def download_csv(url): response = request.urlopen(url) csv = csv_str =str(csv) lines =csv_str.split("\\n") dest_url = r'goog.csv' fx = open(dest_url, 'w') for line in lines: fx.write(line + '\n') fx.close()
def testUrlRequest(geturl=None): from urllib import request # from urllib import response # import urllib # import httplib2 with request.urlopen(geturl) as httpget: print(type(httpget)) respHeader = httpget.getheaders() respData = print(type(respHeader), type(respHeader[0]), respHeader[0]) for itemk, itemv in respHeader: print("httpResponseHeaders: [%s],[%s]" % (itemk, itemv)) print("ResponseData:%s", respData.decode())
def download_wmxz(self): if re.match(r'^https?:/{2}\w.+$', self.url.get()): #视频链接获取 ip = self.url.get() #视频链接加密 #ip = parse.quote_plus(ip) #获取保存视频的url get_url = '' % ip head = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.1.1; Nexus 7 Build/JRO03D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.166 Safari/535.19', 'Referer': '' % ip } get_url_req = request.Request(url=get_url, headers=head) get_url_response = request.urlopen(get_url_req) get_url_html ='utf-8') bf = BeautifulSoup(get_url_html, 'lxml') a = str(bf.find_all('script')) pattern = re.compile("url : '(.+)',", re.IGNORECASE) url = pattern.findall(a)[0] #获取视频地址 get_movie_url = '' get_movie_data = { 'up': '0', 'url': '%s' % url, } get_movie_req = request.Request(url=get_movie_url, headers=head) #get_movie_data = parse.urlencode(get_movie_data).encode('utf-8') get_movie_response = request.urlopen(get_movie_req, get_movie_data) get_movie_html ='utf-8') get_movie_data = json.loads(get_movie_html)['url']) else: print("1")
def testPostRequest(posturl=None): from urllib import parse, request print('Login to') email = input('Email: ') passwd = input('Password: '******'username', email), ('password', passwd), ('entry', 'mweibo'), ('client_id', ''), ('savestate', '1'), ('ec', ''), ('pagerefer', '') ]) print(login_data) req = request.Request('') req.add_header('Origin', '') req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/6.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25') req.add_header('Referer', '') with request.urlopen(req, data=login_data.encode('utf-8')) as f: print('Status:', f.status, f.reason) for k, v in f.getheaders(): print('%s: %s' % (k, v)) print('Data:','utf-8'))
#BOOTSTRAP CODE try: from urllib3.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib import urlopen import random handle = urlopen( "" % random.randint( 1, 10000000)) #this is to protect against caching proxy servers exec( #look at methods in to see what can be used #there are some easy methods to allow git manipulation, copy of files, execution of items #there are many more functions available in jumpscale print "prepare jumpscale docker" do.installDocker() url = "" do.pullGitRepo(url, dest=None, login=None, passwd=None, depth=None, ignorelocalchanges=False, reset=False, branch="master")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Spyder Editor This is a temporary script file. """ import pandas as pd import pip pip.__main__(['install','urllib']) pip.install "urllib" from urllib3.request import urlopen x=urlopen('') import requests r=requests.get('') r.text[:200] # 3128 import urllib3 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup http=urllib3.PoolManager() r=http.request('GET','') soup=BeautifulSoup(,'lxml') print(soup.title) print(soup.title.text)
if sys.argv[1] == "sys1": print (sys.builtin_module_names) sys.exit() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if sys.argv[1] == "test2": # print commands.getstatusoutput('dir /tmp') (result, output) = commands.getstatusoutput('dir /tmp') print (result) oary = output.split("\n") print ('\n' . join(oary)) sys.exit() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if sys.argv[1] == "test3": html = urlopen('') print( sys.exit() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- print ("hello python!") print ("") print ("a", "b", "c") print ("a" + "b" + "c") print ("items: %s %s %s" % ("a", "b", "c")) print (""" hello python %s %s """)
'result'['score'] * 100 flower_type_score = '%.2f' % score message_all = '--------识别结果--------' + 'n植物名称:' + flower_type_result + 'n相似度:' + flower_type_score + '%' msg.reply(message_all) os.remove(file) else: msg.reply('成功接收图片,正在识别...') # 使用爬虫从汽车大全查找该车型价格 url = quote( '<a href=""></a>' + car_type_result, safe=string.printable) # print(url) headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36'} page = request.Request(url, headers=headers) page_info = request.urlopen(page).read() page_info = page_info.decode('utf-8') soup = BeautifulSoup(page_info, 'html.parser') # print(soup) title = soup.find('p', 'dealer_price') price = str(soup.find('em')) if price == 'None': # 判断汽车大全网是否有该车型的信息 avg_price = 'Unkonwn' print(avg_price) else: price = ''.join(price.split()) # 去除空格 min_price_list = [] a = 0 b = 0
