async def PUT_Domain(request):
    """HTTP method to create a new domain"""
    app = request.app
    params = request.rel_url.query
    # verify username, password
    username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(
        request)  # throws exception if user/password is not valid
    await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd)

    # inital perms for owner and default
    owner_perm = {
        'create': True,
        'read': True,
        'update': True,
        'delete': True,
        'readACL': True,
        'updateACL': True
    default_perm = {
        'create': False,
        'read': True,
        'update': False,
        'delete': False,
        'readACL': False,
        'updateACL': False

        domain = getDomainFromRequest(request)
    except ValueError:
        msg = "Invalid domain"
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    log.info("PUT domain: {}, username: {}".format(domain, username))

    body = None
    if request.has_body:
        body = await request.json()
        log.debug("PUT domain with body: {}".format(body))

    if ("flush" in params and params["flush"]) or (body and "flush" in body
                                                   and body["flush"]):
        # flush domain - update existing domain rather than create a new resource
        domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain, reload=True)
        log.debug("got domain_json: {}".format(domain_json))

        if domain_json is None:
            log.warn("domain: {} not found".format(domain))
            raise HTTPNotFound()

        if 'owner' not in domain_json:
            log.error("No owner key found in domain")
            raise HTTPInternalServerError()

        if 'acls' not in domain_json:
            log.error("No acls key found in domain")
            raise HTTPInternalServerError()

        aclCheck(domain_json, "update",
                 username)  # throws exception if not allowed
        if "root" in domain_json:
            # nothing to do for folder objects
            await doFlush(app, domain_json["root"])
        # flush  successful
        resp = await jsonResponse(request, None, status=204)
        log.response(request, resp=resp)
        return resp

    is_folder = False
    owner = username
    linked_domain = None
    root_id = None

    if body and "folder" in body:
        if body["folder"]:
            is_folder = True
    if body and "owner" in body:
        owner = body["owner"]
    if body and "linked_domain" in body:
        if is_folder:
            msg = "Folder domains can not be used for links"
            raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
        linked_domain = body["linked_domain"]
        log.info(f"linking to domain: {linked_domain}")

    if owner != username and username != "admin":
        log.warn("Only admin users are allowed to set owner for new domains")
        raise HTTPForbidden()

    parent_domain = getParentDomain(domain)
    log.debug("Parent domain: [{}]".format(parent_domain))

    if (not parent_domain or parent_domain == '/') and not is_folder:
        msg = "Only folder domains can be created at the top-level"
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    if (not parent_domain or parent_domain == '/') and username != "admin":
        msg = "creation of top-level domains is only supported by admin users"
        raise HTTPForbidden()

    parent_json = None
    if parent_domain and parent_domain != '/':
            parent_json = await getDomainJson(app, parent_domain, reload=True)
        except ClientResponseError as ce:
            if ce.code == 404:
                msg = "Parent domain: {} not found".format(parent_domain)
                raise HTTPNotFound()
            elif ce.code == 410:
                msg = "Parent domain: {} removed".format(parent_domain)
                raise HTTPGone()
                log.error(f"Unexpected error: {ce.code}")
                raise HTTPInternalServerError()

        log.debug("parent_json {}: {}".format(parent_domain, parent_json))
        if "root" in parent_json and parent_json["root"]:
            msg = "Parent domain must be a folder"
            raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    if parent_json:
        aclCheck(parent_json, "create",
                 username)  # throws exception if not allowed

    if linked_domain:
        linked_json = await getDomainJson(app, linked_domain, reload=True)
        log.debug(f"got linked json: {linked_json}")
        if "root" not in linked_json:
            msg = "Folder domains cannot ber used as link target"
            raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
        root_id = linked_json["root"]
        aclCheck(linked_json, "read", username)
        aclCheck(linked_json, "delete", username)
        linked_json = None

    if not is_folder and not linked_json:
        # create a root group for the new domain
        root_id = createObjId("roots")
        log.debug("new root group id: {}".format(root_id))
        group_json = {"id": root_id, "root": root_id, "domain": domain}
        log.debug("create group for domain, body: " + json.dumps(group_json))

        # create root group
        req = getDataNodeUrl(app, root_id) + "/groups"
            group_json = await http_post(app, req, data=group_json)
        except ClientResponseError as ce:
            msg = "Error creating root group for domain -- " + str(ce)
            raise HTTPInternalServerError()
        log.debug("no root group, creating folder")

    domain_json = {}

    domain_acls = {}
    # owner gets full control
    domain_acls[owner] = owner_perm
    if config.get("default_public") or is_folder:
        # this will make the domain public readable
        log.debug("adding default perm for domain: {}".format(domain))
        domain_acls["default"] = default_perm

