def getModmsg(cursor,mod_id): getRoleSql = "select mod_msg from monitor.TEST_arm_mod_conf where mod_id = " + str(mod_id) isErr = connectDb.executeSQL(cursor,getRoleSql) if type(isErr) is str: return "获得模块告警信息SQL执行异常" + isErr role_name = connectDb.getSQLrst(cursor) return role_name[0]
def getRoleName(cursor,mod_id): getRoleSql = "select role_name from monitor.T_role_prop where prop_name = (select mod_name from monitor.TEST_arm_mod_conf where mod_id = " + str(mod_id) + ")" isErr = connectDb.executeSQL(cursor,getRoleSql) if type(isErr) is str: return "查询角色SQL执行异常" + isErr role_name = connectDb.getSQLrst(cursor) return role_name
def getArmConfId(cursor,arm_itv_ids): confId_sql = "select distinct mod_idvalue,mod_type,flag,arm_itv_id from monitor.T_ARM_MOD_ITV_CONF where flag <> '0' and arm_itv_id in(" + arm_itv_ids + ")" isErr = connectDb.executeSQL(cursor,confId_sql) if type(isErr) is str: return "查询告警模块ID Faild(T_ARM_MOD_ITV_CONF),执行语句失败,请查看DBLOG日志" confId_rsts = connectDb.getSQLrst(cursor) return confId_rsts
def getArmMsgByConfId(cursor,confId,arm_range): armMsg_sql = "select to_char(insert_time,'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss') || err_msg,role_name,arm_log_id from monitor.t_arm_log where arm_flag = '1' and arm_conf_id = '" + str(confId) + "' and insert_time >= sysdate - " + str(arm_range) isErr = connectDb.executeSQL(cursor,armMsg_sql) if type(isErr) is str: return "查询告警日志 Faild(T_ARM_LOG),执行语句失败,请查看DBLOG日志" armMsg_rsts = connectDb.getSQLrst(cursor) return armMsg_rsts
def getHostInfoByid(cursor,host_id): host_sql = "select host_ip,port,log_user,passwd from monitor.T_host_conf where h_flag = '1' and h_id = " + str(host_id) isErr = connectDb.executeSQL(cursor,host_sql) if type(isErr) is str: return "查询主机信息SQL执行异常" + isErr host_rsts = connectDb.getSQLrst(cursor) return host_rsts[0]
def getphoneNumList(cursor,roleName): getphonSql = "select phone_no from monitor.t_role_phone where role_name = '" + str(roleName) + "'" isErr = connectDb.executeSQL(cursor,getphonSql) if type(isErr) is str: return "查询号码列表失败:" + isErr phones = connectDb.getSQLrst(cursor) phoneNumList = [] for phone in phones: phoneNumList.append(phone[0]) return phoneNumList
def getAcqCMD(cursor): acq_itv_sql = ''' select acq_itv_id from monitor.TEST_ACQ_INTERVAL_CONF t where (t.acq_type = '0' and t.acq_bg_time <= to_char(sysdate,'hh24miss') and t.acq_ed_time >= to_char(sysdate,'hh24miss') and (t.last_insert_time is null or sysdate - t.last_insert_time >= t.interval_value/60/24) ) or (nvl(t.last_insert_time,sysdate - 1) < trunc(sysdate) and ((t.acq_type = '1' and to_char(sysdate,'hh24mi') >= t.interval_value) or (t.acq_type = '2' and trunc(sysdate,'iw') + substr(t.interval_value,1,1) -1 = trunc(sysdate) and to_char(sysdate,'hh24mi') >= substr(t.interval_value,3,4)) or (t.acq_type = '3' and to_char(sysdate,'dd') = decode(substr(t.interval_value,1,2),'00',to_char(last_day(sysdate),'dd'),substr(t.interval_value,1,2)) and to_char(sysdate,'hh24mi') >= substr(t.interval_value,4,4)) ) ) ''' isErr = connectDb.executeSQL(cursor,acq_itv_sql) if type(isErr) is str: return "查询采集频率SQL执行异常" + isErr itv_rsts = connectDb.getSQLrst(cursor) if type(itv_rsts) is str: return itv_rsts acq_itv = [] cmddict = {} # {[]:[cmd,relation,key,arm_msg,alarm_type,mod_id]} for acq_rst in itv_rsts: acq_itv.append(acq_rst[0]) arm_cmd_sql = "select host_id,m_cmd,relation,key,arm_msg,alarm_type,mod_id,m_id from monitor.TEST_arm_cmd_conf where m_flag = '1' and acq_itv_id = " + str(acq_rst[0]) isErr = connectDb.executeSQL(cursor,arm_cmd_sql) if type(isErr) is str: return "查询监控项信息SQL执行异常" + isErr cmd_rsts = connectDb.getSQLrst(cursor) for cmd_rst in cmd_rsts: if cmddict.has_key(cmd_rst[0]): cmddict[cmd_rst[0]].append([cmd_rst[1],cmd_rst[2],cmd_rst[3],cmd_rst[4],cmd_rst[5],cmd_rst[6],cmd_rst[7]]) else: cmddict[cmd_rst[0]] = [[cmd_rst[1],cmd_rst[2],cmd_rst[3],cmd_rst[4],cmd_rst[5],cmd_rst[6],cmd_rst[7]]] result = [acq_itv,cmddict] return result
def getArmItv(cursor): arm_itv_sql = ''' select t.arm_itv_id,arm_range from monitor.T_ARM_INTERVAL_CONF t where (t.arm_type = '0' and t.arm_bg_time <= to_char(sysdate,'hh24miss') and t.arm_ed_time >= to_char(sysdate,'hh24miss') ) or (nvl(t.last_send_time,sysdate - 1) < trunc(sysdate) and ((t.arm_type = '1' and to_char(sysdate,'hh24mi') >= t.interval_value) or (t.arm_type = '2' and trunc(sysdate,'iw') + substr(t.interval_value,1,1) -1 = trunc(sysdate) and to_char(sysdate,'hh24mi') >= substr(t.interval_value,3,4)) or (t.arm_type = '3' and to_char(sysdate,'dd') = decode(substr(t.interval_value,1,2),'00',to_char(last_day(sysdate),'dd'),substr(t.interval_value,1,2)) and to_char(sysdate,'hh24mi') >= substr(t.interval_value,4,4)) ) ) ''' isErr = connectDb.executeSQL(cursor,arm_itv_sql) if type(isErr) is str: return "查询告警时间段配置表T_ARM_INTERVAL_CONF,执行语句失败,请查看DBLOG日志" itv_rsts = connectDb.getSQLrst(cursor) return itv_rsts