def shuff_par_str(shuffle=True, str_type="file"): """ shuff_par_str() Returns string from shuffle parameter to print or for a filename. Optional args: - shuffle (bool): default: True - str_type (str): "print" for a printable string and "file" for a string usable in a filename, "label" for a label. default: "file" Returns: - shuff_str (str): shuffle parameter string """ if shuffle: if str_type == "print": shuff_str = ", shuffled" elif str_type == "file": shuff_str = "_shuffled" elif str_type == "labels": shuff_str = " (shuffled labels)" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["labels", "print", "file"]) else: shuff_str = "" return shuff_str
def stim_par_str(stimtype="gabors", visflow_dir=None, visflow_size=None, gabk=None, str_type="file"): """ stim_par_str(par) Returns a string with stim type, as well as gabor kappa or visual flow square size and direction parameters, unless all possible parameters values for the stim type are passed. Optional args: - stimtype (str) : type of stimulus default: "gabors" - visflow_dir (str or list) : visual flow direction parameter default: None - visflow_size (int or list): visual flow square size parameter default: None - gabk (int or list) : gabor kappa parameter default: None - str_type (str) : use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") default: "file" Returns: - pars (str): string containing stim type and parameter values, unless all parameter values for the stim type are passed. """ all_pars = [] if stimtype in ["gabors", "both"]: if gabk is None: raise ValueError("If stimulus is gabors, must pass gabk " "parameters.") pars = gabk_par_str(gabk, str_type) if stimtype == "both": all_pars.append(pars) elif stimtype in ["visflow", "both"]: if visflow_size is None or visflow_dir is None: raise ValueError("If stimulus is visual flow, must pass direction " "and square size parameters.") pars = visflow_par_str(visflow_dir, visflow_size, str_type=str_type) if stimtype == "both": all_pars.append(pars) else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("stimtype", stimtype, ["gabors", "visflow", "both"]) if stimtype == "both": if str_type == "file": pars = "_".join(all_pars) elif str_type == "print": pars = ", ".join(all_pars) else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["file", "print"]) return pars
def base_par_str(baseline=None, str_type="file"): """ base_par_str() Returns string from baseline parameter to print or for a filename. Optional args: - baseline (num) : baseline value, in seconds default: None - str_type (str) : "print" for a printable string and "file" for a string usable in a filename. default: "file" Returns: - base_str (str): baseline parameter string """ if baseline is not None: if str_type == "print": baseline = gen_util.num_to_str(baseline, n_dec=2, dec_sep=".") base_str = f" ({baseline}s baseline)" elif str_type == "file": baseline = gen_util.num_to_str(baseline, n_dec=2, dec_sep="-") base_str = f"_b{baseline}" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) else: base_str = "" return base_str
def scale_par_str(scale=True, str_type="file"): """ scale_par_str() Returns a string from scaling parameter to print or for a filename. Optional args: - scale (str or bool): if scaling is used or type of scaling used (e.g., "roi", "all", "none", True, False) default: None - str_type (str) : "print" for a printable string and "file" for a string usable in a filename. default: "file" Returns: - scale_str (str): scale parameter string """ if scale not in ["None", "none"] and scale: if str_type == "print": scale_str = " (scaled)" elif str_type == "file": scale_str = "_scaled" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) else: scale_str = "" return scale_str
