async def scrambivia_loop(self): if loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self.round += 1 if (self.round > self.maxRound): await self.stop() return self.question, self.answer = triviautil.fetch_question() self.accepting_answers = True res = discord.Embed( title="Scrambivia Round " + str(self.round) + " of " + str(self.maxRound), description=util.insert_zero_width_space(self.question) + "\nAnswer: \"" + util.bold(unscrambleutil.scramble(self.answer)) + "\"", color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) self.timer = loop.time() + self.roundTimer while if (loop.time()) >= self.timer: self.accepting_answers = False res = discord.Embed(title="Round over!", description="The answer was: " + util.bold(str(self.answer)), color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await asyncio.sleep(2) await self.scrambivia_loop() break await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def start(self): res = discord.Embed( title="Reaction Time", description="A reaction game (or, maybe ping diff) for you!", color=util.generate_random_color()) res.add_field( inline=False, name="Rules", value= "Type anything in chat to get a point, but only after my message changes!\nIf you type too early, you won't be able to get the points for the round!" ) res.add_field( inline=False, name="Time Control", value="There are " + util.bold(self.maxRound) + " rounds in this game!\nMy messages will change between " + util.bold(self.minTime) + " and " + util.bold(self.maxTime) + " seconds!\nIf no one types within " + util.bold(self.minTime) + " seconds, no one gets the point!\nNote: I don't take into account my or your pings to discord servers, so that's added onto your reaction times! Blame internet, **not** food!" ) res.add_field(inline=False, name="\u200b", value="The game begins in " + util.bold(self.delay) + " seconds!") await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await asyncio.sleep(self.delay) if res = discord.Embed(title="Let's begin!") await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await self.reaction_loop()
async def handle_on_message(self, message): if not and and in self.created_channels and not self.tracked_players[] and message.content.isnumeric() and len( message.content) == self.code_length: b, c = uddercodeutil.calculateDistance(message.content, self.code) self.tracked_players[] = True if b == self.code_length: = False for channel in self.created_channels: for player in self.tracked_players: self.tracked_players[player] = True res = discord.Embed(title="Someone guessed my code!", color=util.generate_random_color()) res.add_field(name='\u200b', inline=False, value=util.bold( + " found the code to be " + util.bold(self.code) + "!") res.add_field(name='\u200b', inline=False, value="The game will end in " + util.bold(self.round_timer) + " seconds.") await channel.send(embed=res) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await asyncio.sleep(self.round_timer) await self.stop() else: res = discord.Embed( title="You have " + util.bold(b) + (" Bull and " if b == 1 else " Bulls and ") + util.bold(c) + (" Cow! " if c == 1 else " Cows!"), color=util.generate_random_color()) await
async def unscramble_on(self, ctx): = True self.guessed = False loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() if if self.round == self.maxRound: sorted_leaderboard = sorted(self.trackedPlayers.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) res = discord.Embed(title="Leaderboard", description="\n".join([ util.bold(str(k) + ": " + str(v)) for (k, v) in sorted_leaderboard ]), color=util.generate_random_color()) await ctx.send(embed=res) await self.stop_unscramble(ctx) return # if self.round == self.maxRound: # sortedPlayers = sorted(self.trackedPlayers.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # res = discord.Embed(title="Leaderboards", description="\n".join([(str(i[0]) + ": " + str(i[1])) for i in sortedPlayers]), color=util.generate_random_color()) # await ctx.send(embed=res) # await self.stop_chainage(ctx) # return self.round += 1 spaceInsertedWord, self.currentWord = unscrambleutil.generate_random_word_scrambled( self.mode, self.minL, self.maxL) res = discord.Embed( title="Unscramble Round " + str(self.round) + " of " + str(self.maxRound), description="You have " + util.bold(str(self.roundTimer)) + " seconds to unscramble: " + util.bold(spaceInsertedWord), color=util.generate_random_color()) await ctx.send(embed=res) # start the timer ONLY when all of the above are complete self.timer = loop.time() + self.roundTimer """ Logic for timer that recursively calls this function. Important for advancing rounds and resetting timer! """ while if (loop.time()) >= self.timer: res = discord.Embed(title="Round over! The word was: " + self.currentWord, color=util.generate_random_color()) = False await ctx.send(embed=res) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.unscramble_on(ctx) # self.timer = 10e22 break await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await asyncio.sleep(3) else: self.timer = 10e22
