def getTerminalSN(self): # 从提供的设备列表中选择对应的移动终端 if TerminalSn is not None: return TerminalSn terminalList = [] # 用于存放匹配的设备列表 terminalObject = ParseExcel() print(TerminalFilePath) terminalObject.loadWorkBook(TerminalFilePath) # 根据用例步骤名获取步骤sheet对象 stepSheet = terminalObject.getSheetByName('Terminal') # 获取步骤sheet中步骤数 stepNum = terminalObject.getRowsNumber(stepSheet) # 获取前端入参 orderPlatform = self.jsonDict.get('orderplatform', 'android') # 获取终端系统类型 bitType = self.jsonDict.get('bitType', '32') # 获取终端设备位数 manufacturer = self.jsonDict.get('manufacturer', 'huawei') # 获取终端厂商名称 for step in range(2, stepNum + 1): stepRow = terminalObject.getRow(stepSheet, step) terminalSN = stepRow[terminal_ser - 1].value terminalPlatform = stepRow[terminal_platform - 1].value terminalBittype = str(stepRow[terminal_bittype - 1].value) terminalManufacturer = stepRow[terminal_manufacturer - 1].value terminalIsonline = stepRow[terminal_isonline - 1].value if terminalPlatform == orderPlatform and terminalBittype == bitType: if terminalSN and terminalIsonline == 'Y': terminalList.append(terminalSN) return None if len(terminalList) == 0 else terminalList[random.randint( 0, len(terminalList) - 1)]
#encoding = utf-8 import traceback from action.PageAction import * import time from config.VarConfig import * from util.ParseExcel import ParseExcel from util.Log import * #创建解析Excel对象 excelObj = ParseExcel() #将Excel数据文件加载到内存 excelObj.loadWorkBook(dataFilePath) #用例或用例步骤执行结束后,向Excel中写执行结果信息 def writeTestResult(sheetObj, rowNo, colsNo, testResult, errorInfo=None, picPath=None): #测试通过结果信息为绿色,失败为红色 colorDict = {"pass": "******", "faild": "red"} #因为"测试用例"工作表和"用例步骤sheet表"中都有测试执行时间和测试结果列,定义此字典对象是为了区分具体应该写哪个工作表 colsDict = { "testCase": [testCase_runTime, testCase_testResult], "caseStep": [testStep_runTime, testStep_testResult] } try:
class GetRequestData(object): def __init__(self, filePath): # 创建解析Excel工具类的实例对象 self.parseEx = ParseExcel() # 将数据文件Excel加载到内存 self.parseEx.loadWorkBook(filePath) self.apiSheetFileName = "" self.apiName = "" self.requestMethod = "" self.requestUrl = "" self.paramsInfo = "" self.reponseDataStore = {} self.CheckPoint = {} def getApi(self): # 通过Excel工具类中提供的getSheetByName方法获取数据文件中存放api工作表的对象 apiSheetObject = self.parseEx.getSheetByName(ApiSheetName) # 获取api表中是否需要执行列对象 isExecColObj = self.parseEx.getColumn(apiSheetObject, API_isExecute) # print('isExecColObj=',isExecColObj) for idx, col in enumerate(isExecColObj[1:]): print('idx=', idx) if col.value == "y": # 如果单元格的值为y,说明该行的api需要被执行 # 依次获取需要执行api的行对象,以便拿到请求api的相关数据 rowObj = self.parseEx.getRow(apiSheetObject, idx + 2) # API_name等变量定义在GloableData里面 self.apiName = rowObj[API_name - 1].value self.requestUrl = rowObj[API_requestUrl - 1].value self.requestMethod = rowObj[API_requestMothod - 1].value self.paramsInfo = rowObj[API_paramsInfo - 1].value apiTestCasefileName = rowObj[API_requestDataFile - 1].value print(self.apiName, self.requestUrl, self.requestMethod, self.paramsInfo, apiTestCasefileName) self.getTestCase(apiTestCasefileName) else: print(u"接口【" + rowObj[API_name - 1].value + u"】被忽略执行") def getTestCase(self, testCaseSheetName): try: # 根据测试用例sheet名获取sheet对象 testCaseObj = self.parseEx.getSheetByName(testCaseSheetName) # 获取测试用例表中是否执行列对象 isExeccolObj = self.parseEx.getColumn(testCaseObj, TestCase_isExecute) for