def __init__(self, uri, **kwds): self.uri = uri self.dataset = self.connect(uri) ## construct interfaces self.spatial = SpatialInterface(self.dataset, **kwds) self.temporal = TemporalInterface(self.dataset, **kwds) try: self.level = LevelInterface(self.dataset, **kwds) except PolyElementNotFound: warn('No "level" variable found. Assuming NoneType.') self.level = None ## extract other keyword arguments ------------------------------------- self.verbose = kwds.get('verbose') self.time_units = kwds.get( 'time_units') or 'days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00' self.calendar = kwds.get('calendar') or 'proleptic_gregorian' self.level_name = kwds.get('level_name') or 'levels' ## extract the row and column bounds from the dataset self.row_bnds = self.spatial.rowbnds.value[:] self.col_bnds = self.spatial.colbnds.value[:] ## convert the time vector to datetime objects self.timevec = nc.netcdftime.num2date(self.temporal.time.value[:], self.time_units, self.calendar) self.timeidx = np.arange(0, len(self.timevec)) self.tids = np.arange(1, len(self.timevec) + 1) ## pull levels if possible if self.level is not None: self.levelvec = np.arange(1, len(self.level.level.value[:]) + 1) self.levelidx = np.arange(0, len(self.levelvec)) else: self.levelvec = np.array([1]) self.levelidx = np.array([0]) ## these are base numpy arrays used by spatial operations. ------------- ## four numpy arrays one for each bounding coordinate of a polygon self.min_col, self.min_row = self.spatial.get_min_bounds() self.max_col, self.max_row = self.spatial.get_max_bounds() ## these are the original indices of the row and columns. they are ## referenced after the spatial subset to retrieve data from the dataset self.real_col, self.real_row = np.meshgrid( np.arange(0, len(self.col_bnds)), np.arange(0, len(self.row_bnds))) ## calculate approximate data resolution self.res = approx_resolution(self.min_col[0, :]) ## generate unique id for each grid cell self.gids = np.arange( 1, self.real_col.shape[0] * self.real_col.shape[1] + 1) self.gids = self.gids.reshape(self.real_col.shape) # self.gids = np.empty(self.real_col.shape,dtype=int) # curr_id = 1 # for i,j in itr_array(self.gids): # self.gids[i,j] = curr_id # curr_id += 1 ## set the array shape. self.shape = self.real_col.shape
def __init__(self,uri,**kwds): self.uri = uri self.dataset = self.connect(uri) ## construct interfaces self.spatial = SpatialInterface(self.dataset,**kwds) self.temporal = TemporalInterface(self.dataset,**kwds) try: self.level = LevelInterface(self.dataset,**kwds) except PolyElementNotFound: warn('No "level" variable found. Assuming NoneType.') self.level = None ## extract other keyword arguments ------------------------------------- self.verbose = kwds.get('verbose') self.time_units = kwds.get('time_units') or 'days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00' self.calendar = kwds.get('calendar') or 'proleptic_gregorian' self.level_name = kwds.get('level_name') or 'levels' ## extract the row and column bounds from the dataset self.row_bnds = self.spatial.rowbnds.value[:] self.col_bnds = self.spatial.colbnds.value[:] ## convert the time vector to datetime objects self.timevec = nc.netcdftime.num2date(self.temporal.time.value[:], self.time_units, self.calendar) self.timeidx = np.arange(0,len(self.timevec)) self.tids = np.arange(1,len(self.timevec)+1) ## pull levels if possible if self.level is not None: self.levelvec = np.arange(1,len(self.level.level.value[:])+1) self.levelidx = np.arange(0,len(self.levelvec)) else: self.levelvec = np.array([1]) self.levelidx = np.array([0]) ## these are base numpy arrays used by spatial operations. ------------- ## four numpy arrays one for each bounding coordinate of a polygon self.min_col,self.min_row = self.spatial.get_min_bounds() self.max_col,self.max_row = self.spatial.get_max_bounds() ## these are the original indices of the row and columns. they are ## referenced after the spatial subset to retrieve data from the dataset self.real_col,self.real_row = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,len(self.col_bnds)), np.arange(0,len(self.row_bnds))) ## calculate approximate data resolution self.res = approx_resolution(self.min_col[0,:]) ## generate unique id for each grid cell self.gids = np.arange(1,self.real_col.shape[0]*self.real_col.shape[1]+1) self.gids = self.gids.reshape(self.real_col.shape) # self.gids = np.empty(self.real_col.shape,dtype=int) # curr_id = 1 # for i,j in itr_array(self.gids): # self.gids[i,j] = curr_id # curr_id += 1 ## set the array shape. self.shape = self.real_col.shape
class OcgDataset(object): """ Wraps and netCDF4-python Dataset object providing extraction methods by spatial and temporal queries. uri -- location of the dataset object. **kwds -- arguments for the names of multiple configuration parameters: rowbnds_name colbnds_name time_name time_units level_name calendar verbose """ @timing def __init__(self, uri, **kwds): self.uri = uri self.dataset = self.connect(uri) ## construct interfaces self.spatial = SpatialInterface(self.dataset, **kwds) self.temporal = TemporalInterface(self.dataset, **kwds) try: self.level = LevelInterface(self.dataset, **kwds) except PolyElementNotFound: warn('No "level" variable found. Assuming NoneType.') self.level = None ## extract other keyword arguments ------------------------------------- self.verbose = kwds.get('verbose') self.time_units = kwds.get( 'time_units') or 'days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00' self.calendar = kwds.get('calendar') or 'proleptic_gregorian' self.level_name = kwds.get('level_name') or 'levels' ## extract the row and column bounds from the dataset self.row_bnds = self.spatial.rowbnds.value[:] self.col_bnds = self.spatial.colbnds.value[:] ## convert the time vector to datetime objects self.timevec = nc.netcdftime.num2date(self.temporal.time.value[:], self.time_units, self.calendar) self.timeidx = np.arange(0, len(self.timevec)) self.tids = np.arange(1, len(self.timevec) + 1) ## pull levels if possible if self.level is not None: self.levelvec = np.arange(1, len(self.level.level.value[:]) + 1) self.levelidx = np.arange(0, len(self.levelvec)) else: self.levelvec = np.array([1]) self.levelidx = np.array([0]) ## these are base numpy arrays used by spatial operations. ------------- ## four numpy arrays one for each bounding coordinate of a polygon self.min_col, self.min_row = self.spatial.get_min_bounds() self.max_col, self.max_row = self.spatial.get_max_bounds() ## these are the original indices of the row and columns. they are ## referenced after the spatial subset to retrieve data from the dataset self.real_col, self.real_row = np.meshgrid( np.arange(0, len(self.col_bnds)), np.arange(0, len(self.row_bnds))) ## calculate approximate data resolution self.res = approx_resolution(self.min_col[0, :]) ## generate unique id for each grid cell self.gids = np.arange( 1, self.real_col.shape[0] * self.real_col.shape[1] + 1) self.gids = self.gids.reshape(self.real_col.shape) # self.gids = np.empty(self.real_col.shape,dtype=int) # curr_id = 1 # for i,j in itr_array(self.gids): # self.gids[i,j] = curr_id # curr_id += 1 ## set the array shape. self.shape = self.real_col.shape def __del__(self): try: self.dataset.close() finally: pass @timing def connect(self, uri): return (nc.Dataset(uri, 'r')) def extent(self): minx = self.min_col.min() maxx = self.max_col.max() miny = self.min_row.min() maxy = self.max_row.max() poly = Polygon( ((minx, miny), (maxx, miny), (maxx, maxy), (minx, maxy))) return (poly) def check_extent(self, target): extent = self.extent() return (keep(prepared.prep(extent), extent, target)) def