def getVideoUrl(content): fmtre ='(?<=fmt_stream_map=).*', content) grps ='&') vurls = urllib2.unquote(grps[0]) videoUrl = None for vurl in vurls.split(','): print urllib2.url2pathname(vurl[4:]),"\n" if vurl.find('itag=5') > 0: continue return urllib2.url2pathname(vurl[4:]) exit() return None
def downloadLatest(d, location='downloads\\'): """Download the latest version of the package d. Use the information specified in the package d to download the latest version of the package from the web. The default download location is './downloads' @param d The dictionary entry for a package, containing at least a 'name', as well as a 'version', and 'download' dict containing 'url', 'regex', and 'regexpos'. @param location The location to download the file to. @return the path to the downloaded file. """ try: name = d['name'] version = getWebVersion(d) downurl = getDownloadURL(d) furl = urllib2.urlopen(downurl) filecontents = furl.close() parsed = urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(furl.geturl()) pathname = urllib2.url2pathname(parsed.path) filename = pathname.split("\\")[-1] newfileloc = location + name + '---' + version + '---' + filename with open(newfileloc, "wb") as f: f.write(filecontents) except IOError as (errno, strerror): print 'could not open file, I/O error({0}): {1}'.format( errno, strerror) print 'when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s)' % (d, location)
def _download_url(self, scheme, url, tmpdir): # Determine download filename # name = filter(None,urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')) if name: name = name[-1] while '..' in name: name = name.replace('..','.').replace('\\','_') else: name = "__downloaded__" # default if URL has no path contents if name.endswith(''): name = name[:-4] # strip the extra .zip before download filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,name) # Download the file # if scheme=='svn' or scheme.startswith('svn+'): return self._download_svn(url, filename) elif scheme=='file': return urllib2.url2pathname(urlparse.urlparse(url)[2]) else: self.url_ok(url, True) # raises error if not allowed return self._attempt_download(url, filename)
def add_paths(self, paths): """Add the given URLs to the control paths - a sequence of URLs """ uid = uuid.uuid4() npaths = len(paths) for i, path in enumerate(paths): if i % 100 == 0: cellprofiler.preferences.report_progress( uid, float(i) / npaths, "Loading %s into UI" % path) folder, filename = self.splitpath(path) display_name = urllib2.url2pathname(filename) width, _ = self.GetTextExtent(display_name) idx = bisect.bisect_left(self.folder_names, folder) if idx >= len(self.folder_names) or self.folder_names[idx] != folder: folder_item = self.FolderItem(self, folder) self.folder_names.insert(idx, folder) self.folder_items.insert(idx, folder_item) else: folder_item = self.folder_items[idx] fp = folder_item.filenames pidx = bisect.bisect_left(fp, filename) if pidx >= len(fp) or fp[pidx] != filename: fp.insert(pidx, filename) folder_item.widths.insert(pidx, width) folder_item.file_display_names.insert(pidx, display_name) folder_item.enabled.insert(pidx, True) if len(paths) > 0: cellprofiler.preferences.report_progress(uid, 1, "Done") self.schmutzy = True self.Refresh(eraseBackground=False)
def add_paths(self, paths): '''Add the given URLs to the control paths - a sequence of URLs ''' uid = uuid.uuid4() npaths = len(paths) for i, path in enumerate(paths): if i % 100 == 0: cpprefs.report_progress(uid, float(i) / npaths, "Loading %s into UI" % path) folder, filename = self.splitpath(path) display_name = urllib2.url2pathname(filename) width, _ = self.GetTextExtent(display_name) idx = bisect.bisect_left(self.folder_names, folder) if idx >= len( self.folder_names) or self.folder_names[idx] != folder: folder_item = self.FolderItem(self, folder) self.folder_names.insert(idx, folder) self.folder_items.insert(idx, folder_item) else: folder_item = self.folder_items[idx] fp = folder_item.filenames pidx = bisect.bisect_left(fp, filename) if pidx >= len(fp) or fp[pidx] != filename: fp.insert(pidx, filename) folder_item.widths.insert(pidx, width) folder_item.file_display_names.insert(pidx, display_name) folder_item.enabled.insert(pidx, True) if len(paths) > 0: cpprefs.report_progress(uid, 1, "Done") self.schmutzy = True self.Refresh(eraseBackground=False)
def get_bearer_token(context, user_role, token_regexp='access_token=\w+'): ''' Wrapping up authentication on OAUTH2 Implicit Grant :param user_role: :param token_regexp: we gather this from a Location header. It was tricky becase there is a redirrection on this request :return: {'Authorization': 'Bearer tteDnkzjFhTxDicNir1Pn0gKFCxYGN'}) ''' erase_last_response(context) if user_role in USERS.keys(): cookies={'sessionid': get_session_id(context,user_role)} url=urlparse.urljoin(OAUTH_URL,"/o/authorize/?client_id={id}&response_type=token"\ .format(id=CLIENT_IDS[context.config.userdata['target_env']])) r=requests.head(url, cookies=cookies, verify=True, allow_redirects=True) u=r.history[0].headers['Location'] # '' encoded_url=urllib2.url2pathname(u) print("Location URL:", encoded_url) exp = re.compile(token_regexp) search = if search: token = # we receive 'access_token=co0y0a19e72aUlcvLZF46rNzuzv7V3' context.config.userdata['bake_api_token'] = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token.replace('access_token=', "")} print("Resulting OAUTH Bearer Token", context.config.userdata['bake_api_token']) else: assert False, "ERROR: Cannot extract token" else: assert False, "Error, wrong user role {role}. Valid roles are: {roles}".format(role=user_role,roles = USERS.keys())
def downloadLatest(d, location='downloads\\'): """Download the latest version of the package d. Use the information specified in the package d to download the latest version of the package from the web. The default download location is './downloads' @param d The dictionary entry for a package, containing at least a 'name', as well as a 'version', and 'download' dict containing 'url', 'regex', and 'regexpos'. @param location The location to download the file to. @return the path to the downloaded file. """ try: name = d['name'] version = getWebVersion(d) downurl = getDownloadURL(d) furl = urllib2.urlopen(downurl) filecontents = furl.close() parsed=urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(furl.geturl()) pathname = urllib2.url2pathname(parsed.path) filename = pathname.split("\\")[-1] newfileloc = location + name + '---' + version + '---' + filename with open(newfileloc, "wb") as f: f.write(filecontents) except IOError as (errno, strerror): print 'could not open file, I/O error({0}): {1}'.format(errno, strerror) print 'when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s)' %(d, location)
def open_local_file(self, req): import email.Utils host = req.get_host() file = req.get_selector() localfile = url2pathname(file) stats = os.stat(localfile) size = stats.st_size modified = email.Utils.formatdate(stats.st_mtime, usegmt=True) mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] headers = mimetools.Message(StringIO( 'Content-type: %s\nContent-length: %d\nLast-modified: %s\n' % (mtype or 'text/plain', size, modified))) if host: host, port = splitport(host) if not host or \ (not port and socket.gethostbyname(host) in self.get_names()): try: file_list = dircache.listdir(localfile) s = StringIO() s.write('<html><head><base href="%s"/></head><body>' % ('file:' + file)) s.write('<p>Directory Content:</p>') for f in file_list: s.write('<p><a href="%s">%s</a></p>\n' % (urllib.quote(f), f)) s.write('</body></html>') headers = mimetools.Message(StringIO( 'Content-type: %s\nContent-length: %d\nLast-modified: %s\n' % ('text/html', size, modified))) return addinfourl(s, headers, 'file:' + file) except OSError: return addinfourl(open(localfile, 'rb'), headers, 'file:'+file) raise URLError('file not on local host')
