def save_crio_ini(ant_str=None):
    ''' Copies crio.ini files from crios to a standard location appended with
        the current date.  These files can be transferred back to the crio in
        case the crio file gets corrupted.
    if ant_str is None:
        print "Error: No antenna list given."
        return 0

    ants = ant_str2list(ant_str)
    crio = ['crio' + str(i + 1) for i in ants]

    userpass = '******'
    folder = "/home/sched/Dropbox/PythonCode/Current/crio_inis/"
    datstr = Time.now().iso[:10]
    for c in crio:
        # Get crio.ini lines
        f = urllib2.urlopen('ftp://' + userpass + c +
        lines = f.readlines()
        # Write crio.ini lines to file
        f = open(c + '-' + datstr + '.ini', 'w')
        for line in lines:

    print 'crio.ini files copied from', crio
def inspect(files, vmin=0.1, vmax=10, ant_str='ant1-13', srcchk=True):
    ''' Given the list of filenames output by calIDB(), reads and displays a log-scaled
        median (over baselines) spectrogram for quick check.  Input parameters allow the 
        displayed spectrogram to be scaled (vmin & vmax, which both should be positive 
        since the spectrogram is log-scaled), and the list of antennas to use for the
        median.  The output is the original data (out) and the median spectrogram (not
        log scaled or clipped) obtained for baselines between 150 and 1000 nsec involving
        the antennas in ant_str.
        Note, the display for this routine is just for a quick sanity check to see if
        the entire timerange for the flare looks okay.  The nicely formatted plot with
        background subtraction will be done using make_plot().
           files        The list of calibrated IDB files (output of calIDB).  No default.
           vmin, vmax   The min and max values to use for the scaling of the quick look plot.
                          Both should be positive since the plot is log-scaled. Default 0.1, 10
           ant_str      The standard string of antennas to use (see util.ant_str2list()). 
                          Default is all antennas 'ant1-13'
           srcchk       Not often needed, if True this forces all of the files to have the same
                          source name, which is generally desired.  Files in the file list that
                          have different source names are skipped.  It can be set to False
                          to override this behavior.  Default is True.
           out          Standard output dictionary of read_idb, containing all of the data
                          read from the files.  This includes the list of times and frequencies,
                          but also all of the other data from the files for convenience.
           spec         The actual spectrogram data obtained from forming the median over
                          the given antenna list, for baseline lengths 150-1000 nsec.  This
                          is not log-scaled or clipped.
    out = ri.read_idb(files, srcchk=srcchk)
    times = Time(out['time'],format='jd')
    nt, = out['time'].shape
    blen = np.sqrt(out['uvw'][:,int(nt/2),0]**2 + out['uvw'][:,int(nt/2),1]**2)
    ants = ant_str2list(ant_str)
    idx = []
    for k,i in enumerate(ants[:-1]):
        for j in ants[k+1:]:
    idx = np.array(idx)
    good, = np.where(np.logical_and(blen[idx] > 150.,blen[idx] < 1000.))
    spec = np.nanmedian(np.abs(out['x'][idx[good],0]),0)
    nf, nt = spec.shape
    return out,spec
def combine_subtracted(out, bgidx=[100,110], vmin=0.1, vmax=10, ant_str='ant1-13'):
    # Recreate spec from out, after subtracting
    times = Time(out['time'],format='jd')
    nt, = out['time'].shape
    nf, = out['fghz'].shape
    blen = np.sqrt(out['uvw'][:,int(nt/2),0]**2 + out['uvw'][:,int(nt/2),1]**2)
    ants = ant_str2list(ant_str)
    idx = []
    for k,i in enumerate(ants[:-1]):
        for j in ants[k+1:]:
    idx = np.array(idx)
    good, = np.where(np.logical_and(blen[idx] > 150.,blen[idx] < 1000.))
    bgd = np.nanmean(np.abs(out['x'][idx[good],0,:,120:130]),2).repeat(nt).reshape(len(idx[good]),nf,nt)
    spec = np.nanmean(np.abs(out['x'][idx[good],0])-bgd,0)
    return spec
def reload_crio_ini(ant_str=None):
    '''This function takes a standard string of antennnas and finds the
    newest version of the ini file for each crio and loads them via ftp to
    those crios. An example antenna string is as follows:
    "ant1-5 ant7 ant9-12"
    The function returns the number of crios that were successfully updated.
    Note that the function searches the 
    for the most recent crio file. The files must have the format of
    where ## is a one or two digit number denoting the crio, yyyy is 
    the year, mm is the month and dd is the day of the ini file.

