        "Input resolution of the network. Increase to increase accuracy. Decrease to increase speed",
    return parser.parse_args()

args = arg_parse()
images = args.images
batch_size = int(args.bs)
confidence = float(args.confidence)
nms_thesh = float(args.nms_thresh)
start = 0
CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()

#***Loading Dataset Class File***
classes = load_classes("data/idd.names")

#***Setting up the neural network***
model = Darknet(args.cfgfile)
print('\033[0m' + "Input Data Passed Into YOLO Model..." + u'\N{check mark}')
print('\033[0m' + "YOLO Neural Network Successfully Loaded..." +
      u'\N{check mark}')
model.hyperparams["height"] = args.reso
inp_dim = int(model.hyperparams["height"])
assert inp_dim % 32 == 0
assert inp_dim > 32
num_classes = model.num_classes
print('\033[1m' + '\033[94m' +
      "Performing Vehicle Detection with YOLO Neural Network..." + '\033[0m' +

    return parser.parse_args()

args = arg_parse()
images = args.images
outputs_names = args.outputs
batch_size = int(args.bs)
confidence = float(args.confidence)
nms_thesh = float(args.nms_thresh)
start = 0
CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()

classes = load_classes("data/coco.names")

counter = 0
# Set up the neural network
print("Loading network.....")
model = Darknet(args.cfgfile)
print("Network successfully loaded")

model.hyperparams["height"] = args.reso
inp_dim = int(model.hyperparams["height"])
assert inp_dim % 32 == 0
assert inp_dim > 32

num_classes = model.num_classes
parser.add_argument("--nms_thres", type=float, default=0.4, help="iou thresshold for non-maximum suppression")
parser.add_argument("--n_cpu", type=int, default=0, help="number of cpu threads to use during batch generation")
parser.add_argument("--img_size", type=int, default=416, help="size of each image dimension")
parser.add_argument("--checkpoint_interval", type=int, default=1, help="interval between saving model weights")
parser.add_argument("--checkpoint_dir", type=str, default="checkpoints", help="directory where model checkpoints are saved")
parser.add_argument("--use_cuda", type=bool, default=True, help="whether to use cuda if available")

args = parser.parse_args()

cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() and args.use_cuda

os.makedirs("output", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs("checkpoints", exist_ok=True)

classes = load_classes(args.class_path)

# Get data configuration
data_config = parse_data_config(args.data_config_path)
train_path = data_config["train"]

# Get hyper parameters
hyperparams = parse_model_configuration(args.model_config_path)[0]
learning_rate = float(hyperparams["learning_rate"])
momentum = float(hyperparams["momentum"])
decay = float(hyperparams["decay"])
burn_in = int(hyperparams["burn_in"])

# Initiate model
model = Darknet(args.model_config_path)