 def __method5(self, response):
     ''' http://videobug.se/vid/pVobcNozEWmTkarNnwX06w
     html = response.content
     streams = []
     if jsunpack.detect(html):
         streams = self._extract_streams(jsunpack.unpack(html))
     return streams
def get_packed_data(html):
    packed_data = ''
    for match in re.finditer(r'(eval\s*\(function.*?)</script>', html,
                             re.DOTALL | re.I):
        if jsunpack.detect(match.group(1)):
            packed_data += jsunpack.unpack(match.group(1))

    return packed_data
 def __method5(self, response):
     ''' http://videobug.se/vid/pVobcNozEWmTkarNnwX06w
     html = response.content
     streams = []
     if jsunpack.detect(html):
         streams = self._extract_streams(jsunpack.unpack(html))
     return streams
    def _extract_streams(self, html):
        '''Return list of streams (tuples (url, label))
        streams = [] # list of tuples (url, label)

        if jsunpack.detect(html):
            urls = re.findall(r'file:\"(.+?)\"', jsunpack.unpack(html))
            for url in urls:
                if ".jpg" in url:
            labels = []
            for i in range(len(urls)):
                labels.append('Stream ' + str(i + 1))
            streams = zip(urls, labels)

        return streams
    def _extract_streams(self, html):
        '''Return list of streams (tuples (url, label))
        streams = [] # list of tuples (url, label)

        df = re.search(r"dF\(\\?'(.*)\\?'\)", html)
        if df:
            script_end = html.find('</script>', df.end())
            script_end = script_end + 9 if script_end > -1 else -1
            unobscured = ''
            result = False
            for key in range(1, 255):
                unobscured = self._unobscurify(df.group(1), key)
                result = bool(BeautifulSoup(unobscured, "html5lib").find('script'))
                if result:

            if not result:
                raise ResolverError('Videobug resolver: error unobscurifying dF()')

            html = html[:script_end] + unobscured + html[script_end:]
            raise ResolverError('Videobug resolver: no dF() found')

        # Allupload
        # http://videobug.se/vid-a/g2S5k34-MoC2293iUaa9Hw
        json_data = re.findall(r"json_data = '(.+)';", html)
        if json_data:
            strdecode_1 = lambda s: base64.b64decode(urllib.unquote(s)[::-1]) # no longer used?
            strdecode_2 = lambda s: base64.b64decode(urllib.unquote(s))
                hashes = json.loads(json_data[0])
                exclude = ['Subtitles', 'image', 'JS', 'ADV']
                videos = [h for h in hashes if h['s'] not in exclude]
                # try both decode methods
                    streams = [(strdecode_1(h['u']), h['s']) for h in videos]
                except Exception:
                    streams = [(strdecode_2(h['u']), h['s']) for h in videos]
            except Exception:

        # Picasaweb, Videobug
        # http://videobug.se/video/Wz3_oCoEYozRSbJFQo4fkjmuvR6LpsFHM-XZya5tuk6stTXWdUeyplq5vVvSm0Yr0MXPFUmLt2XqrbLMPnE_Mgz8NbhXMZ6XFDI4hj253Z7af95WQPPDlpizIuuUXavEJqB8-bXuKbx6HTCMb5p5FC90yg1kXJb6?
        if not streams:
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html5lib')
            player_func = re.compile(r'(player_[^\(]+)\(\);').match
            butts = soup.find_all('input', type='button', onclick=player_func)

            funcs = [player_func(b['onclick']).group(1) for b in butts]
            labels = [b['value'] for b in butts]

                func_bodies = [re.findall(r'%s\(\) *{(.+)};' % f, html)[0] for f in funcs]
                re_flash = re.compile(r"video *= *{[^:]+: *'(.*?)' *}")
                re_html5 = re.compile(r'<source.*?src=\"(.*?)\"')

                urls = [(re_flash.findall(fb) or re_html5.findall(fb))[0] for fb in func_bodies]
                streams = zip(urls, labels)
            except Exception:

        # http://videobug.se/vid-al/XNkjCT5pBx1YlndruYWdWg?&caption=-sgCv7BkuLZn41-ZxxJZhTsKYcZIDgJPGYNOuIpulC_4kcrZ9k3fGQabH5rDAKgiLMVJdesVZPs
        if not streams:
            vids = re.findall(r'''{ *file *: *strdecode\('(.+?)'\).*?label *: *"(.*?)"''', html)
            for cryptic_url, label in vids:
                url = base64.b64decode(urllib.unquote(cryptic_url)[::-1])
                streams.append((url, label))

        # http://videobug.se/vid/pVobcNozEWmTkarNnwX06w
        if not streams:
            if jsunpack.detect(html):
                streams = self._extract_streams(jsunpack.unpack(html))

        # remove this hardcoded youtube link
        streams = [(u, l) for u, l in streams if u != 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niBTIQIYlv8']

        return streams