    if ant_str is None:
        print "Error: No antenna list given."
        return 0

    ants = ant_str2list(ant_str)
    crio = ['crio' + str(i + 1) for i in ants]
    folder = "/home/sched/Dropbox/PythonCode/Current/crio_inis/"
    ncrio = 0
    for c in crio:
        files = glob.glob(c + "-????-??-??.ini")
        if len(files) == 0:
            print "No files found for", c
            t = []
            for f in files:
                t.append(Time(f[-14:-4], out_subfmt='date'))

            session = ftplib.FTP(c + '.solar.pvt', 'admin', 'observer')
            f = open(files[t.index(max(t))], 'r')
            session.storbinary("STOR crio.ini", f)
            ncrio += 1
            print "ini file written to", c

    print "crio.ini files written to", ncrio, "CRIOs"
    return ncrio
def graph(out, refcal=None, ant_str='ant1-13', bandplt=[5, 11, 17, 23], scanidx=None, pol=0,
    '''Produce a figure showing phases and amplitudes of selected antennas, bands, and polarization.
       Optionally takes in time averaged 'refcal' (can be from refcal_anal() or sql database) 
       to show the selected time range and plot the averaged phase and amplitudes'''
    # takes input from rd_refcal (out)
    date_format = mdates.DateFormatter(tformat)
    # make a color plot showing the phase
    # ri.summary_plot_pcal(out)
    if scanidx:
        scanlist = [out['scanlist'][i] for i in scanidx]
        tstlist = [out['tstlist'][i] for i in scanidx]
        tedlist = [out['tedlist'][i] for i in scanidx]
        bandnames = [out['bandnames'][i] for i in scanidx]
        vis = [out['vis'][i] for i in scanidx]
        times = [out['times'][i] for i in scanidx]
        scanlist = out['scanlist']
        tstlist = out['tstlist']
        tedlist = out['tedlist']
        bandnames = out['bandnames']
        vis = out['vis']
        times = out['times']

    nscan = len(scanlist)
    ant_list = ant_str2list(ant_str)
    nant = len(ant_list)
    bds0 = bandplt
    nband = len(bds0)
    f1, ax1 = plt.subplots(nant, nband, figsize=(12, 8))
    f2, ax2 = plt.subplots(nant, nband, figsize=(12, 8))
    for n, scan in enumerate(scanlist):
        ts = Time(times[n], format='jd').plot_date
            # make plots of phase and amp vs. time on all 34 bands
            for ant in ant_list:
                for b, bd in enumerate(bds0):
                    ph_deg = np.angle(vis[n][ant, pol, bd - 1], deg=True)
                    amp = np.abs(vis[n][ant, pol, bd - 1])
                    ax1[ant, b].plot_date(ts, ph_deg, '.', markersize=5)
                    ax1[ant, b].xaxis.set_major_formatter(date_format)
                    ax2[ant, b].plot_date(ts, amp, '.', markersize=5)
                    ax2[ant, b].xaxis.set_major_formatter(date_format)
                    ax1[ant, b].set_ylim([-180., 180.])
                    if ant == 0:
                        ax1[ant, b].set_title('Band ' + str(bd))
                        ax2[ant, b].set_title('Band ' + str(bd))
                    if b == 0:
                        ax1[ant, b].text(-0.4, 0.5, 'Ant ' + str(ant + 1), ha='center', va='center',
                                         transform=ax1[ant, b].transAxes, fontsize=10)
                        ax2[ant, b].text(-0.4, 0.5, 'Ant ' + str(ant + 1), ha='center', va='center',
                                         transform=ax2[ant, b].transAxes, fontsize=10)
                        ax1[ant, b].set_yticks([])
                        ax2[ant, b].set_yticks([])
            print 'Failure in plotting scan: ', scan
    if refcal:
        for ant in ant_list:
            for b, bd in enumerate(bds0):
                phavg = np.degrees(refcal['pha'][ant, pol, bd - 1])
                ampavg = refcal['amp'][ant, pol, bd - 1]
                flg = refcal['flag'][ant, pol, bd - 1]
                if flg == 0:
                    if 't_bg' in refcal.keys():
                        bt = Time(refcal['t_bg'], format='jd').plot_date
                        bt = Time(times[0][0], format='jd').plot_date
                    if 't_ed' in refcal.keys():
                        et = Time(refcal['t_ed'], format='jd').plot_date
                        et = Time(times[-1][-1], format='jd').plot_date
                    ax1[ant, b].plot_date([bt, et], [phavg, phavg], '-r')
                    ax1[ant, b].plot_date([bt, bt], [-200, 200], '--k')
                    ax1[ant, b].plot_date([et, et], [-200, 200], '--k')
                    ax2[ant, b].plot_date([bt, et], [ampavg, ampavg], '-r')
                    ax2[ant, b].plot_date([bt, bt], [0, np.max(amp)], '--k')
                    ax2[ant, b].plot_date([et, et], [0, np.max(amp)], '--k')
                    ax1[ant, b].plot_date(refcal['timestamp'].plot_date, phavg, 'o')
                    ax2[ant, b].plot_date(refcal['timestamp'].plot_date, ampavg, 'o')
def multi_mountcal(filename, ant_str=None):
    ''' Process an entire set of calpnt data
    import coord_conv as cc
    from util import ant_str2list