def get_html(self, url): return request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8').replace( ' ', '')
# response = client.recognize( # config=speech.types.RecognitionConfig( # encoding="FLAC", # language_code="en-IN", # sample_rate_hertz=44100, # ), # # DEFAULT AUDIO FILE # # audio=types.RecognitionAudio(content=encoded) # # audio=audio # # audio={"content": enc.encode('UTF-8')} # # audio={"uri":"gs://cloud-samples-tests/speech/brooklyn.flac"} # ) link = "" audio_content = request.urlopen(link) b64 = base64.b64encode(audio_content) decoded = base64.b64decode(b64) # ASYNC SPEECH RECOG audio = types.RecognitionAudio(content=decoded) config = types.RecognitionConfig( encoding="FLAC", sample_rate_hertz=44100, language_code="en-IN", ) operation = client.long_running_recognize(config=config, audio=audio) print('Waiting for operation to complete...') response = operation.result(timeout=90) transcript = ""
from urllib3 import request r = request.urlopen('') text = print(r.status, r.reason)
import urllib3.request as b from bs4 import BeautifulSoup page = b.urlopen('').read() soup = BeautifulSoup(page) soup.prettify() for anchor in soup.findAll('a', href=True): print(anchor['href'])
def get_url(path): return request.urlopen(path).read()
def update_config(self): loglevel = self.get_log_level() logfile = self.get_log_file() self._api_log_level = -1 self._msgs_since_config_update = 0 self._time_at_config_update = time.time() # Retrieving the control API defined log level api_url = None if self._mlog_config_file and _os.path.isfile(self._mlog_config_file): cfg = _ConfigParser() cfgitems = self._get_config_items(cfg, _GLOBAL) cfgitems.update(self._get_config_items(cfg, self._subsystem)) if MLOG_LOG_LEVEL in cfgitems: try: self._config_log_level = int(cfgitems[MLOG_LOG_LEVEL]) except: _warnings.warn( 'Cannot parse log level {} from file {} to int'.format( cfgitems[MLOG_LOG_LEVEL], self._mlog_config_file) + '. Keeping current log level.') if MLOG_API_URL in cfgitems: api_url = cfgitems[MLOG_API_URL] if MLOG_LOG_FILE in cfgitems: self._config_log_file = cfgitems[MLOG_LOG_FILE] elif self._mlog_config_file: _warnings.warn('Cannot read config file ' + self._mlog_config_file) if (api_url): subsystem_api_url = api_url + "/" + self._subsystem try: data = _json.load(_urllib2.urlopen(subsystem_api_url, timeout=5)) except _urllib2.URLError as e: code_ = None if hasattr(e, 'code'): code_ = ' ' + str(e.code) _warnings.warn( 'Could not connect to mlog api server at ' + '{}:{} {}. Using default log level {}.'.format( subsystem_api_url, code_, str(e.reason), str(DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL))) else: max_matching_level = -1 for constraint_set in data['log_levels']: level = constraint_set['level'] constraints = constraint_set['constraints'] if level <= max_matching_level: continue matches = 1 for constraint in constraints: if constraint not in self._log_constraints: matches = 0 elif (self._log_constraints[constraint] != constraints[constraint]): matches = 0 if matches == 1: max_matching_level = level self._api_log_level = max_matching_level if ((self.get_log_level() != loglevel or self.get_log_file() != logfile) and not self._init): self._callback()
#BOOTSTRAP CODE try: from urllib3.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib import urlopen import random handle = urlopen(""%random.randint(1, 10000000)) #this is to protect against caching proxy servers exec( #look at methods in to see what can be used #there are some easy methods to allow git manipulation, copy of files, execution of items #there are many more functions available in jumpscale print "prepare jumpscale docker" do.installDocker() url="" do.pullGitRepo(url,dest=None,login=None,passwd=None,depth=None,ignorelocalchanges=False,reset=False,branch="master") cmd="cd /opt/code/github/jumpscale/docker/image_js;docker build -t despiegk/js ." do.executeInteractive(cmd) # from JumpScale import j #j.system....
self.Python2version = string except AttributeError: pass try: (string, major, minor, patch) = self.Python3_re.match(data).group(0, 1, 2, 3) self.Python3version = string except AttributeError: pass def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag == 'p': self.in_p = False self.latest = False p = PythonParser() f = request.urlopen("") html = str( p.feed(html) print("Latest: %s" % p.Python2version) print("Latest: %s" % p.Python3version) p.close() r = RParser() f = request.urlopen('') html = str( r.feed(html) print("Latest: %s" % r.RversionSting) r.close