def test_feed_url(self): """ Does the `feed_url` property exist and work correctly? """ retriever = Retriever() base_url, query = urllib.splitquery(retriever.feed_url) params = parse_qs(query) self.assertTrue(hasattr(retriever, 'feed_url')) # check default parameters self.assertFalse(params.get('tagged')) self.assertEqual('desc', params.get('order')[0]) self.assertEqual('creation', params.get('sort')[0]) self.assertEqual('stackoverflow', params.get('site')[0]) retriever = Retriever(tag='professionalism', site='workplace') base_url, query = urllib.splitquery(retriever.feed_url) params = parse_qs(query) # check custom parameters self.assertEqual('professionalism', params.get('tagged')[0]) self.assertEqual('desc', params.get('order')[0]) self.assertEqual('creation', params.get('sort')[0]) self.assertEqual('workplace', params.get('site')[0])
def dispatch_wsgi(self): """ WSGI handler """ if hasattr(self, 'response'): return self._write_response() LOGGER.debug('WSGI mode detected') if self.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST': try: request_body_size = int(self.environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0)) except (ValueError): request_body_size = 0 self.requesttype = 'POST' self.request = self.environ['wsgi.input'].read(request_body_size) LOGGER.debug('Request type: POST. Request:\n%s\n', self.request) else: # it's a GET request self.requesttype = 'GET' self.request = wsgiref.util.request_uri(self.environ) try: query_part = splitquery(self.request)[-1] self.kvp = dict(parse_qsl(query_part, keep_blank_values=True)) except AttributeError as err: LOGGER.exception('Could not parse query string') self.kvp = {} LOGGER.debug('Request type: GET. Request:\n%s\n', self.request) return self.dispatch()
def document_quote(document): """Quote given document.""" doc, query = parse.splitquery(document) doc = url_quote_part(doc, '/=,') if query: return "%s?%s" % (doc, query) return doc
def get_code(client_id, username, password): MAX_RETRIES = 20 #!Added session = requests.Session() adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=MAX_RETRIES) session.mount('https://', adapter) session.mount('http://', adapter) url = "" s = requests.session() res = s.get(url) s.cookies qs = urlencode({ "client_id": client_id, "response_type": "code", "redirect_url": "stromerauth://auth", "scope": "bikeposition bikestatus bikeconfiguration bikelock biketheft bikedata bikepin bikeblink userprofile", }) data = { "password": password, "username": username, "csrfmiddlewaretoken": s.cookies.get("csrftoken"), "next": "/o/authorize/?" + qs, } res =, data=data, headers=dict(Referer=url), allow_redirects=False) res = s.send(, allow_redirects=False) _, qs = splitquery(res.headers["Location"]) code = parse_qs(qs)["code"][0] return code
def processCredentials(self): '''Entry point for processing the Login page.''' login = self.request.get('login', '') if not login: return user = self.get_user_from_login(login) if user: auditor = LoginAuditor(self.siteInfo, user) password = self.get_password_from_user(user) if self.password_matches(login, password): self.store_password_cookie_for_user(user, password) uri = self.get_redirect() u = splitquery(uri)[0].replace('login_redirect', '') persist = self.request.get('__ac_persistent', ''), persist, u) self.state = (True, True, True) self.request.response.redirect(uri) else: # Password does not match self.state = (False, True, True) else: # There is no user auditor = AnonLoginAuditor(self.context, self.siteInfo), login) self.state = (False, False, False) assert(self.state)
def get_code(client_id, username, password): url = "" s = requests.session() res = s.get(url) s.cookies qs = urlencode({ "client_id": client_id, "response_type": "code", "redirect_url": "stromerauth://auth", "scope": "bikeposition bikestatus bikeconfiguration bikelock biketheft bikedata bikepin bikeblink userprofile", }) data = { "password": password, "username": username, "csrfmiddlewaretoken": s.cookies.get("csrftoken"), "next": "/o/authorize/?" + qs, } res =, data=data, headers=dict(Referer=url), allow_redirects=False) res = s.send(, allow_redirects=False) _, qs = splitquery(res.headers["Location"]) code = parse_qs(qs)["code"][0] return code
def get_access_code(client, client_config, user, extra_scopes, extra_claims): client.force_login(user) resp = client.get( '/openid/authorize?' + urlencode({ 'redirect_uri': client_config.redirect_uris, 'client_id': 'test', 'scope': '%s %s' % ('openid', ' '.join(extra_scopes)), 'claims': ' '.join(extra_claims), 'response_type': 'code' })) assert resp.status_code == 302 redirect_server, redirect_query = splitquery(resp.url) assert redirect_server == 'http://localhost:8000/complete/test/' redirect_query = parse_qs(redirect_query) assert redirect_query['state'] == ['1234'] assert 'code' in redirect_query code = redirect_query['code'][0] resp = client.get( '/openid/token?' + urlencode({ 'redirect_uri': client_config.redirect_uris, 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'code': code, }), HTTP_AUTHORIZATION='Basic ' + base64.b64encode('test:b'.encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii')) data = json.loads(resp.content.decode('utf-8')) return data['access_token']
def __construct_developer_data(base_url, item, html_tag): img_tag = html_tag.select_one("div > a > img.rounded.avatar-user") name = html_tag.select_one("div h1.h3 > a") repo_a_tag = html_tag.select_one("article h1.h4 > a") repo_description = html_tag.select_one("article") repo_details = {} if img_tag: avatar = img_tag.get("src").strip() item["avatar"] = splitquery(avatar)[0] if img_tag.parent and == "a": href = img_tag.parent.get("href").strip().split("/") if len(href) == 2: username = href[-1].strip() profile = f"{base_url}/{username}" item["username"] = username item["profile"] = profile if name: name = name.text.strip() item["name"] = name if repo_a_tag: href = repo_a_tag.get("href").strip().split("/") if len(href) == 3: repo_details["name"] = href[-1].strip() url = f'{base_url}{"/".join(href)}' repo_details["url"] = url if repo_description: description = repo_description.text.strip() repo_details["description"] = description if repo_details: item["popular_repository"] = repo_details