def _download_url(self, scheme, url, tmpdir): # Determine download filename # name = filter(None,urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')) if name: name = name[-1] while '..' in name: name = name.replace('..','.').replace('\\','_') else: name = "__downloaded__" # default if URL has no path contents if name.endswith(''): name = name[:-4] # strip the extra .zip before download filename = os.path.join(tmpdir,name) # Download the file # if scheme=='svn' or scheme.startswith('svn+'): return self._download_svn(url, filename) elif scheme=='file': return urllib2.url2pathname(urlparse.urlparse(url)[2]) else: headers = self.retry_sf_download(url, filename) if 'html' in headers['content-type'].lower(): return self._download_html(url, headers, filename, tmpdir) else: return filename
def open_local_file(self, req): host = req.get_host() file = req.get_selector() localfile = urllib2.url2pathname(file) stats = os.stat(localfile) size = stats.st_size modified = formatdate(stats.st_mtime, usegmt=True) mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] headers = mimetools.Message(cStringIO.StringIO( 'Content-type: %s\nContent-length: %d\nLast-modified: %s\n' % (mtype or 'text/plain', size, modified))) if host: host, port = urllib.splitport(host) if not host or \ (not port and socket.gethostbyname(host) in self.get_names()): try: file_list = dircache.listdir(localfile) s = cStringIO.StringIO() s.write('<html><head><base href="%s"/></head><body>' % ('file:' + file)) s.write('<p>Directory Content:</p>') for f in file_list: s.write('<p><a href="%s">%s</a></p>\n' % (urllib.quote(f), f)) s.write('</body></html>') headers = mimetools.Message(cStringIO.StringIO( 'Content-type: %s\nContent-length: %d\nLast-modified: %s\n' % ('text/html', size, modified))) return urllib2.addinfourl(s, headers, 'file:' + file) except OSError: return urllib2.addinfourl(open(localfile, 'rb'), headers, 'file:'+file) raise urllib2.URLError('file not on local host')
def set_album_art(self, button) : tburl = self.webview.get_main_frame().get_title() if not tburl: return print "Url: " + tburl filep = tburl.split('/') filepath = filep[len(filep)-1] (filen, filextn) = os.path.splitext(filepath) request = urllib2.Request(tburl) opener = urllib2.build_opener() image = None try: image = except: print "Failed to download image" if(self.mode == self.MODE_RHYTHM): filename = os.environ['HOME']+"/.cache/rhythmbox/covers/" + self.current_artist + " - " + self.current_album + ".jpg" else: location_path_improper = urllib2.url2pathname(self.current_location) location_path_arr = location_path_improper.split("//") location_path = location_path_arr[1] filename = location_path.rsplit("/",1)[0] + "/" + "folder.jpg" output = open(filename, 'w') output.write(image) output.close()
def local_open(url): """Read a local path, with special support for directories""" scheme, server, path, param, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url) filename = urllib2.url2pathname(path) if os.path.isfile(filename): return urllib2.urlopen(url) elif path.endswith('/') and os.path.isdir(filename): files = [] for f in os.listdir(filename): if f == 'index.html': body = open(os.path.join(filename, f), 'rb').read() break elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(filename, f)): f += '/' files.append("<a href=%r>%s</a>" % (f, f)) else: body = ("<html><head><title>%s</title>" % url) + \ "</head><body>%s</body></html>" % '\n'.join(files) status, message = 200, "OK" else: status, message, body = 404, "Path not found", "Not found" return urllib2.HTTPError(url, status, message, {'content-type': 'text/html'}, cStringIO.StringIO(body))
def local_open(url): """Read a local path, with special support for directories""" scheme, server, path, param, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url) filename = urllib2.url2pathname(path) if os.path.isfile(filename): return urllib2.urlopen(url) elif path.endswith('/') and os.path.isdir(filename): files = [] for f in os.listdir(filename): if f=='index.html': fp = open(os.path.join(filename,f),'rb') body = fp.close() break elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(filename,f)): f+='/' files.append("<a href=%r>%s</a>" % (f,f)) else: body = ("<html><head><title>%s</title>" % url) + \ "</head><body>%s</body></html>" % '\n'.join(files) status, message = 200, "OK" else: status, message, body = 404, "Path not found", "Not found" return urllib2.HTTPError(url, status, message, {'content-type':'text/html'}, cStringIO.StringIO(body))
def _download_url(self, scheme, url, tmpdir): # Determine download filename # name = filter(None, urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')) if name: name = name[-1] while '..' in name: name = name.replace('..', '.').replace('\\', '_') else: name = "__downloaded__" # default if URL has no path contents if name.endswith(''): name = name[:-4] # strip the extra .zip before download filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, name) # Download the file # if scheme == 'svn' or scheme.startswith('svn+'): return self._download_svn(url, filename) elif scheme == 'file': return urllib2.url2pathname(urlparse.urlparse(url)[2]) else: self.url_ok(url, True) # raises error if not allowed return self._attempt_download(url, filename)
def open(self, request): """ Open a file or url If request.url can't be identified as a url, it will return the content in a file-like object @param request: A suds Request @type Request: suds.transport.Request @return: A file-like object @rtype: file """ log.debug('opening: (%s)', request.url) fp = None location = request.url.lstrip() if location.startswith('<?'): log.debug('returning url (%s) as StringIO file') fp = cStringIO.StringIO(location) else: parsed = urlparse(request.url) if parsed.scheme == 'file': # the path component of the urlparse output is not automatically a valid filesystem path! filepath = u2.url2pathname(parsed.path) log.debug('opening file (%s) with open', filepath) try: fp = open(filepath) except Exception, e: raise TransportError(str(e), 500, None) else:
def texthandler(parseString=None): # s = re.sub(r'%0A', r'\n', parseString) # s = re.sub(r'\n+', r'\\n\\n', parseString) s = urllib2.url2pathname(parseString) s = re.sub(r'\n+', r'\\n\\n', s) print s return render_template('spritz.html', text=s, filename="", titleText="Highlighted Text")
def _raise_open_error(self, url, message): if url[:7].lower() == "file://": what = "file" ident = urllib2.url2pathname(url[7:]) else: what = "URL" ident = url raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError("error opening %s %s: %s" % (what, ident, message), url)
def _url_to_local_path(url, path): """Mirror a url path in a local destination (keeping folder structure)""" destination = urlparse.urlparse(url).path # First char should be '/', and it needs to be discarded if len(destination) < 2 or destination[0] != '/': raise ValueError('Invalid URL') destination = os.path.join(path, urllib2.url2pathname(destination)[1:]) return destination
def url_or_fname_to_fname(url_or_fname): """ Assert that is_local(url_or_fname) then if it is a "file:" url, parse it and run url2pathname on it, else just return it. """ assert is_local(url_or_fname) mo = URL_SCHEME(url_or_fname) if mo: return urllib2.url2pathname(urlparse.urlparse(url)[2]) else: return url_or_fname
def _raise_open_error(self, url, message): if url[:7].lower() == "file://": what = "file" ident = urllib2.url2pathname(url[7:]) else: what = "URL" ident = url raise ZConfig.ConfigurationError( "error opening %s %s: %s" % (what, ident, message), url)
def load_fragment(fragment_url, mime_type=None): """Load fragment Load a fragment (e.g. time series data) from a given URL """ parsed_url = windows_compatible(up.urlparse)(fragment_url) scheme = parsed_url.scheme server_loc = parsed_url.netloc path = parsed_url.path fragment_string = parsed_url.fragment # reform path for windows files if scheme == "file" and == "nt": path = ur.url2pathname(r"\\" + server_loc + path) if mime_type is None: mimetypes.init() mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(path) if mime_type is None: raise TypeError( 'load_fragment: impossible to guess MIME type from url, ' 'please specify the type manually as argument: %s' % path) if scheme == 'file' and == 'nt': file_handle = open(path, 'r') elif scheme == 'file': file_handle = open(os.path.join(server_loc, path), 'r') if 'text/' in mime_type: import numpy if fragment_string == '': cols = None else: import re match = re.match("col=([0-9]+)", fragment_string) if match is None or len(match.groups()) != 1: raise TypeError( "load_fragment: don't understand url fragment %s" % fragment_string) else: cols = int(match.groups()[0]) - 1 # Unfortunately we need this if statement # Setting usecols to None throws an error in the loadtxt call if cols is not None: fragment_content = numpy.loadtxt(file_handle, usecols=[cols]) else: fragment_content = numpy.loadtxt(file_handle) return fragment_content else: raise TypeError('load_fragment: unknown mime type %s' % mime_type)
