def train(self): """ Method that trains a model using tf.Estimator using parameters defined in the constructor. """ if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger = TimeLogger([ "Fetch Data ", "Parse Data ", "To Dataset ", "Build Model ", "Compute Loss ", "Estimator ", "Save Model " ]) print("-> Starting training...") for epoch in range(self.train_epochs): self.estimator.train(input_fn=self.train_input_fn, steps=self.train_steps) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log(5) if epoch > 0 and epoch % self.period == 0: self.export_model() if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log(6) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.print_logs() print("-> Done!")
#LOAD MODEL model = DQN_Model(input_shape=env.observation_space.shape, num_actions=env.action_space.n, conv_layer_params=CONV_LAYER_PARAMS, fc_layer_params=FC_LAYER_PARAMS, learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE) #GLOBAL ITERATOR global_i = cbt_global_iterator(cbt_table) print("global_i = {}".format(global_i)) if args.log_time is True: time_logger = TimeLogger([ "0Collect Data", "1Take Action / conv b", "2Append new obs / conv b", "3Generate Visual obs keys", "4Build pb2 objects traj", "5Write Cells visual", "6Batch visual", "7Write cells traj", "8Write cells traj" ], num_cycles=args.num_episodes) #COLLECT DATA FOR CBT print("-> Starting data collection...") rows, visual_obs_rows = [], [] for cycle in range(args.num_cycles): gcs_load_weights(model, gcs_bucket, args.prefix, args.tmp_weights_filepath) for i in tqdm(range(args.num_episodes), "Cycle {}".format(cycle)): if args.log_time is True: time_logger.reset() #CREATE ROW_KEY row_key_i = i + global_i + (cycle * args.num_episodes)
#LOAD MODEL model = DQN_Model(input_shape=env.observation_space.shape, num_actions=env.action_space.n, conv_layer_params=CONV_LAYER_PARAMS, fc_layer_params=FC_LAYER_PARAMS, learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE) #GLOBAL ITERATOR global_i = cbt_global_iterator(cbt_table) print("global_i = {}".format(global_i)) #INITIALIZE EXECUTION TIME LOGGER if args.log_time is True: time_logger = TimeLogger([ "Load Weights ", "Run Environment ", "Data To Bytes ", "Write Cells ", "Mutate Rows " ]) #COLLECT DATA FOR CBT print("-> Starting data collection...") rows = [] for cycle in range(args.num_cycles): if args.log_time is True: time_logger.reset() gcs_load_weights(model, gcs_bucket, args.prefix, args.tmp_weights_filepath) if args.log_time is True: time_logger.log("Load Weights ") for i in tqdm(range(args.num_episodes), "Cycle {}".format(cycle)):
} } data = json.dumps(items_to_json, separators=(',', ':'), cls=NumpyEncoder) json.dump(data, fd) fd.write("\n") i = +1 #GLOBAL ITERATOR global_i = cbt_global_iterator(cbt_table) print("global_i = {}".format(global_i)) if args.log_time is True: time_logger = TimeLogger( ["Collect Data", "Serialize Data", "Write Cells", "Mutate Rows"], num_cycles=args.num_episodes) #COLLECT DATA FOR CBT print("-> Starting data collection...") rows = [] for cycle in range(args.num_cycles): #gcs_load_weights(model, gcs_bucket, args.prefix, args.tmp_weights_filepath) for i in tqdm(range(args.num_episodes), "Cycle {}".format(cycle)): if args.log_time is True: time_logger.reset() #RL LOOP GENERATES A TRAJECTORY data = collect_data(env, random_policy, steps=args.max_steps) print("data: ", data[1].action_step.action.numpy()) write_data(data, "Rab-Agent_: " + (str(cycle)) + "_" + (str(i))) env.close()
#LOAD MODEL model = DQN_Model(input_shape=VISUAL_OBS_SPEC, num_actions=NUM_ACTIONS, conv_layer_params=CONV_LAYER_PARAMS, fc_layer_params=FC_LAYER_PARAMS, learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE) gcs_load_weights(model, gcs_bucket, args.prefix, args.tmp_weights_filepath) #SETUP TENSORBOARD/LOGGING train_log_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'logs/') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(train_log_dir), exist_ok=True) loss_metrics = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('train_loss', dtype=tf.float32) train_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(train_log_dir) if args.log_time is True: time_logger = TimeLogger( ["Fetch Data", "Parse Data", "Compute Loss", "Generate Grads"], num_cycles=args.train_steps) #TRAINING LOOP train_step = 0 exp_buff = ExperienceBuffer(args.buffer_size) print("-> Starting training...") for epoch in range(args.train_epochs): if args.log_time is True: time_logger.reset() #FETCH DATA global_i = cbt_global_iterator(cbt_table) rows = cbt_read_rows(cbt_table, args.prefix, args.train_steps, global_i) if args.log_time is True: time_logger.log(0)