async def trivia_loop(self): if loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self.round += 1 if (self.round > self.maxRound): await self.stop() return self.question, self.answer = powutil.insert_zero_width_space( self.questionList[self.round - 1] ["question"]), self.questionList[self.round - 1]["answer"].lower().replace( "<i>", "").replace("</i>", "") if self.answer.startswith("the "): self.answer = self.answer[4:] if self.answer.startswith("an "): self.answer = self.answer[3:] if self.answer.startswith("a "): self.answer = self.answer[2:] self.accepting_answers = True desc = util.insert_zero_width_space(self.question) if self.scramble: desc += "\nUnscramble: \"" + util.bold( unscrambleutil.scramble(self.answer)) + "\"" res = discord.Embed(title="jsTrivia Round " + str(self.round) + " of " + str(self.maxRound), description=desc, color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) self.timer = loop.time() + self.roundTimer while if (loop.time()) >= self.timer: self.accepting_answers = False res = discord.Embed(title="Round over!", description="The answer was: " + util.bold(str(self.answer)), color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await asyncio.sleep(2) await self.trivia_loop() break await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def schwootsh_loop(self): if loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self.round += 1 if self.round > self.maxRound: await self.stop() return self.currentWord = wooshutil.generate_random_start() res = discord.Embed( title="Schwootsh Round " + str(self.round) + "/" + str(self.maxRound), description="Type in neighboring words to my word: " + util.bold(self.currentWord.upper()), color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) self.usedWords = set() self.usedWords.add(self.currentWord) self.timer = loop.time() + self.roundTimer """ Logic for timer that recursively calls this function. Important for advancing rounds and resetting timer! """ while if (loop.time()) >= self.timer: res = discord.Embed(title="Round over!", color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await self.schwootsh_loop() break await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def udder_loop(self): loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() if self.round += 1 res = discord.Embed(title="Round " + str(self.round), color=util.generate_random_color()) for player in self.tracked_players: self.tracked_players[player] = False res.add_field(name='\u200b', inline=False, value="You have " + util.bold(str(self.round_timer) + " seconds") + " to submit an entry!") for channel in self.created_channels: await channel.send(embed=res) self.timer = loop.time() + self.round_timer while if (loop.time()) >= self.timer: res = discord.Embed(title="Round over!", color=util.generate_random_color()) for channel in self.created_channels: await channel.send(embed=res) await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.udder_loop() break await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def findsolution(self, arg1, arg2): if arg2 == "r": arg2 = uddercodeutil.generateRandomCode(len(arg1)) if len(arg1) == len(arg2) <= 6: stack = queue.deque() solutionList = [ str(x).zfill(len(arg1)) for x in range(len(uddercodeutil.numeric)**len(arg1)) ] start = time.time() uddercodeutil.TPOA(10, 2, 1, uddercodeutil.TPOANode(arg1), arg2, solutionList, stack) stop = time.time() uddercodeutil.reverseStack(stack) res = discord.Embed(title="UdderCode found!", color=util.generate_random_color()) stringBuild, guess = "", 0 while stack: a = stack.pop() guess += 1 stringBuild += "Guess " + str(guess) + ": " + util.bold( a[0].code) + ", " + str( a[1]) + (" Bull, " if a[1] == 1 else " Bulls, ") + str( a[2]) + (" Cow\n" if a[2] == 1 else " Cows\n") res.add_field(name="Solution found at depth " + str(guess), inline=False, value=stringBuild) res.add_field(name="Time elapsed", inline=False, value=str(stop - start)) await self.ctx.send(embed=res)
async def start(self): res = discord.Embed(title="Starting PowRacer!", color=util.generate_random_color()) res.add_field( name="Rules", inline=False, value= "Players have some time per round to type my randomly generated words!\nThere are " + util.bold(self.delayTime) + " seconds before it starts!\nI'll accept your message if it's at least " + util.bold(self.similarity) + "% similar!") await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await asyncio.sleep(self.delayTime) res = discord.Embed(title="Let's begin!") self.brokenText, self.text = await powutil.generate_k_random_words( self.minL, self.maxL, self.wordCount) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await self.powracer_loop()