def sess_par_str(sess_n, stimtype="gabors", layer="soma", visflow_dir=None, visflow_size=None, gabk=None, str_type="file"): """ sess_par_str(sess_n) Returns a string from session and stimulus parameters for a filename, or to print or use in a title. Required args: - sess_n (int or list) : session number aimed for Optional args: - stimtype (str) : type of stimulus default: "gabors" - layer (str) : layer ("soma", "dend", "L23_soma", "L5_soma", "L23_dend", "L5_dend", "L23_all", "L5_all") default: "soma" - visflow_dir (str or list) : visual flow direction parameter default: None - visflow_size (int or list): visual flow square size parameter default: None - gabk (int or list) : gabor kappa parameter default: None - str_type (str) : use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") default: "file" Returns: - sess_str (list): string containing info on session and stimulus parameters """ if gabk is None and (visflow_size is None or visflow_dir is None): raise ValueError("Must pass value for gabor k parameter or visual " "flow square size and direction.") elif gabk is None: stimtype = "visflow" elif visflow_size is None or visflow_dir is None: stimtype = "gabors" stim_str = stim_par_str(stimtype, visflow_dir, visflow_size, gabk, str_type) if isinstance(sess_n, list): sess_n = gen_util.intlist_to_str(sess_n) if str_type == "file": sess_str = f"sess{sess_n}_{stim_str}_{layer}" elif str_type == "print": stim_str = stim_str.replace(" (", ": ").replace(")", "") sess_str = f"{stim_str}, session: {sess_n}, layer: {layer}" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["file", "print"]) return sess_str
def ctrl_par_str(ctrl=False, str_type="file"): """ ctrl_par_str() Returns string from control parameter to print or for a filename. Optional args: - ctrl (bool) : default: False - str_type (str): "print" for a printable string and "file" for a string usable in a filename, "label" for a label. default: "file" Returns: - ctrl_str (str): shuffle parameter string """ if ctrl: if str_type == "print": ctrl_str = " (control)" elif str_type == "file": ctrl_str = "_ctrl" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) else: ctrl_str = "" return ctrl_str
def log_sklearn_results(model, analyspar, name="bayes_ridge", var_names=None): """ log_sklearn_results(model, analyspar) """"{name.replace('_', ' ').upper()} regression", extra={"spacing": "\n"}) if var_names is None: var_names = [f"coef {i}" for i in range(len(model.coef_))] results = "\n".join( [f"{varn}: {coef:.5f}" for varn, coef in zip(var_names, model.coef_)])"intercept: {model.intercept_:.5f}")"alpha: {model.alpha_:.5f}", extra={"spacing": "\n"}) if name == "ridge_cv": alpha_idx = np.where(model.alphas == model.alpha_)[0] score_data = model.cv_values_[:, alpha_idx] score_name = "MSE" elif name == "bayes_ridge": score_data = model.scores_ score_name = "Score" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("name", name, ["ridge_cv", "bayes_ridge"]) stats = math_util.get_stats(score_data, stats=analyspar.stats, error=analyspar.error) math_util.log_stats(stats, f"{score_name}")
def prepost_par_str(pre, post, str_type="file"): """ prepost_par_str(pre, post) Returns a string for the pre and post values. Required args: - pre (num) : pre value (in seconds) - post (num): post value (in seconds) Optional args: - str_type (str): use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") default: "file" Return: - prepost_str (str): string containing pre-post info """ vals = [pre, post] # convert to int if equivalent for i in range(len(vals)): if int(vals[i]) == float(vals[i]): vals[i] = int(vals[i]) if str_type == "file": # replace . by - prepost_str = "{}pre-{}post".format(*vals).replace(".", "") elif str_type == "print": prepost_str = "{}-{}s".format(*vals) else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) return prepost_str
def get_frame_type_by_datatype(datatype="roi"): """ get_frame_type_by_datatype() Returns frame type corresponding to datatype. Required args: - datatype (str): type of data ("roi", "run" or "pupil") default: "roi" Returns: - frame_type (str): correct frame type needed for the data type """ if datatype == "run": frame_type = "stim" elif datatype == "pupil": frame_type = "twop" elif datatype == "roi": frame_type = "twop" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("datatype", datatype, ["roi", "run", "pupil"]) return frame_type