def processCredentials(self): '''Entry point for processing the Login page.''' login = self.request.get('login', '') if not login: return user = self.get_user_from_login(login) if user: auditor = LoginAuditor(self.siteInfo, user) password = self.get_password_from_user(user) if self.password_matches(login, password): self.store_password_cookie_for_user(user, password) uri = self.get_redirect() u = splitquery(uri)[0].replace('login_redirect', '') persist = self.request.get('__ac_persistent', ''), persist, u) self.state = (True, True, True) self.request.response.redirect(uri) else: # Password does not match self.state = (False, True, True) else: # There is no user auditor = AnonLoginAuditor(self.context, self.siteInfo), login) self.state = (False, False, False) assert (self.state)
def match(self, path): spath, qs = urlparse.splitquery(path) for cre, klass, args in self.handlers: m = cre.match(spath) if m is not None: return functools.partial(klass, **args) return None
def parse_path(root: str, path: str): path, query = parse.splitquery(path) if path == "/": path = "/index.html" query = parse.parse_qs(query, keep_blank_values=True) filename = path[path.find('/') + 1:] return filename, root + path, get_extention(path), query
def make_query(url, new_query_dict): path, query_str = splitquery(url) old_query_dict = extract_query(query_str) if query_str else {} for i, j in new_query_dict.items(): old_query_dict[i] = j query_str = urlencode(old_query_dict) return path + '?' + query_str
def get_this_url_with_params(self, request): server, query = splitquery(request.build_absolute_uri()) params = { 'authp': self.request_parameters.pack( key=OpenIDClient.self_instance().get_key('AES')) } return server + '?' + urlencode(params)
def check_response_contains_code(resp): assert resp.status_code == 302 redirect_server, redirect_query = splitquery(resp.url) assert redirect_server == 'http://localhost:8000/complete/test/' redirect_query = parse_qs(redirect_query) assert redirect_query['state'] == ['1234'] assert 'code' in redirect_query
def extract_image(self, tag): """Extract the url from an static or dynamic image""" return self.to_absolute_link( parse.splitquery( tag.attrs.get('src', tag.attrs.get('data-src')) )[0] )
def _uris_to_tuples(uris): tup = [] for uri in uris: base, query = splitquery(uri) if query: tup.append((base, query)) else: tup.append((base, "")) return tup
def _verify_redirect_uri(self, areq): """ MUST NOT contain a fragment MAY contain query component :return: An error response if the redirect URI is faulty otherwise None """ try: _redirect_uri = urlparse.unquote(areq["redirect_uri"]) part = urlparse.urlparse(_redirect_uri) if part.fragment: raise URIError("Contains fragment") (_base, _query) = splitquery(_redirect_uri) if _query: _query = urlparse.parse_qs(_query) match = False for regbase, rquery in self.cdb[str(areq["client_id"])][ "redirect_uris"]: if _base == regbase or _redirect_uri.startswith(regbase): # every registered query component must exist in the # redirect_uri if rquery: for key, vals in rquery.items(): assert key in _query for val in vals: assert val in _query[key] # and vice versa, every query component in the redirect_uri # must be registered if _query: if rquery is None: raise ValueError for key, vals in _query.items(): assert key in rquery for val in vals: assert val in rquery[key] match = True break if not match: raise RedirectURIError("Doesn't match any registered uris") # ignore query components that are not registered return None except Exception as err: logger.error("Faulty redirect_uri: %s" % areq["redirect_uri"]) try: _cinfo = self.cdb[str(areq["client_id"])] except KeyError:"Unknown client: %s" % areq["client_id"]) raise UnknownClient(areq["client_id"]) else:"Registered redirect_uris: %s" % _cinfo) raise RedirectURIError( "Faulty redirect_uri: %s" % areq["redirect_uri"])
def get_op_identifier_by_cb_uri(url: str): uri = splitquery(url)[0] for k, v in current_app.rph.issuer2rp.items(): _cntx = v.get_service_context() for endpoint in ("redirect_uris", "post_logout_redirect_uris", "frontchannel_logout_uri", "backchannel_logout_uri"): if uri in _cntx.get(endpoint, []): return k
def check_is_redirect_to_consent_page(client_config, resp): assert resp.status_code == 302 # check that this is a url to the login server and there is a ?next=... consent_server, consent_query = splitquery(resp.url) assert consent_server == '/openid/consent/%s/' % consent_query = parse_qs(consent_query) assert 'next' in consent_query # parse the ?next=... and check that it goes back to the authorize endpoint with ?authp next_server, next_query = splitquery(consent_query['next'][0]) assert next_server == 'http://testserver/openid/authorize' next_query = parse_qs(next_query) assert 'authp' in next_query # check that ?authp param contains correctly encrypted value AuthenticationParameters.unpack( next_query['authp'][0], key=OpenIDClient.self_instance().get_key('AES'))