#LOAD MODEL model = DQN_Model(input_shape=VECTOR_OBS_SPEC, num_actions=NUM_ACTIONS, fc_layer_params=FC_LAYER_PARAMS, learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE) gcs_load_weights(model, gcs_bucket, args.prefix, args.tmp_weights_filepath) #SETUP TENSORBOARD/LOGGING train_log_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'logs/') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(train_log_dir), exist_ok=True) loss_metrics = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('train_loss', dtype=tf.float32) train_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(train_log_dir) if args.log_time is True: time_logger = TimeLogger( ["Parse Data", "Format Data", "Compute Loss", "Generate Grads"], num_cycles=args.train_steps) #TRAINING LOOP train_step = 0 exp_buff = ExperienceBuffer(args.buffer_size) print("-> Starting training...") for epoch in range(args.train_epochs): if args.log_time is True: time_logger.reset() #FETCH DATA global_i = cbt_global_iterator(cbt_table) rows = cbt_read_rows(cbt_table, args.prefix, args.train_steps, global_i) for row in tqdm(
class DQN_Agent(): """ Class for controlling and managing training from a bigtable database. Attributes: cbt_table ( Bigtable table object returned from [util.gcp_io.cbt_load_table]. gcs_bucket ( GCS bucket object returned from [util.gcp_io.gcs_load_bucket]. gcs_bucket_id (str): Global name of the GCS bucket where the model will be saved/loaded. prefix (str): Prefix used for model and trajectory names. tmp_weights_filepath (str): Temporary local path for saving model before copying to GCS. buffer_size (int): Max size of the experience buffer. batch_size (int): Batch size for estimator. train_epochs (int): Number of cycles of querying bigtable and training. train_steps (int): Number of train steps per epoch. period (int): Interval for saving models. output_dir (str): Output directory for logs and models. log_time (bool): Flag for time logging. num_gpus (int): Number of gpu devices for estimator. """ def __init__(self, cbt_table, gcs_bucket, gcs_bucket_id, prefix, tmp_weights_filepath, buffer_size, batch_size, train_epochs, train_steps, period, output_dir=None, log_time=False, num_gpus=0): """ The constructor for DQN_Agent class. """ self.cbt_table = cbt_table self.gcs_bucket = gcs_bucket self.gcs_bucket_id = gcs_bucket_id self.prefix = prefix self.tmp_weights_filepath = tmp_weights_filepath self.exp_buff = ExperienceBuffer(buffer_size) self.batch_size = batch_size self.train_epochs = train_epochs self.train_steps = train_steps self.period = period self.output_dir = output_dir self.log_time = log_time distribution_strategy = get_distribution_strategy( distribution_strategy="default", num_gpus=num_gpus) run_config = tf.estimator.RunConfig( train_distribute=distribution_strategy) data_format = ('channels_first' if tf.test.is_built_with_cuda() else 'channels_last') model_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'models/') self.estimator = tf.estimator.Estimator( model_fn=self.model_fn, model_dir=model_dir, config=run_config, params={'data_format': data_format}) def model_fn(self, features, labels, mode, params): """ Function to be passed as argument to tf.Estimator. Parameters: features (tuple): (obs, next_obs) S and S' of a (S,A,R,S') transition. labels (tuple): (actions, rewards, next_mask) A and R of a transition, plus a mask for bootstrapping. mode (tf.estimator.ModeKeys): Estimator object that defines which op is called. (currently always .TRAIN) params (dict): Optional dictionary of parameters for building custom models. (not