async def morse(self, ctx, *args): if 'fliptext' in str(ctx.message.content).split(' ')[0][1:]: data = myself.jsonisp( "" ) elif 'cursive' in str(ctx.message.content).split(' ')[0][1:]: data = myself.jsonisp( "" ) elif 'fancy' in str(ctx.message.content).split(' ')[0][1:]: data = myself.jsonisp( "" ) elif 'braille' in str(ctx.message.content).split(' ')[0][1:]: data = myself.jsonisp( "" ) else: data = myself.jsonisp( "" ) total, tocon = '', str(' '.join(list(args))) for i in list(tocon.lower()): if i.lower() in ''.join(list(data.keys())): for j in list(data.keys()): if i.lower() == j.lower(): total += data[j] break else: total += i if 'morse' in str(ctx.message.content).split(' ')[0]: if i == ' ': i = '/' else: i += ' ' total += i await ctx.send(total)
async def food(self, ctx, *args): if len(list(args))==0: data = myself.jsonisp(''+str(ctx.message.content[1:])) link = data['message'].replace('\/', '/') if 'food' in ctx.message.content: col = int(data['color']) elif 'coffee' in ctx.message.content: col, num = int(data['color']), random.randint(0, 1) if num==0: link = myself.jsonisp('')['file'] else: link = myself.jsonisp('')['message'].replace('\/', '/') async with data = self.canvas.urltoimage(link.replace('\/', '/')) await ctx.send(file=discord.File(data, ctx.message.content[1:]+'.png'))
async def iss(self, ctx): iss, ppl, total = myself.jsonisp( '' ), myself.jsonisp( ''), '```' for i in range(0, len(ppl['people'])): total += str(i + 1) + '. ' + ppl['people'][i]['name'] + ( (20 - (len(ppl['people'][i]['name']))) * ' ') + ppl['people'][i]['craft'] + '\n' embed = discord.Embed( title='Position: ' + str(iss['iss_position']['latitude']) + ' ' + str(iss['iss_position']['longitude']), description='**People at craft:**\n\n' + str(total) + '```', colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def recipe(self, ctx, *args): if len(list(args)) == 0: await ctx.send( embed=discord.Embed(title='Here is a recipe to cook nothing:', description='1. Do nothing\n2. Profit')) else: data = myself.jsonisp( "{}".format( myself.urlify(' '.join(list(args))))) if len(data['results']) == 0: await ctx.send("{} | Did not find anything.".format( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)))) elif len([i for i in data['results'] if i['thumbnail'] != '']) == 0: await ctx.send( "{} | Did not find anything with a delicious picture.". format(str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)))) else: total = random.choice( [i for i in data['results'] if i['thumbnail'] != '']) embed = discord.Embed(title=total['title'], url=total['href'], description='Ingredients:\n{}'.format( total['ingredients']), color=discord.Colour.from_rgb( 201, 160, 112)) embed.set_image(url=total['thumbnail']) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def itunes(self, ctx, *args): if len(list(args)) == 0: return await ctx.send('{} | Please send a search term!'.format( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)))) data = myself.jsonisp( '{}&media=music&entity=song&limit=1&explicit=no' .format(myself.urlify(' '.join(list(args))))) if len(data['results']) == 0: return await ctx.send('{} | No music found... oop'.format( self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error))) data = data['results'][0] em = discord.Embed( title=data['trackName'], url=data['trackViewUrl'], description= '**Artist: **{}\n**Album: **{}\n**Release Date:** {}\n**Genre: **{}' .format(data['artistName'], data['collectionName'], data['releaseDate'].replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', ''), data['primaryGenreName']), color=discord.Color.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) em.set_thumbnail(url=data['artworkUrl100']) em.set_author(name='iTunes', icon_url='', url='') await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def lucario(self, ctx): embed = discord.Embed(title='Lucario!', color=discord.Color.