def makeLineLocalizer(numObservations, numStates, ideal, xMin, xMax, robotY):
    #!    pass
    Create behavior controlling robot to move in a line and to
                      localize itself in one dimension

    @param numObservations: number of discrete observations into which to
    divide the range of good sonar observations, between 0 and C{goodSonarRange}
    @param numStates: number of discrete states into which to divide
    the range of x coordinates
    @param ideal: list of ideal sonar readings
    @param xMin: minimum x coordinate for center of robot
    @param xMax: maximum x coordinate for center of robot
    @param robotY: constant y coordinate for center of robot

    @returns: an instance of {\tt sm.SM} that implements the behavior

    # Size of a state in meters
    stateWidthMeters = (xMax - xMin) / float(numStates)

    preprocessor = PreProcess(numObservations, stateWidthMeters)
    navModel = makeRobotNavModel(ideal, xMin, xMax, numStates, numObservations)
    estimator = seGraphics.StateEstimator(navModel)
    driver = move.MoveToFixedPose(util.Pose(xMax, robotY, 0.0), maxVel=0.5)

    return sm.Cascade(sm.Parallel(sm.Cascade(preprocessor, estimator), driver),
def computeIdealReadings(worldPath, xMin, xMax, y, numStates, numObs):
    :param worldPath: string naming file to read the world description from
    :param xMin: minimum x coordinate for center of robot
    :param xMax: maximum x coordinate for center of robot
    :param y: constant y coordinate for center of robot
    :param numStates: number of discrete states into which to divide
     the range of x coordinates
    :param numObs: number of discrete observations into which to
     divide the range of good sonar observations, between 0 and ``goodSonarRange``
    :returns: list of ``numStates`` values, each of which is between 0
     and ``numObs-1``, which lists the ideal discretized sonar reading
     that the robot would receive if it were at the midpoint of each of
     the x bins.
    # read obstacles from the map
    world = soarWorld.SoarWorld(worldPath)

    xStep = (xMax - xMin) / float(numStates)
    readings = []
    # Start in the middle of the first box
    x = xMin + (xStep / 2.0)  
    for ix in range(numStates):
        # left-hand sonar reading assuming we're heading to the right
                            idealSonarReading(util.Pose(x, y, 0),
                                              sonarDist.sonarPoses[0], world),
        x = x + xStep
    return readings
def main():
    #w = world(-1,2,-1,2)
    w = world(-2, 3, -2, 3)
    #w.add_obs((0.1,0.1,0.1), util.Pose(0,0,0,0)) # origin
    #w.add_obs((0.1,0.1,0.1), util.Pose(1,0,0,0)) # reference pt
    cube = (1, 1, 1)

    traj_set = trajectory_set((0, 0, 1), (0.9, 0.9, 0.9))
    traj_set.create_set(w.x_min, w.x_max, w.y_min, w.y_max)
    for traj in traj_set.trajectories:

    w.add_obs(cube, util.Pose(-1, 0, 0, 0))
    w.add_obs(cube, util.Pose(1, 0, 0, 0))
    # w.add_obs(cube, util.Pose(0,-1,0,0))
    # w.add_obs(cube, util.Pose(0,1,0,0))
    # print w.allows_bad()
 def collides(self, obstacles):
     pts = self.discretize(4)
     for pt in pts:
         traj_pt = om.Box(self.size[0], self.size[1], self.size[2], name='traj_pt', \
                              pose=util.Pose(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], self.theta))
         for obs in obstacles:
             if (traj_pt.collides(obs)):
                 return True
     return False
    def draw(self, window):
        #window.drawPoint(self.goal[0],self.goal[1], color="blue")
        # window.drawRect(((self.goal[0]-self.size[0]/2),(self.goal[1]-self.size[1]/2)),((self.goal[0]+self.size[0]/2), (self.goal[1]+self.size[1]/2)), color='yellow')
        #window.drawOval(((self.goal[0]-0.05),(self.goal[1]-0.05)), ((self.goal[0]+0.05),(self.goal[1]+0.05)), color='blue')