def dispatch_selected(*args): """BGG BSG Function to dispatch a single user hand""" document = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() maindir = urllib2.url2pathname(os.path.dirname(document.Location.replace("file://",""))) logfile = os.path.join(maindir, 'bsg-dispatcher-debug.log') sys.stdout = open(logfile, "w", 0) # unbuffered # Useful variables so we don't need to do a lot of typing worksheet = document.getSheets().getByName('Game State') dispatcherinfo = document.getSheets().getByName('Posting Templates') # Find the selected char selected_char = worksheet.DrawPage.Forms.getByName('formGameState').getByName('lstPlayers').CurrentValue selected_player = '' if not selected_char: MessageBox(document, "Error: no player selected", "Invalid player", "warningbox") return False # Find out which player we're looking at for i in range(7): charname = worksheet.getCellByPosition(4, 2+i).getString() # Character name on Game State if charname == selected_char: selected_player = worksheet.getCellByPosition(1, 2+i).getString() # Player name on Game State player_id = i break else: MessageBox(document, "Error: player not found, maybe a bug?", "Invalid player", "warningbox") return False # Verify if file exists playerfile = os.path.join(maindir, selected_char + '.txt') if not os.path.exists(playerfile): MessageBox(document, "Error: file '%s' not found (use the 'Create Hand Lists' first)" % (selected_char + '.txt'), "File not found", "warningbox") return False # Verify if we already sent this file old_md5 = dispatcherinfo.getCellByPosition(player_id+4, 31).getString() current_md5 = get_md5(playerfile) if old_md5 == current_md5: # We DID send this already!!! confirm = MessageBox(document, "It seems we've already sent this file. Send again?", "File already sent", "querybox", YES_NO) if confirm == 3: # Pressed "No" return False # Now we finally try to send our files try: gm = GeekMail(workdir=maindir) gm.dispatch(selected_player, playerfile) # Set the current MD5 on the spreadsheet (so that we only send it again after something is changed) dispatcherinfo.getCellByPosition(player_id+4, 31).setString(current_md5) except Exception as e: MessageBox(document, e.message, "Alert!", "warningbox") return False MessageBox(document, "Successfully sent file to %s" % selected_player, "Success!", "infobox")
def import_new_db(self, filename, callback): """ Attempt to import the provided file into a new database. A new database will only be created if an appropriate importer was found. @return: A tuple of (new_path, name) for the new database or (None, None) if no import was performed. """ pmgr = BasePluginManager.get_instance() # check to see if it isn't a filename directly: if not os.path.isfile(filename): # Allow URL names here; make temp file if necessary url = urlparse.urlparse(filename) if url.scheme != "": if url.scheme == "file": filename = urllib2.url2pathname(filename[7:]) else: url_fp = urllib2.urlopen(filename) # open URL # make a temp local file: ext = os.path.splitext(url.path)[1] fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=ext) temp_fp = os.fdopen(fd, "w") # read from URL: data = # write locally: temp_fp.write(data) url_fp.close() temp_fp.close() (name, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename)) format = ext[1:].lower() for plugin in pmgr.get_import_plugins(): if format == plugin.get_extension(): new_path, name = self._create_new_db(name) # Create a new database self.__start_cursor(_("Importing data...")) dbclass = gen.db.DbBsddb dbase = dbclass() dbase.write_version(new_path) dbase.load(new_path, callback) import_function = plugin.get_import_function() import_function(dbase, filename, callback) # finish up self.__end_cursor() dbase.close() return new_path, name return None, None
def dispatcher_call(*args): """BGG BSG Function to dispatch a generic message via GeekMail""" document = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() maindir = urllib2.url2pathname( os.path.dirname(document.Location.replace("file://", ""))) logfile = os.path.join(maindir, 'bsg-dispatcher-debug.log') sys.stdout = open(logfile, "a", 0) # unbuffered # Useful variables so we don't need to do a lot of typing worksheet = document.getSheets().getByName('Game State') dispatcherinfo = document.getSheets().getByName('Posting Templates') dispatchersheet = document.getSheets().getByName('Dispatcher') playername = dispatchersheet.getCellByPosition(2, 1).getString() subject = dispatchersheet.getCellByPosition(2, 3).getString() body = dispatchersheet.getCellByPosition(2, 4).getString() oldhash = dispatchersheet.getCellByPosition(2, 5).getString() if not playername: MessageBox(document, "Error: Username can't be empty", "No username!", 'warningbox') return False if not subject: MessageBox(document, "Error: Subject not defined", "Subject not defined!", 'warningbox') return False if not body: MessageBox(document, "Error: Body is empty", "Empty body!", 'warningbox') return False hashish = calculate_md5("%s%s%s" % (playername, subject, body)) if oldhash == hashish: confirm = MessageBox( document, "It seems we've already sent this data. Send again?", "Data already sent", "querybox", YES_NO) if confirm == 3: # Pressed "No" return False try: gm = GeekMail(workdir=maindir) gm.dispatch_text(playername, subject, body) # Set the current MD5 on the spreadsheet (so that we only send it again after something is changed) dispatchersheet.getCellByPosition(2, 5).setString(hashish) except IOError: MessageBox(document, e.message, "Alert!", "warningbox") return False MessageBox(document, "Successfully sent the following message:\n\n%s" % (subject), "Success!", "infobox")
def scrape_bizSource(self): if self.bizSource != None: try: self.bizSoup = BS(self.bizSource) except: print 'Incompatible with soup: this url: ' + self.bizUrl.encode('utf-8') print 'given on this page: ' + self.path return comments = self.bizSoup.findAll (text=lambda text:isinstance(text, Comment)) [comment.extract() for comment in comments] bizContacts = self.bizSoup.findAll('a') regex_contact = re.compile (r'.*contact.*', re.IGNORECASE) for link in bizContacts: result = (regex_contact, str(link)) if result != None: try: self.bizContactLink = urljoin ( self.bizUrl, urllib2.url2pathname(link['href']) ) break except: continue if self.bizContactLink != None: try: self.bizContactSource = urllib2.urlopen (self.bizContactLink, timeout=300) try: if 'text/html' in['content-type']: try: self.bizContactSource = #now just HTML source except: print 'Failed to read contact-us source for: ' + self.bizContactLink.encode('utf-8') self.bozContactSource = None else: print 'Contact Us page in NOT HTML for: ' + self.bizContactLink.encode('utf-8') self.bizContactSource = None except: self.bizContactSource = None except: print 'unable to open the contact us link: ' + self.bizContactLink.encode('utf-8') self.bizContactSource = None if self.bizContactSource != None: self.scrape_bizContactSource() self.scrape_bizEmail (str(self.bizSoup))