    outdict = rd_calpnt(filename)
    indict_list = []
    if ant_str:
        antlist = ant_str2list(ant_str) + 1
        antlist = outdict['antlist']
    for ant in antlist:
        #i = ant - 1
        i, = np.where(np.array(outdict['antlist']) == ant)[
            0]  # Index in outdict for specified ant
        if ant in [9, 10, 11, 13, 14]:
            # This is an equatorial mount
            mount = 'EQ'
        elif ant in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12]:
            # This is an azimuth-elevation mount
            mount = 'AZEL'
        # Reprocess coordinates, plus remove any -99 points
        good, = np.where(
            np.logical_and(outdict['dra'][i] > -90, outdict['ddec'][i] > -90))
        npt = len(good)
        az = np.zeros(npt)
        el = np.zeros(npt)
        dxel = np.zeros(npt)
        d_el = np.zeros(npt)
        dra = outdict['dra'][i, good]
        ddec = outdict['ddec'][i, good]
        ra = outdict['ra'][good]
        dec = outdict['dec'][good]
        ha = outdict['ha'][good]
        times = outdict['time'][good]
        params_old = outdict['params_old'][:, i]
        # el_r = []
        for k in range(npt):
            # Convert RA, Dec to Az, El, and dRA, dDec to dxel and d_el
            azk, elk = cc.radec2azel(ra[k], dec[k], times[k])
            # Apply refraction correction (assumes elevation in degrees)
            # This is commented out, pending determination of whether refraction is already
            # accounted for in the measurements (I think it is...)
            #elk /= dtor  # Convert to degrees
            #elp = elk+(1/60.)*(0.0019279 + 1.02/tan((elk + 10.3/(el+5.1))*dtor))
            #elp *= dtor # Convert back to radians
            # Adjust coordinates (only needed for AZEL, but do for EQ, too for consistency)
            dxelk, d_elk = cc.dradec2dazel(ra[k], dec[k], times[k],
                                           dra[k] * dtor, ddec[k] * dtor)
            az[k] = azk
            el[k] = elk
            dxel[k] = dxelk / dtor
            d_el[k] = d_elk / dtor
        indict = {
            'filename': outdict['filename'],
            'ant': ant,
            'dra': dra,
            'ddec': ddec,
            'dxel': dxel,
            'd_el': d_el,
            'ra': ra,
            'dec': dec,
            'ha': ha,
            'az': az,
            'el': el,
            'mount': mount,
            'times': times,
            'params_old': params_old
        # indict.update({'el_r':el_r})    # Refraction-corrected elevation
        indict = mntcal(indict)
        indict = checkfit(indict)
    return indict_list  # Temporary
def graph(out,
          bandplt=[5, 11, 17, 23],
    '''Produce a figure showing phases and amplitudes of selected antennas, bands, and polarization.
       Optionally takes in time averaged 'refcal' (can be from refcal_anal() or sql database) 
       to show the selected time range and plot the averaged phase and amplitudes'''
    # takes input from rd_refcal (out)
    date_format = mdates.DateFormatter(tformat)
    # make a color plot showing the phase
    # ri.summary_plot_pcal(out)
    if scanidx:
        scanlist = [out['scanlist'][i] for i in scanidx]
        tstlist = [out['tstlist'][i] for i in scanidx]
        tedlist = [out['tedlist'][i] for i in scanidx]
        bandnames = [out['bandnames'][i] for i in scanidx]
        vis = [out['vis'][i] for i in scanidx]
        times = [out['times'][i] for i in scanidx]
        scanlist = out['scanlist']
        tstlist = out['tstlist']
        tedlist = out['tedlist']
        bandnames = out['bandnames']
        vis = out['vis']
        times = out['times']