check_masked(self, var_name, polygon): try: self.subset(var_name, polygon=polygon, time_range=[self.timevec[0], self.timevec[1]]) ret = True except MaskedDataError: ret = False return (ret) def display(self, show=True, overlays=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch ax = plt.axes() if overlays is not None: for geom in overlays: ax.add_patch(PolygonPatch(geom, alpha=0.5, fc='#999999')) ax.scatter(self.min_col, self.min_row) ax.scatter(self.max_col, self.max_row) if show: @timing def get_numpy_data(self, var, args): if len(args) == 3: npd = var[args[0], args[1], args[2]] if len(args) == 4: npd = var[args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]] return (npd) @timing def subset(self, var_name, polygon=None, time_range=None, level_range=None): ## intersects + touches """ polygon -- shapely Polygon object return -- SubOcgDataset """ ## do a quick extent check if a polygon is passed if polygon is not None: if not self.check_extent(polygon): raise (ExtentError) ## the base cell selection. does basic find operation to identify ## cells to keep. if polygon is not None: prep_polygon = prepared.prep(polygon) emin_col, emin_row, emax_col, emax_row = polygon.envelope.bounds smin_col = contains(self.min_col, emin_col, emax_col, self.res) smax_col = contains(self.max_col, emin_col, emax_col, self.res) smin_row = contains(self.min_row, emin_row, emax_row, self.res) smax_row = contains(self.max_row, emin_row, emax_row, self.res) include = np.any((smin_col, smax_col), axis=0) * np.any( (smin_row, smax_row), axis=0) else: include = np.empty(self.min_row.shape, dtype=bool) include[:, :] = True ## construct the reference matrices geometry = [] row = [] col = [] gids = [] idx = [] ## fill the matrices if value is included def _append(ii, jj, geom): geometry.append(geom) row.append(self.real_row[ii, jj]) col.append(self.real_col[ii, jj]) gids.append(self.gids[ii, jj]) idx.append([self.real_row[ii, jj], self.real_col[ii, jj]]) for ii, jj in itr_array(include): if include[ii, jj]: test_geom = make_poly( (self.min_row[ii, jj], self.max_row[ii, jj]), (self.min_col[ii, jj], self.max_col[ii, jj])) if polygon is not None and keep(prep_polygon, polygon, test_geom): _append(ii, jj, test_geom) elif polygon is None: _append(ii, jj, test_geom) ## get the number of dimensions of the target variable ndim = len(self.dataset.variables[var_name].dimensions) ## get the time indices if time_range is not None: timeidx = self.timeidx[(self.timevec >= time_range[0]) * (self.timevec <= time_range[1])] else: timeidx = self.timeidx ## convert the level indices levelidx = self.levelidx if ndim == 4: if level_range is not None: level_range = np.array([ii - 1 for ii in level_range]) levelidx = sub_range(level_range) else: if level_range is not None: raise ValueError('Target variable has no levels.') ## extract the data var = self.dataset.variables[var_name] rowidx = sub_range(row) colidx = sub_range(col) # ## extract the global gids # gids = self.gids[min(rowidx):max(rowidx)+1,min(colidx):max(colidx)+1] if ndim == 3: args = [timeidx, rowidx, colidx] if ndim == 4: args = [timeidx, levelidx, rowidx, colidx] npd = self.get_numpy_data(var, args) ## ensure we have four-dimensional data. len_sh = len(npd.shape) if ndim == 3: if len_sh == 3 and len(timeidx) == 1 and level_range is None: npd = npd.reshape(1, 1, npd.shape[1], npd.shape[2]) elif len_sh == 3 and len(timeidx) > 1 and level_range is None: npd = npd.reshape(npd.shape[0], 1, npd.shape[1], npd.shape[2]) elif len_sh == 2 and len(timeidx) > 1 and level_range is None: npd = npd.reshape(npd.shape[0], 1, npd.shape[1], npd.shape[1]) else: raise (NotImplementedError) if ndim == 4: if len_sh == 3: npd = npd.reshape(1, 1, npd.shape[1], npd.shape[2]) ## we need to remove the unwanted data and reshape in the process. first, ## construct