def do_GET(self): """Serve a GET request.""" command = self.path.split('/') command.remove('') try: if self.path == "/start": print "intra ffs" buttons_list = BROWSER.start() print buttons_list response = Response(code=200, current_page=BROWSER.current_url, buttons=buttons_list, fields=None) elif self.path == "/next": buttons_list = response = Response(code=200, current_page=BROWSER.current_url, buttons=buttons_list, fields=None) elif self.path == "/prev": buttons_list = BROWSER.prev() response = Response(code=200, current_page=BROWSER.current_url, buttons=buttons_list, fields=None) elif self.path == "/close": buttons_list = BROWSER.close() response = Response(code=200, current_page=BROWSER.current_url, buttons=buttons_list, fields=None) elif self.path == "/": buttons_list = BROWSER.home() response = Response(code=200, current_page=BROWSER.current_url, buttons=buttons_list, fields=None) elif self.path.startswith('/expand/'): path = urllib2.url2pathname(self.path[len('/expand'):]) BROWSER.click_expand_collapse(path) buttons_list, fields_list = BROWSER.get_current_page_options() response = Response(code=200, current_page=BROWSER.current_url, buttons=buttons_list, fields=fields_list) elif command[0] == "get-current-options": buttons_list, fields_list = BROWSER.get_current_page_options() response = Response(code=200, current_page=BROWSER.current_url, buttons=buttons_list, fields=fields_list) else: BROWSER.navigate_to(self.path) buttons_list, fields_list = BROWSER.get_current_page_options() response = Response(code=200, current_page=BROWSER.current_url, buttons=buttons_list, fields=fields_list) except: buttons_list, fields_list = BROWSER.get_current_page_options() response = Response(code=405, message="Not allowed", current_page=BROWSER.current_url, buttons=buttons_list, fields=fields_list) finally: self.send_response(response)
def _get_content_packaged_path(self, _new_url=None): """ Return the path of the content data if it is packaged, else None. """ #If `_new_url` is provided, it is used instead of the current #`content_url` (useful when changing URL). url = _new_url or self.content_url if not url or url[:9] != "packaged:": return None p_root = self._owner.get_meta(PACKAGED_ROOT, None) if p_root is None: return None return join(p_root, url2pathname(url[10:]))
def on_folder_changed(self,fchooser,data=None): url = fchooser.get_current_folder_uri( ) if not url: return pname = url2pathname(url)[7:] model = self.get_model( ) model.clear( ) self.master_list = [ ] self.depth = len( pname.split(os.path.sep) ) if self.recurse_widget.get_active( ): self.recurse = 1 else: self.recurse = 0 self.my_walker(pname,model) self.okbtn.set_sensitive(False)
def dispatch_all(*args): """BGG BSG Function to dispatch all player hands""" document = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() maindir = urllib2.url2pathname(os.path.dirname(document.Location.replace("file://",""))) logfile = os.path.join(maindir, 'bsg-dispatcher-debug.log') sys.stdout = open(logfile, "w", 0) # unbuffered # Useful variables so we don't need to do a lot of typing worksheet = document.getSheets().getByName('Game State') dispatcherinfo = document.getSheets().getByName('Posting Templates') to_send = [] # Maximum of 7 players for i in range(7): playername = worksheet.getCellByPosition(1, 2+i).getString() # Player name on Game State charname = worksheet.getCellByPosition(4, 2+i).getString() # Character name on Game State if not playername: # If there isn't a player for this number, skip it continue # Verify if file exists playerfile = os.path.join(maindir, charname + '.txt') if not os.path.exists(playerfile): MessageBox(document, "Error: file '%s' not found (use the 'Create Hand Lists' first)" % (charname + '.txt'), "File not found", "warningbox") return False # Let's see if this file was modified old_md5 = dispatcherinfo.getCellByPosition(i+4, 31).getString() current_md5 = get_md5(playerfile) if old_md5 != current_md5: # File was modified. Set up to send it to_send.append({'player': playername, 'character': charname, 'playerfile': playerfile, 'md5': current_md5, 'player_id': i}) if not to_send: MessageBox(document, "Nothing new to send. Maybe you forgot to use Create Hand Lists?", "No files modified!", "infobox") else: for p in to_send: # Now we finally try to send our files try: gm = GeekMail(workdir=maindir) gm.dispatch(p['player'], p['playerfile']) # Set the current MD5 on the spreadsheet (so that we only send it again after something is changed) dispatcherinfo.getCellByPosition(p['player_id']+4, 31).setString(p['md5']) except Exception as e: MessageBox(document, e.message, "Alert!", "warningbox") MessageBox(document, "Successfully sent the updated hands to: %s" % (", ".join([e['player'] for e in to_send])), "Success!", "infobox")
def saveTo(self, path): response = http_headers = data = if 'content-disposition' in http_headers.keys(): # The server is answering with a file cd = http_headers['content-disposition'] fName ='filename="(.*)"', cd).group(1) else: # We got a workaround page, Extract real resource url resourceUrl = Resource.getResourceUrl(data) fName = basename(resourceUrl) # Get resource name data = connection.getUrlData(resourceUrl) # Get resource fName = url2pathname(fName) print 'Saving ', fName scraptools.saveResource(data, fName, path) # Save file
def get_style(style='abstract-art', root_path='../Data/Paintings/'): """Given a style of painting, downloads all the thumbnails from wikiart and saves it in a folder""" domain = "" current_link = domain + "/en/paintings-by-style/" + style ths = crawl_style(current_link) #new_size = (64,64) directory = root_path + style if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) for i in ths: im = link_to_PILim(i) if im is None: continue file_name = (re.sub(u"[\\\\,\:,\/]", '_', urllib.url2pathname(i)))[31:] # Optional resize im.resize(new_size) + '/' + file_name) print 'Saved ', len(ths), ' files into dir:', style
def saveTo(self, path): response = http_headers = data = if "content-disposition" in http_headers.keys(): # The server is answering with a file cd = http_headers["content-disposition"] fName ='filename="(.*)"', cd).group(1) else: # We got a workaround page, Extract real resource url resourceUrl = Resource.getResourceUrl(data) fName = basename(resourceUrl) # Get resource name data = connection.getUrlData(resourceUrl) # Get resource fName = url2pathname(fName) print "Saving ", fName scraptools.saveResource(data, fName, path) # Save file
def get_style(style='abstract-art', root_path='../Data/Paintings/'): """Given a style of painting, downloads all the thumbnails from wikiart and saves it in a folder""" domain = "" current_link = domain + "/en/paintings-by-style/" + style ths =crawl_style(current_link) #new_size = (64,64) directory = root_path + style if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) for i in ths: im = link_to_PILim(i) if im is None: continue file_name = (re.sub(u"[\\\\,\:,\/]", '_', urllib.url2pathname(i)))[31:] # Optional resize im.resize(new_size) + '/' + file_name) print 'Saved ', len(ths), ' files into dir:', style
def downloadLatest(d, location='downloads\\', overwrite=False): """Download the latest version of the package d. Use the information specified in the package d to download the latest version of the package from the web. The default download location is './downloads' @param d The dictionary entry for a package, containing at least a 'name', as well as a 'version', and 'download' dict containing 'url', 'regex', and 'regexpos'. @param location The location to download the file to. @param overwrite Boolean enabling overwriting of a file if it exists. @return the path to the downloaded file. """ try: name = d['name'] version = getWebVersion(d) downurl = getDownloadURL(d) opener.addheaders = userAgent + [('Referer', downurl)] furl = parsed = urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(furl.geturl()) pathname = urllib2.url2pathname(parsed.path) filename = pathname.split("\\")[-1] newfileloc = location + name + '---' + version + '---' + filename print "Downloading: %s" % newfileloc # if the file doesn't exist or we allow overwriteing write the file if overwrite or not os.path.exists(newfileloc): #XXX This needs to be modified to be done in blocks. filecontents = with open(newfileloc, "wb") as f: f.write(filecontents) else: print 'File already exists and overwriting was not enabled' print 'when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' % (d, location, overwrite) furl.close() except IOError as (errno, strerror): print 'could not open file, I/O error({0}): {1}'.format( errno, strerror) print 'when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' % (d, location, overwrite)
