def MaybeRelease(revision): # Version is embedded as: const char kChromeDriverVersion[] = "0.1"; # Minimum supported Chrome version is embedded as: # const int kMinimumSupportedChromeVersion[] = {27, 0, 1453, 0}; with open(os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, 'chrome', ''), 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() version_line = filter(lambda x: 'kChromeDriverVersion' in x, lines) chrome_min_version_line = filter( lambda x: 'kMinimumSupportedChromeVersion' in x, lines) version = version_line[0].split('"')[1] chrome_min_version = chrome_min_version_line[0].split('{')[1].split(',')[0] with open(os.path.join(chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'chrome', 'VERSION'), 'r') as f: chrome_max_version = f.readlines()[0].split('=')[1] bitness = '32' if util.IsLinux() and platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit': bitness = '64' zip_name = '' % ( util.GetPlatformName(), bitness, version) site = '' s = urllib2.urlopen(site) downloads = s.close() if zip_name in downloads: return 0 util.MarkBuildStepStart('releasing %s' % zip_name) if util.IsWindows(): server_orig_name = 'chromedriver2_server.exe' server_name = 'chromedriver.exe' else: server_orig_name = 'chromedriver2_server' server_name = 'chromedriver' server = os.path.join(chrome_paths.GetBuildDir([server_orig_name]), server_orig_name) print 'Zipping ChromeDriver server', server temp_dir = util.MakeTempDir() zip_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, zip_name) f = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) f.write(server, server_name) f.close() cmd = [ sys.executable, os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, 'third_party', 'googlecode', ''), '--summary', 'ChromeDriver server for %s%s (v%s.%s.dyu) supports Chrome v%s-%s' % ( util.GetPlatformName(), bitness, version, revision, chrome_min_version, chrome_max_version), '--project', 'chromedriver', '--user', '*****@*****.**', zip_path ] with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as no_output: if subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=no_output, stderr=no_output).wait(): util.MarkBuildStepError()
def _GetDesktopNegativeFilter(version_name): filter = _NEGATIVE_FILTER + _DESKTOP_NEGATIVE_FILTER os = util.GetPlatformName() if os in _OS_SPECIFIC_FILTER: filter += _OS_SPECIFIC_FILTER[os] if version_name in _VERSION_SPECIFIC_FILTER: filter += _VERSION_SPECIFIC_FILTER[version_name] return filter
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '', '--android-packages', help='Comma separated list of application package names, ' 'if running tests on Android.') parser.add_option('-r', '--revision', type='int', help='Chromium revision') parser.add_option( '', '--update-log', action='store_true', help='Update the test results log (only applicable to Android)') options, _ = parser.parse_args() bitness = '32' if util.IsLinux() and platform_module.architecture()[0] == '64bit': bitness = '64' platform = '%s%s' % (util.GetPlatformName(), bitness) if options.android_packages: platform = 'android' if platform != 'android': _KillChromes() _CleanTmpDir() if platform == 'android': if not options.revision and options.update_log: parser.error('Must supply a --revision with --update-log') _DownloadPrebuilts() else: if not options.revision: parser.error('Must supply a --revision') if platform == 'linux64': _ArchivePrebuilts(options.revision) _WaitForLatestSnapshot(options.revision) _AddToolsToPath(platform) cmd = [ sys.executable, os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, 'test', ''), ] if platform == 'android': cmd.append('--android-packages=' + options.android_packages) passed = (util.RunCommand(cmd) == 0) _ArchiveServerLogs() if platform == 'android': if options.update_log: util.MarkBuildStepStart('update test result log') _UpdateTestResultsLog(platform, options.revision, passed) elif passed: _ArchiveGoodBuild(platform, options.revision) _MaybeRelease(platform)
def _KillChromes(): chrome_map = { 'win': 'chrome.exe', 'mac': 'Chromium', 'linux': 'chrome', } if util.IsWindows(): cmd = ['taskkill', '/F', '/IM'] else: cmd = ['killall', '-9'] cmd.append(chrome_map[util.GetPlatformName()]) util.RunCommand(cmd)
def StartChromeDriverServer(chromedriver_binary, options): chromedriver = util.GetAbsolutePathOfUserPath(chromedriver_binary) if (not os.path.exists(chromedriver) and util.GetPlatformName() == "win" and not chromedriver.lower().endswith(".exe")): chromedriver = chromedriver + ".exe" if options.output_log_path: options.output_log_path = util.GetAbsolutePathOfUserPath( options.output_log_path) chromedriver_server = server.Server(chromedriver_binary, log_path=options.output_log_path) return chromedriver_server