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) embed.set_image(url=myself.jsonisp( '') ['image']) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def morse(self, ctx, *args): if len(list(args)) == 0: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + ' | no arguments? Really?') elif len(' '.join(list(args))) > 100: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + ' | too long....') else: async with res = myself.jsonisp( '' + myself.urlify(' '.join(list(args)))) if 'fliptext' in str(ctx.message.content).split(' ')[0][1:]: data = res['styles']['upside-down'] elif 'cursive' in str(ctx.message.content).split(' ')[0][1:]: data = res['styles']['cursive'] elif 'fancy' in str(ctx.message.content).split(' ')[0][1:]: data = res['styles']['fancy'] elif 'braille' in str(ctx.message.content).split(' ')[0][1:]: data = res['braille'] else: data = res['ciphers']['morse'] await ctx.send(f'{data}')
async def googledoodle(self, ctx): wait = await ctx.send(str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.loading)) + ' | Please wait... This may take a few moments...') data = myself.jsonisp('{}/{}'.format(str(, str([0] embed = discord.Embed(title=data['title'], colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112), url=''+data['name']) embed.set_image(url='https:'+data['high_res_url']) embed.set_footer(text='Event date: '+str('/'.join( [str(i) for i in data['run_date_array'][::-1]] ))) await wait.edit(content='', embed=embed)
async def nasa(self, ctx, *args): query = 'earth' if len(list(args))==0 else myself.urlify(' '.join(list(args))) data = myself.jsonisp(f'{query}&media_type=image') await if len(data['collection']['items'])==0: return await ctx.send('{} | Nothing found.'.format(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error))) img = random.choice(data['collection']['items']) em = discord.Embed(title=img['data'][0]['title'], description=img['data'][0]["description"], color=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) em.set_image(url=img['links'][0]['href']) await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def iotd(self, ctx): data = myself.jsonisp( '' )['images'][0] embed = discord.Embed(title=data['copyright'], url=data['copyrightlink'], color=discord.Color.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) embed.set_image(url='' + data['url']) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def steamprofile(self, ctx, *args): try: getprof = myself.urlify(list(args)[0].lower()) data = myself.jsonisp(''+str(getprof)) state, privacy, url, username, avatar, custom_url, steam_id = data["state"], data["privacy"], data["url"], data["username"], data["avatarfull"], data["customurl"], data["steamid64"] embed = discord.Embed(title=username, description='**[Profile Link]('+str(url)+')**\n**Current state: **'+str(state)+'\n**Privacy: **'+str(privacy)+'\n**[Profile pic URL]('+str(avatar)+')**', colour = discord.Color.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) embed.set_thumbnail(url=avatar) await ctx.send(embed=embed) except: await ctx.send(str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error))+" | Error; profile not found!")
async def pandafact(self, ctx): if 'pandafact' in str(ctx.message.content).lower(): link = '' else: link = '' data = myself.jsonisp(link)['fact'] await ctx.send( embed=discord.Embed(title='Did you know?', description=data, colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)))
async def panda(self, ctx): link, col, msg = random.choice([ "", "" ]), discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112), 'Here is some cute pics of pandas.' data = myself.jsonisp(link)['link'] embed = discord.Embed(title=msg, color=col) embed.set_image(url=data) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def factcore(self, ctx): data = myself.jsonisp( '' ) embed = discord.Embed(title='Fact Core', description=random.choice(data), colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) embed.set_thumbnail( url= '' ) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def temmie(self, ctx, *args): if len(list(args)) == 0: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + ' | Please send something to be encoded.') else: link, num = '', 1 data = myself.jsonisp(link) keyz = list(data.keys()) total = '' for j in range(num, len(keyz)): if total == '': total = ' '.join(list(args)) total = total.replace(keyz[j], data[keyz[j]]) await ctx.send(total)