def dispatcher_call(*args): """BGG BSG Function to dispatch a generic message via GeekMail""" document = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() maindir = urllib2.url2pathname(os.path.dirname(document.Location.replace("file://",""))) logfile = os.path.join(maindir, 'bsg-dispatcher-debug.log') sys.stdout = open(logfile, "a", 0) # unbuffered # Useful variables so we don't need to do a lot of typing worksheet = document.getSheets().getByName('Game State') dispatcherinfo = document.getSheets().getByName('Posting Templates') dispatchersheet = document.getSheets().getByName('Dispatcher') playername = dispatchersheet.getCellByPosition(2, 1).getString() subject = dispatchersheet.getCellByPosition(2, 3).getString() body = dispatchersheet.getCellByPosition(2, 4).getString() oldhash = dispatchersheet.getCellByPosition(2, 5).getString() if not playername: MessageBox(document, "Error: Username can't be empty", "No username!", 'warningbox') return False if not subject: MessageBox(document, "Error: Subject not defined", "Subject not defined!", 'warningbox') return False if not body: MessageBox(document, "Error: Body is empty", "Empty body!", 'warningbox') return False hashish = calculate_md5("%s%s%s" % (playername, subject, body)) if oldhash == hashish: confirm = MessageBox(document, "It seems we've already sent this data. Send again?", "Data already sent", "querybox", YES_NO) if confirm == 3: # Pressed "No" return False try: gm = GeekMail(workdir=maindir) gm.dispatch_text(playername, subject, body) # Set the current MD5 on the spreadsheet (so that we only send it again after something is changed) dispatchersheet.getCellByPosition(2, 5).setString(hashish) except IOError: MessageBox(document, e.message, "Alert!", "warningbox") return False MessageBox(document, "Successfully sent the following message:\n\n%s" % (subject), "Success!", "infobox")
def set_album_art(self, button): tburl = self.webview.get_main_frame().get_title() if not tburl: return print "Url: " + tburl filep = tburl.split('/') filepath = filep[len(filep) - 1] (filen, filextn) = os.path.splitext(filepath) request = urllib2.Request(tburl) opener = urllib2.build_opener() image = None try: image = except: print "Failed to download image" save_filename = self.current_artist + " - " + self.current_album + ".jpg" if (self.mode == self.MODE_PICTURES): covers_folder = glib.get_user_special_dir( glib.USER_DIRECTORY_PICTURES) filename = covers_folder + "/" + save_filename if (self.mode == self.MODE_RHYTHM): covers_folder = os.environ['HOME'] + "/.cache/rhythmbox/covers/" filename = covers_folder + save_filename if (os.path.isdir(covers_folder) == False): os.mkdir(covers_folder) if (self.mode == self.MODE_FOLDER): location_path_improper = urllib2.url2pathname( self.current_location) location_path_arr = location_path_improper.split("//") location_path = location_path_arr[1] filename = location_path.rsplit("/", 1)[0] + "/cover" #+ save_filename output = open(filename, 'w') output.write(image) output.close()
def drag_data_received(self, widget, context, x, y, sel_data, info, time): """ Handle the standard gtk interface for drag_data_received. If the selection data is define, extract the value from, and decide if this is a move or a reorder. The only data we accept on mediaview is dropping a file, so URI_LIST. We assume this is what we obtain """ if not sel_data: return #modern file managers provide URI_LIST. For Windows split files = sel_data.get_uris() for file in files: if win(): clean_string = conv_to_unicode( file.replace('\0', ' ').replace("\r", " ").strip(), None) else: clean_string = file protocol, site, mfile, j, k, l = urlparse(clean_string) if protocol == "file": name = url2pathname(mfile) mime = get_type(name) if not is_valid_type(mime): return photo = MediaObject() self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(True) photo.set_checksum(create_checksum(name)) self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(False) base_dir = cuni(media_path(self.dbstate.db)) if os.path.exists(base_dir): name = relative_path(name, base_dir) photo.set_path(name) photo.set_mime_type(mime) basename = os.path.basename(name) (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(basename) photo.set_description(root) with DbTxn(_("Drag Media Object"), self.dbstate.db) as trans: self.dbstate.db.add_object(photo, trans) widget.emit_stop_by_name('drag_data_received')
def downloadLatest(d, location='downloads\\', overwrite=False): """Download the latest version of the package d. Use the information specified in the package d to download the latest version of the package from the web. The default download location is './downloads' @param d The dictionary entry for a package, containing at least a 'name', as well as a 'version', and 'download' dict containing 'url', 'regex', and 'regexpos'. @param location The location to download the file to. @param overwrite Boolean enabling overwriting of a file if it exists. @return the path to the downloaded file. """ try: name = d['name'] version = getWebVersion(d) downurl = getDownloadURL(d) opener.addheaders=userAgent + [('Referer', downurl)] furl = parsed=urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(furl.geturl()) pathname = urllib2.url2pathname(parsed.path) filename = pathname.split("\\")[-1] newfileloc = location + name + '---' + version + '---' + filename print "Downloading: %s" % newfileloc # if the file doesn't exist or we allow overwriteing write the file if overwrite or not os.path.exists(newfileloc): #XXX This needs to be modified to be done in blocks. filecontents = with open(newfileloc, "wb") as f: f.write(filecontents) else: print 'File already exists and overwriting was not enabled' print 'when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' %(d, location, overwrite) furl.close() except IOError as (errno, strerror): print 'could not open file, I/O error({0}): {1}'.format(errno, strerror) print 'when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' %(d, location, overwrite)
def set_album_art(self, button) : tburl = self.webview.get_main_frame().get_title() if not tburl: return print "Url: " + tburl filep = tburl.split('/') filepath = filep[len(filep)-1] (filen, filextn) = os.path.splitext(filepath) request = urllib2.Request(tburl) opener = urllib2.build_opener() image = None try: image = except: print "Failed to download image" save_filename=self.current_artist + " - " + self.current_album + ".jpg" if(self.mode == self.MODE_PICTURES): covers_folder = glib.get_user_special_dir(glib.USER_DIRECTORY_PICTURES) filename = covers_folder + "/" + save_filename if(self.mode == self.MODE_RHYTHM): covers_folder=os.environ['HOME']+"/.cache/rhythmbox/covers/" filename = covers_folder + save_filename if (os.path.isdir(covers_folder) == False): os.mkdir(covers_folder) if(self.mode == self.MODE_FOLDER): location_path_improper = urllib2.url2pathname(self.current_location) location_path_arr = location_path_improper.split("//") location_path = location_path_arr[1] filename = location_path.rsplit("/",1)[0] + "/cover" #+ save_filename output = open(filename, 'w') output.write(image) output.close()
def scrape_bizUrl(self): global count self.bizUrl = self.soup.find (id='bizUrl') if self.bizUrl != None: count = count + 1 self.bizUrl = self.bizUrl.find('a') if self.bizUrl != None: regex = re.compile(r'url=.*src_bizid=') self.bizUrl = re.findall(regex, self.bizUrl['href'])[0] self.bizUrl = urllib2.url2pathname ( self.bizUrl[4:-11] ) try: self.bizSource = urllib2.urlopen( self.bizUrl, timeout=300 ) try: if 'text/html' in['content-type']: try: self.bizSource = #now its just html string except: print 'Unable to read the source of url: ' + self.bizUrl.encode('utf-8') print 'given on this page: ' + self.path self.bizSource = None else: print 'Case 2: url is NOT html, given on this page: ' + self.path self.bizSource = None except: print 'Case 1: url is NOT html, given on this page: ' + self.path self.bizSource = None except: print 'unable to open given link: ' + self.bizUrl.encode('utf-8') print 'page: ' + self.path self.bizSource = None
