    def getFeatures(self, gameState, action):
        # print("start get features")
        successor = self.getSuccessor(gameState, action)

        features = {
            "food": 0,
            "foodCarry": 0,
            "distanceHome": 0,
            "capsule": 0,
            "ghostMin": 0,
            "ghostMax": 0,
            "ways": 0,
            "friend": 0,
            "b": 1

        if self.getTeamateDistance(successor) <= 5:
            features["friend"] = self.getTeamateDistance(
                gameState) - self.getTeamateDistance(successor)
        if len(self.getCapsules(gameState)) - len(
                self.getCapsules(successor)) == 1:
            if (not self.getEnermy(gameState)[0][3]) or (
                    not self.getEnermy(gameState)[1][3]):
                features["capsule"] = 2000
        if (self.getEnermy(gameState)[0][0] and self.getEnermy(gameState)[0][1] is not None
                and self.getEnermyDistanceToMe(gameState)[0] < 4 and (not gameState.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman)
                and gameState.getAgentState(self.index).scaredTimer == 0 and (not self.getEnermy(gameState)[0][3]) and len(self.getCapsulesYouAreDefending(gameState)) == 0)\
                or (self.getEnermy(gameState)[0][0] and self.defence and self.getEnermy(gameState)[0][1] is not None
                    and gameState.getAgentState(self.index).scaredTimer == 0 and (not gameState.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman)):
            features["ghostMin"] = self.getEnermy(
                successor)[0][2] - self.getEnermy(gameState)[0][2]
            if features["ghostMin"] > 1:
                features["ghostMin"] = -1000
            # print("chaseA", action, features)
            return util.Counter(features)
        #chase pacman
        if (self.getEnermy(gameState)[1][0] and self.getEnermy(gameState)[1][1] is not None\
                and self.getEnermyDistanceToMe(gameState)[1] < 4 and (not gameState.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman)\
                and gameState.getAgentState(self.index).scaredTimer == 0 and (not self.getEnermy(gameState)[0][3]) and len(self.getCapsulesYouAreDefending(gameState)) == 0)\
                or (self.getEnermy(gameState)[1][0] and self.defence and self.getEnermy(gameState)[1][1] is not None
                    and gameState.getAgentState(self.index).scaredTimer == 0 and (not gameState.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman)):
            features["ghostMax"] = self.getEnermy(
                successor)[1][2] - self.getEnermy(gameState)[1][2]
            if features["ghostMax"] > 1:
                features["ghostMax"] = -1000
            # print("chaseB", action, features)
            return util.Counter(features)
        # chase pacman

        if (self.getEnermyDistanceToMe(gameState)[0] < 4 and gameState.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman and not self.getEnermy(gameState)[0][3])\
            or (self.getEnermyDistanceToMe(gameState)[1] < 4 and gameState.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman and not self.getEnermy(gameState)[1][3])\
            or (self.myDistance[self.start] > 10000 and min(self.getCapsuleDistance(gameState)) > 10000):
            if len(self.food) != 0:
                self.targetFood = random.choice(
            if len(self.getCapsules(gameState)) == 0 or min(
                    self.getCapsuleDistance(gameState)) > 10000:
                features["friend"] = self.getTeamateDistance(
                    gameState) - self.getTeamateDistance(successor)
                features["ways"] = len(successor.getLegalActions(
                    self.index)) - len(gameState.getLegalActions(self.index))
                if self.getHomeDistance(gameState) < 10000:
                    features["distanceHome"] = self.getHomeDistance(
                        gameState) - self.getHomeDistance(successor)
                    print("no way home, try your skills, be Messi")
                    features["distanceHome"] = self.getHome(
                        gameState) - self.getHome(successor)
                    features["ways"] = 0
                # print("escapeForHome", action, features)
                # print("distanceToHome", self.getHomeDistance(gameState))
                # print(gameState)
                if features["capsule"] != 2000:
                    features["capsule"] = min(
                        self.getCapsuleDistance(gameState)) - min(
                # print("escapeForCap", action, features)
            return util.Counter(features)

        if self.goBackScore(gameState, successor) or successor.data._win:
            features["foodCarry"] = abs(
                successor.getAgentState(self.index).numCarrying -
                gameState.getAgentState(self.index).numCarrying) * 300
            features["distanceHome"] = self.getHomeDistance(
                gameState) - self.getHomeDistance(successor)
            # print("goBackscore",action, features)
            return util.Counter(features)
        if self.goBack(gameState, successor):
            e1, e2 = self.getEnermy(gameState)
            features["friend"] = self.getTeamateDistance(
                gameState) - self.getTeamateDistance(successor)
            features["distanceHome"] = self.getHomeDistance(
                gameState) - self.getHomeDistance(successor)
            if self.saveFriend(gameState) and gameState.getAgentState(
                (self.index + 2) % 4).isPacman:
                # print("Save your friend")
                features["capsule"] = 2 * features["capsule"]
            if not gameState.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman:
                features["distanceHome"] = 0
                features["b"] = 0
                features["friend"] = 0
                # print("finish and stay for defend")
                if gameState.getAgentState(self.index).scaredTimer > 0:
                    if e1[0] and (e1[1] is not None):
                        features["ghostMin"] = abs(e1[2] - 2)
                    if e2[0] and (e2[1] is not None):
                        features["ghostMin"] = abs(e2[2] - 2)
            # print("goBack", action, features)
            return util.Counter(features)
        if successor.getAgentState(
                self.index).numCarrying - gameState.getAgentState(
                    self.index).numCarrying == 1:
            # eating food
            features["food"] = 1
            features["foodCarry"] = successor.getAgentState(
                self.index).numCarrying - gameState.getAgentState(
            # print("eatingFood", action, features)
            return util.Counter(features)
        if self.goEat(gameState, successor):
            # print("food Safe")
            e1, e2 = self.getEnermy(successor)
            if self.getTargetFoodDistance(gameState) == 99999:
                features["food"] = self.getMazeDistance(
                    self.myPosition, self.targetFood) - self.getMazeDistance(
                features["food"] = self.getTargetFoodDistance(
                    gameState) - self.getTargetFoodDistance(successor)
            if features["capsule"] != 2000:
                features["capsule"] = min(
                    self.getCapsuleDistance(gameState)) - min(
            if features["capsule"] < -1:
                features["capsule"] = 1
            if (not gameState.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman
                ) and self.getEnermyDistanceToMe(gameState)[0] < 4 and (
                    not e1[0]) and (not e1[3]) and (e1[1] is not None):
                if len(self.food) != 0:
                    self.targetFood = random.choice(self.food)
                features["food"] = e1[2] / 10
                features["capsule"] = 0
            if (not gameState.getAgentState(
                    self.index).isPacman) and self.getEnermyDistanceToMe(
                        gameState)[1] < 4 and e2[2] < e1[2] and (
                            not e2[0]) and (not e2[3]) and (e2[1] is not None):
                if len(self.food) != 0:
                    self.targetFood = random.choice(self.food)
                features["food"] = e2[2] / 10
                features["capsule"] = 0
            features["foodCarry"] = successor.getAgentState(
                self.index).numCarrying - gameState.getAgentState(
            if self.saveFriend(gameState) and min(
                    self.getCapsuleDistance(gameState)) < 10000:
                # print("Save your friend")
                features["capsule"] = 2 * features["capsule"]
            # print("goEat", action, features)
            return util.Counter(features)