t_idx, t_col in enumerate(isExeccolObj[1:]): # 依次遍历测试用例表中的测试用例行,需要执行则执行 if t_col.value == "y": # 如果测试用例单元格值为y,说明该行测试用例需要被执行 rowObj = self.parseEx.getRow(testCaseObj, t_idx + 2) RequestHeaders = rowObj[TestCase_requestHeaders - 1].value HeadersEncrypt = rowObj[TestCase_headersEncrypt - 1].value RequestData = rowObj[TestCase_requestData - 1].value # 如果没有内容,得到的将是None,如果有内容,根据我们自己定义的规则,得到将是一个字符串字典类型数据"{xxx}" BodyEncrypt = rowObj[TestCase_bodyEncrypt - 1].value ResponseDecrypt = rowObj[TestCase_responseDecrypt - 1].value DependDataStore = rowObj[TestCase_DependDataStore - 1].value self.CheckPoint = rowObj[TestCase_checkPoint - 1].value print(RequestHeaders, RequestData, DependDataStore, self.CheckPoint) RequestHeaders = ast.literal_eval(RequestHeaders) if ( RequestHeaders) else None RequestData = ast.literal_eval(RequestData) if ( RequestData) else None print('111111111111', type(RequestData)) HeadersEncrypt = ast.literal_eval(HeadersEncrypt) if ( HeadersEncrypt) else None BodyEncrypt = ast.literal_eval(BodyEncrypt) if ( BodyEncrypt) else None if BodyEncrypt and RequestData: # 对请求参数进行加密处理,如果需要的话 RequestData = paramsOper(RequestData, BodyEncrypt) print("sdfd = ", type(RequestData)) if HeadersEncrypt and RequestHeaders: # 对头信息进行加密处理,如果需要的话 RequestHeaders = paramsOper(RequestHeaders, HeadersEncrypt) print(RequestHeaders) # 数据存储 if DependDataStore: DependDataStore = ast.literal_eval(DependDataStore) if isinstance(DependDataStore, dict) and "request" in DependDataStore: requestDataStore = { "request": DependDataStore["request"] } d = DataStore() print("sdfd = ", type(RequestData)) # storage(self, fileName, ApiName, sourceData, sourceDataIndex, needStoreData), self.apiName, RequestData, t_idx + 1, requestDataStore) elif isinstance( DependDataStore, dict) and "response" in DependDataStore: self.reponseDataStore = { "response": DependDataStore["response"] } else: print(u"存储数据数据规则错误") else: print(u"不需要存储依赖数据") # 处理完请求参数以及依赖数据存储后,接下来该发送接口请求了 self.sendRequest(RequestData, RequestHeaders, t_idx + 1) else: print(u"测试用例文件【" + testCaseSheetName + "】中第%d条用例被忽略执行" % (t_idx + 1)) except Exception as e: raise e def sendRequest(self, RequestData, RequestHeaders, index): dataFormat, paramType, dataOper = "", "", "" res = self.paramsInfo.split("_") if len(res) == 3: dataFormat, paramType, dataOper = res elif len(res) == 2: dataFormat, paramType = res print('dataFormat, paramType=', dataFormat, paramType) elif len(res) == 1: dataFormat = res[0] print('dataFormat=', dataFormat) if dataOper == "json": RequestData = json.dumps(RequestData) elif dataFormat == 'data': if type(RequestData) == str: RequestData = ast.literal_eval(RequestData) httpC = HttpClient() # requestMethod, requesturl, paramMethod = None, requestData = None, headers = None, ** kwargs responseObj = httpC.request(self.requestMethod, self.requestUrl, paramType, RequestData, RequestHeaders, timeout=10) print(responseObj.json()) print(responseObj.text) print(type(responseObj.text)) self.ReponseDataStore(responseObj.text, index) def ReponseDataStore(self, responseObj, index): if self.reponseDataStore: d = DataStore() # fileName, ApiName, sourceData, sourceDataIndex, needStoreData if type(responseObj) == str: RequestData = ast.literal_eval(responseObj), self.apiName, responseObj, index, self.reponseDataStore) checkPoint = ast.literal_eval( self.CheckPoint) if self.CheckPoint else {}