def tidy(self, p1, p2=None): if not p2: return url2pathname(p1) else: return url2pathname(os.path.join(p1, p2))
def downloadLatest(d, location='downloads\\', overwrite=False): """Download the latest version of the package d. Use the information specified in the package d to download the latest version of the package from the web. The default download location is './downloads' @param d The dictionary entry for a package, containing at least a 'name', as well as a 'version', and 'download' dict containing 'url', 'regex', and 'regexpos'. @param location The location to download the file to. @param overwrite Boolean enabling overwriting of a file if it exists. @return the path to the downloaded file. """ try: name = d['name']'getting %s web version' % d['name']) version = getWebVersion(d) downurl = getDownloadURL(d) #Sourceforge Antibot Hack if "sourceforge" in downurl: opener.addheaders = [] else: opener.addheaders = userAgent + [('Referer', downurl)] furl = furl = parsed = urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(furl.geturl()) pathname = urllib2.url2pathname(parsed.path) filename = pathname.split("\\")[-1] #create Downloads folder if doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(location): os.mkdir(location) newfileloc = location + name + '---' + version + '---' + filename"Downloading: %s" % newfileloc) # if the file doesn't exist or we allow overwriting write the file if overwrite or not os.path.exists(newfileloc): file_size_dl = 0 block_sz = 8192 with open(newfileloc, "wb") as f: if "Content-Length" in furl.headers:"File Size:" + furl.headers["Content-Length"]) while True: #read in blocks until no more blocks buffer = if not buffer: break #add blocks read to blocks downloaded file_size_dl += len(buffer) f.write(buffer) #print progress p = float(file_size_dl / float(furl.headers["Content-Length"])) status = r"{0} [{1:.2%}]".format(file_size_dl, p) status = status + chr(8) * (len(status) + 1) sys.stdout.write(status) f.close() else: logger.warning( 'File already exists and overwriting was not enabled \ when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' % (d['name'], location, overwrite)) furl.close() except TypeError as strerror: logger.error( 'TypeError: %s, location may not be a string when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' % (strerror, d['name'], location, overwrite)) except urllib2.URLError: logger.error( 'Could not connect to and read from %s, when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' % (downurl, d['name'], location, overwrite)) except KeyError: logger.error( 'd did not contain a "name" entry when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' % (d, location, overwrite)) except Exception, e: logger.error('%s while running downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' % (e, d['name'], location, overwrite)) raise
def get_object(self): obj_name = urlparse.urlparse(self.urlpath).path return Object(urllib2.url2pathname(obj_name), None, 0, None)
def make_playlist(playlist, track_db, rootfolder, share_music_files, verbose, dry_run, fname_len, nicer_names): import urllib2 playlist_folder = os.path.join(rootfolder, sanitize_filename(playlist['Name'])) if verbose: print 'playlist folder:', playlist['Name'] playlist_filename = '%s.m3u' % sanitize_filename(playlist['Name']) if verbose: print 'playlist file:', playlist_filename playlist_file = os.path.join(playlist_folder, playlist_filename) f = None if dry_run: print 'Dry run: creating playlist file', playlist_file else: if verbose: print 'Creating playlist file', playlist_file create_filepath(playlist_file) try: f = open(playlist_file, 'wb') s = '#EXTM3U\n' f.write(s.encode('UTF-8')) except: print 'Warning: error opening', playlist_file, 'skipping this playlist' if f: f.close() return for id in playlist['Song IDs']: if not id in track_db.keys(): print '\tWarning: song', id, 'not found in track_db. Skipping.' continue track = track_db[id] old_filepath = urllib2.url2pathname(track['Location']).replace('file://','') if not os.path.isfile(old_filepath): print '\tWarning:', old_filepath, 'not found. Skipping.' continue; old_filesize = os.stat(old_filepath).st_size _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(old_filepath) if nicer_names: new_filename = make_a_nicer_filename(old_filepath, track, fname_len) else: new_filename = make_a_nice_filename(old_filepath, track, fname_len) new_filepath = os.path.join(playlist_folder, new_filename.decode('utf-8')) if os.path.isfile(new_filepath) and os.stat(new_filepath).st_size == old_filesize: print '\tSkipping:', new_filepath, 'already exists' else: if dry_run: print '\tDry run: copying', old_filepath, ' to ', new_filepath else: print '\tCopying', old_filepath, ' to ', new_filepath try: shutil.copyfile(old_filepath.decode('utf-8'), new_filepath) except: print '\tWarning: ', new_filepath, ' copy failed.' continue if f: try: s = u'#EXTINF:%d,%s - %s\n' % (int(track['Total Time'])/1000, track['Name'], track['Artist']) f.write(s.encode('UTF-8')) s = '%s\n' % new_filename.decode('utf-8') f.write(s.encode('utf-8')) except: print '\tWarning: error writing to playlist file, skipping this playlist' if f: f.close() return if f: f.close()
def dispatch_all(*args): """BGG BSG Function to dispatch all player hands""" document = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() maindir = urllib2.url2pathname( os.path.dirname(document.Location.replace("file://", ""))) logfile = os.path.join(maindir, 'bsg-dispatcher-debug.log') sys.stdout = open(logfile, "a", 0) # unbuffered # Useful variables so we don't need to do a lot of typing worksheet = document.getSheets().getByName('Game State') dispatcherinfo = document.getSheets().getByName('Posting Templates') to_send = [] # Maximum of 7 players for i in range(7): playername = worksheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 2 + i).getString() # Player name on Game State charname = worksheet.getCellByPosition( 4, 2 + i).getString() # Character name on Game State if not playername: # If there isn't a player for this number, skip it continue # Verify if file exists playerfile = os.path.join(maindir, charname + '.txt') if not os.path.exists(playerfile): MessageBox( document, "Error: file '%s' not found (use the 'Create Hand Lists' first)" % (charname + '.txt'), "File not found", "warningbox") return False # Let's see if this file was modified old_md5 = dispatcherinfo.getCellByPosition(i + 4, 31).getString() current_md5 = get_md5(playerfile) if old_md5 != current_md5: # File was modified. Set up to send it to_send.append({ 'player': playername, 'character': charname, 'playerfile': playerfile, 'md5': current_md5, 'player_id': i }) if not to_send: MessageBox( document, "Nothing new to send. Maybe you forgot to use Create Hand Lists?", "No files modified!", "infobox") else: for p in to_send: # Now we finally try to send our files try: gm = GeekMail(workdir=maindir) gm.dispatch_file(p['player'], p['playerfile']) # Set the current MD5 on the spreadsheet (so that we only send it again after something is changed) dispatcherinfo.getCellByPosition(p['player_id'] + 4, 31).setString(p['md5']) except Exception as e: MessageBox(document, e.message, "Alert!", "warningbox") MessageBox( document, "Successfully sent the updated hands to: %s" % (", ".join([e['player'] for e in to_send])), "Success!", "infobox")
def do_GET(self): Log.Debug('Proxy request %s' % self.path) params = dict([ p.split('=') for p in self.path[self.path.index('?') + 1:].split('&') ]) if 'd_url' in params and params['d_url']: url = urllib2.url2pathname(params['d_url']) else: try: info = JSON.ObjectFromURL(urllib2.url2pathname(params['url']), cacheTime=5) except: info = None if not info: self.send_error(403) self.headers['Sisa'] = 'keep-alive' return None if 'videos' in info: info = info['videos'] else: ext_meta = GetExternalMeta(info) Log.Debug(ext_meta) if ext_meta and ext_meta['videos']: info = ext_meta['videos'].values() else: self.send_error(403) return None url = None key = params['key'] + 'p' for item in info: if item['key'] == key: url = item['url'] break if not url: url = info[len(info) - 1]['url'] Log.Debug('Start processing %s' % url) headers = { 'User-Agent': MAILRU_USER_AGENT, } for key in ('Range', 'Accept', 'Connection'): val = self.headers.get(key, None) if val: headers[key] = val try: val = HTTP.CookiesForURL(url) if val: headers['Cookie'] = val except: pass ph = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers)) self.protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1' self.send_response(ph.getcode()) self.wfile.write('%s' % self.end_headers() self.copyfile(ph, self.wfile)