        return util.Counter(features)
    def __init__(self, **args):
        "You can initialize Q-values here..."
        ReinforcementAgent.__init__(self, **args)

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        self.values = util.Counter()  # A Counter is a dict with default 0
 def __init__(self, extractor='IdentityExtractor', **args):
     self.featExtractor = util.lookup(extractor, globals())()
     PacmanQAgent.__init__(self, **args)
     self.weights = util.Counter()
 def __init__(self, **args):
     "You can initialize Q-values here..."
     ReinforcementAgent.__init__(self, **args)
     "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
     self.qValues = util.Counter()
    def __init__(self, extractor='IdentityExtractor', **args):
        self.featExtractor = util.lookup(extractor, globals())()
        PacmanQAgent.__init__(self, **args)

        # You might want to initialize weights here.
        self.weight = util.Counter()
    def getFeatures(self, gameState, action):
        Get features used for state evaluation.
        features = util.Counter()
        successor = self.getSuccessor(gameState, action)

        # Compute score from successor state
        features['successorScore'] = self.agent.getScore(successor)
        # get current position of the agent

        CurrentPosition = successor.getAgentState(self.index).getPosition()

        # Compute the distance to the nearest boundary
        boundaryMin = 1000000
        for i in range(len(self.boundary)):
            disBoundary = self.agent.getMazeDistance(CurrentPosition,
            if (disBoundary < boundaryMin):
                boundaryMin = disBoundary
        features['returned'] = boundaryMin

        features['carrying'] = successor.getAgentState(self.index).numCarrying
        # Compute distance to the nearest food
        foodList = self.agent.getFood(successor).asList()
        if len(foodList) > 0:
            minFoodDistance = 99999
            for food in foodList:
                distance = self.agent.getMazeDistance(CurrentPosition, food)
                if (distance < minFoodDistance):
                    minFoodDistance = distance
            features['distanceToFood'] = minFoodDistance

        # Compute distance to the nearest capsule
        capsuleList = self.agent.getCapsules(successor)
        if len(capsuleList) > 0:
            minCapsuleDistance = 99999
            for c in capsuleList:
                distance = self.agent.getMazeDistance(CurrentPosition, c)
                if distance < minCapsuleDistance:
                    minCapsuleDistance = distance
            features['distanceToCapsule'] = minCapsuleDistance
            features['distanceToCapsule'] = 0

        # Compute distance to closest ghost
        opponentsState = []
        for i in self.agent.getOpponents(successor):
        visible = filter(lambda x: not x.isPacman and x.getPosition() != None,
        if len(visible) > 0:
            positions = [agent.getPosition() for agent in visible]
            closest = min(
                key=lambda x: self.agent.getMazeDistance(CurrentPosition, x))
            closestDist = self.agent.getMazeDistance(CurrentPosition, closest)
            if closestDist <= 5:
                # print(CurrentPosition,closest,closestDist)
                features['GhostDistance'] = closestDist

            probDist = []
            for i in self.agent.getOpponents(successor):
            features['GhostDistance'] = min(probDist)

        # Attacker only try to kill the enemy if : itself is ghost form and the distance between him and the ghost is less than 4
        enemiesPacMan = [
            for i in self.agent.getOpponents(successor)
        Range = filter(lambda x: x.isPacman and x.getPosition() != None,
        if len(Range) > 0:
            positions = [agent.getPosition() for agent in Range]
            closest = min(
                key=lambda x: self.agent.getMazeDistance(CurrentPosition, x))
            closestDist = self.agent.getMazeDistance(CurrentPosition, closest)
            if closestDist < 4:
                # print(CurrentPosition,closest,closestDist)
                features['distanceToEnemiesPacMan'] = closestDist
            features['distanceToEnemiesPacMan'] = 0

        return features
 def initializeWeightsToZero(self):
     "Resets the weights of each label to zero vectors"
     self.weights = {}
     for label in self.legalLabels:
         self.weights[label] = util.Counter(
         )  # this is the data-structure you should use
    def __init__(self, mdp, discount=0.9, iterations=100):
          Your value iteration agent should take an mdp on
          construction, run the indicated number of iterations
          and then act according to the resulting policy.