def _verify_redirect_uri(self, areq): """ MUST NOT contain a fragment MAY contain query component :return: An error response if the redirect URI is faulty otherwise None """ try: _redirect_uri = urlparse.unquote(areq["redirect_uri"]) part = urlparse.urlparse(_redirect_uri) if part.fragment: raise URIError("Contains fragment") (_base, _query) = splitquery(_redirect_uri) if _query: _query = urlparse.parse_qs(_query) match = False for regbase, rquery in self.cdb[str(areq["client_id"])]["redirect_uris"]: if _base == regbase or _redirect_uri.startswith(regbase): # every registered query component must exist in the # redirect_uri if rquery: for key, vals in rquery.items(): assert key in _query for val in vals: assert val in _query[key] # and vice versa, every query component in the redirect_uri # must be registered if _query: if rquery is None: raise ValueError for key, vals in _query.items(): assert key in rquery for val in vals: assert val in rquery[key] match = True break if not match: raise RedirectURIError("Doesn't match any registered uris") # ignore query components that are not registered return None except Exception as err: logger.error("Faulty redirect_uri: %s" % areq["redirect_uri"]) try: _cinfo = self.cdb[str(areq["client_id"])] except KeyError:"Unknown client: %s" % areq["client_id"]) raise UnknownClient(areq["client_id"]) else:"Registered redirect_uris: %s" % _cinfo) raise RedirectURIError( "Faulty redirect_uri: %s" % areq["redirect_uri"])
def url_changed(self, change) -> None: "Callback to be called when the input URL is changed." value = change['new'] try: q = splitquery(value)[1] except AttributeError: return params = parse_qs(q) self.req_pane.get_child_named('Parameters').children = \ [Text(description=key, value=params[key][0]) for key in params]
def _prep_params(self, url, mapping): mapping.setdefault('params', {}) if self.per_page is not None: mapping['params'].setdefault('per_page', self.per_page) # Params in URL will take precedence if url: qs = splitquery(url)[-1] if qs: for k, _ in parse_qsl(qs): if k in mapping['params']: del mapping['params'][k]
def vcr_custom_request_filter(request): hidden_values = [(os.environ.get("CLIENT_ID")), (os.environ.get("CLIENT_SECRET")), (os.environ.get("USER_ID"))] new_url, _ = parse.splitquery(request.uri) for value in hidden_values: new_url = new_url.replace(value, "HIDDEN") request.uri = new_url return request
def verify_redirect_uris(registration_request): verified_redirect_uris = [] try: client_type = registration_request["application_type"] except KeyError: # default client_type = "web" if client_type == "web": try: if registration_request["response_types"] == ["code"]: must_https = False else: # one has to be implicit or hybrid must_https = True except KeyError: must_https = True else: must_https = False for uri in registration_request["redirect_uris"]: _custom = False p = urlparse(uri) if client_type == "native": if p.scheme not in ["http", "https"]: # Custom scheme _custom = True elif p.scheme == "http" and p.hostname in ["localhost", ""]: pass else: logger.error( "InvalidRedirectURI: scheme:%s, hostname:%s", p.scheme, p.hostname, ) raise InvalidRedirectURIError( "Redirect_uri must use custom scheme or http and " "localhost" ) elif must_https and p.scheme != "https": raise InvalidRedirectURIError("None https redirect_uri not allowed") elif p.scheme not in ["http", "https"]: # Custom scheme raise InvalidRedirectURIError( "Custom redirect_uri not allowed for web client" ) elif p.fragment: raise InvalidRedirectURIError("redirect_uri contains fragment") if _custom is True: # Can not verify a custom scheme verified_redirect_uris.append((uri, {})) else: base, query = splitquery(uri) if query: verified_redirect_uris.append((base, parse_qs(query))) else: verified_redirect_uris.append((base, {})) return verified_redirect_uris
def do_GET(self): print("http GET....") config_data = get_config() url, query = url_parser.splitquery(self.path) if query.split('&')[0].split('=')[0] == 'wrf' and query.split('&')[1].split('=')[0] == 'hec': wrf_id = query.split('&')[0].split('=')[1] hec_id = query.split('&')[1].split('=')[1] print("wrf_id:", wrf_id) print("hec_id:", hec_id) try: print("get_wrf_files...") client = storage.Client.from_service_account_json(config_data["KEY_FILE_PATH"]) bucket = client.get_bucket(config_data["BUCKET_NAME"]) prefix = config_data["INITIAL_PATH_PREFIX"] + wrf_id + '_' blobs = bucket.list_blobs(prefix=prefix) for blob in blobs: if fnmatch.fnmatch(, "*" + config_data["WRF_RAINCELL_FILE_ZIP"]): directory = config_data["WINDOWS_PATH"] + wrf_id.split("_")[1] if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) download_location = directory + '/' + config_data["WRF_RAINCELL_FILE_ZIP"] blob.download_to_filename(download_location) zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(download_location, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(directory) zip_ref.close() os.remove(download_location) src_file = directory + '/' + config_data["WRF_RAIN_CELL_FILE"] des_file = directory + '/' + config_data["RAIN_CELL_FILE"] os.rename(src_file, des_file) else: print("File prefix didn't match.") hec_prefix = config_data["INITIAL_PATH_PREFIX"] + hec_id + '_' hec_blobs = bucket.list_blobs(prefix=hec_prefix) for blob in hec_blobs: if fnmatch.fnmatch(, "*" + "INFLOW.DAT"): directory = config_data["WINDOWS_PATH"] + hec_id.split("_")[1] if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) download_location = directory + '/"INFLOW.DAT' blob.download_to_filename(download_location) elif fnmatch.fnmatch(, "*" + "OUTFLOW.DAT"): directory = config_data["WINDOWS_PATH"] + hec_id.split("_")[1] if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) download_location = directory + '/OUTFLOW.DAT' blob.download_to_filename(download_location) else: print("File prefix didn't match.") except Exception as e: print('Rain cell/Mean-Ref/Rain fall file download failed|Exception:', e.args) else: print("Need wrf id and hec id to proceed...")