the relative indices. rel_mask = np.repeat(False, npd.shape[2] * npd.shape[3]).reshape( (npd.shape[2], npd.shape[3])) ## now iterate and remove the data min_row = min(row) min_col = min(col) for ii in idx: rel_mask[ii[0] - min_row, ii[1] - min_col] = True ## reshape the data npd = npd[:, :, rel_mask] ## test for masked data if hasattr(npd, 'mask'): mask = npd.mask ## if all the data values are masked, raise an error. if mask.all(): raise (MaskedDataError) else: mask = None return (SubOcgDataset(geometry, npd, self.timevec[timeidx], gid=gids, levelvec=self.levelvec[levelidx], mask=mask, tid=self.tids[timeidx])) def split_subset(self, var_name, max_proc=1, subset_opts={}): """ returns -- list of SubOcgDatasets """ ## the initial subset ref = self.subset(var_name, **subset_opts) ## make base process map ref_idx_array = np.arange(0, len(ref.geometry)) splits = np.array_split(ref_idx_array, max_proc) ## for the case of a single value, truncate the last split if it is ## empty if len(splits[-1]) == 0: splits = splits[0:-1] ## will hold the subsets subs = [] ## create the subsets for ii, split in enumerate(splits): geometry = ref.geometry[split] value = ref.value[:, :, split] gid = ref.gid[split] sub = SubOcgDataset(geometry, value, ref.timevec, gid=gid, levelvec=ref.levelvec, id=ii, tid=ref.tid) subs.append(sub) return (subs) def parallel_process_subsets(self, subs, polygon=None, clip=False, union=False, debug=False): def f(out, sub, polygon, clip, union): if clip: sub.clip(polygon) if union: sub.union_nosum() if not clip: sub.select_values(clip=True, igeom=polygon) else: sub.select_values(clip=False) out.append(sub) if not debug: import multiprocessing as mp out = mp.Manager().list() pps = [ mp.Process(target=f, args=(out, sub, polygon, clip, union)) for sub in subs ] for pp in pps: pp.start() for pp in pps: pp.join() else: out = [] for sub in subs: f(out, sub, polygon, clip, union) return (list(out)) def combine_subsets(self, subs, union=False): ## collect data from subsets for ii, sub in enumerate(subs): if ii == 0: base = sub else: base = base.merge(sub, union=union) ## if union is true, sum the values, add new gid, and union the ## geometries. if union: base.geometry = np.array([cascaded_union(base.geometry)], dtype=object) base.value = union_sum(base.weight, base.value, normalize=True) base.gid = np.array([1]) return (base)
class OcgDataset(object): """ Wraps and netCDF4-python Dataset object providing extraction methods by spatial and temporal queries. uri -- location of the dataset object. **kwds -- arguments for the names of multiple configuration parameters: rowbnds_name colbnds_name time_name time_units level_name calendar verbose """ @timing def __init__(self,uri,**kwds): self.uri = uri self.dataset = self.connect(uri) ## construct interfaces self.spatial = SpatialInterface(self.dataset,**kwds) self.temporal = TemporalInterface(self.dataset,**kwds) try: self.level = LevelInterface(self.dataset,**kwds) except PolyElementNotFound: warn('No "level" variable found. Assuming NoneType.') self.level = None ## extract other keyword arguments ------------------------------------- self.verbose = kwds.get('verbose') self.time_units = kwds.get('time_units') or 'days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00' self.calendar = kwds.get('calendar') or 'proleptic_gregorian' self.level_name = kwds.get('level_name') or 'levels' ## extract the row and column bounds from the dataset self.row_bnds = self.spatial.rowbnds.value[:] self.col_bnds = self.spatial.colbnds.value[:] ## convert the time vector to datetime objects self.timevec = nc.netcdftime.num2date(self.temporal.time.value[:], self.time_units, self.calendar) self.timeidx = np.arange(0,len(self.timevec)) self.tids = np.arange(1,len(self.timevec)+1) ## pull levels if possible if self.level is