          Some useful mdp methods you will use:
              mdp.getTransitionStatesAndProbs(state, action)
              mdp.getReward(state, action, nextState)
        super(PolicyIterationAgent, self).__init__()

        import mdp as mdp_module
        self.mdp: mdp_module.MarkovDecisionProcess = mdp
        self.discount = discount
        print("using discount {}".format(discount))
        self.iterations = iterations
        self.values = util.Counter()  # A Counter is a dict with default 0
        self.policy: Dict[Tuple[int, int], str] = {
            state: self.mdp.getPossibleActions(state)[0]
            if len(self.mdp.getPossibleActions(state)) > 0 else None
            for state in self.mdp.getStates()

        delta = 0.01
        # TODO: Implement Policy Iteration.
        for i in range(self.iterations):
            # Iterate until V converges, using the current policy
            while True:
                old_values = self.values.copy()
                for state in self.mdp.getStates():
                    self.values[state] = sum([
                        prob * (self.mdp.getReward(state, self.
                                                   policy[state], next_state) +
                                self.discount * old_values[next_state])
                        for next_state, prob in self.mdp.
                        getTransitionStatesAndProbs(state, self.policy[state])
                    ] if self.policy[state] is not None else [])

                # Calculate Euclidean distance and break if not different enough
                if sum([x**2 for x in (self.values - old_values).values()
                        ])**.5 < delta:

            # Iterate the policy
            old_policy = self.policy.copy()
            for state in self.mdp.getStates():
                self.policy[state] = None \
                    if len(self.mdp.getPossibleActions(state)) <= 0 \
                    else max(self.mdp.getPossibleActions(state),
                             key=lambda action: sum([prob * (
                                         state, action, next_state) +
                                     (self.discount * self.values[next_state])
                             ) for next_state, prob in
                                             state, action)] + [0]
            if self.policy == old_policy:
                print(f"policy convergence after {i} iterations")
文件: DJ.py 项目: pnovaz/schoolwork
  def observe(self, gameState):
    distances = gameState.getAgentDistances()
    isRed = self.red
    actual_distances = {}
    for i in range(len(distances)):
      if not isRed and i in gameState.getRedTeamIndices():
        actual_distances[i] = distances[i]
      elif isRed and i in gameState.getBlueTeamIndices():
        actual_distances[i] = distances[i]
    pos = gameState.getAgentState(self.index)
    pos = pos.getPosition()
    new_distributions = {}
    for key in actual_distances:
        new_distributions[key] = util.Counter()
        for position in self.legalPositions:
            dist = distanceCalculator.manhattanDistance(position, pos)
            new_distributions[key][position] = gameState.getDistanceProb(dist, actual_distances[key])
    if hasattr(self, 'distributions'): 
        for key in actual_distances:
            for entry in new_distributions[key]:
                self.distributions[key][entry] *= new_distributions[key][entry]
        self.distributions = new_distributions
    for key in actual_distances:
        new_d = util.Counter()
        for position in self.legalPositions:
            val = self.distributions[key][position]
            left = (position[0]-1, position[1])
            right = (position[0]+1, position[1])
            top = (position[0], position[1]-1)
            bot = (position[0], position[1]+1)
            new_d[position] += val
            if left in self.legalPositions:
                new_d[left] += val
            if right in self.legalPositions:
                new_d[right] += val
            if top in self.legalPositions:
                new_d[top] += val
            if bot in self.legalPositions:
                new_d[bot] += val
        self.distributions[key] = new_d

    # Printing distribution routine for debugging 
    for key in self.distributions:
        best_positions = []
        best_prob = 0
        d = self.distributions[key]
        for entry in self.distributions[key]:
            if d[entry] > best_prob:
                best_prob = d[entry]
                best_positions = [entry]
            elif d[entry] == best_prob:
        predicted = random.choice(best_positions)
        print predicted
        arr = [[0 for x in range(31)] for y in range(15)]
        for element in self.distributions[key]:
            arr[element[1]][element[0]] = self.distributions[key][element]
        for r in range(15,0,-1):
            for c in range(31):
              if (c,r) == predicted:
                print '@',
              elif (c, r) in self.legalPositions:
                print '-' if arr[r][c] else ' ', 
                print "#",
    for key in self.distributions:
        allZero = True
        for entry in self.distributions[key]:
            if self.distributions[key][entry]:
                allZero = False
        if allZero:
            self.distributions = new_distributions
    def getOffenseFeatures(self, gameState, action):
        ''' Retrieve the values for the offensive features

    :param gameState: The current game state to evaluate
    :param action: The selected action to take
    :returns: The selected feature values
        # -----------------------------------------------------
        # initialize settings
        # -----------------------------------------------------
        features = util.Counter()
        successor = self.getSuccessor(gameState, action)
        state = successor.getAgentState(self.index)
        position = state.getPosition()
        features['successorScore'] = self.getScore(successor)
        features['stop'] = (action == Directions.STOP)

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        # Computes distance to defenders we can see
        # -----------------------------------------------------
        enemies = [
            successor.getAgentState(i) for i in self.getOpponents(successor)
        invaders = [
            a for a in enemies if not a.isPacman and a.getPosition() != None
        if len(invaders) > 0 and state.isPacman:
            dist = min([
                self.getMazeDistance(position, a.getPosition())
                for a in invaders
            features['defenderDistance'] = -100 if dist < 2 else dist
            features['defenderDistance'] = 100  # we got a power pill

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        # Computes distance to power pellets
        # -----------------------------------------------------
        isScared = any(
            successor.getAgentState(i).scaredTimer > 0
            for i in self.getOpponents(successor))
        powerList = self.getCapsules(successor)
        if (len(powerList) > 0) and not isScared:
            distances = (self.getMazeDistance(position, power)
                         for power in powerList)
            features['distanceToPower'] = min(distances)
            features['distanceToPower'] = 0
        # don't negative weight yet

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        # computes distance to team mate
        # -----------------------------------------------------
        partners = [
            successor.getAgentState(i) for i in self.getTeam(successor)
        if len(partners) > 0:
            dist = max([
                self.getMazeDistance(position, a.getPosition())
                for a in partners
            features['partnerDistance'] = dist
            features['partnerDistance'] = 0

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        # Computes distance to invaders we can see
        # -----------------------------------------------------
        enemies = [
            successor.getAgentState(i) for i in self.getOpponents(successor)
        invaders = [
            a for a in enemies if a.isPacman and a.getPosition() != None
        if len(invaders) > 0 and not state.isPacman:
            dist = min([
                self.getMazeDistance(position, a.getPosition())
                for a in invaders
            features['ghostDistance'] = dist
            features['ghostDistance'] = 0  # we are attacking

