def promptConfigOptions(relayType, config, disabledOpt):
  Prompts the user for the configuration of an internal relay.

    topContent = _splitStr(
        CONFIG.get("wizard.message.%s" % relayType.lower(), ""), 54)

    options = [
        config[opt] for opt in RelayOptions[relayType]
        if not opt in disabledOpt
    options.append(ConfigOption(BACK, "general", "(to role selection)"))
    options.append(ConfigOption(NEXT, "general", "(to confirm options)"))

    popupHeight = len(topContent) + len(options) + DESC_SIZE + 5
    popup, _, _ = cli.popups.init(popupHeight, 58)
    if not popup: return
    control = cli.controller.getController()
    key, selection = 0, 0


        while True:

            # provides the description for the relay type
            for i in range(len(topContent)):
                popup.addstr(i + 1, 2, topContent[i],
                             curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor(MSG_COLOR))

            y, offset = len(topContent) + 1, 0
            for opt in options:
                if opt == Options.DIVIDER:
                    offset += 1

                optionFormat = opt.getDisplayAttr()
                if opt == options[selection]: optionFormat |= curses.A_STANDOUT

                offset, indent = offset + 1, 0
                if opt.getKey() in CONFIG["wizard.suboptions"]:
                    # If the next entry is also a suboption then show a 'T', otherwise
                    # end the bracketing.

                    bracketChar, nextIndex = curses.ACS_LLCORNER, options.index(
                        opt) + 1
                    if nextIndex < len(options) and isinstance(
                            options[nextIndex], ConfigOption):
                        if options[nextIndex].getKey(
                        ) in CONFIG["wizard.suboptions"]:
                            bracketChar = curses.ACS_LTEE

                    popup.addch(y + offset, 3, bracketChar,
                    popup.addch(y + offset, 4, curses.ACS_HLINE,

                    indent = 3

                labelFormat = " %%-%is%%s" % (30 - indent)
                label = labelFormat % (opt.getLabel(), opt.getDisplayValue())
                popup.addstr(y + offset, 2 + indent,
                             uiTools.padStr(label, 54 - indent), optionFormat)

                # little hack to make "Block" policies red
                if opt != options[selection] and not opt.getValue(
                ) and opt.getKey() in CUSTOM_POLICIES:
                    optionFormat = curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("red")
                    popup.addstr(y + offset, 33, opt.getDisplayValue(),

            # divider between the options and description
            offset += 2
            popup.addch(y + offset, 0, curses.ACS_LTEE)
            popup.addch(y + offset, popup.getWidth() - 1, curses.ACS_RTEE)
            popup.hline(y + offset, 1, popup.getWidth() - 2)

            # description for the currently selected option
            for line in options[selection].getDescription(54, " "):
                offset += 1
                popup.addstr(y + offset, 1, line, uiTools.getColor(MSG_COLOR))

            key = control.getScreen().getch()

            if key in (curses.KEY_UP, curses.KEY_DOWN):
                posOffset = -1 if key == curses.KEY_UP else 1
                selection = (selection + posOffset) % len(options)