        box = om.Box(self.size[0], self.size[1], self.size[2], name='traj', \
                         pose=util.Pose(self.goal[0], self.goal[1], 0, \
    def permute_gripper(self, bad_poses):
        obs_size = (0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
        best_combo = ()
        pos_positions = [(x,y) for x in drange(self.x_min, self.x_max,0.05) \
                             for y in drange(self.y_min, self.y_max,0.05)]

        for pos in pos_positions:
            if (pos[0] + (2 * obs_size[0])) <= self.x_max:
                combo = (pos, (pos[0] + (2 * obs_size[0]), pos[1]))
                self.add_obs(obs_size, util.Pose(pos[0], pos[1], 0, 0))
                self.add_obs(obs_size, util.Pose(pos[0]+(2*obs_size[0]), \
                                                     pos[1], 0, 0))
                if not self.pose_equal(combo, bad_poses):
                    metric = self.allows_bad()
                    #print "combo="+str(combo)+" , "+str(metric)
                    if (best_combo == ()):
                        best_combo = (combo, metric)
                    if (metric < best_combo[1]):
                        best_combo = (combo, metric)
                    # print "best="+str(best_combo[0])+' , '+str(best_combo[1])
                    print "NECK"
            if (pos[1] + (2 * obs_size[0])) <= self.y_max:
                combo = (pos, (pos[0], pos[1] + (2 * obs_size[0])))

                self.add_obs((1, 1, 1), util.Pose(pos[0], pos[1], 0, 0))
                self.add_obs((1, 1, 1),
                             util.Pose(pos[0], pos[1] + (2 * obs_size[0]), 0,
                if not self.pose_equal(combo, bad_poses):
                    metric = self.allows_bad()
                    #print "combo="+str(combo)+" , "+str(metric)
                    if (best_combo == ()):
                        best_combo = (combo, metric)
                    if (metric < best_combo[1]):
                        best_combo = (combo, metric)
                    #print "best="+str(best_combo[0])+' , '+str(best_combo[1])
                    print "CRACKS"
        return best_combo
 def permute_obs(self, obs_num):
     pos_combos = [(x,y) for x in range(self.x_min, self.x_max) \
                       for y in range(self.y_min, self.y_max)]
     obs_combos = itertools.combinations(pos_combos, obs_num)
     best_combo = ()
     for combo in obs_combos:
         for i in range(obs_num):
             self.add_obs((1, 1, 1),
                          util.Pose(combo[i][0], combo[i][1], 0, 0))
         metric = self.allows_bad()
         if (best_combo == ()):
             best_combo = (combo, metric)
         if (metric < best_combo[1]):
             best_combo = (combo, metric)
         print "best=" + str(best_combo[0]) + ' , ' + str(best_combo[1])
     return best_combo

import math
import util

#CHANGED: commented out two sonar poses
##sonarPoses = [util.Pose(0.08, 0.134, math.pi/2),
##              util.Pose(0.122, 0.118, 5*math.pi/18),
##              util.Pose(0.156, 0.077, math.pi/6),
##              util.Pose(0.174, 0.0266, math.pi/18),
##              util.Pose(0.174, -0.0266, -math.pi/18),
##              util.Pose(0.156, -0.077, -math.pi/6),
##              util.Pose(0.122, -0.118, -5*math.pi/18),
##              util.Pose(0.08, -0.134, -math.pi/2)]

sonarPoses = [util.Pose(0.073,  0.105,  90*math.pi/180),
              util.Pose(0.130,  0.078,  41*math.pi/180),
              util.Pose(0.154,  0.030,  15*math.pi/180),
              util.Pose(0.154, -0.030, -15*math.pi/180),
              util.Pose(0.130, -0.078, -41*math.pi/180),
              util.Pose(0.073, -0.105, -90*math.pi/180)]

