def get_source_worker(self): """ Returns a worker who has sent this sample. """ return Sample.get_worker( source_type=self.source_type, source_val=self.source_val, )
def create_classify_sample(result, source_type, create_classified=True, label='', source_val='', *args, **kwargs): """ Creates classified sample from existing sample, therefore we don't need web extraction. """ # We are given a tuple (extraction result, sample id) extraction_result = result[0] # If extraction failed - return if not extraction_result: return False sample_id = result[1] # Don't classify already classified samples if label: return sample_id if create_classified: try: sample = Sample.objects.get(id=sample_id) if not label: label = '' # Proper sample entry class_sample = ClassifiedSample.objects.create( job=sample.job, url=sample.url, sample=sample, label=label, source_type=source_type, source_val=source_val, ) worker = Sample.get_worker(source_type=source_type, source_val=source_val) if worker: # Update cache worker.get_urls_collected_count_for_job(sample.job, cache=False) # Sample created sucesfully - pushing event. send_event( "EventNewClassifySample",, ) except DatabaseError, e: # Retry process on db error, such as 'Database is locked' create_classify_sample.retry(exc=e, countdown=min(60 * 2 ** current.request.retries, 60 * 60 * 24))
def forwards(self, orm): "Write your forwards methods here." # Note: Remember to use orm['appname.ModelName'] rather than "from appname.models..." for sample in orm["main.Sample"].objects.filter(goldsample__isnull=True): worker = Sample.get_worker(source_type=sample.source_type, source_val=sample.source_val) if not worker: continue try: orm["crowdsourcing.WorkerQualityVote"].objects.new_vote(worker=worker, sample=sample, label=LABEL_YES) except: # Such vote already exists - skip. pass
def forwards(self, orm): "Write your forwards methods here." # Note: Remember to use orm['appname.ModelName'] rather than "from appname.models..." for sample in orm['main.Sample'].objects.filter(goldsample__isnull=True): worker = Sample.get_worker( source_type=sample.source_type, source_val=sample.source_val, ) if not worker: continue try: orm['crowdsourcing.WorkerQualityVote'].objects.new_vote( worker=worker, sample=sample, label=LABEL_YES, ) except: # Such vote already exists - skip. pass
def get_source_worker(self): """ Returns a worker who has sent this sample. """ return Sample.get_worker(source_type=self.source_type, source_val=self.source_val)