else: # No filePathListArg from the arg parser? Try selected file(s) from nautilus environment variables: # $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS (only for local storage) # $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_URIS if opt_gui == 'gnome': # Try to get file(s) provided by nautilus filePathListEnv = os.environ.get('NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_URIS') if filePathListEnv != None: # Check file(s) type and validity for filePath in filePathListEnv.splitlines(): # Work a little bit of magic (Make sure we have a clean and absolute path, even from an URI) filePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.basename(filePath)) if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): filePath = urllib.request.url2pathname(filePath) else: # python2 filePath = urllib2.url2pathname(filePath) if checkFile(filePath): videoPathList.append(filePath) # ==== Instances dispatcher # If videoPathList is empty, abort! if len(videoPathList) == 0: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) # The first video file will be processed by this instance videoPath = videoPathList[0] videoPathList.pop(0) # The remaining file(s) are dispatched to new instance(s) of this script
def downloadLatest(d, location='downloads\\', overwrite=False): """Download the latest version of the package d. Use the information specified in the package d to download the latest version of the package from the web. The default download location is './downloads' @param d The dictionary entry for a package, containing at least a 'name', as well as a 'version', and 'download' dict containing 'url', 'regex', and 'regexpos'. @param location The location to download the file to. @param overwrite Boolean enabling overwriting of a file if it exists. @return the path to the downloaded file. """ try: name = d['name'] version = getWebVersion(d) downurl = getDownloadURL(d) #Sourceforge Antibot Hack if "sourceforge" in downurl: opener.addheaders=[] else: opener.addheaders=userAgent + [('Referer', downurl)] furl = parsed=urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(furl.geturl()) pathname = urllib2.url2pathname(parsed.path) filename = pathname.split("\\")[-1] newfileloc = location + name + '---' + version + '---' + filename print "Downloading: %s" % newfileloc # if the file doesn't exist or we allow overwriteing write the file if overwrite or not os.path.exists(newfileloc): #XXX This needs to be modified to be done in blocks. with open(newfileloc, "wb") as f:**20) written=0.0 percent=0.01 if "Content-Length" in furl.headers: print "File Size:"+furl.headers["Content-Length"] while block: f.write(block) written+=len(block) if "Content-Length" in furl.headers: try: x=written/float(furl.headers["Content-Length"]) if x>percent: percent=round(x,2)+.01 sys.stdout.write("..."+str((percent-0.01)*100)+"%...") except Exception as e: print e**20) print "" else: print 'File already exists and overwriting was not enabled' print 'when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' %(d, location, overwrite) furl.close() except IOError as (errno, strerror): print 'could not open file, I/O error({0}): {1}'.format(errno, strerror) print 'when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' %(d, location, overwrite)
def read_playlist(infile, absolute_paths=True): """Iterates over media files in playlist. Extended M3U directives are skipped. :param infile: filename of playlist :type infile: str :param absolute_paths: converts relative path names to absolute ones if set to `True`. :type absolute_paths: bool :returns: iterator over `PlaylistEntry` objects. :rtype: iterable of `PlaylistEntry` """ root = os.getcwd() if infile == '-': finfile = sys.stdin else: finfile = file(infile, "r") root = os.path.join(root, os.path.dirname(infile)) log.debug("root dir: %s", root) for filename in"\n"): log.debug("entry: %s", filename) if len(filename ) == 0 or filename[0] == "#": # skip empty and comment lines log.debug("ignore %s", filename) continue # convert thinks like %20 in file name filename = urllib2.url2pathname(filename) if filename[:7] == "file://": filename = filename[7:] if factory.is_media_file(filename): log.debug("found %s", filename) if filename[0] != "/": full_name = os.path.join(root, filename) else: full_name = filename log.debug("full_name: %s", full_name) if not os.path.isfile(full_name):"ignore %s do not exist", full_name) continue if absolute_paths: full_name = os.path.abspath(full_name) else: l = len( os.path.commonprefix((root, full_name)).rpartition("/")[0]) if l > 0: full_name = full_name[l + 1:] log.debug("post full_name: %s", full_name) yield factory.create_entry(full_name) elif factory.is_media_url(filename): yield factory.create_entry(filename) else:"ignore %s", filename) finfile.close()
def import_new_db(self, filename, user): """ Attempt to import the provided file into a new database. A new database will only be created if an appropriate importer was found. :param filename: a fully-qualified path, filename, and extension to open. :param user: a :class:`.cli.user.User` or :class:`.gui.user.User` instance for managing user interaction. :returns: A tuple of (new_path, name) for the new database or (None, None) if no import was performed. """ pmgr = BasePluginManager.get_instance() # check to see if it isn't a filename directly: if not os.path.isfile(filename): # Allow URL names here; make temp file if necessary url = urlparse(filename) if url.scheme != "": if url.scheme == "file": filename = url2pathname(filename[7:]) else: url_fp = urlopen(filename) # open URL # make a temp local file: ext = os.path.splitext(url.path)[1] fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=ext) temp_fp = os.fdopen(fd, "w") # read from URL: data = # write locally: temp_fp.write(data) url_fp.close() from gen.db.dbconst import BDBVERSFN versionpath = os.path.join(name, BDBVERSFN) _LOG.debug("Write bsddb version %s" % str(dbase.version())) with open(versionpath, "w") as version_file: version_file.write(str(dbase.version())) temp_fp.close() (name, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename)) format = ext[1:].lower() for plugin in pmgr.get_import_plugins(): if format == plugin.get_extension(): new_path, name = self._create_new_db(name) # Create a new database self.__start_cursor(_("Importing data...")) dbclass = DbBsddb dbase = dbclass() dbase.load(new_path, user.callback) import_function = plugin.get_import_function() import_function(dbase, filename, user) # finish up self.__end_cursor() dbase.close() return new_path, name return None, None