#eBot Sonars
#onarPoses = [util.Pose(-0.012,  -0.04,    90*math.pi/180),
#             util.Pose(0.012,   -0.028,   45*math.pi/180),
#             util.Pose(0.029,   0,       0*math.pi/180),
#             util.Pose(0.012,   0.028,  -45*math.pi/180),
#             util.Pose( -0.012, 0.04,   -90*math.pi/180),
#             util.Pose(-0.029,  0,       180*math.pi/180)]
"""Positions and orientations of sonar sensors with respect to the
              center of the robot.""" 
 def getNextValues(self, state, inp):
     return (None, CorruptedSensorInput(\
                   [random.gauss(s, self.sonarStDev) for s in inp.sonars],
                    util.Pose(random.gauss(inp.odometry.x, self.odoStDev),
                              inp.odometry.y, inp.odometry.theta)))
import ssm
import sonarDist
import move
import seGraphics
import idealReadings

# For testing your preprocessor
class SensorInput:
    def __init__(self, sonars, odometry):
        self.sonars = sonars
        self.odometry = odometry

preProcessTestData = [
    SensorInput([0.8, 1.0], util.Pose(1.0, 0.5, 0.0)),
    SensorInput([0.25, 1.2], util.Pose(2.4, 0.5, 0.0)),
    SensorInput([0.16, 0.2], util.Pose(7.3, 0.5, 0.0))
testIdealReadings = (5, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 5)
testIdealReadings100 = (50, 10, 10, 50, 10, 10, 10, 50, 10, 50)

sonarStDev = 0.02
odoStDev = 0.02

#   Preprocessor

##              util.Pose(0.174, 0.0266, math.pi/18),
##              util.Pose(0.174, -0.0266, -math.pi/18),
##              util.Pose(0.156, -0.077, -math.pi/6),
##              util.Pose(0.122, -0.118, -5*math.pi/18),
##              util.Pose(0.08, -0.134, -math.pi/2)]

#onarPoses = [util.Pose(0.073,  0.105,  90*math.pi/180),
#             util.Pose(0.130,  0.078,  41*math.pi/180),
#             util.Pose(0.154,  0.030,  15*math.pi/180),
#             util.Pose(0.154, -0.030, -15*math.pi/180),
#             util.Pose(0.130, -0.078, -41*math.pi/180),
#             util.Pose(0.073, -0.105, -90*math.pi/180)]

#eBot Sonars
sonarPoses = [
    util.Pose(-0.012, -0.04, 90 * math.pi / 180),
    util.Pose(0.012, -0.028, 45 * math.pi / 180),
    util.Pose(0.029, 0, 0 * math.pi / 180),
    util.Pose(0.012, 0.028, -45 * math.pi / 180),
    util.Pose(-0.012, 0.04, -90 * math.pi / 180),
    util.Pose(-0.029, 0, 180 * math.pi / 180)
"""Positions and orientations of sonar sensors with respect to the
              center of the robot."""

sonarMax = 1.5
"""Maximum good sonar reading."""

#TODO: check if returning right value
def getDistanceRight(sonarValues):
                grid.clearCell((ix, iy))


# For testing your map maker
class SensorInput:
    def __init__(self, sonars, odometry):
        self.sonars = sonars
        self.odometry = odometry

testData = [
    SensorInput([0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
                util.Pose(1.0, 2.0, 0.0)),
    SensorInput([0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4],
                util.Pose(4.0, 2.0, -math.pi))

testClearData = [
    SensorInput([1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 1.0],
                util.Pose(1.0, 2.0, 0.0)),
    SensorInput([1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 1.0],
                util.Pose(4.0, 2.0, -math.pi))

def testMapMaker(data):
    (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, gridSquareSize) = (0, 5, 0, 5, 0.1)
    mapper = MapMaker(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, gridSquareSize)