async def stop(self): = False sorted_leaderboard = sorted(self.trackedPlayers.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) res = discord.Embed( title="Leaderboard", description="\n".join( (util.bold(k) + " WPM: " + util.bold(v[0]) + ", Similarity: " + util.bold(v[1]) + "%, Typos: " + util.bold(v[2])) for (k, v) in sorted_leaderboard), color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) res = discord.Embed(title="Stopping PowRacer!", color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) self.usedWords = {} self.trackedPlayers = {} self.timer = 1e22
async def stop(self): sorted_leaderboard = sorted(self.trackedPlayers.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) res = discord.Embed(title="Leaderboard", description="\n".join([util.bold(str(k) + ": " + str(v)) for (k, v) in sorted_leaderboard]), color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) res = discord.Embed(title="Unscramble Over!", color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) self.trackedPlayers = {} self.round = 0 self.timer = 1e22 = False self.currentWord = ""
async def start_gamerizer(self, ctx, *args): = True self.context = ctx cogs = list( = 5 if len(args) == 0 else int(args[0]) cogs.remove("Gamerizer") # don't include self for item in cogs: self.queue.append(item) res = discord.Embed(title="Gamerizer Started!", description=util.bold("Loaded " + str( + " games!"), color=util.generate_random_color()) await ctx.send(embed=res) await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep) await self.gamerizer_on(ctx)
async def handle_on_message(self, message): channel = word = message.content.lower() if alphafuseutil.check_valid(self.currentLetters, word) and self.acceptingAnswers: if in self.trackedPlayers: if word in self.usedWords.keys(): await message.add_reaction('❌') user, rnd = self.usedWords[word] if == user: await channel.send( "What " + user + "? You already used this word in round " + util.bold(rnd) + "! Use another word! (no penalty)") else: self.trackedPlayers[][0] -= 1 self.trackedPlayers[][1] = True await channel.send("Unlucky, " + util.bold(word) + " was already used by " + util.bold(user) + " on round " + util.bold(rnd) + "! (-1 life)") else: await message.add_reaction('✅') self.usedWords[word] = [, self.round] self.trackedPlayers[][1] = True else: if 1 <= self.round <= 3: if word in self.usedWords.keys(): await message.add_reaction('❌') user, rnd = self.usedWords[word] self.trackedPlayers[] = [ self.defaultLifeCount - self.round + 1, True ] self.trackedPlayers[][0] -= 1 await channel.send("Unlucky, " + util.bold(word) + " was already used by " + util.bold(user) + " on round " + util.bold(rnd) + "! (-1 life)") else: await message.add_reaction('✅') self.usedWords[word] = [, self.round ] self.trackedPlayers[] = [ self.defaultLifeCount - self.round + 1, True ]
async def start(self): = True res = discord.Embed( title="Starting jsTrivia!", description= "Players answer my question correctly to get one point! There are " + str(self.maxRound) + " rounds in this Trivia!\nI'll give you the point as long as your answer is >=" + util.bold(self.similarity) + "% similar!", color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) self.questionList = triviautil.fetch_questions_jservice() await asyncio.sleep(5) if len(self.questionList) == 0: await self.ctx.send("Unable to load questions, sorry!") await self.stop() return res = discord.Embed(title="Let's begin!") await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await self.trivia_loop()
async def stop(self): = False sorted_leaderboard = sorted(self.trackedPlayers.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) res = discord.Embed(title="Leaderboard", description="\n".join([ str(k) + ": " + str(v) for (k, v) in sorted_leaderboard ]), color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await asyncio.sleep(1) res = discord.Embed( title="Fastest Reaction", description=util.bold( str(self.minReactionSpeed[1]) + ": `" + str(round(self.minReactionSpeed[0] * 1000, 3)) + "ms`"), color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) res = discord.Embed(title="Reaction Time Over!") await self.ctx.send(embed=res)
async def powracer_loop(self): = True loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() if res = discord.Embed( title="Type the words below as quickly as possible!", description=self.brokenText + "\n\nYou have " + util.bold(self.wordCount * self.timePerWord) + " seconds!") await self.ctx.send(embed=res) self.startTime = loop.time() self.timer = loop.time() + self.wordCount * self.timePerWord """ Logic for timer that recursively calls this function. Important for advancing rounds and resetting timer! """ while if (loop.time()) >= self.timer: res = discord.Embed(title="PowRacer over!", color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await asyncio.sleep(2) await self.stop() break await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def start(self): res = discord.Embed(title="Starting Unscramble!", color=util.generate_random_color()) res.add_field(name="Rules", inline=False, value="Players have some time per round to unscramble the word I display!\nEach correct guess is 1 point.\nUse " + util.bold("!scramble") + "(rate limited) to shuffle the current word!\nEach round lasts 30 seconds, if you can't get the word by then, no one gets a point!\nLet's start!") await self.ctx.send(embed=res) # self.maxRound = int(args[0]) if (len(args) > 0 and (1 <= int(args[0]) <= 20)) else 10 # self.minL = int(args[0]) if len(args) > 0 and 3 <= int(args[0]) <= 7 else 3 # self.maxL = int(args[1]) if len(args) > 1 and 10 <= int(args[1]) <= 50 else 20 # self.maxRound = int(args[0]) if len(args) > 0 else 50 # self.mode = int(args[1]) if len(args) > 0 else 0 self.timer = 1e22 = True await asyncio.sleep(5) res = discord.Embed(title="Let's begin!") await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await self.unscramble_loop()
