  def __getitem__(self, idx):
    file0 = os.path.join(self.root, self.files[idx][0])
    file1 = os.path.join(self.root, self.files[idx][1])
    data0 = np.load(file0)
    data1 = np.load(file1)
    xyz0 = data0["pcd"]
    xyz1 = data1["pcd"]
    color0 = data0["color"]
    color1 = data1["color"]
    matching_search_voxel_size = self.matching_search_voxel_size

    if self.random_scale and random.random() < 0.95:
      scale = self.min_scale + \
          (self.max_scale - self.min_scale) * random.random()
      matching_search_voxel_size *= scale
      xyz0 = scale * xyz0
      xyz1 = scale * xyz1

    if self.random_rotation:
      T0 = sample_random_trans(xyz0, self.randg, self.rotation_range)
      T1 = sample_random_trans(xyz1, self.randg, self.rotation_range)
      trans = T1 @ np.linalg.inv(T0)

      xyz0 = self.apply_transform(xyz0, T0)
      xyz1 = self.apply_transform(xyz1, T1)
      trans = np.identity(4)

    # Voxelization
    _, sel0 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz0 / self.voxel_size, return_index=True)
    _, sel1 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz1 / self.voxel_size, return_index=True)

    # Make point clouds using voxelized points
    pcd0 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz0)
    pcd1 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz1)

    # Select features and points using the returned voxelized indices
    pcd0.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(color0[sel0])
    pcd1.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(color1[sel1])
    pcd0.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(pcd0.points)[sel0])
    pcd1.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(pcd1.points)[sel1])
    # Get matches
    matches = get_matching_indices(pcd0, pcd1, trans, matching_search_voxel_size)

    # Get features
    npts0 = len(pcd0.colors)
    npts1 = len(pcd1.colors)

    feats_train0, feats_train1 = [], []

    feats_train0.append(np.ones((npts0, 1)))
    feats_train1.append(np.ones((npts1, 1)))

    feats0 = np.hstack(feats_train0)
    feats1 = np.hstack(feats_train1)

    # Get coords
    xyz0 = np.array(pcd0.points)
    xyz1 = np.array(pcd1.points)

    coords0 = np.floor(xyz0 / self.voxel_size)
    coords1 = np.floor(xyz1 / self.voxel_size)

    if self.transform:
      coords0, feats0 = self.transform(coords0, feats0)
      coords1, feats1 = self.transform(coords1, feats1)

    return (xyz0, xyz1, coords0, coords1, feats0, feats1, matches, trans)
  def __getitem__(self, idx):
    drive = self.files[idx][0]
    t0, t1 = self.files[idx][1], self.files[idx][2]
    all_odometry = self.get_video_odometry(drive, [t0, t1])
    positions = [self.odometry_to_positions(odometry) for odometry in all_odometry]
    fname0 = self._get_velodyne_fn(drive, t0)
    fname1 = self._get_velodyne_fn(drive, t1)

    # XYZ and reflectance
    xyzr0 = np.fromfile(fname0, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
    xyzr1 = np.fromfile(fname1, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)

    xyz0 = xyzr0[:, :3]
    xyz1 = xyzr1[:, :3]

    key = '%d_%d_%d' % (drive, t0, t1)
    filename = self.icp_path + '/' + key + '.npy'
    if key not in kitti_icp_cache:
      if not os.path.exists(filename):
        # work on the downsampled xyzs, 0.05m == 5cm
        _, sel0 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz0 / 0.05, return_index=True)
        _, sel1 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz1 / 0.05, return_index=True)

        M = (self.velo2cam @ positions[0].T @ np.linalg.inv(positions[1].T)
             @ np.linalg.inv(self.velo2cam)).T
        xyz0_t = self.apply_transform(xyz0[sel0], M)
        pcd0 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz0_t)
        pcd1 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz1[sel1])
        reg = o3d.registration.registration_icp(
            pcd0, pcd1, 0.2, np.eye(4),
        # pcd0.transform(M2) or self.apply_transform(xyz0, M2)
        M2 = M @ reg.transformation
        # o3d.draw_geometries([pcd0, pcd1])
        # write to a file
        np.save(filename, M2)
        M2 = np.load(filename)
      kitti_icp_cache[key] = M2
      M2 = kitti_icp_cache[key]

    if self.random_rotation:
      T0 = sample_random_trans(xyz0, self.randg, np.pi / 4)
      T1 = sample_random_trans(xyz1, self.randg, np.pi / 4)
      trans = T1 @ M2 @ np.linalg.inv(T0)

      xyz0 = self.apply_transform(xyz0, T0)
      xyz1 = self.apply_transform(xyz1, T1)
      trans = M2

    matching_search_voxel_size = self.matching_search_voxel_size
    if self.random_scale and random.random() < 0.95:
      scale = self.min_scale + \
          (self.max_scale - self.min_scale) * random.random()
      matching_search_voxel_size *= scale
      xyz0 = scale * xyz0
      xyz1 = scale * xyz1

