def redo(self): len_pattern = len(self.amble_pattern) amble_sequence = self.amble_pattern * self.min_occurences len_sequence = len(amble_sequence) labels = [] for group in self.groups: count = 0 for k, block in enumerate(group.blocks): bit_str = block.decoded_bits_str len_bit_str = len(bit_str) indx = bit_str.find(amble_sequence) labels.append([]) while indx != -1: start = indx end = indx + len_sequence for i in range(start + len_sequence, len_bit_str, len_pattern): if bit_str[i:i + len_pattern] != self.amble_pattern: end = i break start = start if start > 1 else 0 # Erstes Bit mitnehmen, wenn Preamble beim zweiten Bit beginnt if count == 0: name = "Preamble" else: name = "Amble #{0:d}".format(count) lbl = ProtocolLabel(name, start, end - 1, k, 0, -1, True) lbl.reference_bits = bit_str[start:end] lbl.apply_decoding = False labels[k].append(lbl) indx = bit_str.find(amble_sequence, end - 1) count += 1 group.add_label(lbl)
def to_label(self, field_type: FieldType) -> ProtocolLabel: result = ProtocolLabel(, start=self.start, end=self.end - 1, color_index=self.color_index, field_type=field_type, auto_created=self.auto_created, fuzz_created=self.fuzz_created) result.apply_decoding = self.apply_decoding = result.fuzz_me = self.fuzz_me result.fuzz_values = self.fuzz_values result.display_format_index = self.display_format_index return result
def read_compare_frame_groups(self): if self.project_file is None: return tree = ET.parse(self.project_file) root = tree.getroot() proto_tree_model = self.maincontroller.compare_frame_controller.proto_tree_model tree_root = proto_tree_model.rootItem pfi = proto_tree_model.protocol_tree_items proto_frame_items = [item for item in pfi[0]] """:type: list of ProtocolTreeItem """ for group_tag in root.iter("group"): name = group_tag.attrib["name"] id = group_tag.attrib["id"] if id == "0": tree_root.child(0).setData(name) else: tree_root.addGroup(name=name) group = tree_root.child(int(id)) for proto_tag in group_tag.iter("cf_protocol"): filename = os.path.join(self.project_path, proto_tag.attrib["filename"]) show = proto_tag.attrib["show"] try: proto_frame_item = next((p for p in proto_frame_items if p.protocol.filename == filename)) except StopIteration: proto_frame_item = None if proto_frame_item is not None: group.appendChild(proto_frame_item) proto_frame_item.show_in_compare_frame = Qt.Checked if show == "1" else Qt.Unchecked group = proto_tree_model.groups[int(id)] for label_tag in group_tag.iter("label"): name = label_tag.attrib["name"] start = int(label_tag.attrib["start"]) end = int(label_tag.attrib["end"]) refblock = int(label_tag.attrib["refblock"]) color_index = int(label_tag.attrib["color_index"]) restrictive = int(label_tag.attrib["restrictive"]) == 1 proto_label = ProtocolLabel(name, start, end, refblock, 0, color_index, restrictive) proto_label.reference_bits = label_tag.attrib["refbits"] proto_label.display_type_index = int(label_tag.attrib["display_type_index"]) proto_label.apply_decoding = int(label_tag.attrib["apply_decoding"]) == 1 group.add_label(proto_label) self.maincontroller.compare_frame_controller.expand_group_node(int(id)) self.maincontroller.compare_frame_controller.refresh()
def read_protocol(filename: str): if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise FileNotFoundError("{0} could not be found".format(filename)) with open(filename, mode="r") as f: viewtype = 0 reading_proto = False reading_labels = False reading_symbols = False label_name = None label_start = label_end = label_ref_block = -1 label_restrictive = None label_blocks = None apply_decoding = None symbols = dict() cur_group = -1 groups = [] for line in f: line = line.strip() line = line.strip("\n") if line.startswith("#") or len(line) == 0: continue elif line.startswith("VIEWTYPE"): _, viewtype_str = line.split("=") viewtype_str = viewtype_str.strip() if viewtype_str not in VIEW_TYPES: raise SyntaxError( "Unknown Viewtype {0} in file {1}".format( viewtype_str, filename)) else: viewtype = VIEW_TYPES.index(viewtype_str) elif line.startswith("GROUPNAME"): _, name = line.split("=") cur_group += 1 groups.append({}) groups[cur_group]["name"] = name.strip() groups[cur_group]["blocks"] = [] groups[cur_group]["labels"] = [] elif line.startswith("ENCODING"): _, encoding_str = line.split("=") encoding_str = encoding_str.strip() decoding = int(encoding_str) groups[cur_group]["decoding_index"] = decoding elif line.startswith("SYMBOLS:"): reading_symbols = True reading_labels = False reading_proto = False elif line.startswith("PROTOCOL:"): reading_proto = True reading_symbols = False reading_labels = False elif line.startswith("PROTOCOL-LABELS:"): reading_proto = False reading_symbols = False reading_labels = True elif reading_symbols and line.startswith("-"): try: _, symbol_name, nbits, pulsetype, nsamples = line.split( " ") symbols[symbol_name] = Symbol(symbol_name, int(nbits), int(pulsetype), int(nsamples)) except ValueError: continue elif reading_proto and len(line) > 0: groups[cur_group]["blocks"].append( ProtocolBlock.from_plain_bits_str(line, symbols)) elif reading_labels and line.startswith("Name"): label_name = line.replace("Name: ", "") elif reading_labels and line.startswith("Bits"): label_start, label_end = map( int, line.replace("Bits: ", "").split("-")) label_start -= 1 label_end -= 1 elif reading_labels and line.startswith("Restrictive"): if line.replace("Restrictive: ", "") == "True": label_restrictive = True else: label_restrictive = False elif reading_labels and line.startswith("Reference Block"): label_ref_block = int(line.replace("Reference Block: ", "")) - 1 elif reading_labels and line.startswith("Applies for Blocks: "): label_blocks = list( map(int, line.replace("Applies for Blocks: ", "").split(","))) elif reading_labels and line.startswith("Apply Decoding: "): apply_decoding = False if line.replace("Apply Decoding: ", "") == "False" else True if label_name is not None and label_start >= 0 and label_end >= 0 and label_restrictive is not None\ and label_ref_block >= 0 and label_blocks is not None and apply_decoding is not None: color_index = len(groups[cur_group]["labels"]) proto_label = ProtocolLabel(label_name, label_start, label_end, label_ref_block, 0, color_index, label_restrictive) proto_label.block_numbers = label_blocks[:] proto_label.apply_decoding = apply_decoding groups[cur_group]["labels"].append(proto_label) label_name = None label_start = label_end = label_ref_block = -1 label_restrictive = None label_blocks = None if len(groups) == 0: raise SyntaxError("Did not find a PROTOCOL in file " + filename) return viewtype, groups, set(symbols.values())