def StartChromeDriverServer(chromedriver_binary, output_log_path, devtools_replay_path="", replayable=False): chromedriver = util.GetAbsolutePathOfUserPath(chromedriver_binary) if (not os.path.exists(chromedriver) and util.GetPlatformName() == "win" and not chromedriver.lower().endswith(".exe")): chromedriver = chromedriver + ".exe" if output_log_path: output_log_path = util.GetAbsolutePathOfUserPath(output_log_path) chromedriver_server = server.Server( chromedriver_binary, log_path=output_log_path, devtools_replay_path=devtools_replay_path, replayable=replayable) return chromedriver_server
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self._InternalInit(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if not e.message.startswith('timed out'): raise else: # Temp code for debugging # If enabled, trigger a core dump on first timeout. # The code is only intended for Linux, where the above bug is observed. global enable_core_dump if enable_core_dump and util.GetPlatformName() == 'linux': enable_core_dump = False import psutil import signal this_process = psutil.Process() chromedriver_process = this_process.children()[0] if == 'chromedriver': chrome_processes = chromedriver_process.children() if len(chrome_processes) == 1: # Remove core file size limit, then use SIGABRT to dump core. # Newer versions of psutil.Process have rlimit method, while older # versions have set_rlimit method. if hasattr(chrome_processes[0], 'rlimit'): rlimit_method = chrome_processes[0].rlimit else: rlimit_method = chrome_processes[0].set_rlimit rlimit_method( psutil.RLIMIT_CORE, (psutil.RLIM_INFINITY, psutil.RLIM_INFINITY)) chrome_processes[0].send_signal(signal.SIGABRT) else: print 'Skipping core dump as ChromeDriver has unexpected children' else: print 'Unable to find ChromeDriver process, skipping core dump' if ChromeDriver.retry_count < MAX_RETRY_COUNT: ChromeDriver.retry_count = ChromeDriver.retry_count + 1 ChromeDriver.retried_tests.append(kwargs.get('test_name')) self._InternalInit(*args, **kwargs) else: raise
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '', '--android-package', help='Application package name, if running tests on Android.') # Option 'chrome-version' is for desktop only. parser.add_option( '', '--chrome-version', help='Version of chrome, e.g., \'HEAD\', \'27\', or \'26\'.' 'Default is to run tests against all of these versions.' 'Notice: this option only applies to desktop.') options, _ = parser.parse_args() exe_postfix = '' if util.IsWindows(): exe_postfix = '.exe' cpp_tests_name = 'chromedriver2_tests' + exe_postfix server_name = 'chromedriver2_server' + exe_postfix required_build_outputs = [server_name] if not options.android_package: required_build_outputs += [cpp_tests_name] build_dir = chrome_paths.GetBuildDir(required_build_outputs) print 'Using build outputs from', build_dir chromedriver = os.path.join(build_dir, server_name) platform_name = util.GetPlatformName() if util.IsLinux() and platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit': platform_name += '64' ref_chromedriver = os.path.join( chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'chrome', 'test', 'chromedriver', 'third_party', 'java_tests', 'reference_builds', 'chromedriver_%s%s' % (platform_name, exe_postfix)) if util.IsLinux(): # Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to enable successful loading of shared object files, # when is not a static build. _AppendEnvironmentPath('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', os.path.join(build_dir, 'lib')) elif util.IsWindows(): # For Windows bots: add ant, java(jre) and the like to system path. _AddToolsToSystemPathForWindows() if options.android_package: os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, 'chrome') code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, android_package=options.android_package) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, android_package=options.android_package) return code1 or code2 else: latest_snapshot_revision = archive.GetLatestRevision( archive.Site.SNAPSHOT) versions = [['HEAD', latest_snapshot_revision], ['28', archive.CHROME_28_REVISION], ['27', archive.CHROME_27_REVISION]] code = 0 for version in versions: if options.chrome_version and version[0] != options.chrome_version: continue download_site = archive.Site.CONTINUOUS version_name = version[0] if version_name == 'HEAD': version_name = version[1] download_site = archive.Site.SNAPSHOT chrome_path = archive.DownloadChrome(version[1], util.MakeTempDir(), download_site) code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version[0], chrome_version_name=version_name) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version[0], chrome_version_name=version_name) code = code or code1 or code2 cpp_tests = os.path.join(build_dir, cpp_tests_name) return RunCppTests(cpp_tests) or code