def urldecode(url): """ >>> urldecode('') ('', {'q': 'bar', 'x': 'y'}) >>> urldecode('') ('', {}) """ base, query = splitquery(url) query = query or "" items = [item.split('=', 1) for item in query.split('&') if '=' in item] d = {unquote(k): unquote_plus(v) for (k, v) in items} return base, d
def latlng_parse(link): _, query_string = parse.splitquery(link) query = parse.parse_qs(query_string) try: latlng = query["center"] latitude, longitude = [float(i) for i in latlng[0].split(",")] except TypeError: regex_search ="png%7C(.*?)%2C(.*?)&", link).groups() latitude, longitude = [float(i) for i in regex_search] except: latitude, longitude = None, None return latitude, longitude
def pack_redirect_uri(redirect_uris): ruri = [] for uri in redirect_uris: if urlparse(uri).fragment: print("Faulty redirect uri, contains fragment", file=sys.stderr) base, query = splitquery(uri) if query: ruri.append([base, parse_qs(query)]) else: ruri.append([base, query]) return ruri
def shop_sign_up(session: Session, link):"shop_sign_up : {}".format(link)) path_part, query_part = splitquery(link) if path_part == "": # 例: try: api = "" session.headers.update({ 'Host': '', 'Origin': '', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Referer': link }) activity_id = parse_qs(query_part).get('activityId')[0] data = "actId=" + activity_id + "&pin=" + session.cookies.get( 'pin') ret_json = json.loads(, data=data).text)"shop_sign_up: {}".format(str(ret_json))) except Exception: logging.exception(sys.exc_info()) elif path_part == "": # 例:https: // try: api = "" session.headers.update({ 'Host': '', 'Origin': '', 'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Referer': link }) data = {"activityId": 457} ret =, data=data).text"shop_sign_up: {}".format(str(ret))) except Exception as e: logging.exception(sys.exc_info()) else: logging.error("shop_sign_up: not supported...")
def request(self, localpart='/', method='GET', data=None, host="", headers=None, https=False, env=None): path, maybe_query = splitquery(localpart) query = maybe_query or "" env = env or {} env = dict(env, HTTP_HOST=host, REQUEST_METHOD=method, PATH_INFO=path, QUERY_STRING=query, HTTPS=str(https)) headers = headers or {} for k, v in headers.items(): env['HTTP_' + k.upper().replace('-', '_')] = v if 'HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' in env: env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = env.pop('HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH') if 'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' in env: env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = env.pop('HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE') if method not in ["HEAD", "GET", "DELETE"]: data = data or '' if isinstance(data, dict): q = urlencode(data) else: q = data env['wsgi.input'] = BytesIO(q.encode('utf-8')) if 'CONTENT_LENGTH' not in env: # if not env.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower().startswith('multipart/') and 'CONTENT_LENGTH' not in env: env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = len(q) response = Storage() def start_response(status, headers): response.status = status response.status_code = int(status.split()[0]) response.headers = dict(headers) response.header_items = headers data = self.wsgifunc()(env, start_response) = b"".join(data) return response
def parse(self, response): rel_urls = response.xpath( '//div[@class="information"]/a/@href').extract() for rel_url in rel_urls: yield Request(urljoin(self.base_url, rel_url), callback=self.detail_parse) next_page = response.xpath( '//a[@class="nextPage" and text()="▶"]').extract_first() if next_page: url, q = splitquery(response.url) d = dict(parse_qsl(q)) d['cpage'] = int(d.get('cpage', 0)) + 1 q = urlencode(d) yield Request(f'{url}?{q}', callback=self.parse)
def jr_sign_mrbyb(self): """京东钢镚-每日蹦一蹦""" job_name = "京东钢镚-每日蹦一蹦" index_url = "" try: merchantCode = splitquery(index_url)[1] merchantCode = parse_qs(merchantCode).get('merchantCode')[0] self.session.headers.update({ 'Host': '', 'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Referer': index_url }) # test_api = "" + merchantCode + "&_=" + str( int(time.time() * 1000)) + "&callback=jQuery" r = self.session.get(test_api).text # jQuery({"data":3,"success":true}) if r is None or (not "jQuery" in r): self.logger.error("{} 获取数据失败...".format(job_name)) return as_json = json.loads(r[7:-1])"{} {}".format(job_name, str(as_json))) if as_json['data']: sign_data = as_json['data'] else: self.logger.error('{} 获取数据失败'.format(job_name)) return if sign_data <= 0:"{} 抽奖次数已用完...") return # 割吊绳 api 未完成; for i in range(0, sign_data): award_api = "" + merchantCode + "&_=" + str( int(time.time() * 1000)) + "&callback=jQuery" self.session.get(award_api) + ' 已完成') except Exception: self.logger.error("{} 签到发生异常".format(job_name)) self.logger.exception(sys.exc_info())
def gopher_open(self, req): host = req.get_host() if not host: raise GopherError('no host given') host = unquote(host) selector = req.get_selector() type, selector = splitgophertype(selector) selector, query = splitquery(selector) selector = unquote(selector) if query: query = unquote(query) fp = gopherlib.send_query(selector, query, host) else: fp = gopherlib.send_selector(selector, host) return addinfourl(fp, noheaders(), req.get_full_url())
