def main():
    # load existing all.db
    mw.progress.start(label='Loading existing all.db', immediate=True)
    t_0 = time.time()
    cur = util.allDb() if cfg1('loadAllDb') else None
    printf('Loaded all.db in %f sec' % (time.time() - t_0))

    # update all.db
    allDb = mkAllDb(cur)

    # merge in external.db
    mw.progress.start(label='Merging ext.db', immediate=True)
    ext = MorphDb(cfg1('path_ext'), ignoreErrors=True)

    # update notes
    knownDb = updateNotes(allDb)

    # update stats and refresh display

    # set global allDb
    util._allDb = allDb
def main():
    # load existing all.db
    mw.progress.start( label='Loading existing all.db', immediate=True )
    t_0 = time.time()
    cur = util.allDb() if cfg1('loadAllDb') else None
    printf( 'Loaded all.db in %f sec' % ( time.time() - t_0 ) )

    # update all.db
    allDb = mkAllDb( cur )

    # merge in external.db
    mw.progress.start( label='Merging ext.db', immediate=True )
    ext = MorphDb( cfg1('path_ext'), ignoreErrors=True )
    allDb.merge( ext )

    # update notes
    knownDb = updateNotes( allDb )
    # update stats and refresh display
    stats.updateStats( knownDb )

    # set global allDb
    util._allDb = allDb
def highlight(txt, extra, fieldDict, field, mod_field):
    '''When a field is marked with the 'focusMorph' command, we format it by
    wrapping all the morphemes in <span>s with attributes set to its maturity'''

    # must avoid formatting a smaller morph that is contained in a bigger morph
    # => do largest subs first and don't sub anything already in <span>
    def nonSpanSub(sub, repl, string):
        return u''.join(
            re.sub(sub, repl, s) if not s.startswith('<span') else s
            for s in re.split('(<span.*?</span>)', string))

    from morphemes import getMorphemes
    ms = getMorphemes(txt)
    for m in sorted(ms, key=lambda x: len(x.inflected),
                    reverse=True):  # largest subs first
        locs = allDb().db.get(m, set())
        mat = max(loc.maturity for loc in locs) if locs else 0

        if mat >= cfg1('threshold_mature'): mtype = 'mature'
        elif mat >= cfg1('threshold_known'): mtype = 'known'
        elif mat >= cfg1('threshold_seen'): mtype = 'seen'
        else: mtype = 'unknown'
        repl = u'<span class="morphHighlight" mtype="{mtype}" mat="{mat}">{morph}</span>'.format(
            morph=m.inflected, mtype=mtype, mat=mat)
        txt = nonSpanSub(m.inflected, repl, txt)
    return txt
def highlight( txt, extra, fieldDict, field, mod_field ):
    '''When a field is marked with the 'focusMorph' command, we format it by
    wrapping all the morphemes in <span>s with attributes set to its maturity'''
    from util import getFilterByTagsAndType
    from morphemizer import getMorphemizerByName
    from morphemes import getMorphemes

    # must avoid formatting a smaller morph that is contained in a bigger morph
    # => do largest subs first and don't sub anything already in <span>
    def nonSpanSub( sub, repl, string ):
        return u''.join( re.sub( sub, repl, s ) if not s.startswith('<span') else s for s in re.split( '(<span.*?</span>)', string ) )

    # find morphemizer; because no note/card information is exposed through arguments, we have to find morphemizer based on tags alone
    #from aqt.qt import debug; debug()
    #if mw.reviewer.card is None: return txt
    #note = mw.reviewer.card.note()
    #if not isNoteSame(note, fieldDict): return txt
    #from aqt.qt import debug; debug()

    tags = fieldDict['Tags'].split()
    filter = getFilterByTagsAndType(fieldDict['Type'], tags)
    if filter is None:
        return txt
    morphemizer = getMorphemizerByName(filter['Morphemizer'])
    if morphemizer is None:
        return txt
    ms = getMorphemes(morphemizer, txt, tags)

    for m in sorted( ms, key=lambda x: len(x.inflected), reverse=True ): # largest subs first
        locs = allDb().db.get( m, set() )
        mat = max( loc.maturity for loc in locs ) if locs else 0

        if   mat >= cfg1( 'threshold_mature' ):  mtype = 'mature'
        elif mat >= cfg1( 'threshold_known' ):   mtype = 'known'
        elif mat >= cfg1( 'threshold_seen' ):    mtype = 'seen'
        else:                                    mtype = 'unknown'
        repl = u'<span class="morphHighlight" mtype="{mtype}" mat="{mat}">{morph}</span>'.format(
                morph = m.inflected,
                mtype = mtype,
                mat = mat
        txt = nonSpanSub( m.inflected, repl, txt )
    return txt
def highlight( txt, extra, fieldDict, field, mod_field ):
    '''When a field is marked with the 'focusMorph' command, we format it by
    wrapping all the morphemes in <span>s with attributes set to its maturity'''
    # must avoid formatting a smaller morph that is contained in a bigger morph
    # => do largest subs first and don't sub anything already in <span>
    def nonSpanSub( sub, repl, string ):
        return u''.join( re.sub( sub, repl, s ) if not s.startswith('<span') else s for s in re.split( '(<span.*?</span>)', string ) )
    from morphemes import getMorphemes
    ms = getMorphemes( txt )
    for m in sorted( ms, key=lambda x: len(x.inflected), reverse=True ): # largest subs first
        locs = allDb().db.get( m, set() )
        mat = max( loc.maturity for loc in locs ) if locs else 0

        if   mat >= cfg1( 'threshold_mature' ):  mtype = 'mature'
        elif mat >= cfg1( 'threshold_known' ):   mtype = 'known'
        elif mat >= cfg1( 'threshold_seen' ):    mtype = 'seen'
        else:                                    mtype = 'unknown'
        repl = u'<span class="morphHighlight" mtype="{mtype}" mat="{mat}">{morph}</span>'.format(
                morph = m.inflected,
                mtype = mtype,
                mat = mat
        txt = nonSpanSub( m.inflected, repl, txt )
    return txt