 def testRegisterEmailDoesNotAlreadyExistClubSpecifiedConnectionNotSpecified(
     dbName = "users/users.db"
     userDb = UserDatabase(dbName)
     userDb.emailSender = DummyEmailSender()
     userDb.createDatabase(None, True)
     email = "jeremy"
     name = "Jeremy"
     club = "Rotherham"
     password = "******"
     result = userDb.registerUser(email, name, club, password)
     conn = userDb.getConnection(None)
     c = conn.cursor()
         row = c.execute(
             "select id, email, name, club, status from user").fetchone()
             (result, email, name, club, UserDatabase.inactiveStatus), row)
         row = c.execute("select password from password where id = ?",
                         (result, )).fetchone()
         self.assertEquals((password, ), row)
     self.assertEquals([email], userDb.emailSender.messages[0].addressees)
 def testRegisterBlocked(self):
     conn = self.inMemoryDatabaseConnection()
     email = "*****@*****.**"
     name = "Jeremy"
     club = None
     password = "******"
     userDb = UserDatabase()
     userDb.emailSender = DummyEmailSender()
     result = userDb.registerUser(email, name, club, password, conn)
     self.assertEquals(-1, result)
     c = conn.cursor()
     row = c.execute("select id, email, name, club, status from user").fetchone()
     self.assertEquals(None, row)
     row = c.execute("select password from password where id = ?", (result,)).fetchone()
     self.assertEquals(None, row)
     self.assertEquals([], userDb.emailSender.messages)
 def testRegisterEmailDoesNotAlreadyExistClubNotSpecified(self):
     conn = self.inMemoryDatabaseConnection()
     email = "jeremy"
     name = "Jeremy"
     club = None
     password = "******"
     userDb = UserDatabase()
     userDb.emailSender = DummyEmailSender()
     result = userDb.registerUser(email, name, club, password, conn)
     c = conn.cursor()
     row = c.execute("select id, email, name, club, status from user").fetchone()
     self.assertEquals((result, email, name, club, UserDatabase.inactiveStatus), row)
     row = c.execute("select password from password where id = ?", (result,)).fetchone()
     self.assertEquals((password,), row)
     self.assertEquals([email], userDb.emailSender.messages[0].addressees)
     self.assertEquals([Settings.adminEmail], userDb.emailSender.messages[1].addressees)
 def testRegisterBlocked(self):
     conn = self.inMemoryDatabaseConnection()
     email = "*****@*****.**"
     name = "Jeremy"
     club = None
     password = "******"
     userDb = UserDatabase()
     userDb.emailSender = DummyEmailSender()
     result = userDb.registerUser(email, name, club, password, conn)
     self.assertEquals(-1, result)
     c = conn.cursor()
     row = c.execute(
         "select id, email, name, club, status from user").fetchone()
     self.assertEquals(None, row)
     row = c.execute("select password from password where id = ?",
                     (result, )).fetchone()
     self.assertEquals(None, row)
     self.assertEquals([], userDb.emailSender.messages)
 def testRegisterEmailDoesNotAlreadyExistClubNotSpecified(self):
     conn = self.inMemoryDatabaseConnection()
     email = "jeremy"
     name = "Jeremy"
     club = None
     password = "******"
     userDb = UserDatabase()
     userDb.emailSender = DummyEmailSender()
     result = userDb.registerUser(email, name, club, password, conn)
     c = conn.cursor()
     row = c.execute(
         "select id, email, name, club, status from user").fetchone()
         (result, email, name, club, UserDatabase.inactiveStatus), row)
     row = c.execute("select password from password where id = ?",
                     (result, )).fetchone()
     self.assertEquals((password, ), row)
     self.assertEquals([email], userDb.emailSender.messages[0].addressees)
 def testRegisterEmailDoesNotAlreadyExistClubSpecifiedConnectionNotSpecified(self):
     dbName = "users/users.db"
     userDb = UserDatabase(dbName)
     userDb.emailSender = DummyEmailSender()
     userDb.createDatabase(None, True)
     email = "jeremy"
     name = "Jeremy"
     club = "Rotherham"
     password = "******"
     result = userDb.registerUser(email, name, club, password)
     conn = userDb.getConnection(None)
     c = conn.cursor()
         row = c.execute("select id, email, name, club, status from user").fetchone()
         self.assertEquals((result, email, name, club, UserDatabase.inactiveStatus), row)
         row = c.execute("select password from password where id = ?", (result,)).fetchone()
         self.assertEquals((password,), row)
     self.assertEquals([email], userDb.emailSender.messages[0].addressees)
     self.assertEquals([Settings.adminEmail], userDb.emailSender.messages[1].addressees)
文件: users.py 项目: hicksjduk/sehicl
class UserRegistration(Page):
    def __init__(self, pageId, params={}):
        Page.__init__(self, pageId, params)
        self.userDb = UserDatabase()