    nscan = len(scanlist)
    ant_list = ant_str2list(ant_str)
    nant = len(ant_list)
    bds0 = bandplt
    nband = len(bds0)
    f1, ax1 = plt.subplots(nant, nband, figsize=(12, 8))
    f2, ax2 = plt.subplots(nant, nband, figsize=(12, 8))
    for n, scan in enumerate(scanlist):
        ts = Time(times[n], format='jd').plot_date
            # make plots of phase and amp vs. time on all 34 bands
            for ant in ant_list:
                for b, bd in enumerate(bds0):
                    ph_deg = np.angle(vis[n][ant, pol, bd - 1], deg=True)
                    amp = np.abs(vis[n][ant, pol, bd - 1])
                    ax1[ant, b].plot_date(ts, ph_deg, '.', markersize=5)
                    ax1[ant, b].xaxis.set_major_formatter(date_format)
                    ax2[ant, b].plot_date(ts, amp, '.', markersize=5)
                    ax2[ant, b].xaxis.set_major_formatter(date_format)
                    ax1[ant, b].set_ylim([-180., 180.])
                    if ant == 0:
                        ax1[ant, b].set_title('Band ' + str(bd))
                        ax2[ant, b].set_title('Band ' + str(bd))
                    if b == 0:
                        ax1[ant, b].text(-0.4,
                                         'Ant ' + str(ant + 1),
                                         transform=ax1[ant, b].transAxes,
                        ax2[ant, b].text(-0.4,
                                         'Ant ' + str(ant + 1),
                                         transform=ax2[ant, b].transAxes,
                        ax1[ant, b].set_yticks([])
                        ax2[ant, b].set_yticks([])
            print 'Failure in plotting scan: ', scan
    if refcal:
        for ant in ant_list:
            for b, bd in enumerate(bds0):
                phavg = np.degrees(refcal['pha'][ant, pol, bd - 1])
                ampavg = refcal['amp'][ant, pol, bd - 1]
                flg = refcal['flag'][ant, pol, bd - 1]
                if flg == 0:
                    if 't_bg' in refcal.keys():
                        bt = Time(refcal['t_bg'], format='jd').plot_date
                        bt = Time(times[0][0], format='jd').plot_date
                    if 't_ed' in refcal.keys():
                        et = Time(refcal['t_ed'], format='jd').plot_date
                        et = Time(times[-1][-1], format='jd').plot_date
                    ax1[ant, b].plot_date([bt, et], [phavg, phavg], '-r')
                    ax1[ant, b].plot_date([bt, bt], [-200, 200], '--k')
                    ax1[ant, b].plot_date([et, et], [-200, 200], '--k')
                    ax2[ant, b].plot_date([bt, et], [ampavg, ampavg], '-r')
                    ax2[ant, b].plot_date([bt, bt], [0, np.max(amp)], '--k')
                    ax2[ant, b].plot_date([et, et], [0, np.max(amp)], '--k')
                    ax1[ant, b].plot_date(refcal['timestamp'].plot_date, phavg,
                    ax2[ant, b].plot_date(refcal['timestamp'].plot_date,
                                          ampavg, 'o')
def sat_xy_corr(out0, out1, band=0, ant_str='ant1-13', doplot=True):
    ''' Analyze a pair of parallel and cross polarization calibration packet captures
        on a Geosat in K-band (bands 33, 34, 35, 36, 37) and
        return the X vs. Y delay phase corrections on all antennas 1-14.
        Required keyword:
           prtlist   a list of 2 PRT filenames, the first being the 
                       parallel-feed scan, and the second being the
                       crossed-feed scan.
           band      the band index (0-4) corresponding to the above 5 bands
        Optional keyword:
           doplot    True => plot the final result, False => no plot
    import pcapture2 as p
    from util import bl2ord, ant_str2list
    if doplot: import matplotlib.pylab as plt