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        # Compute distance to the nearest food
        # -----------------------------------------------------
        foodList = self.getFood(successor).asList()
        if len(foodList) > 0:
            distances = (self.getMazeDistance(position, food)
                         for food in foodList)
            features['distanceToFood'] = min(distances)
        return features
  def getFeatures(self, gameState, action):
  	#Start like getFeatures of OffensiveReflexAgent
  	features = util.Counter()
  	successor = self.getSuccessor(gameState,action)

  	#Get other variables for later use
  	food = self.getFood(gameState)
  	capsules = gameState.getCapsules()
  	foodList = food.asList()
  	walls = gameState.getWalls()
  	x, y = gameState.getAgentState(self.index).getPosition()
  	vx, vy = Actions.directionToVector(action)
  	newx = int(x + vx)
  	newy = int(y + vy)

  	#Get set of invaders and defenders
  	enemies = [gameState.getAgentState(a) for a in self.getOpponents(gameState)]
  	invaders = [a for a in enemies if not a.isPacman and a.getPosition() != None]
  	defenders =[a for a in enemies if a.isPacman and a.getPosition() != None]
    #Check if pacman has stopped
  	if action==Directions.STOP:
  		features["stuck"] = 1.0
  	#Get ghosts close by
  	for ghost in invaders:
  		ghostpos = ghost.getPosition()
  		neighbors = Actions.getLegalNeighbors(ghostpos, walls)
  		if (newx, newy) == ghostpos:
  			if ghost.scaredTimer == 0:
  				features["scaredGhosts"] = 0
  				features["normalGhosts"] = 1
  				features["eatFood"] += 2
  				features["eatGhost"] += 1		
  		elif ((newx, newy) in neighbors) and (ghost.scaredTimer > 0):
  			features["scaredGhosts"] += 1
  		elif (successor.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman) and (ghost.scaredTimer > 0):
  			features["scaredGhosts"] = 0
  			features["normalGhosts"] += 1

  	#How to act if scared or not scared
  	if gameState.getAgentState(self.index).scaredTimer == 0:		
  		for ghost in defenders:
  			ghostpos = ghost.getPosition()
  			neighbors = Actions.getLegalNeighbors(ghostpos, walls)
  			if (newx, newy) == ghostpos:
  				features["eatInvader"] = 1
  			elif (newx, newy) in neighbors:
  				features["closeInvader"] += 1
  		for ghost in enemies:
  			if ghost.getPosition()!= None:
  				ghostpos = ghost.getPosition()
  				neighbors = Actions.getLegalNeighbors(ghostpos, walls)
  				if (newx, newy) in neighbors:
  					features["closeInvader"] += -10
  					features["eatInvader"] = -10
  				elif (newx, newy) == ghostpos:
  					features["eatInvader"] = -10
  	#Get capsules when nearby
  	for cx, cy in capsules:
  		if newx == cx and newy == cy and successor.getAgentState(self.index).isPacman:
  			features["eatCapsule"] = 1.0

  	#When to eat
  	if not features["normalGhosts"]:
  		if food[newx][newy]:
  			features["eatFood"] = 1.0
  		if len(foodList) > 0:
  			tempFood =[]
  			for food in foodList:
  				food_x, food_y = food
  				adjustedindex = self.index-self.index%2
  				check1 = food_y>(adjustedindex/2) * walls.height/3
  				check2 = food_y<((adjustedindex/2)+1) * walls.height/3
  				if (check1 and check2):
   			if len(tempFood) == 0:
   				tempFood = foodList
   			mazedist = [self.getMazeDistance((newx, newy), food) for food in tempFood]
			if min(mazedist) is not None:
				walldimensions = walls.width * walls.height
				features["nearbyFood"] = float(min(mazedist)) / walldimensions	
	return features
    def registerInitialState(self, gameState):
        This method handles the initial setup of the
        agent to populate useful fields (such as what team
        we're on).

        A distanceCalculator instance caches the maze distances
        between each pair of positions, so your agents can use:
        self.distancer.getDistance(p1, p2)

        IMPORTANT: This method may run for at most 15 seconds.
        self.walls = gameState.getWalls().data
        self.goHome = False
        self.stage = 0
        self.startPostion = gameState.getInitialAgentPosition(self.index)

        self.width = gameState.getWalls().width
        self.height = gameState.getWalls().height
        self.foodNum = len(self.getFood(gameState).asList())

        self.bePersuitedTime = 0
        self.teamMap = {}
        self.teamMap[0] = 2
        self.teamMap[1] = 3
        self.teamMap[2] = 0
        self.teamMap[3] = 1
        Make sure you do not delete the following line. If you would like to
        use Manhattan distances instead of maze distances in order to save
        on initialization time, please take a look at
        CaptureAgent.registerInitialState in captureAgents.py.

        CaptureAgent.registerInitialState(self, gameState)

        self.weights = util.Counter()
        self.weights["can_be_captured"] = -2580.941410881
        self.weights["closest-food"] = -258.941410881
        self.weights["bias"] = -258.941410881
        self.weights["eats-food"] = 147.237783878
        self.weights["#-of-ghosts-1-step-away"] = -2580.941410881
        # self.weights["team_dis"] = -256.941410881
        self.weights["from_mid"] = -25.941410881

        self.verticleDirection = set(
            [Directions.NORTH, Directions.SOUTH, Directions.STOP])

        self.northEntrance = self.getNorthEntrance()
        self.southEntrance = self.getSouthEntrance()
        # self.weights2 = util.Counter()
        # self.weights2["closest-food"] = -258.941410881
        # self.weights2["bias"] = -258.941410881
        Your initialization code goes here, if you need any.