def get_authorization_code(client, client_config, user): client.force_login(user) resp = client.get('/openid/authorize?' + urlencode({ 'redirect_uri': client_config.redirect_uris, 'client_id': 'test', 'scope': 'openid', 'response_type': 'code' })) assert resp.status_code == 302 redirect_server, redirect_query = splitquery(resp.url) assert redirect_server == 'http://localhost:8000/complete/test/' redirect_query = parse_qs(redirect_query) assert redirect_query['state'] == ['1234'] assert 'code' in redirect_query code = redirect_query['code'][0] return code
def get_next_page(self): max_page = self.get_max_page() base_url, query = parse.splitquery(self.current_page_url) if not query: query='page=1' _, count = parse.parse_qsl(query)[0] count = int(count) + 1 if count > max_page: self._has_next_page = False next_query = parse.urlencode({'page': count}) url = base_url+ '?' + next_query return url, count
def get_redirect(self): retval = '' cameFrom = self.request.get('came_from', '') cacheBuster = seedGenerator() url, query = splitquery(cameFrom) if not url: # Oddly, setting the default came_from to / does not work. url = '/' # Put a cache-buster at the end of the query if query: query = query + '&nc=%s' % cacheBuster else: query = 'nc=%s' % cacheBuster retval = '?'.join((url, query)) assert retval return retval
def do_handle(self, message, payload, user): need_auth = False spath, qs = urlparse.splitquery(message.path) if qs is not None: qs = urlparse.parse_qs(qs, keep_blank_values=True) if 'need_auth' in qs: need_auth = True response = self.start_response(200, message.version) response.add_header('Content-Type', 'text/html') response.send_headers() template =['tmpl_env'].get_template('intro.jinja2') response.write(template.render(version=__version__, user=user, need_auth=need_auth).encode('utf8')) return response
def __parse_obj_table(self, div): from urllib import parse from pymal.account_objects.my_manga import MyManga as obj links_div = div.findAll(name='td', recorsive=False)[1] link = links_div.find(name='a', attrs={'class': 'animetitle'}) link_id = int(link['href'].split('/')[2]) if self.__account.is_auth: my_link = links_div.find(name='a', attrs={'class': 'List_LightBox'}) _, query = parse.splitquery(my_link['href']) my_link_id = int(parse.parse_qs(query)['id'][0]) else: my_link_id = 0 return obj(link_id, my_link_id, self.__account)
def __parse_obj_table(self, div): from urllib import parse from pymal.account_objects.my_anime import MyAnime as obj links_div = div.findAll(name="td", recorsive=False)[1] link = links_div.find(name="a", attrs={"class": "animetitle"}) link_id = int(link["href"].split("/")[2]) if self.__account.is_auth: my_link = links_div.find(name="a", attrs={"class": "List_LightBox"}) _, query = parse.splitquery(my_link["href"]) my_link_id = int(parse.parse_qs(query)["id"][0]) else: my_link_id = 0 return obj(link_id, my_link_id, self.__account)
def __parse_obj_table(self, div): from urllib import parse from pymal.account_objects.my_anime import MyAnime as obj links_div = div.findAll(name='td', recorsive=False)[1] link = links_div.find(name='a', attrs={'class': 'animetitle'}) link_id = int(link['href'].split('/')[2]) if self.__account.is_auth: my_link = links_div.find(name='a', attrs={'class': 'List_LightBox'}) _, query = parse.splitquery(my_link['href']) my_link_id = int(parse.parse_qs(query)['id'][0]) else: my_link_id = 0 return obj(link_id, my_link_id, self.__account)
def _url(self, obj_or_id): if isinstance(obj_or_id, self.model): id_ = self._id(obj_or_id) url = getattr(obj_or_id, '_url', self.url) else: id_ = obj_or_id url = getattr(self.model, '_url', self.url) if callable(url): return url(id_) url, query = splitquery(url) url = '{}/{}'.format(url, id_) if query is not None: url = '{}?{}'.format(url, query) return url
def load_template(self, template_name): """ template_name == (without .ext) @@ 1.1: Let's dump the dotted notation. It was a bad idea, the engine that inspired it (Kid) is probably dead, and it was always meaningless to everyone else anyway. Also, let's support an extension as a synonym for "format", i.e. /blog/feed.rss would be the same as /blog/feed?format=rss """ template, args = splitquery(template_name) if args: args = dict([a.split('=') for a in args.split('&')]) else: args = {} parts = template.split('.') template_filename = parts.pop() template_path = '' if parts: template_path = os.path.join(*parts) return template_path, template_filename, args
def do_handle(self, message, payload, user): if '?' in message.path: path, qs = urlparse.splitquery(message.path) else: path = message.path qs = yield from aiohttp_read_all_into_bytearray(payload) platform = path[len('/oauth2/code_cb/'):] code_data = urlparse.parse_qs(qs, keep_blank_values=True) logger.debug('code_data = %r', code_data) try: user = yield from oauth2_code_cb( platform, code_data,['config'],['redis']) exc = None except OAuth2StepError: return self.redirect_to('/', message) except OAuth2BadData: return self.redirect_to('/', message) except Exception as e: user = None exc = e logger.debug('user = %r', user) if user is None: logger.debug( 'Cannot retrieve user info ' + 'for platform = %r, code_data = %r, exc = %r', platform, code_data, exc) response = self.start_response(500, message.version) response.send_headers() return response cookie_content = [ ('shinpachi_user_key', '{}:{}'.format(user.platform, user.key)) ] return self.redirect_to('/', message, set_cookies=cookie_content)
