    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        Render GraphVScale.
        (maxcol, maxrow) = size
        pl = scale_bar_values(self.pos, self.top, maxrow)

        combinelist = []
        rows = 0
        for p, t in zip(pl, self.txt):
            p -= 1
            if p >= maxrow: break
            if p < rows: continue
            c = t.render((maxcol, ))
            if p > rows:
                run = p - rows
                c = CompositeCanvas(c)
                c.pad_trim_top_bottom(run, 0)
            rows += c.rows()
            combinelist.append((c, None, False))
        if not combinelist:
            return SolidCanvas(" ", size[0], size[1])

        c = CanvasCombine(combinelist)
        if maxrow - rows:
            c.pad_trim_top_bottom(0, maxrow - rows)
        return c
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        Render all widgets in self.widget_list and return the results
        stacked one on top of the next.
        maxcol = size[0]
        item_rows = None

        combinelist = []
        for i, (w, (f, height)) in enumerate(self.contents):
            item_focus = self.focus_item == w
            canv = None
            if f == 'fixed':
                canv = w.render((maxcol, height), focus=focus and item_focus)
            elif f == 'flow' or len(size) == 1:
                canv = w.render((maxcol, ), focus=focus and item_focus)
                if item_rows is None:
                    item_rows = self.get_item_rows(size, focus)
                rows = item_rows[i]
                if rows > 0:
                    canv = w.render((maxcol, rows), focus=focus and item_focus)
            if canv:
                combinelist.append((canv, i, item_focus))
        if not combinelist:
            return SolidCanvas(" ", size[0], (size[1:] + (0, ))[0])

        out = CanvasCombine(combinelist)
        if len(size) == 2 and size[1] < out.rows():
            # flow/fixed widgets rendered too large
            out = CompositeCanvas(out)
            out.pad_trim_top_bottom(0, size[1] - out.rows())
        return out
文件: widget.py 项目: sporkexec/urwid
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        Render the divider as a canvas and return it.

        >>> Divider().render((10,)).text # ... = b in Python 3
        [...'          ']
        >>> Divider(u'-', top=1).render((10,)).text
        [...'          ', ...'----------']
        >>> Divider(u'x', bottom=2).render((5,)).text
        [...'xxxxx', ...'     ', ...'     ']
        (maxcol,) = size
        canv = SolidCanvas(self.div_char, maxcol, 1)
        canv = CompositeCanvas(canv)
        if self.top or self.bottom:
            canv.pad_trim_top_bottom(self.top, self.bottom)
        return canv
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        Render the divider as a canvas and return it.

        >>> Divider().render((10,)).text # ... = b in Python 3
        [...'          ']
        >>> Divider(u'-', top=1).render((10,)).text
        [...'          ', ...'----------']
        >>> Divider(u'x', bottom=2).render((5,)).text
        [...'xxxxx', ...'     ', ...'     ']
        (maxcol, ) = size
        canv = SolidCanvas(self.div_char, maxcol, 1)
        canv = CompositeCanvas(canv)
        if self.top or self.bottom:
            canv.pad_trim_top_bottom(self.top, self.bottom)
        return canv
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        Render the Fill as a canvas and return it.

        >>> SolidFill().render((4,2)).text # ... = b in Python 3
        [...'    ', ...'    ']
        >>> SolidFill('#').render((5,3)).text
        [...'#####', ...'#####', ...'#####']
        maxcol, maxrow = size
        return SolidCanvas(self.fill_char, maxcol, maxrow)
    def render(self, size, focus=False):    
        left, right = self.padding_values(size, focus)
        maxcol = size[0]
        maxcol -= left+right

        if self._width_type == CLIP:
            canv = self._original_widget.render((), focus)
            canv = self._original_widget.render((maxcol,)+size[1:], focus)
        if canv.cols() == 0:
            canv = SolidCanvas(' ', size[0], canv.rows())
            canv = CompositeCanvas(canv)
            return canv
        canv = CompositeCanvas(canv)
        if left != 0 or right != 0:
            canv.pad_trim_left_right(left, right)

        return canv
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        """Render columns and return canvas.