def _InternalInit(self, server_url, chrome_binary=None, android_package=None, android_activity=None, android_process=None, android_use_running_app=None, chrome_switches=None, chrome_extensions=None, chrome_log_path=None, debugger_address=None, logging_prefs=None, mobile_emulation=None, experimental_options=None, download_dir=None, network_connection=None, send_w3c_capability=True, send_w3c_request=True, page_load_strategy=None, unexpected_alert_behaviour=None, devtools_events_to_log=None, accept_insecure_certs=None, timeouts=None, test_name=None): self._executor = command_executor.CommandExecutor(server_url) self._server_url = server_url self.w3c_compliant = False self._websocket = None options = {} if experimental_options: assert isinstance(experimental_options, dict) options = experimental_options.copy() if android_package: options['androidPackage'] = android_package if android_activity: options['androidActivity'] = android_activity if android_process: options['androidProcess'] = android_process if android_use_running_app: options['androidUseRunningApp'] = android_use_running_app elif chrome_binary: options['binary'] = chrome_binary if sys.platform.startswith('linux') and android_package is None: if chrome_switches is None: chrome_switches = [] # Workaround for chrome_switches.append('no-sandbox') # chrome_switches.append('disable-gpu') if chrome_switches is None: chrome_switches = [] chrome_switches.append('force-color-profile=srgb') if chrome_switches: assert type(chrome_switches) is list options['args'] = chrome_switches # TODO( Work around a bug with headless on Mac. if util.GetPlatformName( ) == 'mac' and '--headless' in chrome_switches: options['excludeSwitches'] = ['--enable-logging'] if mobile_emulation: assert type(mobile_emulation) is dict options['mobileEmulation'] = mobile_emulation if chrome_extensions: assert type(chrome_extensions) is list options['extensions'] = chrome_extensions if chrome_log_path: assert type(chrome_log_path) is str options['logPath'] = chrome_log_path if debugger_address: assert type(debugger_address) is str options['debuggerAddress'] = debugger_address if logging_prefs: assert type(logging_prefs) is dict log_types = [ 'client', 'driver', 'browser', 'server', 'performance', 'devtools' ] log_levels = ['ALL', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'SEVERE', 'OFF'] for log_type, log_level in logging_prefs.items(): assert log_type in log_types assert log_level in log_levels else: logging_prefs = {} if devtools_events_to_log: assert type(devtools_events_to_log) is list options['devToolsEventsToLog'] = devtools_events_to_log download_prefs = {} if download_dir: if 'prefs' not in options: options['prefs'] = {} if 'download' not in options['prefs']: options['prefs']['download'] = {} options['prefs']['download']['default_directory'] = download_dir if send_w3c_capability is not None: options['w3c'] = send_w3c_capability params = { 'goog:chromeOptions': options, 'se:options': { 'loggingPrefs': logging_prefs } } if page_load_strategy: assert type(page_load_strategy) is str params['pageLoadStrategy'] = page_load_strategy if unexpected_alert_behaviour: assert type(unexpected_alert_behaviour) is str if send_w3c_request: params['unhandledPromptBehavior'] = unexpected_alert_behaviour else: params['unexpectedAlertBehaviour'] = unexpected_alert_behaviour if network_connection: params['networkConnectionEnabled'] = network_connection if accept_insecure_certs is not None: params['acceptInsecureCerts'] = accept_insecure_certs if timeouts is not None: params['timeouts'] = timeouts if test_name is not None: params['goog:testName'] = test_name if send_w3c_request: params = {'capabilities': {'alwaysMatch': params}} else: params = {'desiredCapabilities': params} response = self._ExecuteCommand(Command.NEW_SESSION, params) if len(response.keys()) == 1 and 'value' in response.keys(): self.w3c_compliant = True self._session_id = response['value']['sessionId'] self.capabilities = self._UnwrapValue( response['value']['capabilities']) self.debuggerAddress = str( self.capabilities['goog:chromeOptions']['debuggerAddress']) elif isinstance(response['status'], int): self.w3c_compliant = False self._session_id = response['sessionId'] self.capabilities = self._UnwrapValue(response['value']) else: raise UnknownError("unexpected response")
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '', '--android-packages', help=('Comma separated list of application package names, ' 'if running tests on Android.')) parser.add_option( '-r', '--revision', help='Chromium git revision hash') parser.add_option( '', '--update-log', action='store_true', help='Update the test results log (only applicable to Android)') options, _ = parser.parse_args() bitness = '32' if util.Is64Bit(): bitness = '64' platform = '%s%s' % (util.GetPlatformName(), bitness) if options.android_packages: platform = 'android' if not options.revision: commit_position = None else: commit_position = archive.GetCommitPositionFromGitHash(options.revision) if commit_position is None: raise Exception('Failed to convert revision to commit position') if platform == 'android': if not options.revision and options.update_log: parser.error('Must supply a --revision with --update-log') _DownloadPrebuilts() else: if not options.revision: parser.error('Must