        self.caveDis = {}

        self.caveSet = set()
        self.caveEntry = set()
        # self.caveExit =set()

        for i in range(len(self.walls)):
            for j in range(len(self.walls[0])):
                if not self.walls[i][j]:
                    self.myHandle(i, j)

        for i in range(len(self.walls)):
            for j in range(len(self.walls[0])):
                if not self.walls[i][j]:
                    self.myBFS2(i, j)

        for c in list(self.caveSet):
            if (c[0] - 1, c[1]
                ) not in self.caveSet and not self.walls[c[0] - 1][c[1]]:
            if (c[0] + 1, c[1]
                ) not in self.caveSet and not self.walls[c[0] + 1][c[1]]:
            if (c[0], c[1] -
                    1) not in self.caveSet and not self.walls[c[0]][c[1] - 1]:
            if (c[0], c[1] +
                    1) not in self.caveSet and not self.walls[c[0]][c[1] + 1]:

        for c in list(self.caveEntry):
            self.tempset = set()
            self.tempcount = 0
            self.myBFS(c[0], c[1], 1, c)
    def getFeatures(self, state, action):
        # print self.caveEntry
        # print (23,4) in self.caveSet
        # extract the grid of food and wall locations and get the ghost locations
        food = self.getFood(state)
        x, y = state.getAgentPosition(self.index)
        dx, dy = Actions.directionToVector(action)
        next_x, next_y = int(x + dx), int(y + dy)

        walls = state.getWalls()
        ghostIndexList = self.getOpponents(state)
        ghostPositions = [state.getAgentPosition(g) for g in ghostIndexList]

        features = util.Counter()

        features["bias"] = 1.0

        # compute the location of pacman after he takes the x

        if (next_x, next_y) in self.caveDis:
            caveDis, caveEntry = self.caveDis[next_x, next_y]
            for ghost in ghostIndexList:
                temp = state.getAgentPosition(ghost)
                if temp != None:
                    if state.getAgentState(ghost).scaredTimer < 5:
                        if self.getMazeDistance((next_x, next_y), temp) > 5:

                        if caveDis >= self.getMazeDistance(temp,
                                                           caveEntry) - 2:
                            features["can_be_captured"] = 1
                features["can_be_captured"] = 0

        # count the number of ghosts 1-step away
        features["#-of-ghosts-1-step-away"] = 0
        for ghost in ghostIndexList:
            if state.getAgentPosition(ghost) != None:
                if state.getAgentState(ghost).scaredTimer < 3:
                    if (next_x, next_y) in Actions.getLegalNeighbors(
                            state.getAgentPosition(ghost), walls):
                        if not self.isInMyArea((next_x, next_y)):
                            features["#-of-ghosts-1-step-away"] += 1
                            if state.getAgentState(self.index).scaredTimer > 0:
                                features["#-of-ghosts-1-step-away"] += 1

        if not features["can_be_captured"] and food[next_x][next_y]:
            features["eats-food"] = 1.0
        if len(food.asList()) < 3:
            features["eats-food"] = 1.0

        if self.goHome:
            features["closest-food"] = self.getHomeDis((next_x, next_y), walls)
        elif state.data.timeleft < 80:
            self.goHome = True
            features["closest-food"] = self.getHomeDis((next_x, next_y), walls)
        elif self.bePersuitedTime > 20:
            # print (next_x,next_y),self.getHomeDis((next_x, next_y), walls),features
            features["closest-food"] = self.getHomeDis((next_x, next_y), walls)
            if self.index < 2:
                if self.isInMyArea((next_x, next_y)) and self.stage == 0:
                    dist = self.getMazeDistance((next_x, next_y),
                    dist = self.SouthClosestFood((next_x, next_y), food, walls)
                if dist is not None:
                    # make the distance a number less than one otherwise the update
                    # will diverge wildly
                    features["closest-food"] = float(dist) / (walls.width *

                # if self.isInMyArea((next_x, next_y)) and self.stage == 0:
                #     dist = self.getMazeDistance((next_x, next_y), self.southEntrance)
                # else:
                dist = self.NorthClosestFood((next_x, next_y), food, walls)
                if dist is not None:
                    # make the distance a number less than one otherwise the update
                    # will diverge wildly
                    features["closest-food"] = float(dist) / (walls.width *
        return features
def enhancedPacmanFeatures(state, action):
    For each state, this function is called with each legal action.
    It should return a counter with { <feature name> : <feature value>, ... }

    python dataClassifier.py -c perceptron -d pacman -f -g ContestAgent 

    #sets 1 for the position of pacman and 0 otherwise
    for x in range(20):
        for y in range(20):
            if (x,y) == state.getPacmanPosition():
                features[(x,y)] = 1
                features[(x,y)] = 0
    features = util.Counter()

    successor = state.generateSuccessor(0, action)
    agent_pos = successor.getPacmanPosition()
    ghosts = successor.getGhostPositions()
    ghost_state = successor.getGhostStates()
    capsules = successor.getCapsules()
    state_food = state.getFood()
    food = [(x, y) for x, row in enumerate(state_food)
            for y, food in enumerate(row) if food]

    nearest_ghosts = sorted(
        [util.manhattanDistance(agent_pos, i) for i in ghosts])
    features["nearest_ghost"] = nearest_ghosts[0]


    #if state.data.agentStates[nearest_ghosts[0]].scaredTimer > 0:
    #    features[("ghost_scared", ghost_state)] = 1
    #else: features[("ghost_scared", ghost_state)] = 0

    #for i in xrange(min(len(nearest_ghosts), 1)):
    #features[("ghost", i)] = 5 / (0.1 + nearest_ghosts[i])

    nearest_caps = sorted(
        [util.manhattanDistance(agent_pos, i) for i in capsules])

    for i in xrange(min(len(nearest_caps), 1)):
        features[("capsule", i)] = 15 / (1 + nearest_caps[i])

    nearest_food = sorted([util.manhattanDistance(agent_pos, i) for i in food])
    for i, weight in zip(xrange(min(len(nearest_food), 5)),
                         [1.3, 0.8] + [0.9] * 3):
        features[("food", i)] = weight * nearest_food[i]

    #features["capsule count"] = len(capsules) * 10
    features["iswin"] = state.isWin()
    features["islose"] = state.isLose()
    features["score"] = state.getScore()  #* 10

    #features["pacman"]= agent_pos implemnteren werkt niet!

    return features
 def getFeatures(self, state, agent_id):
     f = util.Counter()
     return f
    def observe(self, observation, gameState):
        """Updates beliefs based on the distance observation and Pacman's

        When we enter this function pacman's distribution over
        possible locations of the ghost are stored in self.beliefs

        For any position p:
        self.beliefs[p] = Pr(Xt=p | e_{t-1}, e_{t-2}, ..., e_1)

        That is, pacman's distribution has already been updated by all
        prior observations already.

