def compute_alignment(): config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0}) cfg = app_config exp_dir = cfg.checkpoint_dir tf.enable_eager_execution(config=config) cfg.num_dataset_samples = 50 dataset = Dataset3D(cfg) num_to_estimate = 15 num_models = dataset.num_samples() all_rotations_file = f"{exp_dir}/reference_rotations.mat" compute_alignment_candidates(cfg, dataset, all_rotations_file) stuff = rotations = stuff["rotations"] rmse = stuff["rmse"] # For each model filter out outlier views num_filtered = 2 rotations_filtered = np.zeros((num_models, num_filtered, 4)) rmse_filtered = np.zeros((num_models, num_filtered)) for model_idx in range(num_models): rmse_m = rmse[model_idx, :] indices = np.argsort(rmse_m) indices = indices[0:num_filtered] rmse_filtered[model_idx, :] = rmse_m[indices] rotations_filtered[model_idx, :, :] = rotations[model_idx, indices, :] # Sort models by RMSE and choose num_to_estimate best ones model_mean_rmse = np.mean(rmse_filtered, axis=1) models_indices = np.argsort(model_mean_rmse) models_indices = models_indices[0:num_to_estimate] reference_rotations = rotations_filtered[models_indices, :, :] reference_rotations = np.reshape(reference_rotations, [-1, 4]) print(reference_rotations) # Somehow NaNs slip in the computation, so filter them out nan = np.isnan(reference_rotations) good = np.logical_not(np.any(nan, axis=1)) reference_rotations = reference_rotations[good, :] # Average quaternion rotations, may be better than arithmetic average reference_rotation = quatWAvgMarkley(reference_rotations) print("Global rotation:", reference_rotation)"{exp_dir}/final_reference_rotation.mat", mdict={"rotation": reference_rotation})
def main(_): cfg = app_config exp_dir = cfg.checkpoint_dir out_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'render') mkdir_if_missing(out_dir) inp_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, cfg.save_predictions_dir) if cfg.models_list: models = parse_lines(cfg.models_list) else: dataset = Dataset3D(cfg) models = [ for sample in] for model_name in models: in_file = "{}/{}_pc.mat".format(inp_dir, model_name) if not os.path.isfile(in_file): in_file = "{}/{}_pc.npz".format(inp_dir, model_name) assert os.path.isfile( in_file), "no input file with saved point cloud" out_file = "{}/{}.png".format(out_dir, model_name) if os.path.isfile(out_file): print("{} already rendered".format(model_name)) continue args = build_command_line_args( [["in_file", in_file], ["out_file", out_file], ["vis_azimuth", cfg.vis_azimuth], ["vis_elevation", cfg.vis_elevation], ["vis_dist", cfg.vis_dist], ["cycles_samples", cfg.render_cycles_samples], ["voxels", False], ["colored_subsets", cfg.render_colored_subsets], ["image_size", cfg.render_image_size]]) render_cmd = "{} --background -P {} -- {}".format( blender_exec, python_script, args) os.system(render_cmd)
def compute_predictions(): cfg = app_config setup_environment(cfg) exp_dir = cfg.checkpoint_dir cfg.batch_size = 1 cfg.step_size = 1 pc_num_points = cfg.pc_num_points vox_size = cfg.vox_size save_pred = cfg.save_predictions save_voxels = cfg.save_voxels fast_conversion = True pose_student = cfg.pose_predictor_student and cfg.predict_pose g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): model = model_pc.ModelPointCloud(cfg) out = build_model(model) input_image = out["inputs"] cam_matrix = out["camera_extr_src"] cam_quaternion = out["cam_quaternion"] point_cloud = out["points_1"] rgb = out["rgb_1"] if cfg.pc_rgb else tf.no_op() projs = out["projs"] projs_rgb = out["projs_rgb"] projs_depth = out["projs_depth"] cam_transform = out["cam_transform"] z_latent = out["z_latent"] if pose_student: proj_student, camera_pose_student = model_student( input_image, model) input_pc = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [cfg.batch_size, None, 3]) if save_voxels: if fast_conversion: voxels, _ = pointcloud2voxels3d_fast(cfg, input_pc, None) voxels = tf.expand_dims(voxels, axis=-1) voxels = smoothen_voxels3d(cfg, voxels, model.gauss_kernel()) else: voxels = pointcloud2voxels(cfg, input_pc, model.gauss_sigma()) q_inp = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, 4]) q_matrix = as_rotation_matrix(q_inp) input_pc, pred_quat, gt_quat, pc_unrot = model_unrotate_points(cfg) pc_rot = quaternion_rotate(input_pc, pred_quat) config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 1}) config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = cfg.