def ext_test_str(q1v4=False, evu=False, comp="unexp", str_type="file"): """ ext_test_str() Returns the string for the extra test set for logistic regressions, based on the parameters. Returns "" if neither q1v4 nor exp_v_unexp is True. Optional args: - q1v4 (bool) : if True, analysis is separated across first and last quartiles default: False - evu (bool) : if True, analysis is separated across expected and unexpected sequences default: False - comp (str) : type of comparison default: "unexp" - str_type (str) : use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") or for a label ("label") default: "file" Returns: - ext_str (str): string for the extra dataset ("" if neither q1v4 nor evu is True), and comparison details """ if q1v4 + evu > 1: raise ValueError("'q1v4' and 'evu' cannot both be True.") if str_type not in ["file", "print", "label"]: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["file", "print", "label"]) split_oris = get_split_oris(comp) if q1v4: if str_type == "file": ext_str = "test_Q4" elif str_type == "label": ext_str = " (only Q1)" else: ext_str = " (trained on Q1 and tested on Q4)" elif evu: if str_type == "file": ext_str = "test_unexp" elif str_type == "label": ext_str = " (only exp)" else: ext_str = " (trained on exp and tested on unexp)" elif split_oris is not False: if str_type == "file": ext_str = f"test_{split_oris[1]}" elif str_type == "label": ext_str = f" ({split_oris[0]} Gabors)" else: ext_str = " (trained on {} and tested on {})".format(*split_oris) else: ext_str = "" return ext_str
def get_line_plane_idxs(line="L23-Cux2", plane="soma", flat=False): """ get_line_plane_idxs() Returns parameters for a line/plane combination graph. Optional args: - line (str): line name default: "L2/3-Cux2" - plane (str): plane_name default: "soma" Returns: if flat: - idx (int): line/plane index else: - li (int): line index - pl (int): plane index and in both cases: - col (str): color hex code - dash (tuple or None): dash pattern """ lines, planes = ["L23-Cux2", "L5-Rbp4"], ["dend", "soma"] pla_col_names = ["green", "blue"] if line not in lines: gen_util.accepted_values_error("line", line, lines) if plane not in planes: gen_util.accepted_values_error("plane", plane, planes) li = lines.index(line) pl = planes.index(plane) col = get_colors(pla_col_names[pl], line=line) dash = VDASH if "L5" in line else None if flat: idx = pl + li * len(lines) return idx, col, dash else: return li, pl, col, dash
def visflow_par_str(direc, size, str_type="file"): """ visflow_par_str() Returns a string with stim type, as well as size (e.g., 128, 256) and direction (e.g., "right", "left") parameters, unless all possible visual flow parameters values are passed. Required args: - direc (str or list) : visual flow direction parameter values - size (int or list): visual flow square size parameter values Optional args: - str_type (str) : use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") default: "file" Returns: - pars (str): string containing stim type (visual flow) and parameter values, unless all parameter values for visual flow are passed. """ if size is None or direc is None: raise ValueError("Must pass value for visual flow square size or " "direction parameter.") dirstr = dir_par_str(direc, str_type=str_type) sizestr = size_par_str(size, str_type=str_type) if str_type == "print": if len(dirstr) > 10: # specified direction if len(sizestr) > 10: # specified size pars = (f"{sizestr.replace(')', '')}, " f"{dirstr.replace('vis. flow (', '')}") else: pars = dirstr else: pars = sizestr elif str_type == "file": if len(dirstr) > 8: # specified direction if len(sizestr) > 8: pars = f"{sizestr}_{dirstr[8:]}" else: pars = dirstr else: pars = sizestr else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) return pars