    # construct dn request to create new domain
    req = getDataNodeUrl(app, domain)
    req += "/domains"
    body = {"owner": owner, "domain": domain}
    body["acls"] = domain_acls

    if root_id:
        body["root"] = root_id

    log.debug("creating domain: {} with body: {}".format(domain, body))
        domain_json = await http_put(app, req, data=body)
    except ClientResponseError as ce:
        msg = "Error creating domain state -- " + str(ce)
        raise HTTPInternalServerError()

    # domain creation successful
    # maxin limits
    domain_json["limits"] = getLimits()
    domain_json["version"] = getVersion()
    resp = await jsonResponse(request, domain_json, status=201)
    log.response(request, resp=resp)
    return resp
async def POST_Dataset(request):
    """HTTP method to create a new dataset object"""
    app = request.app

    username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request)
    # write actions need auth
    await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd)

    if not request.has_body:
        msg = "POST Datasets with no body"
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    body = await request.json()

    # get domain, check authorization
    domain = getDomainFromRequest(request)
    if not isValidDomain(domain):
        msg = "Invalid host value: {}".format(domain)
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain, reload=True)
    root_id = domain_json["root"]

    aclCheck(domain_json, "create",
             username)  # throws exception if not allowed

    if "root" not in domain_json:
        msg = "Expected root key for domain: {}".format(domain)
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    # validate type input
    if "type" not in body:
        msg = "POST Dataset has no type key in body"
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    datatype = body["type"]
    if isinstance(datatype, str) and datatype.startswith("t-"):
        # Committed type - fetch type json from DN
        ctype_id = datatype
        log.debug("got ctypeid: {}".format(ctype_id))
        ctype_json = await getObjectJson(app, ctype_id)
        log.debug("ctype: {}".format(ctype_json))
        if ctype_json["root"] != root_id:
            msg = "Referenced committed datatype must belong in same domain"
            raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
        datatype = ctype_json["type"]
        # add the ctype_id to type type
        datatype["id"] = ctype_id
    elif isinstance(datatype, str):
            # convert predefined type string (e.g. "H5T_STD_I32LE") to
            # corresponding json representation
            datatype = getBaseTypeJson(datatype)
            log.debug("got datatype: {}".format(datatype))
        except TypeError:
            msg = "POST Dataset with invalid predefined type"
            raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    item_size = getItemSize(datatype)

    # Validate shape input
    dims = None
    shape_json = {}

    if "shape" not in body:
        shape_json["class"] = "H5S_SCALAR"
        shape = body["shape"]
        if isinstance(shape, int):
            shape_json["class"] = "H5S_SIMPLE"
            dims = [
            shape_json["dims"] = dims
        elif isinstance(shape, str):
            # only valid string value is H5S_NULL
            if shape != "H5S_NULL":
                msg = "POST Datset with invalid shape value"
                raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
            shape_json["class"] = "H5S_NULL"
        elif isinstance(shape, list):
            if len(shape) == 0:
                shape_json["class"] = "H5S_SCALAR"
                shape_json["class"] = "H5S_SIMPLE"
                shape_json["dims"] = shape
                dims = shape
            msg = "Bad Request: shape is invalid"
            raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    if dims is not None:
        for i in range(len(dims)):
            extent = dims[i]
            if not isinstance(extent, int):
                msg = "Invalid shape type"
                raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
            if extent < 0:
                msg = "shape dimension is negative"
                raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    maxdims = None
    if "maxdims" in body:
        if dims is None:
            msg = "Maxdims cannot be supplied if space is NULL"
            raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

        maxdims = body["maxdims"]
        if isinstance(maxdims, int):
            dim1 = maxdims
            maxdims = [dim1]
        elif isinstance(maxdims, list):
            pass  # can use as is
            msg = "Bad Request: maxdims is invalid"
            raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
        if len(dims) != len(maxdims):
            msg = "Maxdims rank doesn't match Shape"
            raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    if maxdims is not None:
        for extent in maxdims:
            if not isinstance(extent, int):
                msg = "Invalid maxdims type"
                raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
            if extent < 0:
                msg = "maxdims dimension is negative"
                raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
        if len(maxdims) != len(dims):
            msg = "Bad Request: maxdims array length must equal shape array length"
            raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
        shape_json["maxdims"] = []
        for i in range(len(dims)):
            maxextent = maxdims[i]
            if not isinstance(maxextent, int):
                msg = "Bad Request: maxdims must be integer type"
                raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
            elif maxextent == 0:
                # unlimited dimension
            elif maxextent < dims[i]:
                msg = "Bad Request: maxdims extent can't be smaller than shape extent"
                raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    layout = None
    min_chunk_size = int(config.get("min_chunk_size"))
    max_chunk_size = int(config.get("max_chunk_size"))
    if 'creationProperties' in body:
        creationProperties = body["creationProperties"]
        if 'layout' in creationProperties:
            layout = creationProperties["layout"]

