def get_url(url, username, request_id, action, type, isdir, is_multilayer): """ 从RCMS获取用户的频道信息,匹配出channel_code :param url: :param username: :param request_id: :param action: :param isdir: :return: """ if isdir: #检查dir情况下,url是否合法,不合法则变为url if not url.endswith('/'):'get url url is not dir: url %s isdir %s' %(url, isdir)) isdir = False # isValid, is_multilayer, channel_code, ignore_case = rcmsapi.isValidUrl(username, url) # ignore_case is mean is not ignore case isValid, channel_code, ignore_case = True, None, False #检查任务优先级 high_priority = False if isValid: high_priority = is_refresh_high_priority(channel_code) return {"r_id": request_id, "url": url, "ignore_case": ignore_case, "status": 'PROGRESS' if isValid else 'INVALID', "isdir": isdir, "username": username, "parent": username, "created_time":, "action": action, "is_multilayer": is_multilayer, "channel_code": channel_code, 'type': type, 'high_priority':high_priority, "channel_name":get_channelname(url)}
def submit(refresh_task): ''' 提交任务到消息队列 Parameters ---------- refresh_task : 任务 ignore_result 设置任务存储状态,如果为True,不存状态,也查询不了返回值 default_retry_delay 设置重试提交到消息队列间隔时间,默认10 分钟,单位为秒 max_retries 设置重试次数,默认为3 Returns ------- ------- 修饰符 @task 将submit函数变成了异步任务。在webapp中调用submit并不会立即执行该函数, 而是将函数名、 参数等打包成消息发送到消息队列中,再由worker执行实际的代码 ''' try: urls = getUrlsInLimit(getUrls(refresh_task)) logger.debug('submit: %s' % urls) if not urls: return setOveload(refresh_task, urls) # https add port 443 # for url in urls: # logger.debug("before url not have 443:%s" % url) # url['url'] = add_https_443(url.get('url', '')) # logger.debug('end url have 443:%s' % url) # logger.debug('submit: %s' % urls) db.url.insert(urls) username = refresh_task.get('username') try: user_list = eval(config.get('refresh_redis_store_usernames', 'usernames')) except Exception: logger.debug('splitter_new submit error:%s' % traceback.format_exc()) user_list = [] try: if username in user_list: add_rid_url_info_into_redis(refresh_task.get('r_id'), urls) except Exception: logger.debug('insert result into redis error:%s' % traceback.formate_exc(e)) # logger.debug("rubin_test can delete splitter_refreshDevice submit urls:%s" % urls) # re put the equipment into the URL for url_t in urls: url_t['devices'] = refresh_task.get('devices') # the interface does not have channel_code, instead of using the channel name url_t['channel_code'] = get_channelname(url_t.get('url')) #筛选优先级任务 messages = [] messages_high = [] for url in urls: if url.get("status") == 'PROGRESS': url_info = get_refreshurl(refresh_task.get('username'), url) if url.get('high_priority', False): messages_high.append(url_info) else: messages.append(url_info) #messages = [get_refreshurl(refresh_task.get('username'), url) for url in urls if url.get("status") == 'PROGRESS'] db.request.insert({"_id": refresh_task.get('r_id'), "username": refresh_task.get("username"), "parent": refresh_task.get("username"), "callback": refresh_task.get("callback"), "status": "PROGRESS", "unprocess": len(messages), "created_time": datetime.strptime(refresh_task.get('request_time'), '%Y-%m-%d %X') if refresh_task.get('request_time') else, "remote_addr": refresh_task.get('remote_addr', ''), "serial_num": refresh_task.get('serial_num', '')}) queue.put_json2('url_queue', messages) if messages_high: queue.put_json2('url_high_priority_queue', messages_high) if refresh_task.get('callback'): noticeEmail(refresh_task) except Exception: logger.warning('submit error! do retry. error:%s' % traceback.format_exc()) raise submit.retry(exc=e)
try: user_list = eval(config.get('refresh_redis_store_usernames', 'usernames')) except Exception, e: logger.debug('splitter_new submit error:%s' % traceback.format_exc(e)) user_list = [] try: if username in user_list: add_rid_url_info_into_redis(refresh_task.get('r_id'), urls) except Exception, e: logger.debug('insert result into redis error:%s' % traceback.formate_exc(e)) # logger.debug("rubin_test can delete splitter_refreshDevice submit urls:%s" % urls) # re put the equipment into the URL for url_t in urls: url_t['devices'] = refresh_task.get('devices') # the interface does not have channel_code, instead of using the channel name url_t['channel_code'] = get_channelname(url_t.get('url')) #筛选优先级任务 messages = [] messages_high = [] for url in urls: if url.get("status") == 'PROGRESS': url_info = get_refreshurl(refresh_task.get('username'), url) if url.get('high_priority', False): messages_high.append(url_info) else: messages.append(url_info) #messages = [get_refreshurl(refresh_task.get('username'), url) for url in urls if url.get("status") == 'PROGRESS'] db.request.insert({"_id": refresh_task.get('r_id'), "username": refresh_task.get("username"), "parent": refresh_task.get("username"), "callback": refresh_task.get("callback"), "status": "PROGRESS", "unprocess": len(messages), "created_time": datetime.strptime(refresh_task.get('request_time'), '%Y-%m-%d %X') if refresh_task.get('request_time') else, "remote_addr": refresh_task.get('remote_addr', ''), "serial_num": refresh_task.get('serial_num', '')})