not None: self.levelvec = np.arange(1,len(self.level.level.value[:])+1) self.levelidx = np.arange(0,len(self.levelvec)) else: self.levelvec = np.array([1]) self.levelidx = np.array([0]) ## these are base numpy arrays used by spatial operations. ------------- ## four numpy arrays one for each bounding coordinate of a polygon self.min_col,self.min_row = self.spatial.get_min_bounds() self.max_col,self.max_row = self.spatial.get_max_bounds() ## these are the original indices of the row and columns. they are ## referenced after the spatial subset to retrieve data from the dataset self.real_col,self.real_row = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,len(self.col_bnds)), np.arange(0,len(self.row_bnds))) ## calculate approximate data resolution self.res = approx_resolution(self.min_col[0,:]) ## generate unique id for each grid cell self.gids = np.arange(1,self.real_col.shape[0]*self.real_col.shape[1]+1) self.gids = self.gids.reshape(self.real_col.shape) # self.gids = np.empty(self.real_col.shape,dtype=int) # curr_id = 1 # for i,j in itr_array(self.gids): # self.gids[i,j] = curr_id # curr_id += 1 ## set the array shape. self.shape = self.real_col.shape def __del__(self): try: self.dataset.close() finally: pass @timing def connect(self,uri): return(nc.Dataset(uri,'r')) def extent(self): minx = self.min_col.min() maxx = self.max_col.max() miny = self.min_row.min() maxy = self.max_row.max() poly = Polygon(((minx,miny),(maxx,miny),(maxx,maxy),(minx,maxy))) return(poly) def check_extent(self,target): extent = self.extent() return(keep(prepared.prep(extent),extent,target)) def check_masked(self,var_name,polygon): try: self.subset(var_name, polygon=polygon, time_range=[self.timevec[0],self.timevec[1]]) ret = True except MaskedDataError: ret = False return(ret) def display(self,show=True,overlays=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch ax = plt.axes() if overlays is not None: for geom in overlays: ax.add_patch(PolygonPatch(geom,alpha=0.5,fc='#999999')) ax.scatter(self.min_col,self.min_row) ax.scatter(self.max_col,self.max_row) if show: @timing def get_numpy_data(self,var,args): if len(args) == 3: npd = var[args[0],args[1],args[2]] if len(args) == 4: npd = var[args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3]] return(npd) @timing def subset(self,var_name,polygon=None,time_range=None,level_range=None): ## intersects + touches """ polygon -- shapely Polygon object return -- SubOcgDataset """ ## do a quick extent check if a polygon is passed if polygon is not None: if not self.check_extent(polygon): raise(ExtentError) ## the base cell selection. does basic find operation to identify ## cells to keep. if polygon is not None: prep_polygon = prepared.prep(polygon) emin_col,emin_row,emax_col,emax_row = polygon.envelope.bounds smin_col = contains(self.min_col,emin_col,emax_col,self.res) smax_col = contains(self.max_col,emin_col,emax_col,self.res) smin_row = contains(self.min_row,emin_row,emax_row,self.res) smax_row = contains(self.max_row,emin_row,emax_row,self.res) include = np.any((smin_col,smax_col),axis=0)*np.any((smin_row,smax_row),axis=0) else: include = np.empty(self.min_row.shape,dtype=bool) include[:,:] = True ## construct the reference matrices geometry = [] row = [] col = [] gids = [] idx = [] ## fill the matrices if value is included def _append(ii,jj,geom): geometry.append(geom) row.append(self.real_row[ii,jj]) col.append(self.real_col[ii,jj]) gids.append(self.gids[ii,jj]) idx.append([self.real_row[ii,jj],self.real_col[ii,jj]]) for ii,jj in itr_array(include): if include[ii,jj]: test_geom = make_poly((self.min_row[ii,jj],self.max_row[ii,jj]), (self.min_col[ii,jj],self.max_col[ii,jj])) if polygon is not None and keep(prep_polygon,polygon,test_geom): _append(ii,jj,test_geom) elif polygon is None: _append(ii,jj,test_geom) ## get