settings['total_column'])
    model = transition.TransitionModel(tran)
    new, added_hh_idx, new_linked = model.transition(hh, year)
    new.loc[added_hh_idx, location_fname] = -1
    print "Total agents after transition: {}".format(len(new))
    orca.add_table(agents.name, new)