def load_small_stim_pkl(stim_pkl, runtype="prod"): """ load_small_stim_pkl(stim_pkl) Loads a smaller stimulus dictionary from the stimulus pickle file in which "posbyframe" for visual flow stimuli is not included. If it does not exist, small stimulus dictionary is created and saved as a pickle with "_small" appended to name. Reduces the pickle size about 10 fold. Required args: - stim_pkl (Path): full path name for the full stimulus pickle file Optional args: - runtype (str): runtype ("prod" or "pilot") """ stim_pkl = Path(stim_pkl) stim_pkl_no_ext = Path(stim_pkl.parent, stim_pkl.stem) small_stim_pkl_name = Path(f"{stim_pkl_no_ext}_small.pkl") if small_stim_pkl_name.is_file(): return file_util.loadfile(small_stim_pkl_name) else:"Creating smaller stimulus pickle.", extra={"spacing": TAB}) stim_dict = file_util.loadfile(stim_pkl) if runtype == "pilot": stim_par_key = "stimParams" elif runtype == "prod": stim_par_key = "stim_params" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error( "runtype", runtype, ["prod", "pilot"]) for i in range(len(stim_dict["stimuli"])): stim_keys = stim_dict["stimuli"][i][stim_par_key].keys() stim_par = stim_dict["stimuli"][i][stim_par_key] if runtype == "pilot" and "posByFrame" in stim_keys: _ = stim_par.pop("posByFrame") elif runtype == "prod" and "square_params" in stim_keys: _ = stim_par["session_params"].pop("posbyframe") file_util.saveinfo(stim_dict, small_stim_pkl_name) return stim_dict
def get_sess_dir_path(maindir, sessid, runtype="prod"): """ get_sess_dir_path(maindir, sessid) Returns the path to the session directory, and whether a mouse directory is included in the path. Required args: - maindir (Path): main directory - sessid (int) : session ID Optional args: - runtype (str): "prod" (production) or "pilot" data default: "prod" Returns: - sess_dir (Path) : path to the session directory - mouse_dir (bool): if True, session information is in a "mouse_*" subdirectory default: True """ if runtype not in ["pilot", "prod"]: gen_util.accepted_values_error("runtype", runtype, ["prod", "pilot"]) # set the session directory (full path) wild_dir = Path(maindir, runtype, "mouse_*", f"ophys_session_{sessid}") name_dir = glob.glob(str(wild_dir)) # pilot data may not be in a "mouse_" folder if len(name_dir) == 0: wild_dir = Path(maindir, runtype, f"ophys_session_{sessid}") name_dir = glob.glob(str(wild_dir)) mouse_dir = False else: mouse_dir = True if len(name_dir) == 0: raise OSError(f"Could not find the directory for session {sessid} " f"(runtype {runtype}) in {maindir} subfolders.") elif len(name_dir) > 1: raise OSError(f"Found {len(name_dir)} matching session folders in " f"{maindir} instead of 1.") sess_dir = Path(name_dir[0]) return sess_dir, mouse_dir
def depth_vals(plane, line): """ depth_vals(plane, line) Returns depth values corresponding to a specified plane. Required args: - plane (str): plane (e.g., "dend", "soma", "any") - line (str) : line (e.g., "L23", "L5", "any") Returns: - depths (str or list): depths corresponding to plane and line or "any" """ if plane in ["any", "all"] and line in ["any", "all"]: return "any" depth_dict = { "L23_dend": [50, 75], "L23_soma": [175], "L5_dend": [20], "L5_soma": [375] } all_planes = ["dend", "soma"] if plane in ["any", "all"]: planes = all_planes else: planes = gen_util.list_if_not(plane) all_lines = ["L23", "L5"] if line in ["any", "all"]: lines = all_lines else: lines = gen_util.list_if_not(line) depths = [] for plane in planes: if plane not in all_planes: allowed_planes = all_planes + ["any", "all"] gen_util.accepted_values_error("plane", plane, allowed_planes) for line in lines: if line not in all_lines: allowed_lines = all_lines + ["any", "all"] gen_util.accepted_values_error("line", line, allowed_lines) depths.extend(depth_dict[f"{line}_{plane}"]) return depths
def quantile_str(qu_idx=0, n_quants=4, out_of=False, str_type="file"): """ quantile_str() Returns a string from quantile values to print or for a filename. Optional args: - qu_idx (int) : quantile index default: 0 - n_quants (int): total number of quantiles default: 4 - out_of (bool) : if True, quantile index is indicated out of the total (applies to 'print' strings only) default: False - str_type (str) : use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") default: "file" Returns: - quant_str (str): quantile string """ if isinstance(qu_idx, list): if len(qu_idx) > 1: raise ValueError("If qu_idx is a list, it must be of length 1.") qu_idx = qu_idx[0] if qu_idx > n_quants - 1: raise ValueError("qu_idx must be strictly smaller than n_quants.") if qu_idx < 0: qu_idx = qu_idx + n_quants if str_type == "file": quant_str = f"q{qu_idx + 1}" elif str_type == "print": quant_str = f"Q{qu_idx + 1}" if out_of: quant_str = f"{quant_str}/{n_quants}" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) return quant_str