    # Voxelization
    xyz0_th = torch.from_numpy(xyz0)
    xyz1_th = torch.from_numpy(xyz1)

    _, sel0 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz0_th / self.voxel_size, return_index=True)
    _, sel1 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz1_th / self.voxel_size, return_index=True)

    # Make point clouds using voxelized points
    pcd0 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz0[sel0])
    pcd1 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz1[sel1])

    # Get matches
    matches = get_matching_indices(pcd0, pcd1, trans, matching_search_voxel_size)
    if len(matches) < 1000:
      raise ValueError(f"{drive}, {t0}, {t1}")

    # Get features
    npts0 = len(sel0)
    npts1 = len(sel1)

    feats_train0, feats_train1 = [], []

    unique_xyz0_th = xyz0_th[sel0]
    unique_xyz1_th = xyz1_th[sel1]

    feats_train0.append(torch.ones((npts0, 1)))
    feats_train1.append(torch.ones((npts1, 1)))

    feats0 = torch.cat(feats_train0, 1)
    feats1 = torch.cat(feats_train1, 1)

    coords0 = torch.floor(unique_xyz0_th / self.voxel_size)
    coords1 = torch.floor(unique_xyz1_th / self.voxel_size)

    if self.transform:
      coords0, feats0 = self.transform(coords0, feats0)
      coords1, feats1 = self.transform(coords1, feats1)

    return (unique_xyz0_th.float(), unique_xyz1_th.float(), coords0.int(),
            coords1.int(), feats0.float(), feats1.float(), matches, trans)
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        file0 = os.path.join(self.root, self.files[idx][0])
        file1 = os.path.join(self.root, self.files[idx][1])
        data0 = np.load(file0)
        data1 = np.load(file1)
        # 这俩点云读进来是可以拼在一起的,只不过都只是完整点云的一部分
        xyz0 = data0["pcd"]#50万左右个点
        xyz1 = data1["pcd"]
        color0 = data0["color"]#每个点都有它自己的颜色,且不一样
        color1 = data1["color"]
        matching_search_voxel_size = self.matching_search_voxel_size #0.0375

        if self.random_scale and random.random() < 0.95:
            scale = self.min_scale + \
                    (self.max_scale - self.min_scale) * random.random()
            matching_search_voxel_size *= scale
            xyz0 = scale * xyz0
            xyz1 = scale * xyz1

        if self.random_rotation:
            T0 = sample_random_trans(xyz0, self.randg, self.rotation_range) #rotation_range:360 且旋转平移之后的点云中心坐标为0
            T1 = sample_random_trans(xyz1, self.randg, self.rotation_range)
            # xyz0到xyz1的相对位姿
            trans = T1 @ np.linalg.inv(T0)

            xyz0 = self.apply_transform(xyz0, T0)
            xyz1 = self.apply_transform(xyz1, T1)
            trans = np.identity(4)

        # Voxelization voxel_size 0.025
        _, sel0 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz0 / self.voxel_size, return_index=True)
        _, sel1 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz1 / self.voxel_size, return_index=True)

        # 用稀疏点云生成pcd
        pcd0 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz0)
        pcd1 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz1)
        # Select features and points using the returned voxelized indices
        pcd0.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(color0[sel0])
        pcd1.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(color1[sel1])
        pcd0.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(pcd0.points)[sel0])
        pcd1.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(pcd1.points)[sel1])
        # Get matches
        # matches包含了点云1的每一点在点云二的(一定范围内的 #0.0375)匹配点
        matches = get_matching_indices(pcd0, pcd1, trans, matching_search_voxel_size)

        # Get features,特征都为1
        npts0 = len(pcd0.colors)
        npts1 = len(pcd1.colors)

        feats_train0, feats_train1 = [], []

        feats_train0.append(np.ones((npts0, 1)))
        feats_train1.append(np.ones((npts1, 1)))

        feats0 = np.hstack(feats_train0)
        feats1 = np.hstack(feats_train1)