                # skips disabled options and dividers
                while options[selection] == Options.DIVIDER or not options[
                    selection = (selection + posOffset) % len(options)
            elif uiTools.isSelectionKey(key):
                if selection == len(options) - 2: return BACK  # selected back
                elif selection == len(options) - 1:
                    return NEXT  # selected next
                elif isinstance(options[selection], ToggleConfigOption):
                    newValue = popup.getstr(
                        y + selection + 1, 33, options[selection].getValue(),
                        curses.A_STANDOUT | uiTools.getColor(OPTION_COLOR), 23)
                    if newValue:
                        except ValueError, exc:
                            cli.popups.showMsg(str(exc), 3)
            elif key in (27, ord('q'), ord('Q')):
                return CANCEL
文件: wizard.py 项目: JustMe23/arm
def promptConfigOptions(relayType, config, disabledOpt):
  Prompts the user for the configuration of an internal relay.
  topContent = _splitStr(CONFIG.get("wizard.message.%s" % relayType.lower(), ""), 54)
  options = [config[opt] for opt in RelayOptions[relayType] if not opt in disabledOpt]
  options.append(ConfigOption(BACK, "general", "(to role selection)"))
  options.append(ConfigOption(NEXT, "general", "(to confirm options)"))
  popupHeight = len(topContent) + len(options) + DESC_SIZE + 5
  popup, _, _ = cli.popups.init(popupHeight, 58)
  if not popup: return
  control = cli.controller.getController()
  key, selection = 0, 0
    while True:
      # provides the description for the relay type
      for i in range(len(topContent)):
        popup.addstr(i + 1, 2, topContent[i], curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor(MSG_COLOR))
      y, offset = len(topContent) + 1, 0
      for opt in options:
        if opt == Options.DIVIDER:
          offset += 1
        optionFormat = opt.getDisplayAttr()
        if opt == options[selection]: optionFormat |= curses.A_STANDOUT
        offset, indent = offset + 1, 0
        if opt.getKey() in CONFIG["wizard.suboptions"]:
          # If the next entry is also a suboption then show a 'T', otherwise
          # end the bracketing.
          bracketChar, nextIndex = curses.ACS_LLCORNER, options.index(opt) + 1
          if nextIndex < len(options) and isinstance(options[nextIndex], ConfigOption):
            if options[nextIndex].getKey() in CONFIG["wizard.suboptions"]:
              bracketChar = curses.ACS_LTEE
          popup.addch(y + offset, 3, bracketChar, opt.getDisplayAttr())
          popup.addch(y + offset, 4, curses.ACS_HLINE, opt.getDisplayAttr())
          indent = 3
        labelFormat = " %%-%is%%s" % (30 - indent)
        label = labelFormat % (opt.getLabel(), opt.getDisplayValue())
        popup.addstr(y + offset, 2 + indent, uiTools.padStr(label, 54 - indent), optionFormat)
        # little hack to make "Block" policies red
        if opt != options[selection] and not opt.getValue() and opt.getKey() in CUSTOM_POLICIES:
          optionFormat = curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("red")
          popup.addstr(y + offset, 33, opt.getDisplayValue(), optionFormat)
      # divider between the options and description
      offset += 2
      popup.addch(y + offset, 0, curses.ACS_LTEE)
      popup.addch(y + offset, popup.getWidth() - 1, curses.ACS_RTEE)
      popup.hline(y + offset, 1, popup.getWidth() - 2)
      # description for the currently selected option
      for line in options[selection].getDescription(54, " "):
        offset += 1
        popup.addstr(y + offset, 1, line, uiTools.getColor(MSG_COLOR))
      key = control.getScreen().getch()
      if key in (curses.KEY_UP, curses.KEY_DOWN):
        posOffset = -1 if key == curses.KEY_UP else 1
        selection = (selection + posOffset) % len(options)
        # skips disabled options and dividers
        while options[selection] == Options.DIVIDER or not options[selection].isEnabled():
          selection = (selection + posOffset) % len(options)
      elif uiTools.isSelectionKey(key):
        if selection == len(options) - 2: return BACK # selected back
        elif selection == len(options) - 1: return NEXT # selected next
        elif isinstance(options[selection], ToggleConfigOption):
          newValue = popup.getstr(y + selection + 1, 33, options[selection].getValue(), curses.A_STANDOUT | uiTools.getColor(OPTION_COLOR), 23)
          if newValue:
            try: options[selection].setValue(newValue.strip())
            except ValueError, exc:
              cli.popups.showMsg(str(exc), 3)
      elif key in (27, ord('q'), ord('Q')): return CANCEL
def promptRelayType(initialSelection):
  Provides a prompt for selecting the general role we'd like Tor to run with.
  This returns a RelayType enumeration for the selection, or CANCEL if the
  dialog was canceled.