def _verify_redirect_uris(self, registration_request): verified_redirect_uris = [] must_https = False # don't verify https! for uri in registration_request["redirect_uris"]: p = urlparse(uri) if registration_request["application_type"] == "native" and p.scheme == "http": if p.hostname != "localhost": raise InvalidRedirectURIError( "Http redirect_uri must use localhost") elif must_https and p.scheme != "https": raise InvalidRedirectURIError( "None https redirect_uri not allowed") elif p.fragment: raise InvalidRedirectURIError( "redirect_uri contains fragment") base, query = splitquery(uri) if query: verified_redirect_uris.append((base, parse_qs(query))) else: verified_redirect_uris.append((base, query)) return verified_redirect_uris
def issue_report_link(args, root_url, f, test_browser=None): """Generate a bug reporting link for the current issue.""" # always select the first failed module. # It might not be the fatal one but better be safe and assume the first # failed module introduces a problem in the whole job test_details_page = test_browser.get_soup(f['href']) current_build_overview = splitquery(test_details_page.find(id='current-build-overview').a['href']) overview_params = parse_qs(current_build_overview[-1]) group = overview_params['groupid'][0] build = overview_params['build'][0] scenario_div = test_details_page.find(class_='previous').div.div scenario = re.findall('Results for (.*) \(', scenario_div.text)[0] latest_link = absolute_url(root_url, scenario_div.a) module, url, details = get_failed_module_details_for_report(f, root_url) previous_results = test_details_page.find(id='previous_results', class_='overview').find_all('tr')[1:] previous_results_list = [(['id'], {'status': status(i), 'details': get_test_details(i), 'build': i.find(class_='build').text}) for i in previous_results] good = re.compile('(?<=_)(passed|softfailed)') def build_link(v): return '[%s](%s)' % (v['build'], absolute_url(root_url, v['details'])) first_known_bad = build + ' (current job)' last_good = '(unknown)' for k, v in previous_results_list: if['status']): last_good = build_link(v) break first_known_bad = build_link(v) description = """### Observation openQA test in scenario %s fails in %s%s ## Reproducible Fails since (at least) Build %s ## Expected result Last good: %s (or more recent) ## Further details Always latest result in this scenario: [latest](%s) """ % (scenario, urljoin(root_url, str(url)), details, first_known_bad, last_good, latest_link) config_section = 'product_issues:%s:product_mapping' % root_url.rstrip('/') # the test module name itself is often not specific enough, that is why we step upwards from the current module until we find the module folder and # concatenate the complete module name in format <folder>-<module> and search for that in the config for potential mappings first_step_url = urljoin(str(url), '1/src') start_of_current_module = test_details_page.find('a', {'href': first_step_url}) try: module_folder = start_of_current_module.parent.parent.parent.parent.find(class_='glyphicon-folder-open').parent.text.strip() except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover module_folder = '' log.warn("Could not find module folder on test details page searching for parents of %s" % first_step_url) complete_module = module_folder + '-' + module component_config_section = 'product_issues:%s:component_mapping' % root_url.rstrip('/') try: components_config_dict = dict(config.items(component_config_section)) component = [v for k, v in iteritems(components_config_dict) if re.match(k, complete_module)][0] except (NoSectionError, IndexError) as e: # pragma: no cover"No matching component could be found for the module_folder '%s' and module name '%s' in the config section '%s'" % (module_folder, module, e)) component = '' try: product = config.get(config_section, group) except NoOptionError as e: # pragma: no cover"%s. Reporting link for product will not work." % e) product = '' product_entries = OrderedDict([ ('product', product), ('component', component), ('short_desc', '[Build %s] openQA test fails%s' % (build, ' in %s' % module if module else '')), ('bug_file_loc', urljoin(root_url, str(url))), ('comment', description) ]) product_bug = urljoin(config.get('product_issues', 'report_url'), 'enter_bug.cgi') + '?' + urlencode(product_entries) test_entries = OrderedDict([ ('issue[subject]', '[Build %s] test %sfails' % (build, module + ' ' if module else '')), ('issue[description]', description) ]) test_issue = config.get('test_issues', 'report_url') + '?' + urlencode(test_entries) return ': report [product bug](%s) / [openQA issue](%s)' % (product_bug, test_issue)
def _verify_redirect_uri(self, areq): """ MUST NOT contain a fragment MAY contain query component :return: An error response if the redirect URI is faulty otherwise None """ try: _redirect_uri = unquote(areq["redirect_uri"]) part = urlparse(_redirect_uri) if part.fragment: raise URIError("Contains fragment") (_base, _query) = splitquery(_redirect_uri) if _query: _query = parse_qs(_query) match = False for regbase, rquery in self.cdb[str(areq["client_id"])]["redirect_uris"]: # The URI MUST exactly match one of the Redirection URI if _base != regbase: continue if not rquery and not _query: match = True break if not rquery or not _query: continue # every registered query component must exist in the # redirect_uri is_match_query = True for key, vals in _query.items(): if key not in rquery: is_match_query = False break for val in vals: if val not in rquery[key]: is_match_query = False break if not is_match_query: break if not is_match_query: continue match = True break if not match: raise RedirectURIError("Doesn't match any registered uris") # ignore query components that are not registered return None except Exception: logger.error("Faulty redirect_uri: %s" % areq["redirect_uri"]) try: _cinfo = self.cdb[str(areq["client_id"])] except KeyError: try: cid = areq["client_id"] except KeyError: logger.error('No client id found') raise UnknownClient('No client_id provided') else:"Unknown client: %s" % cid) raise UnknownClient(areq["client_id"]) else:"Registered redirect_uris: %s" % sanitize(_cinfo)) raise RedirectURIError( "Faulty redirect_uri: %s" % areq["redirect_uri"])