        # Get coords
        xyz0 = np.array(pcd0.points)
        xyz1 = np.array(pcd1.points)

        coords0 = np.floor(xyz0 / self.voxel_size)
        coords1 = np.floor(xyz1 / self.voxel_size)

        if self.transform:
            coords0, feats0 = self.transform(coords0, feats0)
            coords1, feats1 = self.transform(coords1, feats1)

        # 返回体素化之后的np点云,稀疏点云坐标、特征,匹配关系,真实旋转平移
        return (xyz0, xyz1, coords0, coords1, feats0, feats1, matches, trans)
  def __getitem__(self, idx):
    drive = self.files[idx][0]
    t0, t1 = self.files[idx][1], self.files[idx][2]
    all_odometry = self.get_video_odometry(drive, [t0, t1])
    positions = [self.odometry_to_positions(odometry) for odometry in all_odometry]
    fname0 = self._get_velodyne_fn(drive, t0)
    fname1 = self._get_velodyne_fn(drive, t1)

    # XYZ and reflectance
    xyzr0 = np.fromfile(fname0, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
    xyzr1 = np.fromfile(fname1, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)

    xyz0 = xyzr0[:, :3]
    xyz1 = xyzr1[:, :3]

    coords0 = (xyz0 - xyz0.min(0)) / 0.05
    coords1 = (xyz1 - xyz1.min(0)) / 0.05

    sel0 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(coords0, return_index=True)
    sel1 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(coords1, return_index=True)

    xyz0 = xyz0[sel0]
    xyz1 = xyz1[sel1]

    # r0 = xyzr0[:, -1].reshape(-1, 1)
    # r1 = xyzr1[:, -1].reshape(-1, 1)

    # pcd0 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz0_t, 0.7 * np.ones((len(xyz0), 3)))
    # pcd1 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz1, 0.3 * np.ones((len(xyz1), 3)))

    key = '%d_%d_%d' % (drive, t0, t1)
    filename = self.icp_path + '/' + key + '.npy'
    if key not in kitti_icp_cache:
      if not os.path.exists(filename):
        if self.IS_ODOMETRY:
          M = (self.velo2cam @ positions[0].T @ np.linalg.inv(positions[1].T)
               @ np.linalg.inv(self.velo2cam)).T
          M = self.get_position_transform(positions[0], positions[1], invert=True).T
        xyz0_t = self.apply_transform(xyz0, M)
        pcd0 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz0_t)
        pcd1 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz1)
        reg = o3d.registration_icp(pcd0, pcd1, 0.2, np.eye(4),
        # pcd0.transform(M2) or self.apply_transform(xyz0, M2)
        M2 = M @ reg.transformation
        # o3d.draw_geometries([pcd0, pcd1])
        # write to a file
        np.save(filename, M2)
        M2 = np.load(filename)
      kitti_icp_cache[key] = M2
      M2 = kitti_icp_cache[key]

    if self.random_rotation:
      T0 = sample_random_trans(xyz0, self.randg, np.pi / 4)
      T1 = sample_random_trans(xyz1, self.randg, np.pi / 4)
      trans = T1 @ M2 @ np.linalg.inv(T0)

      xyz0 = self.apply_transform(xyz0, T0)
      xyz1 = self.apply_transform(xyz1, T1)
      trans = M2

    matching_search_voxel_size = self.matching_search_voxel_size
    if self.random_scale and random.random() < 0.95:
      scale = self.min_scale + \
          (self.max_scale - self.min_scale) * random.random()
      matching_search_voxel_size *= scale
      xyz0 = scale * xyz0
      xyz1 = scale * xyz1

    # Voxelization
    coords0 = np.floor(xyz0 / self.voxel_size)
    coords1 = np.floor(xyz1 / self.voxel_size)
    sel0 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(coords0, return_index=True)
    sel1 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(coords1, return_index=True)
    coords0, coords1 = coords0[sel0], coords1[sel1]
    # r0, r1 = r0[sel0], r1[sel1]

    pcd0 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz0)
    pcd1 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz1)

    # Select features and points using the returned voxelized indices
    pcd0.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(pcd0.points)[sel0])
    pcd1.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.array(pcd1.points)[sel1])