        size -- (maxcol,) if self.widget_list contains flow widgets or
            (maxcol, maxrow) if it contains box widgets.
        widths = self.column_widths(size, focus)
        if not widths:
            return SolidCanvas(" ", size[0], (size[1:]+(1,))[0])
        box_maxrow = None
        if len(size)==1 and self.box_columns:
            box_maxrow = 1
            # two-pass mode to determine maxrow for box columns
            for i in range(len(widths)):
                if i in self.box_columns:
                mc = widths[i]
                w = self.widget_list[i]
                rows = w.rows( (mc,), 
                    focus = focus and self.focus_col == i )
                box_maxrow = max(box_maxrow, rows)
        l = []
        for i in range(len(widths)):
            mc = widths[i]

            # if the widget has a width of 0, hide it
            if mc <= 0:

            w = self.widget_list[i]
            if box_maxrow and i in self.box_columns:
                sub_size = (mc, box_maxrow)
                sub_size = (mc,) + size[1:]
            canv = w.render(sub_size, 
                focus = focus and self.focus_col == i)

            if i < len(widths)-1:
                mc += self.dividechars
            l.append((canv, i, self.focus_col == i, mc))
        canv = CanvasJoin(l)
        if canv.cols() < size[0]:
            canv.pad_trim_left_right(0, size[0]-canv.cols())
        return canv
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        left, right = self.padding_values(size, focus)

        maxcol = size[0]
        maxcol -= left + right

        if self._width_type == CLIP:
            canv = self._original_widget.render((), focus)
            canv = self._original_widget.render((maxcol, ) + size[1:], focus)
        if canv.cols() == 0:
            canv = SolidCanvas(' ', size[0], canv.rows())
            canv = CompositeCanvas(canv)
            return canv
        canv = CompositeCanvas(canv)
        if left != 0 or right != 0:
            canv.pad_trim_left_right(left, right)

        return canv
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        Render listbox and return canvas.
        (maxcol, maxrow) = size

        middle, top, bottom = self.calculate_visible((maxcol, maxrow),
        if middle is None:
            return SolidCanvas(" ", maxcol, maxrow)

        _ignore, focus_widget, focus_pos, focus_rows, cursor = middle
        trim_top, fill_above = top
        trim_bottom, fill_below = bottom

        combinelist = []
        rows = 0
        fill_above.reverse()  # fill_above is in bottom-up order
        for widget, w_pos, w_rows in fill_above:
            canvas = widget.render((maxcol, ))
            if w_rows != canvas.rows():
                raise ListBoxError, "Widget %r at position %r within listbox calculated %d rows but rendered %d!" % (
                    widget, w_pos, w_rows, canvas.rows())
            rows += w_rows
            combinelist.append((canvas, w_pos, False))

        focus_canvas = focus_widget.render((maxcol, ), focus=focus)

        if focus_canvas.rows() != focus_rows:
            raise ListBoxError, "Focus Widget %r at position %r within listbox calculated %d rows but rendered %d!" % (
                focus_widget, focus_pos, focus_rows, focus_canvas.rows())
        c_cursor = focus_canvas.cursor
        if cursor != c_cursor:
            raise ListBoxError, "Focus Widget %r at position %r within listbox calculated cursor coords %r but rendered cursor coords %r!" % (
                focus_widget, focus_pos, cursor, c_cursor)

        rows += focus_rows
        combinelist.append((focus_canvas, focus_pos, True))

        for widget, w_pos, w_rows in fill_below:
            canvas = widget.render((maxcol, ))
            if w_rows != canvas.rows():
                raise ListBoxError, "Widget %r at position %r within listbox calculated %d rows but rendered %d!" % (
                    widget, w_pos, w_rows, canvas.rows())
            rows += w_rows
            combinelist.append((canvas, w_pos, False))

        final_canvas = CanvasCombine(combinelist)

        if trim_top:
            rows -= trim_top
        if trim_bottom:
            rows -= trim_bottom

        assert rows <= maxrow, "Listbox contents too long!  Probably urwid's fault (please report): %r" % (
            (top, middle, bottom), )

        if rows < maxrow:
            bottom_pos = focus_pos
            if fill_below: bottom_pos = fill_below[-1][1]
            assert trim_bottom == 0 and self.body.get_next(bottom_pos) == (
                None, None
            ), "Listbox contents too short!  Probably urwid's fault (please report): %r" % (
                (top, middle, bottom), )
            final_canvas.pad_trim_top_bottom(0, maxrow - rows)

        return final_canvas