def found_terminator (self): if self.current_request: self.current_request.found_terminator() else: header = self.in_buffer self.in_buffer = '' lines = string.split (header, '\r\n') # -------------------------------------------------- # crack the request header # -------------------------------------------------- while lines and not lines[0]: # as per the suggestion of http-1.1 section 4.1, (and # Eric Parker <*****@*****.**>), ignore a leading # blank lines (buggy browsers tack it onto the end of # POST requests) lines = lines[1:] if not lines: self.close_when_done() return request = lines[0] command, uri, version = crack_request (request) header = join_headers (lines[1:]) # unquote path if necessary (thanks to Skip Montanaro for pointing # out that we must unquote in piecemeal fashion). rpath, rquery = splitquery(uri) if '%' in rpath: if rquery: uri = unquote (rpath) + '?' + rquery else: uri = unquote (rpath) r = http_request (self, request, command, uri, version, header) self.request_counter.increment() self.server.total_requests.increment() if command is None: self.server.log_info ('Bad HTTP request: %s' % repr(request), 'error') r.error (400) return # -------------------------------------------------- # handler selection and dispatch # -------------------------------------------------- for h in self.server.handlers: if h.match (r): try: self.current_request = r # This isn't used anywhere. # r.handler = h # CYCLE h.handle_request (r) except: self.server.exceptions.increment() (file, fun, line), t, v, tbinfo = asyncore.compact_traceback() self.server.log_info( 'Server Error: %s, %s: file: %s line: %s' % (t,v,file,line), 'error') try: r.error (500) except: pass return # no handlers, so complain r.error (404)
def request(self, localpart='/', method='GET', data=None, host="", headers=None, https=False, **kw): """Makes request to this application for the specified path and method. Response will be a storage object with data, status and headers. >>> urls = ("/hello", "hello") >>> app = application(urls, globals()) >>> class hello: ... def GET(self): ... web.header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') ... return "hello" ... >>> response = app.request("/hello") >>> b'hello' >>> response.status '200 OK' >>> response.headers['Content-Type'] 'text/plain' To use https, use https=True. >>> urls = ("/redirect", "redirect") >>> app = application(urls, globals()) >>> class redirect: ... def GET(self): raise web.seeother("/foo") ... >>> response = app.request("/redirect") >>> response.headers['Location'] '' >>> response = app.request("/redirect", https=True) >>> response.headers['Location'] '' The headers argument specifies HTTP headers as a mapping object such as a dict. >>> urls = ('/ua', 'uaprinter') >>> class uaprinter: ... def GET(self): ... return 'your user-agent is ' + web.ctx.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ... >>> app = application(urls, globals()) >>> app.request('/ua', headers = { ... 'User-Agent': 'a small jumping bean/1.0 (compatible)' ... }).data b'your user-agent is a small jumping bean/1.0 (compatible)' """ path, maybe_query = splitquery(localpart) query = maybe_query or "" if 'env' in kw: env = kw['env'] else: env = {} env = dict(env, HTTP_HOST=host, REQUEST_METHOD=method, PATH_INFO=path, QUERY_STRING=query, HTTPS=str(https)) headers = headers or {} for k, v in headers.items(): env['HTTP_' + k.upper().replace('-', '_')] = v if 'HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' in env: env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = env.pop('HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH') if 'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' in env: env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = env.pop('HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE') if method not in ["HEAD", "GET"]: data = data or '' if isinstance(data, dict): q = urlencode(data) else: q = data env['wsgi.input'] = BytesIO(q.encode('utf-8')) if 'CONTENT_LENGTH' not in env: #if not env.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower().startswith('multipart/') and 'CONTENT_LENGTH' not in env: env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = len(q) response = def start_response(status, headers): response.status = status response.headers = dict(headers) response.header_items = headers data = self.wsgifunc()(env, start_response) = b"".join(data) return response
def test_command_cgi_url(): req = command._prep_get(command.Operation.list_files, DIR="/DCIM/WOMP", url="") print(req.url) url, _ = parse.splitquery(req.url) assert url == ""