supply a --revision') if platform == 'linux64': _ArchivePrebuilts(commit_position) _WaitForLatestSnapshot(commit_position) _AddToolsToPath(platform) cmd = [ sys.executable, os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, 'test', ''), ] if platform == 'android': cmd.append('--android-packages=' + options.android_packages) passed = (util.RunCommand(cmd) == 0) _ArchiveServerLogs() if platform == 'android': if options.update_log: util.MarkBuildStepStart('update test result log') _UpdateTestResultsLog(platform, commit_position, passed) elif passed: _ArchiveGoodBuild(platform, commit_position) _MaybeRelease(platform) if not passed: # Make sure the build is red if there is some uncaught exception during # running util.MarkBuildStepStart('') util.MarkBuildStepError() # Add a "cleanup" step so that errors from or # (which invoke this script) are kept in their own build step. util.MarkBuildStepStart('cleanup') return 0 if passed else 1
host = Host() port = host.port_factory.get() path_finder = PathFinder(host.filesystem) # Starts WPT Serve to serve the WPT WebDriver test content. port.start_wptserve() # WebDriverExpectations stores skipped and failed WebDriver tests. expectations = parse_webdriver_expectations(host, port) skipped_tests = preprocess_skipped_tests(test_results, expectations, path_finder) options.chromedriver = util.GetAbsolutePathOfUserPath(options.chromedriver) if (not os.path.exists(options.chromedriver) and util.GetPlatformName() == 'win' and not options.chromedriver.lower().endswith('.exe')): options.chromedriver = options.chromedriver + '.exe' if not os.path.exists(options.chromedriver): parser.error('Path given by --chromedriver is invalid.\n' + 'Please run "%s --help" for help' % __file__) # Due to occasional timeout in starting ChromeDriver, retry once when needed. try: chromedriver_server = server.Server(options.chromedriver, options.log_path) except RuntimeError as e: _log.warn('Error starting ChromeDriver, retrying...') chromedriver_server = server.Server(options.chromedriver, options.log_path)
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '', '--android-packages', help='Comma separated list of application package names, ' 'if running tests on Android.') # Option 'chrome-version' is for desktop only. parser.add_option( '', '--chrome-version', help='Version of chrome, e.g., \'HEAD\', \'27\', or \'26\'.' 'Default is to run tests against all of these versions.' 'Notice: this option only applies to desktop.') options, _ = parser.parse_args() exe_postfix = '' if util.IsWindows(): exe_postfix = '.exe' cpp_tests_name = 'chromedriver_tests' + exe_postfix server_name = 'chromedriver' + exe_postfix required_build_outputs = [server_name] if not options.android_packages: required_build_outputs += [cpp_tests_name] try: build_dir = chrome_paths.GetBuildDir(required_build_outputs) except RuntimeError: util.MarkBuildStepStart('check required binaries') traceback.print_exc() util.MarkBuildStepError() constants.SetBuildType(os.path.basename(build_dir)) print 'Using build outputs from', build_dir chromedriver = os.path.join(build_dir, server_name) platform_name = util.GetPlatformName() if util.IsLinux() and util.Is64Bit(): platform_name += '64' ref_chromedriver = os.path.join( chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'chrome', 'test', 'chromedriver', 'third_party', 'java_tests', 'reference_builds', 'chromedriver_%s%s' % (platform_name, exe_postfix)) if options.android_packages: os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.path.join( _THIS_DIR, os.pardir, 'chrome') code = 0 for package in options.android_packages.split(','): code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package, verbose=True) code = code or code1 or code2 return code else: versions = {'HEAD': archive.GetLatestRevision()} if util.IsLinux() and not util.Is64Bit(): # Linux32 builds need to be special-cased, because 1) they are keyed by # git hash rather than commit position, and 2) come from a different # download site (so we can't just convert the commit position to a hash). versions['63'] = 'adb61db19020ed8ecee5e91b1a0ea4c924ae2988' versions['62'] = '17030e3a08cfbb6e591991f7dbf0eb703454b365' versions['61'] = '77132a2bc78e8dc9ce411e8166bfd009f6476f6f' # TODO(samuong): speculative fix for os.environ['CHROME_DEVEL_SANDBOX'] = '/opt/chromium/chrome_sandbox' # Linux64 build numbers elif util.IsLinux(): versions['65'] = '530372' versions['64'] = '520842' versions['63'] = '508578' # Mac build numbers elif util.IsMac(): versions['65'] = '530368' versions['64'] = '520840' versions['63'] = '508578' # Windows build numbers elif util.IsWindows(): versions['65'] = '530366' versions['64'] = '520840' versions['63'] = '508578' code = 0 for version, revision in versions.iteritems(): if options.chrome_version and version != options.chrome_version: continue download_site = archive.GetDownloadSite() version_name = version if version_name == 'HEAD': version_name = revision temp_dir, chrome_path = DownloadChrome(version_name, revision, download_site) if not chrome_path: code = 1 continue code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version, chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version, chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code = code or code1 or code2 _KillChromes() shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) cpp_tests = os.path.join(build_dir, cpp_tests_name) return RunCppTests(cpp_tests) or code