            validateChunkLayout(shape_json, item_size, layout)

    if layout is None and shape_json["class"] != "H5S_NULL":
        # default to chunked layout
        layout = {"class": "H5D_CHUNKED"}

    if layout and layout["class"] == 'H5D_CONTIGUOUS_REF':
        chunk_dims = getContiguousLayout(shape_json,
        layout["dims"] = chunk_dims
        log.debug(f"autoContiguous layout: {layout}")

    if layout and layout["class"] == 'H5D_CHUNKED' and "dims" not in layout:
        # do autochunking
        chunk_dims = guessChunk(shape_json, item_size)
        layout["dims"] = chunk_dims
        log.debug(f"initial autochunk layout: {layout}")

    if layout and layout["class"] == 'H5D_CHUNKED':
        chunk_dims = layout["dims"]
        chunk_size = getChunkSize(chunk_dims, item_size)

        log.debug("chunk_size: {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(
            chunk_size, min_chunk_size, max_chunk_size))
        # adjust the chunk shape if chunk size is too small or too big
        adjusted_chunk_dims = None
        if chunk_size < min_chunk_size:
                "chunk size: {} less than min size: {}, expanding".format(
                    chunk_size, min_chunk_size))
            adjusted_chunk_dims = expandChunk(chunk_dims,
        elif chunk_size > max_chunk_size:
                "chunk size: {} greater than max size: {}, expanding".format(
                    chunk_size, max_chunk_size, layout_class=layout["class"]))
            adjusted_chunk_dims = shrinkChunk(chunk_dims,
        if adjusted_chunk_dims:
                f"requested chunk_dimensions: {chunk_dims} modified dimensions: {adjusted_chunk_dims}"
            layout["dims"] = adjusted_chunk_dims

    if layout and layout["class"] in ('H5D_CHUNKED_REF',
        chunk_dims = layout["dims"]
        chunk_size = getChunkSize(chunk_dims, item_size)

        log.debug("chunk_size: {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(
            chunk_size, min_chunk_size, max_chunk_size))
        # adjust the chunk shape if chunk size is too small or too big
        if chunk_size < min_chunk_size:
                "chunk size: {} less than min size: {} for H5D_CHUNKED_REF dataset"
                .format(chunk_size, min_chunk_size))
        elif chunk_size > max_chunk_size:
                "chunk size: {} greater than max size: {}, for H5D_CHUNKED_REF dataset"

    link_id = None
    link_title = None
    if "link" in body:
        link_body = body["link"]
        if "id" in link_body:
            link_id = link_body["id"]
        if "name" in link_body:
            link_title = link_body["name"]
        if link_id and link_title:
            log.info("link id: {}".format(link_id))
            # verify that the referenced id exists and is in this domain
            # and that the requestor has permissions to create a link
            await validateAction(app, domain, link_id, username, "create")

    dset_id = createObjId("datasets", rootid=root_id)
    log.info("new  dataset id: {}".format(dset_id))

    dataset_json = {
        "id": dset_id,
        "root": root_id,
        "type": datatype,
        "shape": shape_json

    if "creationProperties" in body:
        # TBD - validate all creationProperties
        creationProperties = body["creationProperties"]
        if "fillValue" in creationProperties:
            # validate fill value compatible with type
            dt = createDataType(datatype)
            fill_value = creationProperties["fillValue"]
            if isinstance(fill_value, list):
                fill_value = tuple(fill_value)
                np.asarray(fill_value, dtype=dt)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                msg = "Fill value {} not compatible with dataset type: {}".format(
                    fill_value, datatype)
                raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

        dataset_json["creationProperties"] = creationProperties

    if layout is not None:
        dataset_json["layout"] = layout

    log.debug("create dataset: " + json.dumps(dataset_json))
    req = getDataNodeUrl(app, dset_id) + "/datasets"

    post_json = await http_post(app, req, data=dataset_json)

    # create link if requested
    if link_id and link_title:
        link_json = {}
        link_json["id"] = dset_id
        link_json["class"] = "H5L_TYPE_HARD"
        link_req = getDataNodeUrl(app, link_id)
        link_req += "/groups/" + link_id + "/links/" + link_title
        log.info("PUT link - : " + link_req)
        put_rsp = await http_put(app, link_req, data=link_json)
        log.debug("PUT Link resp: {}".format(put_rsp))