    # Get matches
    matches = get_matching_indices(pcd0, pcd1, trans, matching_search_voxel_size)
    if len(matches) < 1000:
      raise ValueError(f"{drive}, {t0}, {t1}")

    feats_train0, feats_train1 = [], []

    feats_train0.append(np.ones((len(sel0), 1)))
    feats_train1.append(np.ones((len(sel1), 1)))

    feats0 = np.hstack(feats_train0)
    feats1 = np.hstack(feats_train1)

    # Get coords
    xyz0 = np.array(pcd0.points)
    xyz1 = np.array(pcd1.points)

    if self.transform:
      coords0, feats0 = self.transform(coords0, feats0)
      coords1, feats1 = self.transform(coords1, feats1)

    return (xyz0, xyz1, coords0, coords1, feats0, feats1, matches, trans)
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        file0 = os.path.join(self.root, self.files[idx][0])
        file1 = os.path.join(self.root, self.files[idx][1])
        data0 = np.load(file0)
        data1 = np.load(file1)
        xyz0 = data0["pcd"]
        xyz1 = data1["pcd"]
        matching_search_voxel_size = self.matching_search_voxel_size

        if self.random_scale and random.random() < 0.95:
            scale = self.min_scale + \
                (self.max_scale - self.min_scale) * random.random()
            matching_search_voxel_size *= scale
            xyz0 = scale * xyz0
            xyz1 = scale * xyz1

        if self.random_rotation:
            T0 = sample_random_trans(xyz0, self.randg, self.rotation_range)
            T1 = sample_random_trans(xyz1, self.randg, self.rotation_range)
            trans = T1 @ np.linalg.inv(T0)

            xyz0 = self.apply_transform(xyz0, T0)
            xyz1 = self.apply_transform(xyz1, T1)
            trans = np.identity(4)

        # Voxelization
        xyz0_th = torch.from_numpy(xyz0)
        xyz1_th = torch.from_numpy(xyz1)

        _, sel0 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz0_th / self.voxel_size,
        _, sel1 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz1_th / self.voxel_size,

        # Make point clouds using voxelized points
        pcd0 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz0[sel0])
        pcd1 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz1[sel1])

        # Select features and points using the returned voxelized indices
        # 3DMatch color is not helpful
        # pcd0.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(color0[sel0])
        # pcd1.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(color1[sel1])

        # Get matches
        matches = get_matching_indices(pcd0, pcd1, trans,

        # Get features
        npts0 = len(sel0)
        npts1 = len(sel1)

        feats_train0, feats_train1 = [], []

        unique_xyz0_th = xyz0_th[sel0]
        unique_xyz1_th = xyz1_th[sel1]

        # xyz as feats
        if self.use_xyz_feature:
            feats_train0.append(unique_xyz0_th - unique_xyz0_th.mean(0))
            feats_train1.append(unique_xyz1_th - unique_xyz1_th.mean(0))
            feats_train0.append(torch.ones((npts0, 1)))
            feats_train1.append(torch.ones((npts1, 1)))

        feats0 = torch.cat(feats_train0, 1)
        feats1 = torch.cat(feats_train1, 1)

        coords0 = torch.floor(unique_xyz0_th / self.voxel_size)
        coords1 = torch.floor(unique_xyz1_th / self.voxel_size)

        if self.transform:
            coords0, feats0 = self.transform(coords0, feats0)
            coords1, feats1 = self.transform(coords1, feats1)

        extra_package = {'idx': idx, 'file0': file0, 'file1': file1}

        return (unique_xyz0_th.float(), unique_xyz1_th.float(), coords0.int(),
                coords1.int(), feats0.float(), feats1.float(), matches, trans,
    def __getitem__(self, idx):

        drive = self.U.pairs[idx, 0]
        t0 = self.U.pairs[idx, 1]
        t1 = self.U.pairs[idx, 2]
        M2, xyz0, xyz1 = self.U.get_pair(idx)

        if self.random_rotation:
            T0 = sample_almost_planar_rotation(self.randg)
            T1 = sample_almost_planar_rotation(self.randg)
            trans = T1 @ M2 @ np.linalg.inv(T0)

            xyz0 = self.apply_transform(xyz0, T0)
            xyz1 = self.apply_transform(xyz1, T1)
            trans = M2

        matching_search_voxel_size = self.matching_search_voxel_size
        if self.random_scale and random.random() < 0.95:
            scale = self.min_scale + \
                (self.max_scale - self.min_scale) * random.random()
            matching_search_voxel_size *= scale
            xyz0 = scale * xyz0
            xyz1 = scale * xyz1
            M2[:3, 3] *= scale