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '', '--android-packages', help='Comma separated list of application package names, ' 'if running tests on Android.') # Option 'chrome-version' is for desktop only. parser.add_option( '', '--chrome-version', help='Version of chrome, e.g., \'HEAD\', \'27\', or \'26\'.' 'Default is to run tests against all of these versions.' 'Notice: this option only applies to desktop.') options, _ = parser.parse_args() exe_postfix = '' if util.IsWindows(): exe_postfix = '.exe' cpp_tests_name = 'chromedriver_tests' + exe_postfix server_name = 'chromedriver' + exe_postfix required_build_outputs = [server_name] if not options.android_packages: required_build_outputs += [cpp_tests_name] try: build_dir = chrome_paths.GetBuildDir(required_build_outputs) except RuntimeError: util.MarkBuildStepStart('check required binaries') traceback.print_exc() util.MarkBuildStepError() constants.SetBuildType(os.path.basename(build_dir)) print 'Using build outputs from', build_dir chromedriver = os.path.join(build_dir, server_name) platform_name = util.GetPlatformName() if util.IsLinux() and util.Is64Bit(): platform_name += '64' ref_chromedriver = os.path.join( chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'chrome', 'test', 'chromedriver', 'third_party', 'java_tests', 'reference_builds', 'chromedriver_%s%s' % (platform_name, exe_postfix)) if options.android_packages: os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.path.join( _THIS_DIR, os.pardir, 'chrome') code = 0 for package in options.android_packages.split(','): code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package, verbose=True) code = code or code1 or code2 return code else: versions = {'HEAD': archive.GetLatestRevision()} if util.IsLinux() and not util.Is64Bit(): # Linux32 builds need to be special-cased, because 1) they are keyed by # git hash rather than commit position, and 2) come from a different # download site (so we can't just convert the commit position to a hash). versions['51'] = '5a161bb6fe3d6bfbe2dafc0a7dd5831478f34277' versions['50'] = '4acbec91b57f31a501264906aded632cc64c9300' versions['49'] = '7acdedefe3ddcb27b3fc826027f519bdb5d04d7e' else: versions['51'] = '386266' versions['50'] = '378110' versions['49'] = '369932' code = 0 for version, revision in versions.iteritems(): if options.chrome_version and version != options.chrome_version: continue download_site = archive.GetDownloadSite() version_name = version if version_name == 'HEAD': version_name = revision temp_dir, chrome_path = DownloadChrome(version_name, revision, download_site) if not chrome_path: code = 1 continue code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version, chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version, chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code = code or code1 or code2 _KillChromes() shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) cpp_tests = os.path.join(build_dir, cpp_tests_name) return RunCppTests(cpp_tests) or code
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '', '--android-packages', help='Comma separated list of application package names, ' 'if running tests on Android.') # Option 'chrome-version' is for desktop only. parser.add_option( '', '--chrome-version', help='Version of chrome, e.g., \'HEAD\', \'27\', or \'26\'.' 'Default is to run tests against all of these versions.' 'Notice: this option only applies to desktop.') options, _ = parser.parse_args() exe_postfix = '' if util.IsWindows(): exe_postfix = '.exe' cpp_tests_name = 'chromedriver_tests' + exe_postfix server_name = 'chromedriver' + exe_postfix required_build_outputs = [server_name] if not options.android_packages: required_build_outputs += [cpp_tests_name] try: build_dir = chrome_paths.GetBuildDir(required_build_outputs) except RuntimeError: util.MarkBuildStepStart('check required binaries') traceback.print_exc() util.MarkBuildStepError() constants.SetBuildType(os.path.basename(build_dir)) print 'Using build outputs from', build_dir chromedriver = os.path.join(build_dir, server_name) platform_name = util.GetPlatformName() if util.IsLinux() and util.Is64Bit(): platform_name += '64' ref_chromedriver = os.path.join( chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'chrome', 'test', 'chromedriver', 'third_party', 'java_tests', 'reference_builds', 'chromedriver_%s%s' % (platform_name, exe_postfix)) if options.android_packages: os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.path.join( _THIS_DIR, os.pardir, 'chrome') code = 0 for package in options.android_packages.split(','): code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package, verbose=True) code = code or code1 or code2 return code else: versions = {'HEAD': archive.GetLatestRevision()} if util.IsLinux() and not util.Is64Bit(): # Linux32 builds need to be special-cased, because 1) they are keyed by # git hash rather than commit position, and 2) come from a different # download site (so we can't just convert the commit position to a hash). versions['55'] = 'e9bc4e0245c9a1e570ed2cf8e12152b9122275f2' versions['54'] = '13d140acdaa710770f42790044825b49f99e466c' versions['53'] = 'ac799c2fd50b8fb62b7a8186ff78b025de5b8718' # TODO(samuong): speculative fix for os.environ['CHROME_DEVEL_SANDBOX'] = '/opt/chromium/chrome_sandbox' else: versions['55'] = '423791' versions['54'] = '414545' versions['53'] = '403392' code = 0 for version, revision in versions.iteritems(): if options.chrome_version and version != options.chrome_version: continue download_site = archive.GetDownloadSite() version_name = version if version_name == 'HEAD': version_name = revision temp_dir, chrome_path = DownloadChrome(version_name, revision, download_site) if not chrome_path: code = 1 continue code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version, chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version, chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code = code or code1 or code2 _KillChromes() shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) cpp_tests = os.path.join(build_dir, cpp_tests_name) return RunCppTests(cpp_tests) or code
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '', '--android-packages', help='Comma separated list of application package names, ' 'if running tests on Android.') # Option 'chrome-version' is for desktop only. parser.add_option( '', '--chrome-version', help='Version of chrome, e.g., \'HEAD\', \'27\', or \'26\'.' 'Default is to run tests against all of these versions.' 'Notice: this option only applies to desktop.') options, _ = parser.parse_args() exe_postfix = '' if util.IsWindows(): exe_postfix = '.exe' cpp_tests_name = 'chromedriver_tests' + exe_postfix server_name = 'chromedriver' + exe_postfix required_build_outputs = [server_name] if not options.android_packages: required_build_outputs += [cpp_tests_name] try: build_dir = chrome_paths.GetBuildDir(required_build_outputs) except RuntimeError: util.MarkBuildStepStart('check required binaries') traceback.print_exc() util.MarkBuildStepError() constants.SetBuildType(os.path.basename(build_dir)) print 'Using build outputs from', build_dir chromedriver = os.path.join(build_dir, server_name) platform_name = util.GetPlatformName() if util.IsLinux() and platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit': platform_name += '64' ref_chromedriver = os.path.join( chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'chrome', 'test', 'chromedriver', 'third_party', 'java_tests', 'reference_builds', 'chromedriver_%s%s' % (platform_name, exe_postfix)) if options.android_packages: os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.path.join( _THIS_DIR, os.pardir, 'chrome') code = 0 for package in options.android_packages.split(','): code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package, verbose=True) code = code or code1 or code2 return code else: latest_snapshot_revision = archive.GetLatestSnapshotVersion() versions = [ ['HEAD', latest_snapshot_revision], ['49', archive.CHROME_49_REVISION], ['48', archive.CHROME_48_REVISION], ['47', archive.CHROME_47_REVISION], ] code = 0 for version in versions: if options.chrome_version and version[0] != options.chrome_version: continue download_site = archive.Site.CONTINUOUS version_name = version[0] if version_name == 'HEAD': version_name = version[1] download_site = archive.GetSnapshotDownloadSite() temp_dir, chrome_path = DownloadChrome(version_name, version[1], download_site) if not chrome_path: code = 1 continue code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version[0], chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version[0], chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code = code or code1 or code2 _KillChromes() shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) cpp_tests = os.path.join(build_dir, cpp_tests_name) return RunCppTests(cpp_tests) or code
