def mutate(self, info, name): user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) # Sanitize inputs validate_name(name) validate_name_unique(name) # Save the category category = Category(name=name) # Push the realtime data to rethinkdb connection = r.connect(host=RDB_HOST, port=RDB_PORT) try: r.db(CTF_DB).table('categories').insert({ 'sid':, 'name':, 'created': format(category.created, 'U') }).run(connection) except RqlRuntimeError as e: raise Exception('Error adding category to realtime database: %s' % (e)) finally: connection.close() return AddCategory(status='Category Created')
def mutate(self, info, start, end): user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) validate_start(start) validate_end(end) # Save the challenge flag to the database ctf = Ctf(start=datetime.fromtimestamp(int(start), timezone.utc), end=datetime.fromtimestamp(int(end), timezone.utc)) # Push the realtime data to rethinkdb connection = r.connect(host=RDB_HOST, port=RDB_PORT) try: r.db(CTF_DB).table('ctfs').insert({ 'sid':, 'start': format(ctf.start, 'U'), 'end': format(ctf.end, 'U'), 'created': format(ctf.created, 'U') }).run(connection) except RqlRuntimeError as e: raise Exception('Error adding ctf to realtime database: %s' % (e)) finally: connection.close() return AddCtf(status='Ctf Created')
def mutate(self, info, username, password=None, email=None, hidden=None, token=None, active=None, newUsername=None): user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) if User.objects.filter(username__iexact=username).exists(): targetUser = User.objects.get(username__iexact=username) if newUsername is not None: validate_username(newUsername) validate_username_unique(newUsername) targetUser.username = newUsername if password is not None: targetUser.set_password = password if email is not None: validate_email(email) validate_email_unique(email) = email if hidden is not None: targetUser.hidden = hidden if active is not None: = active else: raise Exception('Error - can\'t find user: %s' % (username)) return UpdateUser(status='User Updated: %s' % (username))
def getDjangoTeamsWithSolvedChallengesByID(self, info, chal_id): status = graphene.String() user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) # get the django team object if Team.objects.filter(solved__challenge_id=chal_id).exists(): teams = Team.objects.filter(solved__challenge_id=chal_id) return teams else: return False
def mutate(self, info, username): user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) if User.objects.filter(username__iexact=username).exists(): targetUser = User.objects.get(username__iexact=username) try: targetUser.delete() except Exception as ex: raise Exception('error with user delete: {0}'.format(ex)) else: print('no matching usernames') return DeleteUser(status='Username Deleted: %s' % (username))
def mutate(self, info, challenge_id): user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) # TODO: validate input if Challenge.objects.filter(id=challenge_id): print('valid challenge') registeredUsers = getRegisteredUserCount() active_uid_list = getActiveSessions() scaleChallenge(challenge_id, registeredUsers, active_uid_list) else: print('invalid challenge') return ScaleChallenge(status='challenge scaled')
def mutate(self, info, ctf_id, start, end): user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) if start and end: validate_start(start) validate_end(end) ctf = Ctf.objects.get(id=ctf_id) ctf.start = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(start), timezone.utc) ctf.end = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(end), timezone.utc) elif start and not end: validate_start(start) ctf = Ctf.objects.get(id=ctf_id) ctf.start = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(start), timezone.utc) elif not start and end: validate_start(start) validate_end(end) ctf = Ctf.objects.get(id=ctf_id) ctf.end = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(end), timezone.utc) else: raise Exception('Must provide start or end time') # Push the realtime data to rethinkdb connection = r.connect(host=RDB_HOST, port=RDB_PORT) try: r.db(CTF_DB).table('ctfs').insert({ 'sid':, 'start': format(ctf.start, 'U'), 'end': format(ctf.end, 'U') }).run(connection) except RqlRuntimeError as e: raise Exception('Error adding ctf to realtime database: %s' % (e)) finally: connection.close() return ModifyCtf(status='Ctf Modified')