def size_par_str(size, str_type="file"): """ size_par_str(size) Returns a string with stimulus type, as well as size parameters (e.g., 128, 256), unless only 128 is passed. Required args: - size (int or list): visual flow square size parameter Optional args: - str_type (str) : use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") default: "file" Returns: - pars (str): string containing stim type (visual flow) and size, unless only 128 is passed. """ size = gen_util.list_if_not(size) size = [int(s) for s in size] if str_type == "file": pars = "visflow" elif str_type == "print": pars = "vis. flow" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) if 256 in size: if len(size) > 1: if str_type == "file": pars = f"{pars}_both_siz" elif str_type == "print": pars = f"{pars} (both square sizes)" else: if str_type == "file": pars = f"{pars}{size[0]}" elif str_type == "print": pars = f"{pars} ({size[0]})" return pars
def gabk_par_str(gabk, str_type="file"): """ gabk_par_str(gabk) Returns a string with stim type, as well as kappa parameters (e.g., 4, 16), unless only 16 is passed. Required args: - gabk (int or list): gabor kappa parameter Optional args: - str_type (str) : use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") default: "file" Returns: - pars (str): string containing stim type (gabors) and kappa, unless only 16 is passed. """ gabk = gen_util.list_if_not(gabk) gabk = [int(g) for g in gabk] if str_type == "file": pars = "gab" elif str_type == "print": pars = "gabors" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) if 4 in gabk: if len(gabk) > 1: if str_type == "file": pars = f"{pars}_both" elif str_type == "print": pars = f"{pars} (both)" else: if str_type == "file": pars = f"{pars}{gabk[0]}" elif str_type == "print": pars = f"{pars} ({gabk[0]})" return pars
def lat_par_str(method="ttest", p_val_thr=0.005, rel_std=0.5, str_type="file"): """ lat_par_str() Returns a string for the latency calculation info. Optional args: - method (str) : latency calculating method ("ratio" or "ttest") default: "ttest" - p_val_thr (float): p-value threshold for t-test method default: 0.005 - rel_std (flot) : relative standard deviation threshold for ratio method default: 0.5 - str_type (str) : use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") default: "file" Return: - lat_str (str): string containing latency info """ if method == "ttest": ext_str = "pval" val = p_val_thr elif method == "ratio": ext_str = "std" val = rel_std else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("method", method, ["ttest", "ratio"]) if str_type == "print": val = gen_util.num_to_str(val, n_dec=5, dec_sep=".") lat_str = f"{val} {ext_str}" elif str_type == "file": val = gen_util.num_to_str(val, n_dec=5, dec_sep="-") lat_str = f"{val}{ext_str}" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) return lat_str
def datatype_par_str(datatype="roi"): """ datatype_par_str() Returns a string for the datatype. Optional args: - datatype (str): type of data, i.e. "run" or "roi" default: "roi" Returns: - data_str (list): string containing dimension """ if datatype == "run": data_str = "running" elif datatype == "roi": data_str = "ROI" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("datatype", datatype, ["roi", "run"]) return data_str
def get_nrois(nrois, n_bad_rois=0, n_bad_rois_dff=0, rem_bad=True, fluor="dff"): """ get_nrois(nrois) Returns number of ROIs based on whether dF/F traces are used and ROIs with NaN/Infs are removed from the data. Required args: - nrois (int) : number of ROIs in the session Optional args: - n_bad_rois (int) : number of ROIs with NaN/Infs in the raw data - n_bad_rois_dff (int): number of ROIs with NaN/Infs in the dF/F data - rem_bad (bool) : if True, the number of ROIs with NaN/Infs is removed from the total default: True - fluor (str) : if "raw", number of ROIs is calculated with n_bad_rois. If "dff", it is calculated with n_bad_rois_dff default: "dff" Returns: - nrois (int): resulting number of ROIs """ if rem_bad: if fluor == "dff": n_rem = n_bad_rois_dff elif fluor == "raw": n_rem = n_bad_rois else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("fluor", fluor, ["raw", "dff"]) nrois = nrois - n_rem return nrois