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '', '--android-packages', help='Comma separated list of application package names, ' 'if running tests on Android.') options, _ = parser.parse_args() exe_postfix = '' if util.IsWindows(): exe_postfix = '.exe' cpp_tests_name = 'chromedriver_tests' + exe_postfix server_name = 'chromedriver' + exe_postfix required_build_outputs = [server_name] if not options.android_packages: required_build_outputs += [cpp_tests_name] try: build_dir = chrome_paths.GetBuildDir(required_build_outputs) except RuntimeError: util.MarkBuildStepStart('check required binaries') traceback.print_exc() util.MarkBuildStepError() constants.SetBuildType(os.path.basename(build_dir)) print 'Using build outputs from', build_dir chromedriver = os.path.join(build_dir, server_name) platform_name = util.GetPlatformName() if util.IsLinux() and util.Is64Bit(): platform_name += '64' ref_chromedriver = os.path.join( chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'chrome', 'test', 'chromedriver', 'third_party', 'java_tests', 'reference_builds', 'chromedriver_%s%s' % (platform_name, exe_postfix)) if options.android_packages: os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.path.join( _THIS_DIR, os.pardir, 'chrome') code = 0 for package in options.android_packages.split(','): code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package, verbose=True) code = code or code1 or code2 return code else: code = 0 download_site = archive.GetDownloadSite() revision = archive.GetLatestRevision() temp_dir, chrome_path = DownloadChrome(revision, revision, download_site) if not chrome_path: code = 1 code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, verbose=True, chrome=chrome_path) code3 = RunReplayTests(chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path) code = code or code1 or code2 or code3 _KillChromes() shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) cpp_tests = os.path.join(build_dir, cpp_tests_name) return RunCppTests(cpp_tests) or code
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '', '--android-packages', help='Comma separated list of application package names, ' 'if running tests on Android.') # Option 'chrome-version' is for desktop only. parser.add_option( '', '--chrome-version', help='Version of chrome, e.g., \'HEAD\', \'27\', or \'26\'.' 'Default is to run tests against all of these versions.' 'Notice: this option only applies to desktop.') options, _ = parser.parse_args() exe_postfix = '' if util.IsWindows(): exe_postfix = '.exe' cpp_tests_name = 'chromedriver_tests' + exe_postfix server_name = 'chromedriver' + exe_postfix required_build_outputs = [server_name] if not options.android_packages: required_build_outputs += [cpp_tests_name] try: build_dir = chrome_paths.GetBuildDir(required_build_outputs) except RuntimeError: util.MarkBuildStepStart('check required binaries') traceback.print_exc() util.MarkBuildStepError() constants.SetBuildType(os.path.basename(build_dir)) print 'Using build outputs from', build_dir chromedriver = os.path.join(build_dir, server_name) platform_name = util.GetPlatformName() if util.IsLinux() and util.Is64Bit(): platform_name += '64' ref_chromedriver = os.path.join( chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'chrome', 'test', 'chromedriver', 'third_party', 'java_tests', 'reference_builds', 'chromedriver_%s%s' % (platform_name, exe_postfix)) if options.android_packages: os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.path.join( _THIS_DIR, os.pardir, 'chrome') code = 0 for package in options.android_packages.split(','): code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package, verbose=True) code = code or code1 or code2 return code else: versions = {'HEAD': archive.GetLatestRevision()} # Linux64 build numbers if util.IsLinux(): versions['72'] = '612434' versions['71'] = '599034' versions['70'] = '587811' # Mac build numbers elif util.IsMac(): versions['72'] = '612451' versions['71'] = '599028' versions['70'] = '587811' # Windows build numbers elif util.IsWindows(): versions['72'] = '612432' versions['71'] = '598927' versions['70'] = '587814' code = 0 for version, revision in versions.iteritems(): if options.chrome_version and version != options.chrome_version: continue download_site = archive.GetDownloadSite() version_name = version if version_name == 'HEAD': version_name = revision temp_dir, chrome_path = DownloadChrome(version_name, revision, download_site) if not chrome_path: code = 1 continue code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version, chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version, chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name, verbose=True) code3 = RunReplayTests(chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version, chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code = code or code1 or code2 or code3 _KillChromes() shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) cpp_tests = os.path.join(build_dir, cpp_tests_name) return RunCppTests(cpp_tests) or code