class executeScriptWithPC(object): #针对pc环境的脚本执行操作 def __init__(self, FilePath): # 创建解析Excel对象 self.excelObj = ParseExcel() self.excelFile = FilePath self.excelObj.loadWorkBook(FilePath) def executeStep(self, stepSheet, step, stepDescribe, keyWord, locationType, locatorExpression, operateValue): #执行web主流程测试步骤,并记录测试结果到excel文件中 #初始化执行语句表达式为空 expressionStr = "" # 构造需要执行的python语句, # 对应的是PageAction.py文件中的页面动作函数调用的字符串表示 if keyWord and operateValue and locationType is None and locatorExpression is None: expressionStr = keyWord.strip() + "('" + operateValue + "')" elif keyWord and operateValue is None and locationType is None and locatorExpression is None: expressionStr = keyWord.strip() + "()" elif keyWord and locationType and operateValue and locatorExpression is None: expressionStr = keyWord.strip() + "('" + locationType.strip( ) + "', '" + operateValue + "')" elif keyWord and locationType and locatorExpression and operateValue: expressionStr = keyWord.strip() + "('" + locationType.strip( ) + "', '" + locatorExpression.replace( "'", '"').strip() + "', '" + operateValue + "')" elif keyWord and locationType and locatorExpression and operateValue is None: expressionStr = keyWord.strip() + "('" + locationType.strip( ) + "', '" + locatorExpression.replace("'", '"').strip() + "')" print(expressionStr) try: eval(expressionStr) # 在测试执行时间列写入执行时间 self.excelObj.writeCellCurrentTime(stepSheet, rowNo=step, colsNo=testStep_runTime) except Exception as err: # 截取异常屏幕图片 capturePic = capture_screen() # 获取详细的异常堆栈信息 errorInfo = traceback.format_exc() # 在测试步骤Sheet中写入失败信息 writeTestResult(self.excelObj, stepSheet, step, "pc", "faild", errorInfo, capturePic) info("步骤“%s”执行失败! 函数执行表达式为:%s" % (stepDescribe, expressionStr)) else: # 在测试步骤Sheet中写入成功信息 writeTestResult(self.excelObj, stepSheet, step, "pc", "pass") info("步骤“%s”执行通过!函数执行表达式为:%s" % (stepDescribe, expressionStr)) def execute(self, caseStepSheetName): #根据测试sheetName,遍历表单中的测试步骤 try: # 根据用例步骤名获取步骤sheet对象 info('开始<%s>场景的测试...' % caseStepSheetName) stepSheet = self.excelObj.getSheetByName(caseStepSheetName) # 获取步骤sheet中步骤数 stepNum = self.excelObj.getRowsNumber(stepSheet) for step in range(2, stepNum + 1): # 因为步骤sheet中的第一行为标题行,无需执行 # 获取步骤sheet中第step行对象 stepRow = self.excelObj.getRow(stepSheet, step) #获取测试步骤描述 stepDescribe = stepRow[testStep_testStepDescribe - 1].value # 获取关键字作为调用的函数名 keyWord = stepRow[testStep_keyWords - 1].value # 获取操作元素定位方式作为调用的函数的参数 locationType = stepRow[testStep_locationType - 1].value # 获取操作元素的定位表达式作为调用函数的参数 locatorExpression = stepRow[testStep_locatorExpression - 1].value # 获取操作值作为调用函数的参数 operateValue = stepRow[testStep_operateValue - 1].value # 将操作值为数字类型的数据转成字符串类型,方便字符串拼接 if isinstance(operateValue, int): operateValue = str(operateValue) #列出execute函数的入参 args = stepSheet, step, stepDescribe, keyWord, locationType, locatorExpression, operateValue self.executeStep(*args) except Exception as err: # 打印详细的异常堆栈信息 debug(traceback.print_exc()) finally: eval("close_browser()") #最终关闭浏览器 def getOrderId(self): #获取订单号 #参数在varConfig全局配置中定义 return getAttr(expression_type, expression_str, expression_value)