def load_sess_stim_seed(stim_dict, runtype="prod"): """ load_sess_stim_seed(stim_dict) Returns session's stimulus seed for this session. Expects all stimuli stored in the session's stimulus dictionary to share the same seed. Required args: - stim_dict (dict): stimlus dictionary Optional args: - runtype (str): runtype default: "prod" Returns: - seed (int): session's stimulus seed """ if runtype == "pilot": stim_param_key = "stimParams" sess_param_key = "subj_params" elif runtype == "prod": stim_param_key = "stim_params" sess_param_key = "session_params" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("runtype", runtype, ["pilot", "prod"]) seeds = [] for stimulus in stim_dict["stimuli"]: seeds.append(stimulus[stim_param_key][sess_param_key]["seed"]) if np.max(seeds) != np.min(seeds): raise RuntimeError("Unexpectedly found different seeds for different " "stimuli for this session.") seed = seeds[0] return seed
def dir_par_str(direc, str_type="file"): """ dir_par_str(direc) Returns a string with stim type, as well as direction parameters (e.g., "right", "left"), unless both possible values are passed. Required args: - direc (str or list): visual flow direction parameter Optional args: - str_type (str) : use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") default: "file" Returns: - pars (str): string containing stim type (visual flow) and direction, unless both possible values are passed. """ direc = gen_util.list_if_not(direc) if str_type == "file": pars = "visflow" elif str_type == "print": pars = "vis. flow" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) if len(direc) == 1 and direc[0] != "both": direc = direc[0] direc_detailed = sess_gen_util.get_visflow_screen_mouse_direc(direc) if str_type == "file": direc = direc_detailed[:5].strip(" ") # get left/right pars = f"{pars}_{direc}" elif str_type == "print": direc_detailed = direc_detailed.replace(" (", ", ").replace(")", "") pars = f"{pars} ({direc_detailed})" return pars
def datatype_dim_str(datatype="roi"): """ datatype_dim_str() Returns a string for the dimension along which error is calculated for the specified datatype. Optional args: - datatype (str): type of data, i.e. "run" or "roi" default: "roi" Returns: - dim_str (list): string containing dimension """ if datatype == "run": dim_str = "seqs" elif datatype == "roi": dim_str = "ROIs" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("datatype", datatype, ["roi", "run"]) return dim_str
def get_comp_info(permpar): """ get_comp_info(permpar) Returns p-value correction information. Required args: - permpar (PermPar or dict): named tuple containing permutation parameters Returns: - full_comp_info (str): string containing tails and multiple comparisons information """ if isinstance(permpar, dict): permpar = sess_ntuple_util.init_permpar(**permpar) if permpar.tails == "lo": comp_info = "one-tailed" elif permpar.tails == "hi": comp_info = "one-tailed" elif int(permpar.tails) == 2: comp_info = "two-tailed" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error( "permpar.tails", permpar.tails, ["lo", "hi", 2] ) if permpar.multcomp: comp_info = f"{int(permpar.multcomp)} comparisons, {comp_info}" corr_str = "Corrected" else: corr_str = "Raw" full_comp_info = f"{corr_str} p-values ({comp_info})" return full_comp_info
def get_nroi_strs(sess_info, empty=False, style="comma"): """ get_nroi_strs(sess_info) Returns strings with number of ROIs for each session. Required args: - sess_info (dict): dictionary containing information from each session ["mouse_ns"] (list) : mouse numbers if not empty: ["nrois"] (list) : number of ROIs in session - empty (bool) : if True, empty strings are returned for each session default: False - style (str) : style to use (following a comma ("comma") or in parentheses ("par")) Returns: - nroi_strs (list): list of strings containing number of ROIs for each session """ if empty: nroi_strs = [""] * len(sess_info["mouse_ns"]) else: nrois = sess_info["nrois"] if style == "comma": nroi_strs = [f", n={nroi}" for nroi in nrois] elif style == "par": nroi_strs = [f" (n={nroi})" for nroi in nrois] else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("style", style, ["comma", "par"]) return nroi_strs