async def alpha_loop(self): if # need a submission every round, so we can check that here: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self.round += 1 if self.round >= 2: if self.round >= 4 and len(self.trackedPlayers) == 0: await self.ctx.send("No one joined!") await self.stop() return self.trackedPlayersPrevious = self.trackedPlayers.copy() for k, v in list(self.trackedPlayers.items()): # v is a list of [lives, submitted_previous] lives, submitted_previous = v if not submitted_previous: self.trackedPlayers[k][0] -= 1 self.trackedPlayers[k][1] = False if self.trackedPlayers[k][0] == 0: del self.trackedPlayers[k] if len(self.trackedPlayers) == 0: res = discord.Embed( title="Winners", description="\n".join( [x for x in self.trackedPlayersPrevious.keys()]), color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) await self.stop() loop.close() return if self.gameMode == 0: self.currentLetters = alphafuseutil.generate_random_string_of_length_unbiased( self.letters[self.round] if self.round < len(self.letters) - 1 else self.maxLetters) else: self.currentLetters = alphafuseutil.generate_random_string_of_length_biased( self.letters[self.round] if self.round < len(self.letters) - 1 else self.maxLetters) self.combinations = alphafuseutil.combinations(self.currentLetters) res = discord.Embed(title="Alpha Fuse Round " + str(self.round), color=util.generate_random_color()) if self.round == 1: res.add_field(name='\u200b', inline=False, value="You have " + util.bold(self.roundTimer) + " second(s) to find a word! Good luck!") res.add_field( name='\u200b', inline=False, value="\nEnter a word containing the letter(s): " + util.bold(", ".join( [x.upper() for x in self.currentLetters]))) res.add_field(name='\u200b', inline=False, value="\nValid combinations: " + util.bold(self.combinations)) else: res.add_field(name='\u200b', inline=False, value="You have " + util.bold(self.roundTimer) + " second(s) to find a word! Good luck!") res.add_field( name='\u200b', inline=False, value="\nEnter a word containing the letter(s): " + util.bold(", ".join( [x.upper() for x in self.currentLetters]))) res.add_field(name='\u200b', inline=False, value="\nValid combinations: " + util.bold(self.combinations)) res.add_field( name='\u200b', inline=False, value="\nRemaining players: " + ", ".join( list([ util.bold(str(x)) + ": " + str(y[0]) + " lives" if y[0] > 1 else util.bold(str(x)) + ": " + str(y[0]) + " life" for (x, y) in self.trackedPlayers.items() ]))) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) self.acceptingAnswers = True # make timer last for the designated round if self.round != 1: self.roundTimer = round( self.roundTimer * self.factor, 2) if round(self.roundTimer * self.factor, 2) > self.minTime else self.minTime self.timer = loop.time() + self.roundTimer """ Logic for timer that recursively calls this function. Important for advancing rounds and resetting timer! """ while if (loop.time()) >= self.timer: res = discord.Embed(title="Round over!", color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) self.acceptingAnswers = False await asyncio.sleep(2) await self.alpha_loop() break await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def unscramble_loop(self): self.accepting_answer = False loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self.round += 1 if if self.round > self.maxRound: await self.stop() return spaceInsertedWord, self.currentWord = unscrambleutil.generate_random_word_scrambled(self.mode, self.minL, self.maxL) res = discord.Embed(title="Unscramble Round " + str(self.round) + " of " + str(self.maxRound), description="You have " + util.bold(str(self.roundTimer)) + " seconds to unscramble: " + util.bold(spaceInsertedWord), color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) self.accepting_answer = True # start the timer ONLY when all of the above are complete self.timer = loop.time() + self.roundTimer """ Logic for timer that recursively calls this function. Important for advancing rounds and resetting timer! """ while if (loop.time()) >= self.timer: res = discord.Embed(title="Round over! The word was: " + self.currentWord, color=util.generate_random_color()) await self.ctx.send(embed=res) self.accepting_answer = False await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.unscramble_loop() break await asyncio.sleep(0.5)