class executeScriptWithMobile(object): #针对移动终端的脚本执行操作 def __init__(self, FilePath): self.excelObj = ParseExcel() self.excelFile = FilePath self.excelObj.loadWorkBook(FilePath) def executeStep(self, stepSheet, step, stepDescribe, keyWord, picValue, threshold, target_pos, rgb): temp = "" #初始化中间临时变量 # 构造需要执行的python语句,对应的是AppAction.py文件中的终端动作函数调用的字符串表示 if isinstance(picValue, int): picValue = str(picValue) if picValue and picValue.endswith('.png'): picValue = os.path.join(os.path.split(self.excelFile)[0], picValue) if threshold is None and target_pos is None and rgb is None: if picValue and picValue.endswith('.png'): temp = "(Template(r'" + picValue + "'))" else: temp = "'" + picValue + "'" elif threshold and target_pos is None and rgb is None: temp = "Template(r'" + picValue + "', threshold=" + str( threshold) + ")" elif threshold is None and target_pos and rgb is None: temp = "Template(r'" + picValue + "', target_pos=" + str( target_pos) + ")" elif threshold is None and target_pos is None and rgb: temp = "Template(r'" + picValue + "', rgb=" + rgb + ")" elif threshold and target_pos and rgb is None: temp = "Template('r" + picValue + "', threshold=" + str( threshold) + ", target_pos=" + str(target_pos) + ")" elif threshold and target_pos is None and rgb: temp = "Template(r'" + picValue + "', threshold=" + str( threshold) + ", rgb=" + rgb + ")" elif threshold is None and target_pos and rgb: temp = "Template(r'" + picValue + "', target_pos=" + str( target_pos) + ", rgb=" + rgb + ")" elif threshold and target_pos and rgb: temp = "Template(r'" + picValue + "', threshold=" + str( threshold) + ", target_pos=" + str( target_pos) + ", rgb=" + rgb + ")" expressionStr = keyWord.strip() + "(" + temp + ")" # 执行表达式 print(expressionStr) try: eval(expressionStr) # 在测试执行时间列写入执行时间 self.excelObj.writeCellCurrentTime(stepSheet, rowNo=step, colsNo=mobile_runTime) except Exception as err: # 截取异常屏幕图片 capturePic = snapShot() # 获取详细的异常堆栈信息 errorInfo = traceback.format_exc() # 在测试步骤Sheet中写入失败信息 writeTestResult(self.excelObj, stepSheet, step, "mobile", "faild", errorInfo, capturePic) info("步骤“%s”执行失败!函数执行表达式为:%s" % (stepDescribe, expressionStr)) else: # 在测试步骤Sheet中写入成功信息 writeTestResult(self.excelObj, stepSheet, step, "mobile", "pass") # 记录syslog信息 info("步骤“%s”执行通过!函数执行表达式为:%s" % (stepDescribe, expressionStr)) def execute(self, caseStepSheetName): # 利用aritest执行手机终端,遍历指定excel表单中的内容 try: # 根据用例步骤名获取步骤sheet对象 info('开始<%s>场景的测试...' % caseStepSheetName) stepSheet = self.excelObj.getSheetByName(caseStepSheetName) # 获取步骤sheet中步骤数 stepNum = self.excelObj.getRowsNumber(stepSheet) for step in range(2, stepNum + 1): stepRow = self.excelObj.getRow(stepSheet, step) # 获取excel表单中每一行单元格的数据 stepDescribe = stepRow[testStep_testStepDescribe - 1].value keyWord = stepRow[mobile_keyWords - 1].value picValue = stepRow[mobile_picPath - 1].value threshold = stepRow[mobile_threshold - 1].value target_pos = stepRow[mobile_target_pos - 1].value rgb = stepRow[mobile_rgb - 1].value args = stepSheet, step, stepDescribe, keyWord, picValue, threshold, target_pos, rgb self.executeStep(*args) except Exception as err: # 打印详细的异常堆栈信息 debug(traceback.print_exc()) def getOrderId(self): # 获取订单号 if jsonDict.get('orderTerminal') == '4': time.sleep(5) return TerminalPoco("com.jd.lib.ordercenter:id/atm").get_text()