        This function should update self.beliefs[p] so that
        self.beliefs[p] = Pr(Xt=p |e_t, e_{t-1}, e_{t-2}, ..., e_1)

        That is, it should update pacman's distribution over the
        ghost's locations to account for the passed observation.

        noisyDistance (= the next observation e_t) is the estimated
        Manhattan distance to the ghost you are tracking.

        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        stores the probability of having observed noisyDistance given any
        true distance you supply. That is
        emissionModel[trueDistance] = Pr(noisyDistance | trueDistance).

        Since our observations have to do with manhattanDistance with
        no indication of direction, we take
        Pr(noisyDistance | Xt=p) =
            Pr(noisyDistance | manhattanDistance(p,packmanPosition))

        That is, the probability of observing noisyDistance given that the
        ghost is in position p is equal to the probability of having
        observed noisyDistance given the trueDistance between p and the
        pacman's current position.

        self.legalPositions is a list of the possible ghost positions
        (Only positions in self.legalPositions need to have
         their probability updated)

        A correct implementation will handle the following special

        * When a ghost is captured by Pacman, all beliefs should be
          updated so that pacman believes the ghost to be in its
          prison cell with probability 1, this position is

          You can check if a ghost has been captured by Pacman by
          checking if it has a noisyDistance of None (a noisy distance
          of None will be returned if, and only if, the ghost is
          captured, note 0 != None).

        noisyDistance = observation
        emissionModel = busters.getObservationDistribution(noisyDistance)
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        #the code below updates pacman's beliefs so that it
        #has a uniform distribution over all possible positions
        #the ghost could be.
        # Replace this code with a correct observation update
        # Be sure to handle the "jail" edge case where the ghost is eaten
        # and noisyDistance is None

        allPossible = util.Counter()

        for p in self.legalPositions:
            if noisyDistance is not None:
                    distance = util.manhattanDistance(p, pacmanPosition)
                    allPossible[p] = emissionModel[distance] * self.beliefs[p]
                if p == self.getJailPosition():
                    allPossible[p] = 1.0
        "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"

        self.beliefs = allPossible
 def getWeights(self, state, agent_id):
     w = util.Counter()
     return w
    def elapseTime(self, gameState):
        """Update self.beliefs in response to a time step passing from the
        current state.

        When we enter this function pacman's distribution over
        possible locations of the ghost are stored in self.beliefs

        For any position p:
        self.beliefs[p] = Pr(X_{t-1} = p | e_{t-1}, e_{t-2} ... e_1)

        That is, pacman has a distribution over the previous time step
        having taken into account all previous observations.

        This function should update self.beliefs so that
        self.beliefs[p] = P(Xt = p | e_{t-1}, e_{t_2} ..., e_1)

        That is, it should update pacman's distribution over the
        ghost's locations to account for progress in time.

        The transition model (Pr(X_t|X_{t-1) may depend on Pacman's
        current position (e.g., for DirectionalGhost).  However, this
        is not a problem, as Pacman's current position is known.

        In order to obtain the distribution over new positions for the
        ghost, given its previous position (oldPos) as well as
        Pacman's current position, use this line of code:

          newPosDist = self.getPositionDistribution(self.setGhostPosition(gameState, oldPos))

        newPosDist is a util.Counter object, where for each position p in

        newPostDist[p] = Pr( ghost is at position p at time t + 1 | ghost is at position oldPos at time t )

        newPostDist[p] = Pr( ghost is at position p at time t + 1 | ghost is at position oldPos at time t )

        You may also find it useful to loop over key, value pairs in
        newPosDist, like:

          for newPos, prob in newPosDist.items():

        HINT. obtaining newPostDist is relatively expensive.  If you
              look carefully at the HMM "progress in time" equation
              you will see that you can orgranize the computation so
              that you use newPosDist[p] for all values of p (by,
              e.g., the for loop above) before moving on the next
              newPosDist (generated by another oldPos).

        *** GORY DETAIL AHEAD ***

        As an implementation detail (with which you need not concern yourself),
        the line of code at the top of this comment block for obtaining
        newPosDist makes use of two helper methods provided in InferenceModule

          1) self.setGhostPosition(gameState, ghostPosition)
              This method alters the gameState by placing the ghost we're
              tracking in a particular position.  This altered gameState can be
              used to query what the ghost would do in this position.

          2) self.getPositionDistribution(gameState)
              This method uses the ghost agent to determine what positions the
              ghost will move to from the provided gameState.  The ghost must be
              placed in the gameState with a call to self.setGhostPosition

        It is worthwhile, however, to understand why these two helper
        methods are used and how they combine to give us a belief
        distribution over new positions after a time update from a
        particular position.

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        allPossible = util.Counter()

        for p in self.legalPositions:
            newPosDist = self.getPositionDistribution(self.setGhostPosition(gameState, p))
            for newPos, prob in newPosDist.items():
                allPossible[newPos] += prob * self.beliefs[p]
        self.beliefs = allPossible
        "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
 def getFeatures(self, state, action):
     feats = util.Counter()
     feats[(state, action)] = 1.0
     return feats
    def observeState(self, gameState):
        """Resamples the set of particles using the likelihood of the noisy

        To loop over the ghosts, use:

          for i in range(self.numGhosts):

        A correct implementation will handle two special cases:
        1) When all particles get weight 0 due to the observation,
           a new set of particles need to be generated from the initial
           prior distribution by calling initializeParticles.