async def dog(self, ctx): async with links = { "dog": "|file", "cat": "|file", "sadcat": "|file", "bird": "|file", "fox": '|image' } for i in list(links.keys()): if str(ctx.message.content[1:]).lower().replace(' ', '')==i: link = links[i] ; break apiied = myself.jsonisp(link.split('|')[0])[link.split('|')[1]] data = self.canvas.urltoimage(apiied) await ctx.send(file=discord.File(data, 'animal.png'))
async def catfact(self, ctx): if 'cat' in str(ctx.message.content).lower(): await ctx.send( '**Did you know?**\n' + str(myself.jsonisp("")['fact'])) elif 'dog' in str(ctx.message.content).lower(): await ctx.send('**Did you know?**\n' + str( myself.jsonisp("") ['facts'][0])) else: wait = await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.loading)) + ' | Please wait...') data = myself.insp('') byFact = data.split('<div class="title ">') accepted, facts = False, [] for a in byFact: if a.split('</div')[0].startswith('Superman'): accepted = True if accepted: facts.append(a.split('</div>')[0]) else: continue await wait.edit(content='**Did you know?**\n' + str(random.choice(facts)))
async def steamapp(self, ctx, *args): data = myself.jsonisp(''+myself.urlify(str(' '.join(list(args))))+'&cc=us&l=en') if data['total']==0: await ctx.send(str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error))+' | Did not found anything. Maybe that app *doesn\'t exist...*') else: try: prize = data['items'][0]['price']['initial'] prize = str(prize / 100)+ ' ' + data['items'][0]['price']['currency'] except KeyError: prize = 'FREE' if data['items'][0]['metascore']=="": rate = '???' else: rate = str(data['items'][0]['metascore']) oss_raw = [] for i in range(0, len(data['items'][0]['platforms'])): if data['items'][0]['platforms'][str(list(data['items'][0]['platforms'].keys())[i])]==True: oss_raw.append(str(list(data['items'][0]['platforms'].keys())[i])) embed = discord.Embed(title=data['items'][0]['name'], url=''+str(data['items'][0]['type'])+'/'+str(data['items'][0]['id']), description='**Price tag:** '+str(prize)+'\n**Metascore: **'+str(rate)+'\n**This app supports the following OSs: **'+str(myself.dearray(oss_raw)), colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) embed.set_image(url=data['items'][0]['tiny_image']) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def leet(self, ctx, *args): if len(list(args)) == 0: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + ' | No arguments? ok then! no service it is!') else: data = myself.jsonisp( "" ) total = '' for i in range(0, len(' '.join(list(args)))): for j in list(data.keys()): if str(' '.join(list(args)))[i].lower() == j.lower(): total += data[list(data.keys())[i]] break if len(total) == i: total += str(' '.join(list(args)))[i] await ctx.send(total)
async def leet(self, ctx, *args): if len(list(args)) == 0: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + ' | No arguments? ok then! no service it is!') else: data = myself.jsonisp( "" ) total = '' text = ' '.join(list(args)) for i in list(text): if i.lower() in list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'): total += data[i] continue total += i await ctx.send(total)
async def stackoverflow(self, ctx, *args): if len(list(args)) == 0: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.errorr)) + ' | Hey fellow developer, Try add a question!') else: try: query = myself.urlify(' '.join(list(args))) data = myself.jsonisp( "" + str(query) + "&site=stackoverflow&page=1&answers=1&order=asc&sort=relevance" ) leng = len(data['items']) ques = data['items'][0] tags = '' for i in range(0, len(ques['tags'])): if i == len(ques['tags']) - 1: tags += '[' + str( ques['tags'][i] ) + '](' + str( ques['tags'][i]) + ')' break tags += '[' + str( ques['tags'][i] ) + '](' + str( ques['tags'][i]) + ') | ' embed = discord.Embed( title=ques['title'], description='**' + str(ques['view_count']) + ' *desperate* developers looked into this post.**\n**TAGS:** ' + str(tags), url=ques['link'], colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) embed.set_author(name=ques['owner']['display_name'], url=ques['owner']['link'], icon_url=ques['owner']['profile_image']) embed.set_footer(text='Shown 1 result out of ' + str(leng) + ' results!') await ctx.send(embed=embed) except: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + ' | There was an error on searching! Please check your spelling :eyes:' )