    options = [ConfigOption(opt, "role", opt) for opt in RelayType.values()]
    options.append(ConfigOption(CANCEL, "general", CANCEL))
    selection = RelayType.indexOf(initialSelection)
    height = 28

    # drops the resume option if it isn't applicable
    control = cli.controller.getController()
    if not control.getTorManager().isTorrcAvailable():
        height -= 3
        selection -= 1

    popup, _, _ = cli.popups.init(height, 58)
    if not popup: return


        # provides the welcoming message
        topContent = _splitStr(CONFIG["wizard.message.role"], 54)
        for i in range(len(topContent)):
            popup.addstr(i + 1, 2, topContent[i],
                         curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor(MSG_COLOR))

        while True:
            y, offset = len(topContent) + 1, 0

            for opt in options:
                optionFormat = uiTools.getColor(MSG_COLOR)
                if opt == options[selection]: optionFormat |= curses.A_STANDOUT

                # Curses has a weird bug where there's a one-pixel alignment
                # difference between bold and regular text, so it looks better
                # to render the whitespace here as not being bold.

                offset += 1
                label = opt.getLabel(" ")
                popup.addstr(y + offset, 2, label,
                             optionFormat | curses.A_BOLD)
                popup.addstr(y + offset, 2 + len(label),
                             " " * (54 - len(label)), optionFormat)
                offset += 1

                for line in opt.getDescription(52, " "):
                    popup.addstr(y + offset, 2, uiTools.padStr(line, 54),
                    offset += 1

            key = control.getScreen().getch()

            if key == curses.KEY_UP: selection = (selection - 1) % len(options)
            elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN:
                selection = (selection + 1) % len(options)
            elif uiTools.isSelectionKey(key):
                return options[selection].getValue()
            elif key in (27, ord('q'), ord('Q')):
                return CANCEL  # esc or q - cancel
文件: wizard.py 项目: JustMe23/arm
def promptRelayType(initialSelection):
  Provides a prompt for selecting the general role we'd like Tor to run with.
  This returns a RelayType enumeration for the selection, or CANCEL if the
  dialog was canceled.
  options = [ConfigOption(opt, "role", opt) for opt in RelayType.values()]
  options.append(ConfigOption(CANCEL, "general", CANCEL))
  selection = RelayType.indexOf(initialSelection)
  height = 28
  # drops the resume option if it isn't applicable
  control = cli.controller.getController()
  if not control.getTorManager().isTorrcAvailable():
    height -= 3
    selection -= 1
  popup, _, _ = cli.popups.init(height, 58)
  if not popup: return
    # provides the welcoming message
    topContent = _splitStr(CONFIG["wizard.message.role"], 54)
    for i in range(len(topContent)):
      popup.addstr(i + 1, 2, topContent[i], curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor(MSG_COLOR))
    while True:
      y, offset = len(topContent) + 1, 0
      for opt in options:
        optionFormat = uiTools.getColor(MSG_COLOR)
        if opt == options[selection]: optionFormat |= curses.A_STANDOUT
        # Curses has a weird bug where there's a one-pixel alignment
        # difference between bold and regular text, so it looks better
        # to render the whitespace here as not being bold.
        offset += 1
        label = opt.getLabel(" ")
        popup.addstr(y + offset, 2, label, optionFormat | curses.A_BOLD)
        popup.addstr(y + offset, 2 + len(label), " " * (54 - len(label)), optionFormat)
        offset += 1
        for line in opt.getDescription(52, " "):
          popup.addstr(y + offset, 2, uiTools.padStr(line, 54), optionFormat)
          offset += 1
      key = control.getScreen().getch()
      if key == curses.KEY_UP: selection = (selection - 1) % len(options)
      elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN: selection = (selection + 1) % len(options)
      elif uiTools.isSelectionKey(key): return options[selection].getValue()
      elif key in (27, ord('q'), ord('Q')): return CANCEL # esc or q - cancel