def validate_string_length(s, min_len=0, max_len=None):
    """Check whter len(s) in [min_length, max_length]
    min_length = 0, max_length = infinite if undefined

    Return True is valid else False
    if min_len > string_len(s):
        raise ValueError(_('length less than {}').format(min_len))
    if max_len and max_len < string_len(s):
        raise ValueError(_('length more than {}').format(max_len))
    def check_common_params(self, post_vars):
        required_post_vars = ['username', 'password']
        for k in required_post_vars:
            if k not in post_vars:
                raise error.Error(error.MISSING_PARAMETER, u'缺少参数{}'.format(k))
        # Check paremeters
        for k in required_post_vars:
            if len(post_vars[k]) < 2:
                error_str = {
                    'username': (error.USERNAME_LENGHT_TOO_SHORT, _(u'用户名至少需要2个字符')),
                    'password': (error.PASSWORD_LENGHT_TOO_SHORT, _(u'密码长度不能小于2')),
                raise error.Error(error_str[k][0], error_str[k][1])

        if string_len(post_vars['username']) > 30:
            raise error.Error(error.USERNAME_LENGHT_TOO_LONG, _(u'用户名最多30个字符'))

        if ALL_NUMBER_RE.match(post_vars['username']):
            raise error.Error(error.USERNAME_CANT_ALL_NUMBER, _(u'用户名不能都为数字'))

        if not USERNAME_RE.match(post_vars['username']):
            raise error.Error(error.USERNAME_FORMAT_ERROR, _(u'用户名只能包含中文字符、英文字母、数字、"_"及"-",不能包含空格'))
    def post(self, request, format=None):
        post_vars = json.loads(request.POST.keys()[0])
        required_post_vars = ['email', 'username', 'password']
        err = {}

        # Confirm we have a properly formed request
        for k in required_post_vars:
            if k not in post_vars:
                err['err_type'] = 'MissingParameter'
                err['err_msg'] = "Missing Parameter %s" % k
                return Response(err, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

        # Check paremeters
        for k in required_post_vars:
            if len(post_vars[k]) < 2:
                error_str = {
                    'username': _('Username must be minimum of two characters long.'),
                    'email': _('A properly formatted e-mail is required.'),
                    'password': _('A valid password is required.')
                err['err_type'] = 'InvalidParameter'
                err['err_msg'] = error_str[k]
                return Response(err, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

        # Validate email
        except ValidationError:
            err['err_type'] = 'InvalidParameter'
            err['err_msg'] = _("Valid e-mail is required.")
            return Response(err, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

        # Validate username
        if string_len(post_vars['username']) > 16:
            error_str = {
                'username': _('Username must be maximum of eight characters long.'),
            err['err_type'] = 'InvalidParameter'
            err['err_msg'] = error_str['username']
            return Response(err, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

        if ALL_NUMBER_RE.match(post_vars['username']):
            err['err_type'] = 'InvalidParameter'
            err['err_msg'] = _('Username cannot be all Numbers.')
            return Response(err, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

        if not USERNAME_RE.match(post_vars['username']):
            err['err_type'] = 'InvalidParameter'
            err['err_msg'] = _('Username should only consist of A-Z and 0-9 and chinese character and "_" and "-", with no spaces.')
            return Response(err, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

        # Ok, looks like everything is legit.  Create the account.
        post_vars['name'] = ''
        ret = _do_create_account(post_vars, True, request=request)
        # if there was an error then return that
        if isinstance(ret, HttpResponse):
            json_obj = json.loads(ret.content)
            err['err_type'] = '%sAlreadyExists' % json_obj.get('field').capitalize()
            err['err_msg'] = json_obj.get('value')
            return Response(err, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

        user, profile, registration = ret

        server_track(request, 'api.user.register', {
            'username': user.username,
        return Response()