async def new_chat_get_code(message, chat=None): lang = language( if not chat: chat = int(message.text) if chat == await message.reply(lang['warning_chat_with_yourself']) return existsQuery1 = "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT ID FROM users WHERE user_id=(%s))" existsQuery2 = "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT ID FROM chats WHERE (uid1=(%s) AND uid2=(%s) OR uid1=(%s) AND uid2=(%s)) AND active=1)" with DatabaseConnection() as db: conn, cursor = db cursor.execute(existsQuery1, [chat]) result1 = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.executemany(existsQuery2, [(, chat, chat,]) result2 = cursor.fetchone()[0] if not result1: await message.reply(lang['warning_no_user_in_db']) return elif result2: await message.reply(lang['warning_chat_already_exists']) return insertQuery = "INSERT INTO chats (uid1, uid2) VALUES (%s, %s)" with DatabaseConnection() as db: conn, cursor = db cursor.executemany(insertQuery, [(, chat)]) conn.commit() with InformationSchemaConnection() as db: conn, cursor = db selectQuery = "SELECT `AUTO_INCREMENT` FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = (%s) AND TABLE_NAME = 'chats'" cursor.execute(selectQuery, [c.db]) ID = cursor.fetchone()[0] - 1 await message.answer(lang['chat_created'].format(ID, chat)) lang2 = language(chat) await _send_message(bot.send_message, chat_id=chat, text=lang2['chat_created_2'].format(ID,
async def message_handler(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): lang = language( await state.finish() code = message.text if not os.path.exists(f'export/text/{code}.txt'): await message.answer(lang['warning_chat_not_exist']) return try: await bot.send_document(, types.InputFile(f'export/text/{code}.txt', f'{code} text messages.txt')) except FileNotFoundError: await message.answer(lang['warning_chat_has_not_text']) await sleep(.05) try: with open(f'export/media/{code}.txt', 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() for file in data: filetype, fileid = file[:-1].split('/') try: if filetype == 'photo': await bot.send_photo(, fileid) elif filetype == 'video': await bot.send_video(, fileid) elif filetype == 'document': await bot.send_document(, fileid) except Exception as e: await message.answer(str(e)) await sleep(.05) except FileNotFoundError: await message.answer(lang['warning_chat_has_not_media'])
async def message_handler(message: types.Message): lang = language(, registration_important=True) if not lang: await message.answer("Для початку зареєструйтеся в @AdvancedAdsBot") return key = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True) key.add(types.KeyboardButton(lang['buttons']['reply_restart'])) await message.answer("👋", reply_markup=key) await main_menu(, lang, message)
async def main_menu(user_id, lang=None, message=None): if not lang: lang = language(user_id) if message: if 'nc' in message.text: new_chat_user_id = message.text[9:] if new_chat_user_id.isdigit(): await new_chat_get_code(message, int(new_chat_user_id)) else: await bot.send_message(user_id, lang['main_menu'], reply_markup=inline_keyboard(Buttons.chat_main, lang))
async def message_handler(message: types.Message): lang = language( with DatabaseConnection() as db: conn, cursor = db existsAdminQuery = "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT ID FROM admins WHERE user_id=(%s) AND menu_admin=1)" cursor.execute(existsAdminQuery, []) exists = cursor.fetchone()[0] if not exists: return await await message.answer(lang['input_chat_id'])
async def chat_actions(callback_query, state): lang = language( chat = int([5:]) key = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() if chat: key.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton(lang['send_message'], callback_data='send')) but_2 = types.InlineKeyboardButton(lang['rename'], callback_data='rename') but_3 = types.InlineKeyboardButton(lang['delete'], callback_data='delete') key.add(but_2, but_3) key.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton(lang['buttons']['back'], callback_data=Buttons.back)) title = callback_query.message.reply_markup.inline_keyboard[0][0].text await Chat.action.set() await state.update_data({'chat': chat, 'title': title}) await callback_query.message.answer(lang['selected_chat'].format(title), reply_markup=key) await _delete_message(, callback_query.message.message_id)
async def callback_inline(callback_query: types.CallbackQuery, state: FSMContext): lang = language( if == Buttons.confirm_delete[0]: data = await state.get_data() chat = data['chat'] await state.finish() updateQuery = "UPDATE chats SET active=0 WHERE (uid1=(%s) AND uid2=(%s) OR uid1=(%s) AND uid2=(%s)) AND active=1" with DatabaseConnection() as db: conn, cursor = db cursor.executemany(updateQuery, [(, chat, chat,]) conn.commit() await callback_query.message.answer(lang['deleted']) await _delete_message(, callback_query.message.message_id) await main_menu(, lang) elif == Buttons.confirm_delete[1]: await state.finish() await callback_query.answer(lang['canceled'])
async def message_handler(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): lang = language( title = message.text if len(title) > 20: await message.reply(lang['warning_chat_title_too_long']) return data = await state.get_data() chat = data['chat'] selectQuery = "SELECT uid1, uid2, ID FROM chats WHERE (uid1=(%s) AND uid2=(%s) OR uid1=(%s) AND uid2=(%s)) AND active=1" updateQuery = "UPDATE chats SET {}=(%s) WHERE ID=(%s)" with DatabaseConnection() as db: conn, cursor = db cursor.executemany(selectQuery, [(, chat, chat,]) res = cursor.fetchone() my_alias = 'alias1' if res[0] == else 'alias2' cursor.executemany(updateQuery.format(my_alias), [(title, res[2])]) conn.commit() await state.finish() await message.answer(lang['edited'])