    antlist = ant_str2list(ant_str)
    nant = len(antlist)
#    out0 = p.rd_jspec(prtlist[0])  # Parallel scan
#    out1 = p.rd_jspec(prtlist[1])  # Perpendicular scan
    # Integrate over (10) repeated records for the desired band
    ph0 = np.angle(np.sum(out0['x'][:,:,:,10*band:10*(band+1)],3))
    ph1 = np.angle(np.sum(out1['x'][:,:,:,10*band:10*(band+1)],3))
    # Determine secular change in phase at the two times, relative to ant 1
    for i in antlist:
        if i == antlist[0]:
            dp = np.zeros_like(ph0[0,0])
            dp = lobe(ph1[bl2ord[antlist[0],i],0] - ph0[bl2ord[antlist[0],i],0])
        ph0[bl2ord[i,13],2:] = lobe(ph1[bl2ord[i,13],2:]-dp)     # Insert crossed-feed phases from ph1 into ph0, corrected for secular change

    ph0 = ph0[bl2ord[antlist,13]]          # Now restrict to only baselines with ant 14
    fstart = (band+32)*0.325 + 1.1 - 0.025
    fghz = np.linspace(fstart,fstart+0.400,4096)
    nf = len(fghz)
    dph = np.zeros((nant+1,nf),np.float)
    # Determine xi_rot
    xi2 = ph0[:,2] - ph0[:,0] + ph0[:,3] - ph0[:,1]  # This is 2 * xi, measured separately on each of 13 antennas
    xi_rot = lobe(np.unwrap(np.angle(np.sum(np.exp(1j*xi2),0)))/2.)   # Very clever average does not suffer from wrapping issues
    #xi_rot = np.zeros_like(xi_rot) + np.pi/2.    # *********** Zero out xi_rot for now ****************
    # Form differential delay phase from channels, and average them
    # dph14 = XY - XX - xi_rot and YY - YX + xi_rot
    dph14 = np.concatenate((lobe(ph0[:,2] - ph0[:,0] - xi_rot),lobe(ph0[:,1] - ph0[:,3] + xi_rot)))  # 26 values for Ant 14
    dph[nant] = np.angle(np.sum(np.exp(1j*dph14),0))  # Very clever average does not suffer from wrapping issues
    # dphi = XX - YX + xi_rot and XY - YY - xi_rot 
    dphi = np.array((lobe(ph0[:,0] - ph0[:,3] + xi_rot),lobe(ph0[:,2] - ph0[:,1] - xi_rot)))  # 2 values for Ant 14
    dph[:nant] = np.angle(np.sum(np.exp(1j*dphi),0))
    if doplot:
        figlabel = 'XY_Phase_'+str(band+33)
        if figlabel in plt.get_figlabels():
            f = plt.figure(figlabel)
            ax = f.get_axes()
            f, ax = plt.subplots(4, 4, num=figlabel)
            ax.shape = (16,)
        for i in range(nant): 
            ax[antlist[i]].set_title('Ant '+str(antlist[i]+1),fontsize=9)
        for i in range(2*nant):
            ax[13].set_title('Ant 14',fontsize=9)
        for i in range(14): ax[i].set_ylim(-4,4)
        f.suptitle('Multicolor: Measurements, Black: Final Results')
        for i in range(nant):
#    np.savez('/common/tmp/Feed_rotation/' + npzlist[0].split('/')[-1][:14] + '_delay_phase.npz', fghz=fghz, dph=dph, xi_rot=xi_rot)
    time = Time.now().lv
    xy_phase = {'antlist':antlist, 'timestamp':time, 'fghz':fghz, 'xyphase':dph, 'xi_rot':xi_rot, 'dphi':dphi, 'dph14':dph14}
    return xy_phase
def autocorrect(out, ant_str='ant1-13'):
    nt = len(out['time'])
    nf = len(out['fghz'])
    pfac1 = (out['p'][:, :, :, :-1] -