async def pokeinfo(self, ctx, *args): query = 'Missingno' if (len(list(args))==0) else myself.urlify(' '.join(list(args))) try: data = myself.jsonisp('{}&format=json&formatversion=2&pithumbsize=150&prop=extracts|pageimages&explaintext&redirects&exintro'.format(query)) embed = discord.Embed( url='{}'.format(query), color=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112), title=data['query']['pages'][0]['title'], description=myself.limitto(data['query']['pages'][0]['extract'], 1000) ) try: pokeimg = data['query']['pages'][0]['thumbnail']['source'] embed.set_thumbnail(url=pokeimg) except: pass await ctx.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(e) return await ctx.send("{} | Pokemon not found!".format( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) ))
async def programmingmeme(self, ctx): data = myself.jsonisp('')['url'] return await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(title='Programmer meme', color=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)).set_image(url=data))
async def duck(self, ctx): await ctx.send(file=discord.File( Painter.urltoimage( myself.jsonisp('') ['url']), 'duck.png'))
async def shibe(self, ctx): async with data = myself.jsonisp("")[0] await ctx.send( file=discord.File(Painter.smallURL(data), 'shibe.png'))
async def help(self, ctx, *args): data = myself.jsonisp( "" ) types = Config.cmdtypes args = list(args) if len(args) < 1: cate = '' for i in range(0, len(types)): cate += f'**{str(i+1)}. **{Config.prefix}help {str(types[i])}\n' embed = discord.Embed( title='Username601\'s commands', description= 'INFO: Bot is currently being rewritten. Most commands won\'t respond yet. Sorry for the inconvenience!\n[Join the support server](' + str(Config.SupportServer.invite) + ') | [Vote us on](' + str( + '/vote)\n\n**[More information on our website here.](**\n**Command Categories:** \n' + str(cate), colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) embed.set_footer( text= f'Type {Config.prefix}help <command/category> for more details.' ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: source = None typ = '' category_name = None query = ' '.join(list(args)) for i in range(0, len(types)): if query == types[i].lower(): source = data[i][types[i]] typ = 'Category' category_name = types[i] break if source == None: for i in range(0, len(data)): for j in range(0, len(data[i][types[i]])): if query == data[i][types[i]][j]['n'].lower(): source = data[i][types[i]][j] typ = 'Command' break if not typ == '': break if source == None: await ctx.send('Oops... Your command doesn\'t seem to exist.') else: if typ == 'Category': cmds = [] for i in range(0, len(source)): cmds.append(source[i]['n']) cmds = myself.dearray(cmds) embed = discord.Embed( title='Category help for ' + str(category_name) + ':', description='**Commands:** \n```' + str(cmds) + '```', colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) if typ == 'Command': parameters = 'No parameters required.' if len(source['p']) > 0: parameters = '' for i in range(0, len(source['p'])): parameters += '**' + source['p'][i] + '**\n' embed = discord.Embed( title='Command help for ' + str(source['n']) + ':', description='**Function: **' + str(source['f']) + '\n**Parameters:** \n' + str(parameters), colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def pikachu(self, ctx): async with async with self.session.get(myself.jsonisp('')['link']) as r: res = await await ctx.send(file=discord.File(fp=BytesIO(res), filename="pikachu.gif"))
async def catfact(self, ctx): if 'cat' in str(ctx.message.content).lower(): await ctx.send('**Did you know?**\n'+str(myself.jsonisp("")['fact'])) elif 'dog' in str(ctx.message.content).lower(): await ctx.send('**Did you know?**\n'+str(myself.jsonisp("")['facts'][0])) else: await ctx.send('**Did you know?**\n'+str(myself.jsonisp("")['fact']))
async def randomword(self, ctx): async with await ctx.send(myself.jsonisp("")[0])