def mutate(self, info, id, category=None, title=None, points=None, description=None, flag=None, hosted=None, image_name=None, ports=None, upload=None): user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) rethink_updates = {} if Challenge.objects.filter(id=id).exists(): chal = Challenge.objects.get(id =id) if title is not None: validate_title(title) chal.title = title rethink_updates['title'] = title if category is not None: validate_category_exists(category) challenge_category = Category.objects.get(id=category) chal.category = challenge_category rethink_updates['category'] = category if points is not None: validate_points(points) chal.points = points # update challenge points in rethink rethink_updates['points'] = points # update team's points and solved challenges' points try: u = updatePoints(self, info, id, points) print('update points: {0}'.format(u)) except Exception as ex: raise Exception('update points exception: {0}'.format(ex)) if description is not None: validate_description(description) chal.description = description rethink_updates['description'] = description if flag is not None: validate_flag(flag) validate_flag_unique(flag) chal.flag = flag rethink_updates['flag'] = flag if hosted is not None: chal.hosted = hosted rethink_updates['hosted'] = hosted if image_name is not None: validate_imageName(image_name) chal.imageName = image_name rethink_updates['imageName'] = image_name if ports is not None: validate_ports(ports) chal.ports = ports rethink_updates['ports'] = ports if upload is not None: try: ports = list() for line in upload: line = line.decode('utf-8') start = 'EXPOSE ' if (start in line): possible_port = ( line[line.find(start)+len(start):]) ports.append(possible_port.split()) # flatten list flattened_ports = list( set([val for sublist in ports for val in sublist])) print(flattened_ports) chal.ports = flattened_ports chal.upload = upload # rethink doesn't need the file object, may add metadata later # rethink_updates['upload'] = upload except Exception as e: raise Exception('Error parsing uploaded Dockerfile: ', e) else: raise Exception('Error - can\'t find challenge: %s' % (id)) connection = r.connect(host=RDB_HOST, port=RDB_PORT) if len(rethink_updates) != 0: try: r.db(CTF_DB).table('challenges').filter( {'sid': id}).update(rethink_updates).run(connection) except RqlRuntimeError as e: raise Exception( 'Error updating challenge from realtime database: %s' % (e)) finally: connection.close() return UpdateChallenge(status='Challenge Updated: %s' % (id))
def updatePoints(self, info, chal_id, points): status = graphene.String() user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) teams = getDjangoTeamsWithSolvedChallengesByID(self, info, chal_id) connection = r.connect(host=RDB_HOST, port=RDB_PORT) rethink_updates = {} if teams: try: for team in teams: print('Updating {0}\'s points.'.format( # calculate the difference in points from old points value to new. challenge = Challenge.objects.get(id=chal_id) chal_diff_points = abs(challenge.points - points) rethink_teams = r.db(CTF_DB).table('teams').filter({'sid'}).run(connection) # use for loop to access the object(s) values and assign to team id variable for rethink_team in rethink_teams: # print(rethink_team['id']) rethink_team_id = rethink_team['id'] rethink_team_object = r.db('redctf').table( 'teams').get(rethink_team_id).run(connection) # get rethink team solved object solved_object = rethink_team_object['solved'] # print(rethink_team_id) # if the updated points value is less than the existing value for the challenge subtract the chal_diff_points to team's total points if points < challenge.points: # update total team points team.points -= chal_diff_points # if the updated points value is greater than the existing value for the challenge add the chal_diff_points to team's total points elif points > challenge.points: # update total team points team.points += chal_diff_points else: print('no points change') raise Exception( 'updated points value is equal to the existing points value') # set backend updated team points # set update for rethinkdb team points rethink_updates['points'] = team.points # update the team's solved challenge points solved_challenge = team.solved.get(challenge_id=chal_id) solved_challenge.points = points # find challenges to update within rethink solved object for index, challenge in enumerate(solved_object): if challenge['id'] == chal_id: solved_object[index]['points'] = points # update solved object for rethink update rethink_updates['solved'] = solved_object # run updates on rethink update = r.db('redctf').table('teams') \ .get(rethink_team_id)\ .update(rethink_updates).run(connection) print('updates: {0}'.format(update)) except Exception as ex: raise Exception('error with teams') else: print('no matching teams ') return True