        2) Otherwise after all new particles have been generated by
           resampling you must check if any ghosts have been captured
           by packman (noisyDistances[i] will be None if ghost i has
           ben captured).

           For each captured ghost, you need to change the i'th component
           of every particle (remember that the particles contain a position
           for every ghost---so you need to change the component associated
           with the i'th ghost.). In particular, if ghost i has been captured
           then the i'th component of every particle must be changed so
           the i'th ghost is in its prison cell (position self.getJailPosition(i))

            Note that more than one ghost might be captured---you need
            to ensure that every particle puts every captured ghost in
            its prison cell.

        self.getParticleWithGhostInJail is a helper method to help you
        edit a specific particle. Since we store particles as tuples,
        they must be converted to a list, edited, and then converted
        back to a tuple. This is a common operation when placing a
        ghost in jail. Note that this function
        creates a new particle, that has to replace the old particle in
        your list of particles.

        HINT1. The weight of every particle is the product of the probabilities
               of associated with each ghost's noisyDistance observation
        HINT2. When computing the weight of a particle by looking at each
               ghost's noisyDistance observation make sure you check
               if the ghost has been captured. Captured ghost's are ignored
               in the weight computation (the particle's component for
               the captured ghost is updated the precise position later---so
               this corresponds to multiplying the weight by probability 1
        pacmanPosition = gameState.getPacmanPosition()
        noisyDistances = gameState.getNoisyGhostDistances()
        if len(noisyDistances) < self.numGhosts:
        emissionModels = [busters.getObservationDistribution(dist) for dist in noisyDistances]

        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        newBelief = util.Counter()
        for particle in self.particles:
            weight = 1.0
            for index in range(self.numGhosts):
                if noisyDistances[index] is None:
                    particle = self.getParticleWithGhostInJail(particle, index)
                    distance = util.manhattanDistance(particle[index], pacmanPosition)
                    weight *= emissionModels[index][distance]
            newBelief[particle] += weight

        if newBelief.totalCount() == 0:
            self.particles = []
            for i in range(self.numParticles):
        "*** END YOUR CODE HERE ***"
  def getFeatures(self, gameState, action):

    features = util.Counter()
    # successor states for all agents
    successor = self.getSuccessor(gameState, action)


    # your successor state
    myState = successor.getAgentState(self.index)
    # your pos
    myPos = myState.getPosition()

    # Computes whether we're on defense (1) or offense (0)
    features['onDefense'] = 1
    if myState.isPacman: features['onDefense'] = 0

    # Computes distance to invaders we can see
    enemies = [successor.getAgentState(i) for i in self.getOpponents(successor)]

    # find invadors on other team
    invaders = [a for a in enemies if a.isPacman and a.getPosition() != None]
    features['numInvaders'] = len(invaders)

    allEnemies = [a for a in enemies if a.getPosition() != None]

    ##print "allEnemies ", allEnemies

    if allEnemies:
      ##print "I SEE U ", allEnemies

    ###print "invaders ", len(invaders)

    dists = []
    #lastEatenFood = None


    # if there are invaders
    if len(invaders) > 0:
      #get the maze distance to each one
      ###print self.scaredTimer


      dists = [self.getMazeDistance(myPos, a.getPosition()) for a in invaders]
      closestPac = min(dists)

      if myState.scaredTimer:
        ###print myState.scaredTimer
        ###print gameState

      if myState.scaredTimer != 0 and myState.scaredTimer <= 25 and closestPac <2:
        #features['invaderDistance'] = 10
        features['invaderDistance'] = min(dists)
      self.lastEatenFood = None

      ###print "features['invaderDistance'] chase ", features['invaderDistance']
    # if there aren't any invaders

      #check yo food buddy
      oldFoodList = self.oldFood.asList()
      newFoodList = self.getFoodYouAreDefending(gameState).asList()

      # ##print "old"
      # ##print oldFoodList
      # ##print "new"
      # ##print newFoodList

      #if any piece has been eaten 
      if oldFoodList != newFoodList:
        eatenFoodList = list(set(oldFoodList) - set(newFoodList))
        self.lastEatenFood = eatenFoodList[0]

        self.oldFood = self.getFoodYouAreDefending(gameState)

      #move to the last eaten food
      if self.lastEatenFood:
        #print "TO FOOD"
        #print self.lastEatenFood


        distanceToFood = self.getMazeDistance(myPos, self.lastEatenFood)

        features['invaderDistance'] = distanceToFood

        # remove the last eaten food after you've been to it and bug fixing
        if myPos == self.lastEatenFood or self.lastEatenFood[0] >= gameState.data.layout.width/2-2 or gameState.data.layout.walls[self.lastEatenFood[0]][self.lastEatenFood[1]]:
          self.lastEatenFood = None

      #patrol behavior
        #print "PATROL"
        #print self.patrolPoints

        p = self.patrolPoints[self.i]

        if myPos == p:
          if self.i>=len(self.patrolPoints):
            self.i = 0

        distanceToPoint = self.getMazeDistance(myPos, p)

        features['invaderDistance'] = distanceToPoint

    if action == Directions.STOP: features['stop'] = 1
    rev = Directions.REVERSE[gameState.getAgentState(self.index).configuration.direction]
    if action == rev: features['reverse'] = 1

    return features
  def trainAndTune(self, trainingData, trainingLabels, validationData, validationLabels, kgrid):
    Trains the classifier by collecting counts over the training data, and
    stores the Laplace smoothed estimates so that they can be used to classify.
    Evaluate each value of k in kgrid to choose the smoothing parameter 
    that gives the best accuracy on the held-out validationData.
    trainingData and validationData are lists of feature Counters.  The corresponding
    label lists contain the correct label for each datum.
    To get the list of all possible features or labels, use self.features and 