def sortFiles(indexname): print indexname #get pathname corresponding to indexname #check to make sure it is a directory #get list of filenames in that directory p_files = url2pathname(test_paths.get(indexname)) #Use this for TDrive original files p_source = url2pathname(paths.get(indexname)) #Use this for local copy of test files #p_source = test_paths.get(indexname) if os.path.isdir(p_source): filenames = os.listdir(p_source) print 'Total number of files to be sorted:' + str(len(filenames)) else: return #set path and filenames for storing index files g = indexname + '_good.csv' b = indexname + '_bad.csv' #store the index files in the same directory as original files p_g = url2pathname(os.path.join(p_files, g)) p_b = url2pathname(os.path.join(p_files, b)) #open index files goodfile = open(p_g, 'w+') badfile = open(p_b, 'w+') #create csv writers for index files goodwriter = csv.writer(goodfile, dialect=csv.excel) badwriter = csv.writer(badfile, dialect=csv.excel) #create temporary lists to hold good and bad filenames tmp_good = list() tmp_bad = list() #create an instance of msword word = win32com.client.Dispatch('Word.Application') word.Visible = False #--------Sampler - remove for production------------------ #filenames = shuffle(filenames) i = 0 #--------End of Sampler - remove for production------------------ #start iterating through filenames for aFile in filenames[10:20]: #if this is not a word document or is a temporary file, move on if aFile.find('.doc') < 0 or aFile.find('~') >= 0: continue try: #set docname to filepath + filename #url2pathname avoids %20 docname = url2pathname(os.path.join(p_files, aFile)) # open the document doc = word.Documents.Open(docname, False, False, False) result = scanForNHSIds(doc.Content.Text) if len(result) == 12: result = result.replace(' ', '') #get rid of spaces pdfname = result + '.pdf' pdfpath = url2pathname(os.path.join(p_files, 'good', pdfname)) #if the file already exists, save with timestamp #this is an unlikely scenario if os.path.exists(pdfpath): pdfname = result + '_multifile_' + strftime( '%H_%M_%S', gmtime()) + '.pdf' pdfpath = url2pathname( os.path.join(p_files, 'good', pdfname)) #FileFormat 17 is pdf doc.SaveAs(pdfpath, FileFormat=17) tmp_good.append([aFile, result]) else: docpath = url2pathname( os.path.join(p_files, 'bad', result + '-' + aFile)) doc.SaveAs(docpath) tmp_bad.append([aFile, result]) #close the word document if it has been opened if doc: doc.Close() #export count except: result = 'rd_err' tmp_bad.append([aFile, result]) i += 1 if i > 1000: break print 'Successful PDF exports to good folder: ' + str(len(tmp_good)) print 'Files with errors copied to bad folder: ' + str(len(tmp_bad)) #save list to index file for a in tmp_good: goodwriter.writerow(a) for a in tmp_bad: badwriter.writerow(a) goodfile.close() badfile.close() del doc del word
def downloadLatest(d, location='downloads\\', overwrite=False): """Download the latest version of the package d. Use the information specified in the package d to download the latest version of the package from the web. The default download location is './downloads' @param d The dictionary entry for a package, containing at least a 'name', as well as a 'version', and 'download' dict containing 'url', 'regex', and 'regexpos'. @param location The location to download the file to. @param overwrite Boolean enabling overwriting of a file if it exists. @return the path to the downloaded file. """ try: name = d['name']'getting %s web version' %d['name']) version = getWebVersion(d) downurl = getDownloadURL(d) #Sourceforge Antibot Hack if "sourceforge" in downurl: opener.addheaders=[] else: opener.addheaders=userAgent + [('Referer', downurl)] furl = parsed=urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(furl.geturl()) pathname = urllib2.url2pathname(parsed.path) filename = pathname.split("\\")[-1] #create Downloads folder if doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(location): os.mkdir(location) newfileloc = location + name + '---' + version + '---' + filename "Downloading: %s" % newfileloc) # if the file doesn't exist or we allow overwriting write the file if overwrite or not os.path.exists(newfileloc): file_size_dl = 0 block_sz = 8192 with open(newfileloc, "wb") as f: if "Content-Length" in furl.headers: "File Size:"+furl.headers["Content-Length"]) while True: #read in blocks until no more blocks buffer = if not buffer: break #add blocks read to blocks downloaded file_size_dl += len(buffer) f.write(buffer) #print progress p = float(file_size_dl / float(furl.headers["Content-Length"])) status = r"{0} [{1:.2%}]".format(file_size_dl,p) status = status + chr(8)*(len(status)+1) sys.stdout.write(status) f.close() else: logger.warning( 'File already exists and overwriting was not enabled \ when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' %(d['name'], location, overwrite)) furl.close() except TypeError as strerror: logger.error( 'TypeError: %s, location may not be a string when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' %(strerror,d['name'], location, overwrite)) except urllib2.URLError: logger.error( 'Could not connect to and read from %s, when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' %(downurl,d['name'], location, overwrite)) except KeyError: logger.error( 'd did not contain a "name" entry when calling downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' %(d, location, overwrite)) except Exception, e: logger.error( '%s while running downloadLatest(%s, %s, %s)' %(e,d['name'], location, overwrite)) raise
else: # No filePathListArg from the arg parser? Try selected file(s) from nautilus environment variables: # $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS (only for local storage) # $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_URIS if gui == 'gnome': # Try to get file(s) provided by nautilus filePathListEnv = os.environ.get('NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_URIS') if filePathListEnv != None: # Check file(s) type and validity for filePath in filePathListEnv.splitlines(): # Work a little bit of magic (Make sure we have a clean and absolute path, even from an URI) filePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.basename(filePath)) if sys.version_info >= (3,0): filePath = urllib.request.url2pathname(filePath) else: # python2 filePath = urllib2.url2pathname(filePath) if checkFile(filePath): videoPathList.append(filePath) # ==== Instances dispatcher # If videoPathList is empty, abort! if len(videoPathList) == 0: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) # The first video file will be processed by this instance videoPath = videoPathList[0] videoPathList.pop(0) # The remaining file(s) are dispatched to new instance(s) of this script
def dispatch_selected(*args): """BGG BSG Function to dispatch a single user hand""" document = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() maindir = urllib2.url2pathname( os.path.dirname(document.Location.replace("file://", ""))) logfile = os.path.join(maindir, 'bsg-dispatcher-debug.log') sys.stdout = open(logfile, "a", 0) # unbuffered # Useful variables so we don't need to do a lot of typing worksheet = document.getSheets().getByName('Game State') dispatcherinfo = document.getSheets().getByName('Posting Templates') # Find the selected char selected_char = worksheet.DrawPage.Forms.getByName( 'formGameState').getByName('lstPlayers').CurrentValue selected_player = '' if not selected_char: MessageBox(document, "Error: no player selected", "Invalid player", "warningbox") return False # Find out which player we're looking at for i in range(7): charname = worksheet.getCellByPosition( 4, 2 + i).getString() # Character name on Game State if charname == selected_char: selected_player = worksheet.getCellByPosition( 1, 2 + i).getString() # Player name on Game State player_id = i break else: MessageBox(document, "Error: player not found, maybe a bug?", "Invalid player", "warningbox") return False # Verify if file exists playerfile = os.path.join(maindir, selected_char + '.txt') if not os.path.exists(playerfile): MessageBox( document, "Error: file '%s' not found (use the 'Create Hand Lists' first)" % (selected_char + '.txt'), "File not found", "warningbox") return False # Verify if we already sent this file old_md5 = dispatcherinfo.getCellByPosition(player_id + 4, 31).getString() current_md5 = get_md5(playerfile) if old_md5 == current_md5: # We DID send this already!!! confirm = MessageBox( document, "It seems we've already sent this file. Send again?", "File already sent", "querybox", YES_NO) if confirm == 3: # Pressed "No" return False # Now we finally try to send our files try: gm = GeekMail(workdir=maindir) gm.dispatch_file(selected_player, playerfile) # Set the current MD5 on the spreadsheet (so that we only send it again after something is changed) dispatcherinfo.getCellByPosition(player_id + 4, 31).setString(current_md5) except Exception as e: MessageBox(document, e.message, "Alert!", "warningbox") return False MessageBox(document, "Successfully sent file to %s" % selected_player, "Success!", "infobox")
def __makepath(self, path): # returns os absolute path from relative path pathparts=urllib2.url2pathname(path).split(os.path.sep) return os.path.join(self._base, *pathparts)