currently implemented) """ #BUILD MODEL model = DQN_Model(input_shape=VISUAL_OBS_SPEC, num_actions=NUM_ACTIONS, conv_layer_params=CONV_LAYER_PARAMS, fc_layer_params=FC_LAYER_PARAMS, learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE) ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(step=tf.compat.v1.train.get_global_step(), optimizer=model.opt, net=model) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log(3) (obs, next_obs) = features (actions, rewards, next_mask) = labels #COMPUTE LOSS with tf.GradientTape() as tape: q_pred, q_next = model(obs), model(next_obs) one_hot_actions = tf.one_hot(actions, NUM_ACTIONS) q_pred = tf.reduce_sum(q_pred * one_hot_actions, axis=-1) q_next = tf.reduce_max(q_next, axis=-1) q_next = tf.cast(q_next, dtype=tf.float64) * next_mask q_target = rewards + tf.multiply( tf.constant(GAMMA, dtype=tf.float64), q_next) loss = tf.reduce_sum(model.loss(q_target, q_pred)) #GENERATE GRADIENTS total_grads = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables) grads_op = model.opt.apply_gradients( zip(total_grads, model.trainable_variables), tf.compat.v1.train.get_global_step()) train_op = grads_op if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log(4) #RUN ESTIMATOR IN TRAIN MODE return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode=tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN, predictions=q_pred, loss=loss, train_op=train_op, scaffold=tf.compat.v1.train.Scaffold(saver=ckpt)) def train_input_fn(self): """ Input function to be passed to estimator.train(). Reads a single row from bigtable at a time until an experience buffer is filled to a specified buffer_size. """ if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.reset() global_i = cbt_global_iterator(self.cbt_table) - 1 i = 0 self.exp_buff.reset() while True: #FETCH ROW FROM CBT row_i = global_i - i row = cbt_read_row(self.cbt_table, self.prefix, row_i) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log(0) #DESERIALIZE DATA bytes_traj = row.cells['trajectory']['traj'.encode()][0].value bytes_info = row.cells['trajectory']['info'.encode()][0].value traj, info = Trajectory(), Info() traj.ParseFromString(bytes_traj) info.ParseFromString(bytes_info) #FORMAT DATA obs_shape = np.append(info.num_steps, info.visual_obs_spec).astype(int) obs = np.asarray(traj.visual_obs).reshape(obs_shape) self.exp_buff.add_trajectory(obs, traj.actions, traj.rewards, info.num_steps) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log(1) if self.exp_buff.size >= self.exp_buff.max_size: break i += 1 print("-> Fetched trajectories {} - {}".format(global_i - i, global_i)) dataset = ((self.exp_buff.obs, self.exp_buff.next_obs), (self.exp_buff.actions, self.exp_buff.rewards, self.exp_buff.next_mask))) dataset = dataset.shuffle(self.exp_buff.max_size).repeat().batch( self.batch_size) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log(2) return dataset def export_model(self): """ Method that saves the latest checkpoint to gcs_bucket. """ model_path = 'gs://' + self.gcs_bucket_id + '/' + self.prefix + '_model' latest_checkpoint = self.estimator.latest_checkpoint() print(latest_checkpoint) all_checkpoint_files = + '*') for filename in all_checkpoint_files: suffix = filename.partition(latest_checkpoint)[2] destination_path = model_path + suffix print('Copying {} to {}'.format(filename, destination_path)), destination_path, overwrite=True) def train(self): """ Method that trains a model using tf.Estimator using parameters defined in the constructor. """ if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger = TimeLogger([ "Fetch Data ", "Parse Data ", "To Dataset ", "Build Model ", "Compute Loss ", "Estimator ", "Save Model " ]) print("-> Starting training...") for epoch in range(self.train_epochs): self.estimator.train(input_fn=self.train_input_fn, steps=self.train_steps) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log(5) if epoch > 0 and epoch % self.period == 0: self.export_model() if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log(6) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.print_logs() print("-> Done!")