    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
    # util.raiseNotDefined()
    print "Begin define train and tune..."
    # print self.features        
    # print self.legalLabels

    c = util.Counter()
    k_res = util.Counter()
    for index in range(len(trainingData)):
      datum = trainingData[index];
      label = trainingLabels[index];
      for key in datum.sortedKeys():
          c[(1,key,label)] += 1
        # elif (datum[key]==2):
        #   c[(2,key,label)] += 1
          c[(0,key,label)] += 1
    # Conditional Probabilities
    for k in kgrid:
      print "Set k = ", k
      for feature in self.features:
        for label in self.legalLabels:
          # S = c[(1, feature, label)] + k + c[(0, feature, label)] + k + c[(2, feature, label)] + k
          # self.P[(2, feature, label)] = (c[(2, feature, label)] + k) / (S * 1.0)
          # self.P[(1, feature, label)] = (c[(1, feature, label)] + k) / (S * 1.0)
          # self.P[(0, feature, label)] = (c[(0, feature, label)] + k) / (S * 1.0)
          S = c[(1, feature, label)] + k + c[(0, feature, label)] + k
          self.P[(1, feature, label)] = (c[(1, feature, label)] + k) / (S * 1.0)
          self.P[(0, feature, label)] = (c[(0, feature, label)] + k) / (S * 1.0)
      # calculate the accuracy 
      guesses = self.classify(validationData)
      correct = [guesses[i] == validationLabels[i] for i in range(len(validationLabels))].count(True)
      k_res[k] = 100.0 * correct / len(validationLabels)
      print "Accuracy = ", k_res[k], "%"

    # Evalute and choose the otimum k 
    print k_res
    k = k_res.sortedKeys()[0]
    print "Set k = ", k 

    # Reassign conditional probabilities 
    for feature in self.features:
      for label in self.legalLabels:
        # S = c[(1, feature, label)] + k + c[(0, feature, label)] + k + c[(2, feature, label)] + k
        # self.P[(2, feature, label)] = (c[(2, feature, label)] + k) / S
        # self.P[(1, feature, label)] = (c[(1, feature, label)] + k) / S
        # self.P[(0, feature, label)] = (c[(0, feature, label)] + k) / S 
        S = c[(1, feature, label)] + k + c[(0, feature, label)] + k 
        self.P[(1, feature, label)] = (c[(1, feature, label)] + k) / (S * 1.0)
        self.P[(0, feature, label)] = (c[(0, feature, label)] + k) / (S * 1.0)
          Your value iteration agent should take an mdp on
          construction, run the indicated number of iterations
          and then act according to the resulting policy.

          Some useful mdp methods you will use:
              mdp.getTransitionStatesAndProbs(state, action)
              mdp.getReward(state, action, nextState)
        self.mdp = mdp
        self.discount = discount
        self.iterations = iterations
        self.values = util.Counter() # A Counter is a dict with default 0

        # Write value iteration code here

        for i in range(iterations):
            storeValues = util.Counter()
            states = mdp.getStates()
            for s in states:
                actions = mdp.getPossibleActions(s)
                if(len(actions) == 0): continue
                qVals = [self.getQValue(s, a) for a in actions]
                storeValues[s] = max(qVals)
            self.values = storeValues

    def getValue(self, state):
    def elapseTime(self, gameState):
        Update self.beliefs in response to a time step passing from the current

        The transition model is not entirely stationary: it may depend on
        Pacman's current position (e.g., for DirectionalGhost).  However, this
        is not a problem, as Pacman's current position is known.

        In order to obtain the distribution over new positions for the ghost,
        given its previous position (oldPos) as well as Pacman's current
        position, use this line of code:

          newPosDist = self.getPositionDistribution(self.setGhostPosition(gameState, oldPos))

        Note that you may need to replace "oldPos" with the correct name of the
        variable that you have used to refer to the previous ghost position for
        which you are computing this distribution. You will need to compute
        multiple position distributions for a single update.

        newPosDist is a util.Counter object, where for each position p in

        newPostDist[p] = Pr( ghost is at position p at time t + 1 | ghost is at position oldPos at time t )

        (and also given Pacman's current position).  You may also find it useful
        to loop over key, value pairs in newPosDist, like:

          for newPos, prob in newPosDist.items():

        *** GORY DETAIL AHEAD ***

        As an implementation detail (with which you need not concern yourself),
        the line of code at the top of this comment block for obtaining
        newPosDist makes use of two helper methods provided in InferenceModule

          1) self.setGhostPosition(gameState, ghostPosition)
              This method alters the gameState by placing the ghost we're
              tracking in a particular position.  This altered gameState can be
              used to query what the ghost would do in this position.

          2) self.getPositionDistribution(gameState)
              This method uses the ghost agent to determine what positions the
              ghost will move to from the provided gameState.  The ghost must be
              placed in the gameState with a call to self.setGhostPosition

        It is worthwhile, however, to understand why these two helper methods
        are used and how they combine to give us a belief distribution over new
        positions after a time update from a particular position.
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        next_state_beliefs = util.Counter()
        for current_position, current_probability in self.beliefs.items():
            next_state_distribution = self.getPositionDistribution(self.setGhostPosition(gameState, current_position))
            for next_position, next_probability in next_state_distribution.items():
                next_state_beliefs[next_position] += current_probability * next_probability
        self.beliefs = next_state_beliefs
 def initializeUniformly(self, gameState):
     "Begin with a uniform distribution over ghost positions."
     self.beliefs = util.Counter()
     for p in self.legalPositions:
         self.beliefs[p] = 1.0
 def runValueIteration(self):
     for _ in range(self.iterations):
         nextValues = util.Counter()
         for state in self.mdp.getStates():
             nextValues[state] = self.getMaxQ(state)
         self.values = nextValues
 def getDistribution( self, state ):
     dist = util.Counter()
     for a in state.getLegalActions( self.index ): dist[a] = 1.0
     return dist
 def __init__(self, legalLabels, maxIterations):
     PerceptronClassifier.__init__(self, legalLabels, maxIterations)
     self.weights = util.Counter()
    def __init__(self, **args):
        "You can initialize Q-values here..."
        ReinforcementAgent.__init__(self, **args)

        self.q_values = util.Counter()
 def getDistribution( self, state ):
     dist = util.Counter()
     dist[Directions.STOP] = 1.0
     return dist