             out['p'][:, :, :, 1:]) / out['p'][:, :, :, :-1]
    trange = Time(out['time'][[0, -1]], format='jd')
    src_lev = gc.get_fem_level(trange)  # Read FEM levels from SQL
    # Match times with data
    tidx = nearest_val_idx(out['time'], src_lev['times'].jd)
    # Find attenuation changes
    for ant in range(13):
        for pol in range(2):
            if pol == 0:
                lev = src_lev['hlev'][ant, tidx]
                lev = src_lev['vlev'][ant, tidx]
            jidx, = np.where(abs(lev[:-1] - lev[1:]) == 1)
            for freq in range(nf):
                idx, = np.where(
                        abs(pfac1[ant, pol, freq]) > 0.05,
                        abs(pfac1[ant, pol, freq]) < 0.95))
                for i in range(len(idx - 1)):
                    if idx[i] in jidx or idx[i] in jidx - 1:
                        out['p'][ant, pol, freq, idx[i] +
                                 1:] /= (1 - pfac1[ant, pol, freq, idx[i]])
    calfac = pc.get_calfac(trange[0])
    tpcalfac = calfac['tpcalfac']
    tpoffsun = calfac['tpoffsun']
    hlev = src_lev['hlev'][:13, 0]
    vlev = src_lev['vlev'][:13, 0]
    attn_dict = ac.read_attncal(trange[0])[0]  # Read GCAL attn from SQL
    attn = np.zeros((13, 2, nf))
    for i in range(13):
        attn[i, 0] = attn_dict['attn'][hlev[i], 0, 0]
        attn[i, 1] = attn_dict['attn'][vlev[i], 0, 1]
        print 'Ant', i + 1, attn[i, 0, 20], attn[i, 1, 20]
    attnfac = 10**(attn / 10.)
    for i in range(13):
        print attnfac[i, 0, 20], attnfac[i, 1, 20]
    for i in range(nt):
        out['p'][:13, :, :,
                 i] = (out['p'][:13, :, :, i] * attnfac - tpoffsun) * tpcalfac
    antlist = ant_str2list(ant_str)
    med = np.mean(np.median(out['p'][antlist], 0), 0)
    bg = np.median(med[:, 0:300], 1).repeat(nt).reshape(nf, nt)
    med -= bg
    pdata = np.log10(med)
    f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    vmax = np.median(np.nanmax(pdata, 1))
    im = ax.pcolormesh(Time(out['time'], format='jd').plot_date,
    plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, label='Log Flux Density [sfu]')
    ax.set_ylim(out['fghz'][0], out['fghz'][-1])
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [UT]')
    ax.set_ylabel('Frequency [GHz]')
    return out, med
def offsets2ants(t,xoff,yoff,ant_str=None):
    ''' Given a start time (Time object) and a list of offsets output by sp_offsets()
        for 13 antennas, convert to pointing coefficients (multiply by 10000),
        add to coefficients listed in stateframe, and send to the relevant 
        antennas.  The antennas to update are specified with ant_str 
        (defaults to no antennas, for safety).        
    def send_cmds(cmds,acc):
        ''' Sends a series of commands to ACC.  The sequence of commands
            is not checked for validity!
            cmds   a list of strings, each of which must be a valid command
        import socket