class DQN_Agent(): """ Class for controlling and managing training from a bigtable database. Attributes: cbt_table ( Bigtable table object returned from [util.gcp_io.cbt_load_table]. gcs_bucket ( GCS bucket object returned from [util.gcp_io.gcs_load_bucket]. gcs_bucket_id (str): Global name of the GCS bucket where the model will be saved/loaded. prefix (str): Prefix used for model and trajectory names. tmp_weights_filepath (str): Temporary local path for saving model before copying to GCS. buffer_size (int): Max size of the experience buffer. batch_size (int): Batch size for estimator. train_epochs (int): Number of cycles of querying bigtable and training. train_steps (int): Number of train steps per epoch. period (int): Interval for saving models. output_dir (str): Output directory for logs and models. log_time (bool): Flag for time logging. num_gpus (int): Number of gpu devices for estimator. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ The constructor for DQN_Agent class. """ hyperparams = kwargs['hyperparams'] self.input_shape = hyperparams['input_shape'] self.num_actions = hyperparams['num_actions'] self.gamma = hyperparams['gamma'] self.cbt_table = kwargs['cbt_table'] self.gcs_bucket = kwargs['gcs_bucket'] self.gcs_bucket_id = kwargs['gcs_bucket_id'] self.prefix = kwargs['prefix'] self.tmp_weights_filepath = kwargs['tmp_weights_filepath'] self.batch_size = kwargs['batch_size'] self.num_trajectories = kwargs['num_trajectories'] self.train_epochs = kwargs['train_epochs'] self.train_steps = kwargs['train_steps'] self.period = kwargs['period'] self.output_dir = kwargs['output_dir'] self.log_time = kwargs['log_time'] self.num_gpus = kwargs['num_gpus'] self.tpu_name = kwargs['tpu_name'] self.wandb = kwargs['wandb'] self.exp_buff = ExperienceBuffer(kwargs['buffer_size']) if self.tpu_name is not None: self.distribution_strategy = get_distribution_strategy( distribution_strategy='tpu', tpu_address=self.tpu_name) self.device = '/job:worker' else: self.distribution_strategy = get_distribution_strategy( distribution_strategy='default', num_gpus=self.num_gpus) self.device = None with tf.device(self.device), self.distribution_strategy.scope(): self.model = DQN_Model( input_shape=self.input_shape, num_actions=self.num_actions, conv_layer_params=hyperparams['conv_layer_params'], fc_layer_params=hyperparams['fc_layer_params'], learning_rate=hyperparams['learning_rate']) gcs_load_weights(self.model, self.gcs_bucket, self.prefix, self.tmp_weights_filepath) def fill_experience_buffer(self): """ Method that fills the experience buffer object from CBT. Reads a batch of rows and parses through them until experience buffer reaches buffer_size. """ self.exp_buff.reset() if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.reset() #FETCH DATA global_i = cbt_global_iterator(self.cbt_table) rows = cbt_read_rows(self.cbt_table, self.prefix, self.num_trajectories, global_i) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log("Fetch Data ") for row in tqdm( rows, "Parsing trajectories {} - {}".format( global_i - self.num_trajectories, global_i - 1)): #DESERIALIZE DATA bytes_obs = row.cells['trajectory']['obs'.encode()][0].value bytes_actions = row.cells['trajectory'][ 'actions'.encode()][0].value bytes_rewards = row.cells['trajectory'][ 'rewards'.encode()][0].value if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log("Parse Bytes ") #FORMAT DATA actions = np.frombuffer(bytes_actions, dtype=np.uint8).astype(np.int32) rewards = np.frombuffer(bytes_rewards, dtype=np.float32) num_steps = actions.size obs_shape = np.append(num_steps, self.input_shape).astype(np.int32) obs = np.frombuffer(bytes_obs, dtype=np.float32).reshape(obs_shape) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log("Format Data ") self.exp_buff.add_trajectory(obs, actions, rewards, num_steps) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log("Add To Exp_Buff ") self.exp_buff.preprocess() dataset = ((self.exp_buff.obs, self.exp_buff.next_obs), (self.exp_buff.actions, self.exp_buff.rewards, self.exp_buff.next_mask))) dataset = dataset.shuffle(self.exp_buff.max_size).repeat().batch( self.batch_size) dist_dataset = self.distribution_strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset( dataset) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log("To Dataset ") return dist_dataset def train(self): """ Method that trains a model using using parameters defined in the constructor. """ @tf.function def train_step(dist_inputs): def step_fn(inputs): ((b_obs, b_next_obs), (b_actions, b_rewards, b_next_mask)) = inputs with tf.GradientTape() as tape: q_pred, q_next = self.model(b_obs), self.model(b_next_obs) one_hot_actions = tf.one_hot(b_actions, self.num_actions) q_pred = tf.reduce_sum(q_pred * one_hot_actions, axis=-1) q_next = tf.reduce_max(q_next, axis=-1) q_target = b_rewards + ( tf.constant(self.gamma, dtype=tf.float32) * q_next) mse = self.model.loss(q_target, q_pred) loss = tf.reduce_sum(mse) total_grads = tape.gradient(loss, self.model.trainable_weights) self.model.opt.apply_gradients( list(zip(total_grads, self.model.trainable_weights))) return mse per_example_losses = self.distribution_strategy.experimental_run_v2( step_fn, args=(dist_inputs, )) mean_loss = self.distribution_strategy.reduce( tf.distribute.ReduceOp.MEAN, per_example_losses, axis=None) return mean_loss if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger = TimeLogger([ "Fetch Data ", "Parse Bytes ", "Format Data ", "Add To Exp_Buff ", "To Dataset ", "Train Step ", "Save Model " ]) print("-> Starting training...") for epoch in range(self.train_epochs): with tf.device(self.device), self.distribution_strategy.scope(): dataset = self.fill_experience_buffer() exp_buff = iter(dataset) losses = [] for step in tqdm(range(self.train_steps), "Training epoch {}".format(epoch)): loss = train_step(next(exp_buff)) losses.append(loss) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log("Train Step ") if self.wandb is not None: mean_loss = np.mean(losses) tf.summary.scalar("Mean Loss", mean_loss, epoch) self.wandb.log({"Epoch": epoch, "Mean Loss": mean_loss}) if epoch > 0 and epoch % self.period == 0: model_filename = self.prefix + '_model.h5' gcs_save_weights(self.model, self.gcs_bucket, self.tmp_weights_filepath, model_filename) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log("Save Model ") if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.print_totaltime_logs() print("-> Done!")