def op_par_str(plot_vals="both", op="diff", str_type="file"): """ op_par_str() Returns a string from plot values and operation parameters to print or for a filename. Optional args: - plot_vals (str): "both", "unexp" or "exp" - op (str) : "diff", "ratio" default: "diff" - str_type (str) : use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") default: "file" Returns: - op_str (str): operation type string """ if op not in ["diff", "ratio"]: gen_util.accepted_values_error("op", op, ["diff", "ratio"]) if plot_vals not in ["both", "exp", "unexp"]: gen_util.accepted_values_error("plot_vals", plot_vals, ["both", "exp", "unexp"]) if plot_vals == "both": if str_type == "print": op_str = "for unexp v. exp" elif str_type == "file": op_str = op else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) else: if str_type == "print": op_str = f"for {plot_vals}" elif str_type == "file": op_str = plot_vals else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) return op_str
def stat_par_str(stats="mean", error="sem", str_type="file"): """ stat_par_str() Returns a string from statistical analysis parameters to print or for a filename. Optional args: - stats (str) : "mean" or "median" default: "mean" - error (str) : "std" (for std or quartiles) or "sem" (for SEM or MAD) or "None" is no error default: "sem" - str_type (str): use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console or for title ("print") default: "file" Returns: - stat_str (str): statistics combo string """ if error in ["None", "none"]: stat_str = stats else: if str_type == "print": sep = u" \u00B1 " # +- symbol elif str_type == "file": sep = "_" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) if stats == "mean": if error == "sem": error = "SEM" stat_str = u"{}{}{}".format(stats, sep, error) elif stats == "median": if error == "std": stat_str = u"{}{}qu".format(stats, sep) elif error == "sem": stat_str = u"{}{}MAD".format(stats, sep) else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("error", error, ["std", "sem", "None", "none"]) else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("stats", stats, ["mean", "median"]) return stat_str
def fluor_par_str(fluor="dff", str_type="file"): """ fluor_par_str() Returns a string from the fluorescence parameter to print or for a filename. Optional args: - fluor (str) : whether "raw" or processed fluorescence traces "dff" are used default: "dff" - str_type (str): "print" for a printable string and "file" for a string usable in a filename. default: "file" Returns: - fluor_str (str): fluorescence parameter string """ if fluor == "raw": if str_type == "print": fluor_str = "raw fluorescence intensity" elif str_type == "file": fluor_str = "raw" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) elif fluor == "dff": if str_type == "print": delta = u"\u0394" fluor_str = u"{}F/F".format(delta) elif str_type == "file": fluor_str = "dff" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("fluor", fluor, ["raw", "dff"]) return fluor_str
def dend_par_str(dend="extr", plane="dend", datatype="roi", str_type="file"): """ dend_par_str() Returns a string from dendrite parameter to print or for a filename. Optional args: - dend (str) : type of dendrite ("aibs" or "extr") default: "extr" - plane (str) : plane ("dend" or "soma") default: "dend" - datatype (str) : type of data ("roi", "run") default: "roi" - str_type (str) : use of output str, i.e., for a filename ("file") or to print the info to console ("print") default: "file" Returns: - dend_str (str): dendrite type string """ planes = ["dend", "soma", "any"] if plane not in planes: gen_util.accepted_values_error("plane", plane, planes) datatypes = ["roi", "run"] if datatype not in datatypes: gen_util.accepted_values_error("datatype", datatype, datatypes) dend_str = "" if plane in ["dend", "any"] and datatype == "roi" and dend == "aibs": if str_type == "file": dend_str = "_aibs" elif str_type == "print": dend_str = " (aibs)" else: gen_util.accepted_values_error("str_type", str_type, ["print", "file"]) return dend_str