    # dataset creation successful
    resp = await jsonResponse(request, post_json, status=201)
    log.response(request, resp=resp)

    return resp
async def POST_Group(request):
    """HTTP method to create new Group object"""
    app = request.app

    username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request)
    # write actions need auth
    await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd)

    domain = getDomainFromRequest(request)
    if not isValidDomain(domain):
        msg = f"Invalid domain: {domain}"
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
    bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain)

    domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain, reload=True)

    aclCheck(domain_json, "create",
             username)  # throws exception if not allowed

    if "root" not in domain_json:
        msg = f"Expected root key for domain: {domain}"
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    link_id = None
    link_title = None
    if request.has_body:
        body = await request.json()
        log.info(f"POST Group body: {body}")
        if body:
            if "link" in body:
                link_body = body["link"]
                log.debug(f"link_body: {link_body}")
                if "id" in link_body:
                    link_id = link_body["id"]
                if "name" in link_body:
                    link_title = link_body["name"]
                if link_id and link_title:
                    log.debug(f"link id: {link_id}")
                    # verify that the referenced id exists and is in this domain
                    # and that the requestor has permissions to create a link
                    await validateAction(app, domain, link_id, username,
            if not link_id or not link_title:
                log.warn(f"POST Group body with no link: {body}")

    domain_json = await getDomainJson(
        app, domain)  # get again in case cache was invalidated

    root_id = domain_json["root"]
    group_id = createObjId("groups", rootid=root_id)
    log.info(f"new  group id: {group_id}")
    group_json = {"id": group_id, "root": root_id}
    log.debug("create group, body: " + json.dumps(group_json))
    req = getDataNodeUrl(app, group_id) + "/groups"
    params = {}
    if bucket:
        params["bucket"] = bucket

    group_json = await http_post(app, req, data=group_json, params=params)

    # create link if requested
    if link_id and link_title:
        link_json = {}
        link_json["id"] = group_id
        link_json["class"] = "H5L_TYPE_HARD"
        link_req = getDataNodeUrl(app, link_id)
        link_req += "/groups/" + link_id + "/links/" + link_title
        log.debug("PUT link - : " + link_req)
        put_json_rsp = await http_put(app,
        log.debug(f"PUT Link resp: {put_json_rsp}")
    log.debug("returning resp")
    # group creation successful
    resp = await jsonResponse(request, group_json, status=201)
    log.response(request, resp=resp)
    return resp
文件: ctype_sn.py 项目: t20100/hsds
async def POST_Datatype(request):
    """HTTP method to create new committed datatype object"""
    app = request.app

    username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request)
    # write actions need auth
    await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd)

    if not request.has_body:
        msg = "POST Datatype with no body"
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    body = await request.json()
    if "type" not in body:
        msg = "POST Datatype has no type key in body"
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
    datatype = body["type"]
    if isinstance(datatype, str):
            # convert predefined type string (e.g. "H5T_STD_I32LE") to
            # corresponding json representation
            datatype = getBaseTypeJson(datatype)
            log.debug(f"got datatype: {datatype}")
        except TypeError:
            msg = "POST Dataset with invalid predefined type"
            raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    domain = getDomainFromRequest(request)
    if not isValidDomain(domain):
        msg = f"Invalid domain: {domain}"
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
    bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain)
    domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain, reload=True)

    aclCheck(domain_json, "create",
             username)  # throws exception if not allowed

    if "root" not in domain_json:
        msg = f"Expected root key for domain: {domain}"
        raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

    link_id = None
    link_title = None
    if "link" in body:
        link_body = body["link"]
        if "id" in link_body:
            link_id = link_body["id"]
        if "name" in link_body:
            link_title = link_body["name"]
        if link_id and link_title:
            log.debug(f"link id: {link_id}")
            # verify that the referenced id exists and is in this domain
            # and that the requestor has permissions to create a link
            await validateAction(app, domain, link_id, username, "create")

    root_id = domain_json["root"]
    ctype_id = createObjId("datatypes", rootid=root_id)
    log.debug(f"new  type id: {ctype_id}")
    ctype_json = {"id": ctype_id, "root": root_id, "type": datatype}
    log.debug("create named type, body: " + json.dumps(ctype_json))
    req = getDataNodeUrl(app, ctype_id) + "/datatypes"
    params = {}
    if bucket:
        params["bucket"] = bucket

    type_json = await http_post(app, req, data=ctype_json, params=params)

    # create link if requested
    if link_id and link_title:
        link_json = {}
        link_json["id"] = ctype_id
        link_json["class"] = "H5L_TYPE_HARD"
        link_req = getDataNodeUrl(app, link_id)
        link_req += "/groups/" + link_id + "/links/" + link_title
        log.debug("PUT link - : " + link_req)
        put_rsp = await http_put(app, link_req, data=link_json, params=params)
        log.debug(f"PUT Link resp: {put_rsp}")

    # datatype creation successful
    resp = await jsonResponse(request, type_json, status=201)
    log.response(request, resp=resp)

    return resp