def train(self): """ Method that trains a model using using parameters defined in the constructor. """ @tf.function def train_step(dist_inputs): def step_fn(inputs): ((b_obs, b_next_obs), (b_actions, b_rewards, b_next_mask)) = inputs with tf.GradientTape() as tape: q_pred, q_next = self.model(b_obs), self.model(b_next_obs) one_hot_actions = tf.one_hot(b_actions, self.num_actions) q_pred = tf.reduce_sum(q_pred * one_hot_actions, axis=-1) q_next = tf.reduce_max(q_next, axis=-1) q_target = b_rewards + ( tf.constant(self.gamma, dtype=tf.float32) * q_next) mse = self.model.loss(q_target, q_pred) loss = tf.reduce_sum(mse) total_grads = tape.gradient(loss, self.model.trainable_weights) self.model.opt.apply_gradients( list(zip(total_grads, self.model.trainable_weights))) return mse per_example_losses = self.distribution_strategy.experimental_run_v2( step_fn, args=(dist_inputs, )) mean_loss = self.distribution_strategy.reduce( tf.distribute.ReduceOp.MEAN, per_example_losses, axis=None) return mean_loss if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger = TimeLogger([ "Fetch Data ", "Parse Bytes ", "Format Data ", "Add To Exp_Buff ", "To Dataset ", "Train Step ", "Save Model " ]) print("-> Starting training...") for epoch in range(self.train_epochs): with tf.device(self.device), self.distribution_strategy.scope(): dataset = self.fill_experience_buffer() exp_buff = iter(dataset) losses = [] for step in tqdm(range(self.train_steps), "Training epoch {}".format(epoch)): loss = train_step(next(exp_buff)) losses.append(loss) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log("Train Step ") if self.wandb is not None: mean_loss = np.mean(losses) tf.summary.scalar("Mean Loss", mean_loss, epoch) self.wandb.log({"Epoch": epoch, "Mean Loss": mean_loss}) if epoch > 0 and epoch % self.period == 0: model_filename = self.prefix + '_model.h5' gcs_save_weights(self.model, self.gcs_bucket, self.tmp_weights_filepath, model_filename) if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.log("Save Model ") if self.log_time is True: self.time_logger.print_totaltime_logs() print("-> Done!")
args.bucket_id, credentials) #LOAD MODEL model = DQN_Model(input_shape=VECTOR_OBS_SPEC, num_actions=NUM_ACTIONS, fc_layer_params=FC_LAYER_PARAMS, learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE) # gcs_load_weights(model, gcs_bucket, args.prefix, args.tmp_weights_filepath) #SETUP TENSORBOARD/LOGGING train_log_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'logs/') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(train_log_dir), exist_ok=True) loss_metrics = tf.keras.metrics.Mean('train_loss', dtype=tf.float32) train_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(train_log_dir) if args.log_time is True: time_logger = TimeLogger( ['Fetch Data', 'Parse Data', 'Compute Loss', 'Generate Grads']) #TRAINING LOOP train_step = 0 print("-> Starting training...") for epoch in range(args.train_epochs): if args.log_time is True: time_logger.reset() #FETCH DATA global_i = cbt_global_iterator(cbt_table) rows = cbt_read_rows(cbt_table, args.prefix, args.train_steps, global_i) if args.log_time is True: time_logger.log('Fetch Data')