the number of dimensions of the target variable ndim = len(self.dataset.variables[var_name].dimensions) ## get the time indices if time_range is not None: timeidx = self.timeidx[(self.timevec>=time_range[0])* (self.timevec<=time_range[1])] else: timeidx = self.timeidx ## convert the level indices levelidx = self.levelidx if ndim == 4: if level_range is not None: level_range = np.array([ii-1 for ii in level_range]) levelidx = sub_range(level_range) else: if level_range is not None: raise ValueError('Target variable has no levels.') ## extract the data var = self.dataset.variables[var_name] rowidx = sub_range(row) colidx = sub_range(col) # ## extract the global gids # gids = self.gids[min(rowidx):max(rowidx)+1,min(colidx):max(colidx)+1] if ndim == 3: args = [timeidx,rowidx,colidx] if ndim == 4: args = [timeidx,levelidx,rowidx,colidx] npd = self.get_numpy_data(var,args) ## ensure we have four-dimensional data. len_sh = len(npd.shape) if ndim == 3: if len_sh == 3 and len(timeidx) == 1 and level_range is None: npd = npd.reshape(1,1,npd.shape[1],npd.shape[2]) elif len_sh == 3 and len(timeidx) > 1 and level_range is None: npd = npd.reshape(npd.shape[0],1,npd.shape[1],npd.shape[2]) elif len_sh == 2 and len(timeidx) > 1 and level_range is None: npd = npd.reshape(npd.shape[0],1,npd.shape[1],npd.shape[1]) else: raise(NotImplementedError) if ndim == 4: if len_sh == 3: npd = npd.reshape(1,1,npd.shape[1],npd.shape[2]) ## we need to remove the unwanted data and reshape in the process. first, ## construct the relative indices. rel_mask = np.repeat(False,npd.shape[2]*npd.shape[3]).reshape((npd.shape[2],npd.shape[3])) ## now iterate and remove the data min_row = min(row) min_col = min(col) for ii in idx: rel_mask[ii[0]-min_row,ii[1]-min_col] = True ## reshape the data npd = npd[:,:,rel_mask] ## test for masked data if hasattr(npd,'mask'): mask = npd.mask ## if all the data values are masked, raise an error. if mask.all(): raise(MaskedDataError) else: mask = None return(SubOcgDataset(geometry, npd, self.timevec[timeidx], gid=gids, levelvec=self.levelvec[levelidx], mask=mask, tid=self.tids[timeidx])) def split_subset(self,var_name, max_proc=1, subset_opts={}): """ returns -- list of SubOcgDatasets """ ## the initial subset ref = self.subset(var_name,**subset_opts) ## make base process map ref_idx_array = np.arange(0,len(ref.geometry)) splits = np.array_split(ref_idx_array,max_proc) ## for the case of a single value, truncate the last split if it is ## empty if len(splits[-1]) == 0: splits = splits[0:-1] ## will hold the subsets subs = [] ## create the subsets for ii,split in enumerate(splits): geometry = ref.geometry[split] value = ref.value[:,:,split] gid = ref.gid[split] sub = SubOcgDataset(geometry, value, ref.timevec, gid=gid, levelvec=ref.levelvec, id=ii, tid=ref.tid) subs.append(sub) return(subs) def parallel_process_subsets(self,subs,polygon=None,clip=False,union=False,debug=False): def f(out,sub,polygon,clip,union): if clip: sub.clip(polygon) if union: sub.union_nosum() if not clip: sub.select_values(clip=True,igeom=polygon) else: sub.select_values(clip=False) out.append(sub) if not debug: import multiprocessing as mp out = mp.Manager().list() pps = [mp.Process(target=f,args=(out,sub,polygon,clip,union)) for sub in subs] for pp in pps: pp.start() for pp in pps: pp.join() else: out = [] for sub in subs: f(out,sub,polygon,clip,union) return(list(out)) def combine_subsets(self,subs,union=False): ## collect data from subsets for ii,sub in enumerate(subs): if ii == 0: base = sub else: base = base.merge(sub,union=union) ## if union is true, sum the values, add new gid, and union the ## geometries. if union: base.geometry = np.array([cascaded_union(base.geometry)],dtype=object) base.value = union_sum(base.weight,base.value,normalize=True) base.gid = np.array([1]) return(base)