        for cmd in cmds:
            #print 'Command:',cmd
            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                print 'Error: Could not send command',cmd,' to ACC.'

    oldant = [8,9,10,12]
    if ant_str is None:
        print 'No antenna list specified, so there is nothing to do!'

        timestamp = int(Time(t,format='mjd').lv)
        print 'Error interpreting time as Time() object'
    from util import ant_str2list
    import dbutil as db
    import stateframe as stf
    accini = stf.rd_ACCfile()
    acc = {'host': accini['host'], 'scdport':accini['scdport']}
    antlist = ant_str2list(ant_str)
    if antlist is None:
    cursor = db.get_cursor()
    # Read current stateframe data (as of 10 s ago)
    D15data = db.get_dbrecs(cursor,dimension=15,timestamp=timestamp,nrecs=1)
    p1_cur, = D15data['Ante_Cont_PointingCoefficient1']
    p7_cur, = D15data['Ante_Cont_PointingCoefficient7']
    for i in antlist:
        if i in oldant:
            # Change sign of RA offset to be HA, for old antennas (9, 10, 11 or 13)
            p1_inc = int(-xoff[i]*10000)
            p1_inc = int(xoff[i]*10000)
        p7_inc = int(yoff[i]*10000)
        p1_new = p1_cur[i] + p1_inc
        p7_new = p7_cur[i] + p7_inc
        print 'Updating P1 for Ant',i+1,'P1_old =',p1_cur[i],'P1_inc =',p1_inc,'P1_new =',p1_new
        cmd1 = 'pointingcoefficient1 '+str(p1_new)+' ant'+str(i+1)
        print 'Updating P7 for Ant',i+1,'P7_old =',p7_cur[i],'P7_inc =',p7_inc,'P7_new =',p7_new
        cmd7 = 'pointingcoefficient7 '+str(p7_new)+' ant'+str(i+1)
        print 'Commands to be sent:'
        print cmd1
        print cmd7
def autocorrect(out, ant_str='ant1-13', brange=[0, 300]):
    nt = len(out['time'])
    nf = len(out['fghz'])
    pfac1 = (out['p'][:, :, :, :-1] -
             out['p'][:, :, :, 1:]) / out['p'][:, :, :, :-1]
    trange = Time(out['time'][[0, -1]], format='jd')
    src_lev = gc.get_fem_level(trange)  # Read FEM levels from SQL
    # Match times with data
    tidx = nearest_val_idx(out['time'], src_lev['times'].jd)
    # Find attenuation changes
    for ant in range(13):
        for pol in range(2):
            if pol == 0:
                lev = src_lev['hlev'][ant, tidx]
                lev = src_lev['vlev'][ant, tidx]
            jidx, = np.where(abs(lev[:-1] - lev[1:]) == 1)
            for freq in range(nf):
                idx, = np.where(
                        abs(pfac1[ant, pol, freq]) > 0.05,
                        abs(pfac1[ant, pol, freq]) < 0.95))
                for i in range(len(idx - 1)):
                    if idx[i] in jidx or idx[i] in jidx - 1:
                        out['p'][ant, pol, freq, idx[i] +
                                 1:] /= (1 - pfac1[ant, pol, freq, idx[i]])
    # Time of total power calibration is 20 UT on the date given
    tptime = Time(np.floor(trange[0].mjd) + 20. / 24., format='mjd')
    calfac = pc.get_calfac(tptime)
    tpcalfac = calfac['tpcalfac']
    tpoffsun = calfac['tpoffsun']
    hlev = src_lev['hlev'][:13, 0]
    vlev = src_lev['vlev'][:13, 0]
    attn_dict = ac.read_attncal(trange[0])[0]  # Read GCAL attn from SQL
    attn = np.zeros((13, 2, nf))
    for i in range(13):
        attn[i, 0] = attn_dict['attn'][hlev[i], 0, 0]
        attn[i, 1] = attn_dict['attn'][vlev[i], 0, 1]
        print 'Ant', i + 1, attn[i, 0, 20], attn[i, 1, 20]
    attnfac = 10**(attn / 10.)
    for i in range(13):
        print attnfac[i, 0, 20], attnfac[i, 1, 20]
    for i in range(nt):
        out['p'][:13, :, :,
                 i] = (out['p'][:13, :, :, i] * attnfac - tpoffsun) * tpcalfac
    antlist = ant_str2list(ant_str)
    bg = np.zeros_like(out['p'])
    # Subtract background for each antenna/polarization
    for ant in antlist:
        for pol in range(2):
               pol] = np.median(out['p'][ant, pol, :, brange[0]:brange[1]],
                                1).repeat(nt).reshape(nf, nt)
            #out['p'][ant,pol] -= bg
    # Form median over antennas/pols
    med = np.mean(np.median((out['p'] - bg)[antlist], 0), 0)
    # Do background subtraction once more for good measure
    bgd = np.median(med[:, brange[0]:brange[1]], 1).repeat(nt).reshape(nf, nt)
    med -= bgd
    pdata = np.log10(med)
    f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    vmax = np.median(np.nanmax(pdata, 1))
    im = ax.pcolormesh(Time(out['time'], format='jd').plot_date,
    ax.axvspan(Time(out['time'][brange[0]], format='jd').plot_date,
               Time(out['time'][brange[1]], format='jd').plot_date,
    cbar = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
    cbar.set_label('Log Flux Density [sfu]')
    ax.set_ylim(out['fghz'][0], out['fghz'][-1])
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [UT]')
    ax.set_ylabel('Frequency [GHz]')
    return {'caldata': out, 'med_sub': med, 'bgd': bg}