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction sess = tf.Session(config=config) variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables_to_restore(exclude=["meta"]) restorer = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) checkpoint_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(exp_dir) print("restoring checkpoint", checkpoint_file) restorer.restore(sess, checkpoint_file) save_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, '{}_vis_proj'.format(cfg.save_predictions_dir)) mkdir_if_missing(save_dir) save_pred_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, cfg.save_predictions_dir) mkdir_if_missing(save_pred_dir) vis_size = cfg.vis_size dataset = Dataset3D(cfg) pose_num_candidates = cfg.pose_predict_num_candidates num_views = cfg.num_views plot_h = 4 plot_w = 6 num_views = int(min(num_views, plot_h * plot_w / 2)) if cfg.models_list: model_names = parse_lines(cfg.models_list) else: model_names = [ for sample in] num_models = len(model_names) for k in range(num_models): model_name = model_names[k] sample = dataset.sample_by_name(model_name) images = sample.image masks = sample.mask if cfg.saved_camera: cameras = cam_pos = sample.cam_pos if cfg.vis_depth_projs: depths = sample.depth if cfg.variable_num_views: num_views = sample.num_views print("{}/{} {}".format(k, num_models, model_name)) if pose_num_candidates == 1: grid = np.empty((plot_h, plot_w), dtype=object) else: plot_w = pose_num_candidates + 1 if pose_student: plot_w += 1 grid = np.empty((num_views, plot_w), dtype=object) if save_pred: all_pcs = np.zeros((num_views, pc_num_points, 3)) all_cameras = np.zeros((num_views, 4)) all_voxels = np.zeros((num_views, vox_size, vox_size, vox_size)) all_z_latent = np.zeros((num_views, cfg.fc_dim)) for view_idx in range(num_views): input_image_np = images[[view_idx], :, :, :] gt_mask_np = masks[[view_idx], :, :, :] if cfg.saved_camera: extr_mtr = cameras[view_idx, :, :] cam_quaternion_np = quaternion_from_campos( cam_pos[view_idx, :]) cam_quaternion_np = np.expand_dims(cam_quaternion_np, axis=0) else: extr_mtr = np.zeros((4, 4)) if cfg.pc_rgb: proj_tensor = projs_rgb elif cfg.vis_depth_projs: proj_tensor = projs_depth else: proj_tensor = projs (pc_np, rgb_np, proj_np, cam_transf_np, z_latent_np) = [point_cloud, rgb, proj_tensor, cam_transform, z_latent], feed_dict={ input_image: input_image_np, cam_matrix: extr_mtr, cam_quaternion: cam_quaternion_np }) if pose_student: (proj_student_np, camera_student_np) = [proj_student, camera_pose_student], feed_dict={input_image: input_image_np}) predicted_camera = camera_student_np else: predicted_camera = cam_transf_np if cfg.vis_depth_projs: proj_np = normalise_depthmap(proj_np) if depths is not None: depth_np = depths[view_idx, :, :, :] depth_np = normalise_depthmap(depth_np) else: depth_np = 1.0 - np.squeeze(gt_mask_np) if pose_student: proj_student_np = normalise_depthmap(proj_student_np) if cfg.predict_pose: if cfg.save_rotated_points: ref_rot = "{}/final_reference_rotation.mat".format(exp_dir)) ref_rot = ref_rot["rotation"] pc_np_unrot =, feed_dict={ input_pc: pc_np, pred_quat: ref_rot }) pc_np = pc_np_unrot if cfg.pc_rgb: gt_image = input_image_np elif cfg.vis_depth_projs: gt_image = depth_np else: gt_image = gt_mask_np if pose_num_candidates == 1: view_j = view_idx * 2 // plot_w view_i = view_idx * 2 % plot_w gt_image = np.squeeze(gt_image) grid[view_j, view_i] = mask4vis(cfg, gt_image, vis_size) curr_img = np.squeeze(proj_np) grid[view_j, view_i + 1] = mask4vis(cfg, curr_img, vis_size) if cfg.save_individual_images: curr_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, if not os.path.exists(curr_dir): os.makedirs(curr_dir) imageio.imwrite( os.path.join(curr_dir, '{}_{}.png'.format(view_idx, 'rgb_gt')), mask4vis(cfg, np.squeeze(input_image_np), vis_size)) imageio.imwrite( os.path.join(curr_dir, '{}_{}.png'.format(view_idx, 'mask_pred')), mask4vis(cfg, np.squeeze(proj_np), vis_size)) else: view_j = view_idx gt_image = np.squeeze(gt_image) grid[view_j, 0] = mask4vis(cfg, gt_image, vis_size) for kk in range(pose_num_candidates): curr_img = np.squeeze(proj_np[kk, :, :, :]) grid[view_j, kk + 1] = mask4vis(cfg, curr_img, vis_size) if cfg.save_individual_images: curr_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, if not os.path.exists(curr_dir): os.makedirs(curr_dir) imageio.imwrite( os.path.join( curr_dir, '{}_{}_{}.png'.format(view_idx, kk, 'mask_pred')), mask4vis(cfg, np.squeeze(curr_img), vis_size)) if cfg.save_individual_images: imageio.imwrite( os.path.join(curr_dir, '{}_{}.png'.format(view_idx, 'mask_gt')), mask4vis(cfg, np.squeeze(gt_mask_np), vis_size)) if pose_student: grid[view_j, -1] = mask4vis(cfg, np.squeeze(proj_student_np), vis_size) if save_pred: all_pcs[view_idx, :, :] = np.squeeze(pc_np) all_z_latent[view_idx] = z_latent_np if cfg.predict_pose: all_cameras[view_idx, :] = predicted_camera if save_voxels: # multiplying by two is necessary because # pc->voxel conversion expects points in [-1, 1] range pc_np_range = pc_np if not fast_conversion: pc_np_range *= 2.0 voxels_np =, feed_dict={input_pc: pc_np_range}) all_voxels[view_idx, :, :, :] = np.squeeze(voxels_np) vis_view = view_idx == 0 or cfg.vis_all_views if cfg.vis_voxels and vis_view: rgb_np = np.squeeze(rgb_np) if cfg.pc_rgb else None vis_pc(np.squeeze(pc_np), rgb=rgb_np) grid_merged = merge_grid(cfg, grid) imageio.imwrite("{}/{}_proj.png".format(save_dir,, grid_merged) if save_pred: if cfg.save_as_mat: save_dict = {"points": all_pcs, "z_latent": all_z_latent} if cfg.predict_pose: save_dict["camera_pose"] = all_cameras"{}/{}_pc".format(save_pred_dir,, mdict=save_dict) else: np.savez("{}/{}_pc".format(save_pred_dir,, all_pcs) if save_voxels: np.savez("{}/{}_vox".format(save_pred_dir,, all_voxels) sess.close()
def run_eval(): config = tf.ConfigProto( device_count={'GPU': 1} ) cfg = app_config exp_dir = cfg.checkpoint_dir num_views = cfg.num_views g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): quat_inp = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float64, shape=[1, 4]) quat_inp_2 = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float64, shape=[1, 4]) quat_conj = quaternion_conjugate(quat_inp) quat_mul = quaternion_multiply(quat_inp, quat_inp_2) sess = tf.Session(config=config) save_pred_name = "{}_{}".format(cfg.save_predictions_dir, cfg.eval_split) save_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, cfg.save_predictions_dir) reference_rotation ="{}/final_reference_rotation.mat".format(exp_dir))["rotation"] ref_conj_np =, feed_dict={quat_inp: reference_rotation}) dataset = Dataset3D(cfg) num_models = dataset.num_samples() model_names = [] angle_error = np.zeros((num_models, num_views), dtype=np.float64) for model_idx in range(num_models): sample =[model_idx] print("{}/{}".format(model_idx, num_models)) print( model_names.append( # mat_filename = "{}/{}_pc.mat".format(save_dir, mat_filename = "{}/{}_pc".format(save_dir, data = all_cameras = data["camera_pose"] for view_idx in range(num_views): cam_pos = sample.cam_pos[view_idx, :] gt_quat_np = quaternion_from_campos(cam_pos) gt_quat_np = np.expand_dims(gt_quat_np, 0) pred_quat_np = all_cameras[view_idx, :] pred_quat_np /= np.linalg.norm(pred_quat_np) pred_quat_np = np.expand_dims(pred_quat_np, 0) pred_quat_aligned_np =, feed_dict={ quat_inp: pred_quat_np, quat_inp_2: ref_conj_np }) q1 = gt_quat_np q2 = pred_quat_aligned_np q1_conj =, feed_dict={quat_inp: q1}) q_diff =, feed_dict={quat_inp: q1_conj, quat_inp_2: q2}) ang_diff = 2 * np.arccos(q_diff[0, 0]) if ang_diff > np.pi: ang_diff -= 2*np.pi angle_error[model_idx, view_idx] = np.fabs(ang_diff) all_errors = np.reshape(angle_error, (-1)) angle_thresh_rad = cfg.pose_accuracy_threshold / 180.0 * np.pi correct = all_errors < angle_thresh_rad num_predictions = correct.shape[0] accuracy = np.count_nonzero(correct) / num_predictions median_error = np.sort(all_errors)[num_predictions // 2] median_error = median_error / np.pi * 180 print("accuracy:", accuracy, "median angular error:", median_error), "pose_error_{}.mat".format(save_pred_name)), {"angle_error": angle_error, "accuracy": accuracy, "median_error": median_error}) f = open(os.path.join(exp_dir, "pose_error_{}.txt".format(save_pred_name)), "w") f.write("{} {}\n".format(accuracy, median_error)) f.close()
def run_eval(): config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 1}) cfg = app_config exp_dir = cfg.checkpoint_dir num_views = cfg.num_views eval_unsup = cfg.eval_unsupervised_shape gt_dir = os.path.join(cfg.gt_pc_dir, cfg.synth_set) g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): source_pc = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float64, shape=[None, 3]) target_pc = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float64, shape=[None, 3]) quat_tf = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float64, shape=[1, 4]) _, min_dist, min_idx = point_cloud_distance(source_pc, target_pc) source_pc_2 = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float64, shape=[1, None, 3]) rotated_pc = quaternion_rotate(source_pc_2, quat_tf) sess = tf.Session(config=config) save_pred_name = "{}_{}".format(cfg.save_predictions_dir, cfg.eval_split) save_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, cfg.save_predictions_dir) if eval_unsup: reference_rotation = "{}/final_reference_rotation.mat".format(exp_dir))["rotation"] dataset = Dataset3D(cfg) num_models = dataset.num_samples() model_names = [] chamfer_dists = np.zeros((0, num_views, 2), dtype=np.float64) for k in range(num_models): sample =[k] print("{}/{}".format(k, num_models)) print( gt_filename = "{}/{}.mat".format(gt_dir, if not os.path.isfile(gt_filename): continue model_names.append( mat_filename = "{}/{}_pc.mat".format(save_dir, if os.path.isfile(mat_filename): data = all_pcs = np.squeeze(data["points"]) if "num_points" in data: all_pcs_nums = np.squeeze(data["num_points"]) has_number = True else: has_number = False else: data = np.load("{}/{}_pc.npz".format(save_dir, all_pcs = np.squeeze(data["arr_0"]) if 'arr_1' in list(data.keys()): all_pcs_nums = np.squeeze(data["arr_1"]) has_number = True else: has_number = False obj = Vgt = obj["points"] chamfer_dists_current = np.zeros((num_views, 2), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(num_views): pred = all_pcs[i, :, :] if has_number: pred = pred[0:all_pcs_nums[i], :] if eval_unsup: pred = np.expand_dims(pred, 0) pred =, feed_dict={ source_pc_2: pred, quat_tf: reference_rotation }) pred = np.squeeze(pred) pred_to_gt, idx_np = compute_distance(cfg, sess, min_dist, min_idx, source_pc, target_pc, pred, Vgt) gt_to_pred, _ = compute_distance(cfg, sess, min_dist, min_idx, source_pc, target_pc, Vgt, pred) chamfer_dists_current[i, 0] = np.mean(pred_to_gt) chamfer_dists_current[i, 1] = np.mean(gt_to_pred) is_nan = np.isnan(pred_to_gt) assert (not np.any(is_nan)) current_mean = np.mean(chamfer_dists_current, 0) print("total:", current_mean) chamfer_dists = np.concatenate( (chamfer_dists, np.expand_dims(chamfer_dists_current, 0))) final = np.mean(chamfer_dists, axis=(0, 1)) * 100 print(final) os.path.join(exp_dir, "chamfer_{}.mat".format(save_pred_name)), { "chamfer": chamfer_dists, "model_names": to_np_object(model_names) }) file = open(os.path.join(exp_dir, "chamfer_{}.txt".format(save_pred_name)), "w") file.write("{} {}\n".format(final[0], final[1])) file.close()