async def callback_inline(callback_query: types.CallbackQuery, state: FSMContext): if await _back(callback_query, state, main_menu, return lang = language( data = await state.get_data() if == 'send': await Chat.send.set() await callback_query.message.answer(lang['send_message_to_interlocutor']) await _delete_message(, callback_query.message.message_id) elif == 'rename': await Chat.rename.set() await callback_query.message.answer(lang['input_chat_title']) await _delete_message(, callback_query.message.message_id) elif == 'delete': await Chat.delete.set() await callback_query.message.answer(lang['sure_to_delete_chat'].format(data['title']), reply_markup=inline_keyboard(Buttons.confirm_delete, lang['buttons'])) await _delete_message(, callback_query.message.message_id)
async def my_chats(callback_query): lang = language( selectQuery = "SELECT uid1, uid2, alias1, alias2 FROM chats WHERE (uid1=(%s) OR uid2=(%s)) AND active=1" iam = with DatabaseConnection() as db: conn, cursor = db cursor.executemany(selectQuery, [(iam, iam)]) results = cursor.fetchall() if not results: await callback_query.message.answer(lang['have_not_any_chat']) return key = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() for res in results: if res[0] == iam and not res[1] or res[1] == iam and not res[0]: interlocutor = (0, lang['no_interlocutor']) else: interlocutor = (res[0], res[3] if res[3] else res[0]) if res[1] == iam else (res[1], res[2] if res[2] else res[1]) key.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton(str(interlocutor[1]), callback_data=f'chat_{interlocutor[0]}')) await callback_query.answer() await callback_query.message.answer(lang['choose_chat'], reply_markup=key) await _delete_message(, callback_query.message.message_id)
async def message_handler(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext): data = await state.get_data() chat = data['chat'] with DatabaseConnection() as db: conn, cursor = db selectQuery = "SELECT uid1, uid2, alias1, alias2, ID FROM chats WHERE (uid1=(%s) AND uid2=(%s) OR uid1=(%s) AND uid2=(%s)) AND active=1" cursor.executemany(selectQuery, [(, chat, chat,]) res = cursor.fetchone() interlocutor_chat_title = (res[3] if res[3] else res[0]) if res[1] == chat else (res[2] if res[2] else res[1]) lang = language( name = f'@{}' if else key = None state_interlocutor = await interlocutor_in_chat = state_interlocutor.get('chat') if str(interlocutor_in_chat) != str( key = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() key.add(types.InlineKeyboardButton(lang['answer'], callback_data=f"answer{}")) if message.media_group_id: data = await media_group(message, state) if data is None: return await state.update_data({'media_group': True}) await state.update_data({'media': {'photo': data['media_group']['photo'], 'video': data['media_group']['video'], 'caption': data['media_group']['caption']}}) data = await state.get_data() data['media']['caption'] = f"{interlocutor_chat_title}:\n{data['media']['caption']}" if data['media']['caption'] else interlocutor_chat_title caption = await get_caption(message, data['media']['caption'], lang) if not caption: return media = _media_group_builder(data, caption=True) send = await _send_message(bot.send_media_group, chat_id=chat, media=media) if send: await message.answer(lang['sent']) else: await message.reply(lang['warning_not_sent']) photo = data['media']['photo'] video = data['media']['video'] text = data['media']['caption'] for p in photo: save_data(res[4], name, text, 'photo', p) for v in video: save_data(res[4], name, text, 'video', v) elif photo =[-1].file_id caption = f'{interlocutor_chat_title}:\n{message.caption}' if message.caption else interlocutor_chat_title caption = await get_caption(message, caption, lang) if not caption: return send = await _send_message(bot.send_photo, chat_id=chat, photo=photo, caption=caption, reply_markup=key) if send: await message.answer(lang['sent']) else: await message.reply(lang['warning_not_sent']) save_data(res[4], name, caption, 'photo', photo) elif video = caption = f'{interlocutor_chat_title}:\n{message.caption}' if message.caption else interlocutor_chat_title caption = await get_caption(message, caption, lang) if not caption: return send = await _send_message(bot.send_video, chat_id=chat, video=video, caption=caption, reply_markup=key) if send: await message.reply(lang['sent']) else: await message.reply(lang['warning_not_sent']) save_data(res[4], name, caption, 'video', video) elif message.text: caption = f'{interlocutor_chat_title}:\n{message.text}' caption = await get_caption(message, caption, lang) if not caption: return send = await _send_message(bot.send_message, chat_id=chat, text=caption, reply_markup=key) if send: await message.answer(lang['sent']) else: await message.reply(lang['warning_not_sent']) save_data(res[4], name, caption) elif message.location: await _send_message(bot.send_message, chat_id=chat, text=f'{interlocutor_chat_title}:') send = await _send_message(bot.send_location, chat_id=chat, latitude=message.location.latitude, longitude=message.location.longitude, reply_markup=key) if send: await message.answer(lang['sent']) else: await message.reply(lang['warning_not_sent'])
async def chat_answer(callback_query, state): lang = language( await Chat.send.set() await state.update_data({'chat': int([6:])}) await callback_query.answer() await callback_query.message.answer(lang['send_message_to_interlocutor'])
async def new_chat(callback_query): lang = language( await await callback_query.message.answer(lang['input_chat_code']) await _delete_message(, callback_query.message.message_id)