    def getTitle(self):
        answer = "SEHICL User Registration"
        return answer
    def getContent(self):
        if (self.allParams.get("displayed", None) == "true"):
            processingOutcome = self.processRegistrationData()
            if processingOutcome.valid:
                answer = self.getRegistrationConfirmationPage()
                answer = self.getRegistrationPage(processingOutcome)
            answer = self.getRegistrationPage()
        return answer

    def getRegistrationPage(self, validation=RegistrationValidation()):
        html = """
        <h1>New user registration</h1>
        Please fill in the fields below and press "Submit". All fields marked with "*" must be completed.
        <form action="{submit.url}" method="post">
            <input type="hidden" name="displayed" value="true">
            <input type="hidden" name="forward" value="{forward}">
                    <td><input type="text" name="name" value="{valid.name}"></td>
                    <td><input type="text" name="club" value="{club}"></td>
                    <td>E-mail address</td>
                    <td><input type="text" name="email" value="{valid.email}"></td>
                    <td><input type="password" name="password""></td>
                    <td>Confirm password</td>
                    <td><input type="password" name="passwordconf""></td>
            By clicking the "Submit" button below, you agree that:
                    We may store the information
                    you have supplied on a computer system, and we may use it only for the purpose
                    of administering your rights as a registered user of this site. We will never give
                    your details to any other party.
                    You will treat all information to which your login gives you access with appropriate
                    care and respect. In particular, where that information comprises other people's personal
                    details, you may use it only for legitimate purposes connected with the League,
                    unless you first gain the explicit consent of the person or persons concerned.
                <input type="Submit" value="Submit">
        submitLink = PageLink("register", self)
        club = "" if validation.club is None else validation.club
        forward = self.allParams.get("forward", PageLink(None, self).url)
        answer = html.format(submit=submitLink, valid=validation, forward=forward, club=club)
        return answer
    def processRegistrationData(self):
        answer = RegistrationValidation()
        answer.name = string.strip(self.allParams.get("name", ""))
        if answer.name == "":
            answer.valid = False
            answer.nameMessage = "Please specify your name."
        club = self.allParams.get("club", None)
        if club is not None:
            club = string.strip(club)
            if club == "":
                club = None
        answer.club = club  
        answer.email = string.strip(self.allParams.get("email", ""))
        if answer.email == "":
            answer.valid = False
            answer.emailMessage = "Please specify your e-mail address."
        answer.password = string.strip(self.allParams.get("password", ""))
        if answer.password == "":
            answer.valid = False
            answer.passwordMessage = "Please specify your password."
        answer.passwordconf = string.strip(self.allParams.get("passwordconf", ""))
        if answer.passwordconf == "":
            answer.valid = False
            answer.passwordconfMessage = "Please confirm your password."
        elif answer.passwordconf != answer.password:
            answer.valid = False
            answer.passwordconfMessage = "Password and Confirm password must be the same."
        if answer.valid:
                self.userDb.registerUser(answer.email, answer.name, answer.club, answer.password)
            except UserException as ex:
                answer.valid = False
                answer.emailMessage = ex.message
        return answer
    def getRegistrationConfirmationPage(self):
        html = """
        <h1>Registration successful</h1>
        <p>Thank you for registering. Your account has been set up, but needs to be activated.</p>
        <p>An e-mail has been sent to {email}. It contains a link, which you need to click in order to 
        activate the account. Once you have done this the account will be active and you will be able to
        log in.</p>
        answer = html.format(email=self.allParams["email"])
        return answer
class UserRegistration(Page):
    def __init__(self, pageId, params={}):
        Page.__init__(self, pageId, params)
        self.userDb = UserDatabase()