def do_handle(self, message, payload, user): url_path_prefix =['url_path_prefix'] root_path =['root_path'] path, qs = urlparse.splitquery(message.path[len(url_path_prefix):]) path = root_path + path if not['resource_provider'].has_resource(path): raise aiohttp.HttpErrorException(404) try: fstream =['resource_provider'].get_resource_stream(['resource_mgr'], path) except IsADirectoryError: raise aiohttp.HttpErrorException(404) try: file_size = os.path.getsize(['resource_provider'].get_resource_filename(['resource_mgr'], path)) content_range = self.get_req_range( message.headers.getall('RANGE', ()), file_size) content_length = content_range[1] - content_range[0] + 1 if content_range[0] == 0 and content_length >= file_size: content_range = None except FileNotFoundError: file_size = None content_length = None content_range = None if content_range is None: response = self.start_response(200, message.version) else: response = self.start_response(206, message.version) response.add_header('Content-Range', 'bytes {}-{}/{}' .format(content_range[0], content_range[1], file_size)) content_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(path) if content_type is None: content_type = 'application/octet-stream' response.add_header('Content-Type', content_type) if content_length is not None: response.add_header('Content-Length', str(content_length)) response.send_headers() async_stream = AsyncFileWrapper(fileobj=fstream) if content_range is not None and content_range[0] > 0:[0]) self.static_fstream = async_stream if content_range is not None: yield from async_stream.copy_to(response, content_range[1] - content_range[0] + 1) else: yield from async_stream.copy_to(response) async_stream.close() del self.static_fstream return response
def test_command_cgi_query(): req = command._prep_get(command.Operation.list_files, DIR="/DCIM/WOMP") _, query = parse.splitquery(req.url) query_map = parse.parse_qs(query) assert query_map == {"DIR": ["/DCIM/WOMP"], "op": ["100"]}
def do_GET(self): # self._set_headers() #get request params path = self.path query = parse.splitquery(path) self._get_handler(query[1]);
async def request( self, localpart="/", method="GET", data=None, host="", headers=None, https=False, **kw ): """Makes request to this application for the specified path and method. Response will be a storage object with data, status and headers. >>> urls = ("/hello", "hello") >>> app = application(urls, globals()) >>> class hello: ... def GET(self): ... web.header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') ... return "hello" ... >>> response = await app.request("/hello") >>> b'hello' >>> response.status '200 OK' >>> response.headers['Content-Type'] 'text/plain' To use https, use https=True. >>> urls = ("/redirect", "redirect") >>> app = application(urls, globals()) >>> class redirect: ... def GET(self): raise web.seeother("/foo") ... >>> response = await app.request("/redirect") >>> response.headers['Location'] '' >>> response = await app.request("/redirect", https=True) >>> response.headers['Location'] '' The headers argument specifies HTTP headers as a mapping object such as a dict. >>> urls = ('/ua', 'uaprinter') >>> class uaprinter: ... def GET(self): ... return 'your user-agent is ' + web.ctx.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ... >>> app = application(urls, globals()) >>> await app.request('/ua', headers = { ... 'User-Agent': 'a small jumping bean/1.0 (compatible)' ... }).data b'your user-agent is a small jumping bean/1.0 (compatible)' """ path, maybe_query = splitquery(localpart) query = maybe_query or "" server = host.split(":") if len(server) == 1: server.append(80) scope = dict( server=server, method=method, path=path, query_string=safebytes(query), https=str(https), headers=[], scheme="http", http_version="1.1", root_path="", ) if "scope" in kw: scope.update(kw["scope"]) headers = headers or {} has_content_length = False has_content_type = False for k, v in headers.items(): bytes_key = safebytes(k.lower().replace("-", "_")) if bytes_key == b"content_length": has_content_length = True scope["headers"].append((bytes_key, safebytes(v))) elif bytes_key == b"content_type": has_content_type = True scope["headers"].append((bytes_key, safebytes(v))) else: scope["headers"].append((b"http_" + bytes_key, safebytes(v))) q = "" if method not in ["HEAD", "GET"]: data = data or "" if isinstance(data, dict): q = urlencode(data) else: q = data # env["wsgi.input"] = BytesIO(q.encode("utf-8")) # if not env.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').lower().startswith('multipart/') and 'CONTENT_LENGTH' not in env: if not has_content_length: scope["headers"].append((b"content_length", len(q))) if not has_content_type: scope["headers"].append((b"content_type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) logger.getChild("application.request").debug("scope(%s)", scope) response = response_data = [] async def receive(): return {"type": "http.request", "body": q.encode("utf8"), "more_body": False} async def send_response(message): if message["type"] == "http.response.start": response.status = f'{message["status"]}' response.headers = dict(message["headers"]) response.header_items = message["headers"] elif message["type"] == "http.response.body": response_data.append(safebytes(message["body"])) await self.asgifunc()(scope)(receive, send_response) logger.getChild("application.request").debug("response(%s)", response_data) = b"".join(response_data) return response