        # Voxelization
        xyz0_th = torch.from_numpy(xyz0)
        xyz1_th = torch.from_numpy(xyz1)

        _, sel0 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz0_th / self.voxel_size,
        _, sel1 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(xyz1_th / self.voxel_size,

        # Make point clouds using voxelized points
        pcd0 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz0[sel0])
        pcd1 = make_open3d_point_cloud(xyz1[sel1])

        # Get matches
        matches = get_matching_indices(pcd0, pcd1, trans,

        # Get features
        npts0 = len(sel0)
        npts1 = len(sel1)

        feats_train0, feats_train1 = [], []

        unique_xyz0_th = xyz0_th[sel0]
        unique_xyz1_th = xyz1_th[sel1]

        feats_train0.append(torch.ones((npts0, 1)))
        feats_train1.append(torch.ones((npts1, 1)))

        feats0 = torch.cat(feats_train0, 1)
        feats1 = torch.cat(feats_train1, 1)

        coords0 = torch.floor(unique_xyz0_th / self.voxel_size)
        coords1 = torch.floor(unique_xyz1_th / self.voxel_size)

        if self.transform:
            coords0, feats0 = self.transform(coords0, feats0)
            coords1, feats1 = self.transform(coords1, feats1)

        extra_package = {'drive': drive, 't0': t0, 't1': t1}

        return (unique_xyz0_th.float(), unique_xyz1_th.float(), coords0.int(),
                coords1.int(), feats0.float(), feats1.float(), matches, trans,
    def __getitem__(self, idx):  # split, idx):
        if self.split == "test":
            sample =  self.list_test_sample[idx]

            T_noise = self.generate_noise_T()
            sample =   self.get_sample(idx, T_noise)

        xyz0 = sample["source"].points
        xyz1 = sample["target"].points
        trans = torch.Tensor(self.data["T_map"][idx])

        matching_search_voxel_size = self.matching_search_voxel_size

        import copy
        sel0 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(
            xyz0.contiguous() / self.voxel_size, return_index=True)[1]
        sel1 = ME.utils.sparse_quantize(
            xyz1.contiguous() / self.voxel_size, return_index=True)[1]

        unique_xyz0_th = xyz0[sel0]  # [ind_0]
        unique_xyz1_th = xyz1[sel1]  # [ind_1]

        pcd0 = make_open3d_point_cloud(unique_xyz0_th)
        pcd1 = make_open3d_point_cloud(unique_xyz1_th)

        # Get matches
        matches = get_matching_indices(
            pcd0, pcd1, trans, matching_search_voxel_size)

        # Get features
        feats_train0, feats_train1 = [], []

        npts0 = unique_xyz0_th.shape[0]
        npts1 = unique_xyz1_th.shape[0]

        feats_train0.append(torch.ones((npts0, 1)))
        feats_train1.append(torch.ones((npts1, 1)))

        feats0 = torch.cat(feats_train0, 1)
        feats1 = torch.cat(feats_train1, 1)

        coords0 = np.floor(unique_xyz0_th / self.voxel_size)
        coords1 = np.floor(unique_xyz1_th / self.voxel_size)

        #coords0_mean = coords0.min(axis=0).int()
        #coords0 -=coords0_mean 

        if False:#len(matches) < 300:  # idx == 113:#len(matches) <
            print(self.split, "num matches = ", len(matches))
            pcd_target = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
            pcd_target.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(coords0)
            o3d.io.write_point_cloud("coords0_before_%d.ply" % idx, pcd_target)
            pcd_target = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
            pcd_target.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(coords1)
            o3d.io.write_point_cloud("coords1_before_%d.ply" % idx, pcd_target)

            pcd_target = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
            pcd_target.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(unique_xyz1_th)
            o3d.io.write_point_cloud("unique_xyz1_th_%d.ply" % idx, pcd_target)

            pcd_target = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
            pcd_target.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(unique_xyz0_th)
            o3d.io.write_point_cloud("unique_xyz0_th_%d.ply" % idx, pcd_target)
            pcd_target = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
            pcd_target.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(unique_xyz0_th)

                "unique_xyz0_th_trans_%d.ply" % idx, pcd_target)

            import pdb

        #if self.transform:  # add noises to the point clouds
        #    coords0, feats0 = self.transform(coords0, feats0)
        #    coords1, feats1 = self.transform(coords1, feats1)

        return (unique_xyz0_th, unique_xyz1_th, coords0,
                coords1, feats0.float(), feats1.float(), matches, trans)