def mutate(self, info, chal_id): user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) # update total team points # removePoints = removePoints(self, info, id, 0) connection = r.connect(host=RDB_HOST, port=RDB_PORT) # update each team with solved challenges teams = getDjangoTeamsWithSolvedChallengesByID(self, info, chal_id) rethink_updates = {} if teams: # print('matching teams') try: for team in teams: print('Updating {0}\'s points.'.format( # calculate the difference in points from old points value to new. challenge = Challenge.objects.get(id=chal_id) rethink_teams = r.db(CTF_DB).table('teams').filter({'sid'}).run(connection) # use for loop to access the object(s) values and assign to team id variable for rethink_team in rethink_teams: print(rethink_team['id']) rethink_team_id = rethink_team['id'] rethink_team_object = r.db('redctf').table( 'teams').get(rethink_team_id).run(connection) # get rethink team solved object solved_object = rethink_team_object['solved'] # set django team points team.points -= challenge.points # set django correct_flags team.correct_flags -= 1 # save backend updated team points # set update for rethinkdb team points rethink_updates['points'] = team.points # set update for rethinkdb team correct flags rethink_updates['correct_flags'] = team.correct_flags # remove solved challenge object solved_challenge = team.solved.get(challenge_id=chal_id) rethink_updated_solved_object = [] # find solved challenges to delete within rethink solved object # this will update the solved challenges to be everything except the one being deleted. for index, challenge in enumerate(solved_object): if challenge['id'] != chal_id: rethink_updated_solved_object.append(challenge) # update solved object for rethink update (with challenge removedt) rethink_updates['solved'] = rethink_updated_solved_object # run updates on rethink update = r.db('redctf').table('teams') \ .get(rethink_team_id)\ .update(rethink_updates).run(connection) print('updates: {0}'.format(update)) # delete rethink solved challenge solved_challenge.delete() except Exception as ex: raise Exception('error with teams: {0}'.format(ex)) else: print('no matching teams') try: r.db(CTF_DB).table('challenges').filter( {'sid': chal_id}).delete().run(connection) except RqlRuntimeError as e: raise Exception( 'Error deleting challenge from realtime database: %s' % (e)) finally: connection.close() # ID is primary key for django, SID is PK in Rethink try: chal = Challenge.objects.get(id=chal_id) chal.delete() except Exception as ex: # return DeleteChallenge(status='Error deleting challenge from database: %s' % (chal_id)) raise Exception( 'Error deleting challenge from database: %s' % (chal_id)) return DeleteChallenge(status='Challenge Deleted: %s' % (chal_id))
def mutate(self, info, category, title, points, description, flag, hosted, ports, image_name=None, upload=None): user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) # sanitize all the input fields validate_flag(flag) validate_flag_unique(flag) validate_points(points) validate_title(title) validate_description(description) validate_category_exists(category) if image_name: validate_imageName(image_name) if ports: validate_ports(ports) # if path_prefix: # validate_pathPrefix(path_prefix) # validate_pathPrefix_unique(path_prefix) # parse dockerfile for list of ports if upload: try: ports = list() for line in upload: line = line.decode('utf-8') start = 'EXPOSE ' if (start in line): possible_port = (line[line.find(start)+len(start):]) ports.append(possible_port.split()) # flatten list flattened_ports = list( set([val for sublist in ports for val in sublist])) print(flattened_ports) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Error parsing uploaded Dockerfile: ', e) challenge_category = Category.objects.get(id=category) # Save the challenge flag to the database challenge = Challenge(category=challenge_category, title=title, description=description, flag=flag, points=points, hosted=hosted, imageName=image_name, ports=ports) # set var for pathPrefix and tag path_tag = str( challenge.pathPrefix = path_tag if upload: image_name = path_tag + ':latest' # build image build = d.buildImage(fileobj=upload.file, tag=path_tag) # delete already saved challenge if build fails if not build: chall_id = try: challenge.delete() except: # raise exception if unable to delete already saved challenge requiring manual intervention raise Exception( 'Unable to delete challenge ID: %i. Manual deletion necessary.' % (chall_id)) raise Exception( 'Unable to build image. Reverted challenge creation.') challenge.upload = upload challenge.imageName = image_name # Push the realtime data to rethinkdb connection = r.connect(host=RDB_HOST, port=RDB_PORT) try: r.db(CTF_DB).table('challenges').insert({'sid':, 'category':, 'title': title, 'points': points, 'description': description, 'hosted': hosted, 'imageName': image_name, 'ports': ports, 'pathPrefix': path_tag, 'created': format(challenge.created, 'U')}).run(connection) except RqlRuntimeError as e: raise Exception( 'Error adding challenge to realtime database: %s' % (e)) finally: connection.close() return AddChallenge(status='Challenge Created')
def mutate(): user = info.context.user # Validate user is admin validate_user_is_admin(user) return ScaleAllChallenges(status='all challenges scaled')