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '', '--android-packages', help=('Comma separated list of application package names, ' 'if running tests on Android.')) parser.add_option('-r', '--revision', help='Chromium git revision hash') parser.add_option( '', '--update-log', action='store_true', help='Update the test results log (only applicable to Android)') options, _ = parser.parse_args() bitness = '32' if util.IsLinux() and platform_module.architecture()[0] == '64bit': bitness = '64' platform = '%s%s' % (util.GetPlatformName(), bitness) if options.android_packages: platform = 'android' _CleanTmpDir() # Make sure any subprocesses (i.e. chromedriver) create temp files under # $TMPDIR/chromedriver_*, so that they can be cleaned up by _CleanTempDir(). if util.IsWindows(): os.environ['TMP'] = os.environ['TEMP'] = util.MakeTempDir() else: os.environ['TMPDIR'] = util.MakeTempDir() if not options.revision: commit_position = None else: commit_position = _GetCommitPositionFromGitHash(options.revision) if platform == 'android': if not options.revision and options.update_log: parser.error('Must supply a --revision with --update-log') _DownloadPrebuilts() else: if not options.revision: parser.error('Must supply a --revision') if platform == 'linux64': _ArchivePrebuilts(commit_position) _WaitForLatestSnapshot(commit_position) _AddToolsToPath(platform) cmd = [ sys.executable, os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, 'test', ''), ] if platform == 'android': cmd.append('--android-packages=' + options.android_packages) passed = (util.RunCommand(cmd) == 0) _ArchiveServerLogs() if platform == 'android': if options.update_log: util.MarkBuildStepStart('update test result log') _UpdateTestResultsLog(platform, commit_position, passed) elif passed: _ArchiveGoodBuild(platform, commit_position) _MaybeRelease(platform) if not passed: # Make sure the build is red if there is some uncaught exception during # running util.MarkBuildStepStart('') util.MarkBuildStepError() # Add a "cleanup" step so that errors from or # (which invoke this script) are kept in their own build step. util.MarkBuildStepStart('cleanup')
def GetOS(self): return util.GetPlatformName()
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option( '', '--android-packages', help='Comma separated list of application package names, ' 'if running tests on Android.') # Option 'chrome-version' is for desktop only. parser.add_option( '', '--chrome-version', help='Version of chrome, e.g., \'HEAD\', \'27\', or \'26\'.' 'Default is to run tests against all of these versions.' 'Notice: this option only applies to desktop.') options, _ = parser.parse_args() exe_postfix = '' if util.IsWindows(): exe_postfix = '.exe' cpp_tests_name = 'chromedriver_tests' + exe_postfix server_name = 'chromedriver' + exe_postfix required_build_outputs = [server_name] if not options.android_packages: required_build_outputs += [cpp_tests_name] try: build_dir = chrome_paths.GetBuildDir(required_build_outputs) except RuntimeError: util.MarkBuildStepStart('check required binaries') traceback.print_exc() util.MarkBuildStepError() constants.SetBuildType(os.path.basename(build_dir)) print 'Using build outputs from', build_dir chromedriver = os.path.join(build_dir, server_name) platform_name = util.GetPlatformName() if util.IsLinux() and util.Is64Bit(): platform_name += '64' ref_chromedriver = os.path.join( chrome_paths.GetSrc(), 'chrome', 'test', 'chromedriver', 'third_party', 'java_tests', 'reference_builds', 'chromedriver_%s%s' % (platform_name, exe_postfix)) if options.android_packages: os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.path.join( _THIS_DIR, os.pardir, 'chrome') code = 0 for package in options.android_packages.split(','): code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome_version_name=package, android_package=package, verbose=True) code = code or code1 or code2 return code else: versions = {'HEAD': archive.GetLatestRevision()} if util.IsLinux() and not util.Is64Bit(): # Linux32 builds need to be special-cased, because 1) they are keyed by # git hash rather than commit position, and 2) come from a different # download site (so we can't just convert the commit position to a hash). versions['60'] = 'c1148176d6794fff0fd8dba2b9f7ed71ec52fed8' versions['59'] = 'c407e95a371a94bfd714e25eab788c9405de6975' versions['58'] = '7613176285d46fbc5b4712e42bd135aae99cbba5' # TODO(samuong): speculative fix for os.environ['CHROME_DEVEL_SANDBOX'] = '/opt/chromium/chrome_sandbox' else: versions['60'] = '474969' versions['59'] = '464674' versions['58'] = '454475' code = 0 for version, revision in versions.iteritems(): if options.chrome_version and version != options.chrome_version: continue download_site = archive.GetDownloadSite() version_name = version if version_name == 'HEAD': version_name = revision temp_dir, chrome_path = DownloadChrome(version_name, revision, download_site) if not chrome_path: code = 1 continue code1 = RunPythonTests(chromedriver, ref_chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version, chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code2 = RunJavaTests(chromedriver, chrome=chrome_path, chrome_version=version, chrome_version_name='v%s' % version_name) code = code or code1 or code2 _KillChromes() shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) cpp_tests = os.path.join(build_dir, cpp_tests_name) return RunCppTests(cpp_tests) or code