    def get_3d(self, f):
        image_file = self.image_dir + f
        box2d_file = self.box2d_dir + f.replace('png', 'txt')
        img = cv2.imread(image_file)
        dect2D_data, box2d_reserved = get_dect2D_data(box2d_file, self.classes)
        for data in dect2D_data:
            cls = data[0]
            box_2D = np.asarray(data[1],dtype=np.float)
            xmin = box_2D[0]
            ymin = box_2D[1]
            xmax = box_2D[2]
            ymax = box_2D[3]

            patch = img[int(ymin):int(ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
            patch = cv2.resize(patch, (224, 224))
            patch = patch - np.array([[[103.939, 116.779, 123.68]]])
            patch = np.expand_dims(patch, 0)

            prediction = self.model.predict(patch)

            # compute dims
            dims = self.dims_avg[self.cls_to_ind[cls]] + prediction[0][0]

            # Transform regressed angle
            box2d_center_x = (xmin + xmax) / 2.0
            # Transfer arctan() from (-pi/2,pi/2) to (0,pi)
            theta_ray = np.arctan(self.fx /(box2d_center_x - self.u0))
            if theta_ray<0:
                theta_ray = theta_ray+np.pi

            max_anc = np.argmax(prediction[2][0])
            anchors = prediction[1][0][max_anc]

            if anchors[1] > 0:
                angle_offset = np.arccos(anchors[0])
                angle_offset = -np.arccos(anchors[0])

            bin_num = prediction[2][0].shape[0]
            wedge = 2. * np.pi / bin_num
            theta_loc = angle_offset + max_anc * wedge

            theta = theta_loc + theta_ray
        # object's yaw angle
            yaw = np.pi/2 - theta

            points2D = gen_3D_box(yaw, dims, self.cam_to_img, box_2D)
        return points2D, box2d_reserved, img
def three_D(image_file):

    cam_to_img = get_cam_data(calib_file)
    fx = cam_to_img[0][0]
    u0 = cam_to_img[0][2]
    v0 = cam_to_img[1][2]

# for f in all_image:
    # image_file = image_dir + f
    # box2d_file = box2d_dir + f.replace('png', 'txt')

    img = cv2.imread(image_file)

    dect2D_data,box2d_reserved = get_dect2D_data(box2d_file,classes)
    # Pedestrian 0.00 0 -0.20 712.40 143.00 810.73 307.92 1.89 0.48 1.20 1.84 1.47 8.41 0.01
        for data in dect2D_data:
            cls = data[0]
            box_2D = np.asarray(data[1],dtype=np.float)
            xmin = box_2D[0]
            ymin = box_2D[1]
            xmax = box_2D[2]
            ymax = box_2D[3]

            patch = img[int(ymin):int(ymax), int(xmin):int(xmax)]
            patch = cv2.resize(patch, (224, 224))
            patch = patch - np.array([[[103.939, 116.779, 123.68]]])
            patch = np.expand_dims(patch, 0)

            prediction = model.predict(patch)

            # compute dims
            dims = dims_avg[cls_to_ind[cls]] + prediction[0][0]

            # Transform regressed angle
            box2d_center_x = (xmin + xmax) / 2.0
            # Transfer arctan() from (-pi/2,pi/2) to (0,pi)
            theta_ray = np.arctan(fx /(box2d_center_x - u0))
            if theta_ray<0:
                theta_ray = theta_ray+np.pi

            max_anc = np.argmax(prediction[2][0])
            anchors = prediction[1][0][max_anc]

            if anchors[1] > 0:
                angle_offset = np.arccos(anchors[0])
                angle_offset = -np.arccos(anchors[0])

            bin_num = prediction[2][0].shape[0]
            wedge = 2. * np.pi / bin_num
            theta_loc = angle_offset + max_anc * wedge

            theta = theta_loc + theta_ray
            # object's yaw angle
            yaw = np.pi/2 - theta

            points2D = gen_3D_box(yaw, dims, cam_to_img, box_2D)
            draw_3D_box(img, points2D)

        for cls,box in box2d_reserved:

        cv2.imshow(f, img)
        cv2.imwrite('output/'+ f.replace('png','jpg'), img)
        theta_ray = np.arctan(fx / (box2d_center_x - u0))
        if theta_ray < 0:
            theta_ray = theta_ray + np.pi

        max_anc = np.argmax(prediction[2][0])
        anchors = prediction[1][0][max_anc]

        if anchors[1] > 0:
            angle_offset = np.arccos(anchors[0])
            angle_offset = -np.arccos(anchors[0])

        bin_num = prediction[2][0].shape[0]
        wedge = 2. * np.pi / bin_num
        theta_loc = angle_offset + max_anc * wedge

        theta = theta_loc + theta_ray
        # object's yaw angle
        yaw = np.pi / 2 - theta

        points2D = gen_3D_box(yaw, dims, cam_to_img, box_2D)
        draw_3D_box(img, points2D)

    for cls, box in box2d_reserved:
        draw_2D_box(img, box)

    #cv2.imshow(f, img)
    cv2.imwrite('output/' + f.replace('png', 'jpg'), img)
            anchors = prediction[1][0][max_anc]

            if anchors[1] > 0:
                angle_offset = np.arccos(anchors[0])
                angle_offset = -np.arccos(anchors[0])

            bin_num = prediction[2][0].shape[0]
            wedge = 2. * np.pi / bin_num
            theta_loc = angle_offset + max_anc * wedge

            theta = theta_loc + theta_ray
            # object's yaw angle
            yaw = np.pi / 2 - theta
            self.bbox_3.yaw = yaw
        return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    f = open("config.json")
    config = json.loads(f)
    image_dir = config["dir"]["image_dir"]
    all_image = sorted(os.listdir(image_dir))
    detector = det_3d(config)
    for image in all_image:
        dets = yolo.detctor(image)
        result = det_3d(image, dets)
        for res in result:
            points2D = gen_3D_box(res.yaw, res.dims, detector.cam_to_img)