    def getTitle(self):
        answer = "SEHICL User Registration"
        return answer

    def getContent(self):
        if (self.allParams.get("displayed", None) == "true"):
            processingOutcome = self.processRegistrationData()
            if processingOutcome.valid:
                answer = self.getRegistrationConfirmationPage()
                answer = self.getRegistrationPage(processingOutcome)
            answer = self.getRegistrationPage()
        return answer

    def getRegistrationPage(self, validation=RegistrationValidation()):
        html = """
        <h1>New user registration</h1>
        Please fill in the fields below and press "Submit". All fields marked with "*" must be completed.
        <form action="{submit.url}" method="post">
            <input type="hidden" name="displayed" value="true">
            <input type="hidden" name="forward" value="{forward}">
                    <td><input type="text" name="name" value="{valid.name}"></td>
                    <td><input type="text" name="club" value="{club}"></td>
                    <td>E-mail address</td>
                    <td><input type="text" name="email" value="{valid.email}"></td>
                    <td><input type="password" name="password""></td>
                    <td>Confirm password</td>
                    <td><input type="password" name="passwordconf""></td>
            By clicking the "Submit" button below, you agree that:
                    We may store the information
                    you have supplied on a computer system, and we may use it only for the purpose
                    of administering your rights as a registered user of this site. We will never give
                    your details to any other party.
                    You will treat all information to which your login gives you access with appropriate
                    care and respect. In particular, where that information comprises other people's personal
                    details, you may use it only for legitimate purposes connected with the League,
                    unless you first gain the explicit consent of the person or persons concerned.
                <input type="Submit" value="Submit">
        submitLink = PageLink("register", self)
        club = "" if validation.club is None else validation.club
        forward = self.allParams.get("forward", PageLink(None, self).url)
        answer = html.format(submit=submitLink,
        return answer

    def processRegistrationData(self):
        answer = RegistrationValidation()
        answer.name = string.strip(self.allParams.get("name", ""))
        if answer.name == "":
            answer.valid = False
            answer.nameMessage = "Please specify your name."
        club = self.allParams.get("club", None)
        if club is not None:
            club = string.strip(club)
            if club == "":
                club = None
        answer.club = club
        answer.email = string.strip(self.allParams.get("email", ""))
        if answer.email == "":
            answer.valid = False
            answer.emailMessage = "Please specify your e-mail address."
        answer.password = string.strip(self.allParams.get("password", ""))
        if answer.password == "":
            answer.valid = False
            answer.passwordMessage = "Please specify your password."
        answer.passwordconf = string.strip(
            self.allParams.get("passwordconf", ""))
        if answer.passwordconf == "":
            answer.valid = False
            answer.passwordconfMessage = "Please confirm your password."
        elif answer.passwordconf != answer.password:
            answer.valid = False
            answer.passwordconfMessage = "Password and Confirm password must be the same."
        if answer.valid:
                self.userDb.registerUser(answer.email, answer.name,
                                         answer.club, answer.password)
            except UserException as ex:
                answer.valid = False
                answer.emailMessage = ex.message
        return answer

    def getRegistrationConfirmationPage(self):
        html = """
        <h1>Registration successful</h1>
        <p>Thank you for registering. Your account has been set up, but needs to be activated.</p>
        <p>An e-mail has been sent to {email}. It contains a link, which you need to click in order to 
        activate the account. Once you have done this the account will be active and you will be able to
        log in.</p>
        answer = html.format(email=self.allParams["email"])
        return answer
import sqlite3
from userdb.userdb import UserDatabase
from test.users.userdbtest import DummyEmailSender
conn = sqlite3.connect("users/users.db")
userDb = UserDatabase(emailSender=DummyEmailSender())
userDb.createDatabase(conn, True)
userId = userDb.registerUser("*****@*****.**", "User Admin", None,
                             "wceag1es", conn)
userDb.activateUser(userId, conn)
conn.cursor().execute("insert into role (id, role) values(?, 'admin')",
                      (userId, ))